Cinderpaw & Brakenpaw Comic

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This is based off of this Warriors animation MAP above. It's really great quality and really funny, go watch it.

Bit of dark humor, jus' saying...

My first time drawing Warriors, so sorry if it looks bad.

If you can't read the panels, Imma write the speech bubbles:

Cinderpaw: Isn't so cool that everyone has their own philosophies, Brakenpaw?

Brakenpaw: Everyone has 'em?

Cinderpaw: Yeah!

Cinderpaw: I wonder what ThunderClan's philosophy is!

Brakenpaw: You're gonna ask everybody?

Cinderpaw: Yep! I'll ask the whole forest! I wanna know all the philosophies out there!

Car that hit Cinderpaw: Vroom vroom.

...And it's funny b-because Cinderpaw said she wanted to hear all the philosophies, and the car is just waiting with its philosophy, and... Yeah, I'll leave now.

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