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"Isn't it a lovely sight, Fifi?" Lexi murmured dreamily staring at the lights of the city festival, which were getting smaller and smaller. "Romantic I'd say," she exclaimed playfully, at which she received a scoff in return.

"Shut up Lexi," Faith growled in a shaky voice, shrinking more and more as the Ferris wheel lurched upward. And the rusty metal partitions didn't do much to calm her with their creaking, so she didn't risk clinging to one, with the nagging thought of her little body being thrown out of the cabin.

"Fifi..." Lexi's eyes dropped with guilt when she saw the horrified expression on the girl across from her, who was squeezing her eyes tightly shut, mentally praying that at any moment her feet would step on solid ground. "Why didn't you tell me?"

"What didn't you understand by 'I'm not a big fan of heights', you idiot?!" she growled nervously and let out a squeaky yelp when the cabin shook. Faith frantically looked around for something to hold her in place and jumped to the opposite seat clinging to Lexi's arm.

Faith ran her hand up Lexi's sleeve, hoping to get at least a little warmth. To her surprise Lexi wrapped both arms around her, enveloping her in a warm hug,which didn't exactly help the heights situation, but also gave a little reassurance that if she fell she would still drag Lexi with her.

Lexi ran her hand down Faith's back which sent shivers down her spine at the girl's gentle touch. "We're almost down Fifi," she muttered soothingly. Faith nodded before burying her head in the crook of Lexi's neck.

Lexi couldn't stop that tingling feeling in her stomach that made her smile at the sweet demeanor of the girl in her arms. She could smell Faith's gentle yet strong scent, at which Lexi prayed she didn't do anything awkward or weird to ruin this moment.

And just when everything looked perfect, the wheel came to an abrupt halt as the cab rocked, causing Faith to tighten her grip around Lexi. "Are we down here?" she mumbled into Lexi's blouse.

"Fi, don't panic-"

"That doesn't sound good to me-"

"I think we're stuck."


"Would it make you feel better if I told you the view from up here is gorgeous?" Lexi laughed nervously, at which Faith let out a loud groan.

"I don't want to die..."

"You will not die!"

"You don't know that!"

Lexi seemed to giggle at Faith's dilemma.

"Babe, it's just a ferris wheel."

"No, babe," Faith emphasised sarcastically, gripping tightly onto the metal safety bar. "This is a fucking death trap."

Lexi merely rolled her eyes and sighed, wrapping both her arms around Faith's shoulders, pulling their bodies close and warming them slightly. Faith responded by shivering; not from the cold breeze of the night, but from the small contact that their bodies had just made. The way in which her skin ignited beneath Lexi's fingertips was enough to calm her nerves ever so slightly.

"Fifi..." Lexi tried once more, her lips now grazing Faith's ear. "You need to relax."

Faith leaned further into her girlfriend, inhaling her scent as a means to calm herself down. Though, as the ferris wheel clanked one more, her fear returned just as quickly as it had dissolved.

"Lex, I can't... please, I hate heights," she squealed.

"Then I'll just have to distract you," whispered Lexi, nipping playfully at her girlfriend's earlobe. "Close your eyes, baby. Take a deep breath."

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Drawing a deep breath from her lungs, Faith did as she was told and fluttered her eyes closed. After inhaling the first breath, however, the smallest whimper fell from her lips as Lexi quickly made to undo the top button of her jeans.

"Wh-What're you doing...?" Faith willed herself to speak, gasping as Lexi pulled the zipper downwards.

"Faith, breathe," Lexi's lips found her neck, kissing along her pulse point. "Just focus on me, baby."

With her eyes still closed, Faith stalled for a moment before she nodded, opening her legs a bit wider to give her girlfriend better access. Her fear of heights aside, Faith couldn't help but shudder as she felt Lexi's cold, slim fingers slide down her pants and into her warmth. The world had slipped away suddenly, and Faith felt completely and utterly lost in lust for her girlfriend. With a muffled moan, she bit down on her bottom lip and threw her head back, unintentionally hitting her head off the metal cage as Lexi worked her fingers against her warm core.

"Does the feel good, baby?" Came Lexi's seductive whisper in the background of Faith's emotional haze. "You're so fucking beautiful," she awed, transfixed, as her girlfriend rocked against her circling fingers.

"F-Fuck..." Faith stammered lowly, whimpering as Lexi's pressure on her clit became more and more rhythmic, slowly igniting her body into sexual obviation.

The metal cage of the ferris wheel began to swing ever so slightly as Faith gripped the safety bar tighter. Lexi continued to kiss and bite at the sensitive skin of her girlfriend's neck, while her fingers steadily circled her cunt, slowly increasing the pace as Faith's groans of pleasure grew louder. A few more moments of insatiable lust passed; Lexi's lips were busy alternating kisses between Faith's lips and neck, while her other hand offered delicate caresses of Faith's skin, underneath the fabric of her blouse. Faith kept her eyes close tightly as she thrusted upwards and met the hard friction of Lexi's fingers; the latter loved to make her girlfriend squirm, burying her head into the crook of Faith's neck.

"Oh fuck..." Faith cursed softly, feeling the familiar uncoiling pressure build.

"That's it, baby," Lexi's breathing came out heavy and short, her lips against Faith's skin. "Release for me. Go on, open your eyes."

Without hesitation, Faith opened her eyes and tended, coming undone onto Lexi's fingers as the city skyline fell into view from their position on the ferris wheel. Heaving a heavy breath, she turned her head and placed passionate kiss to Lexi's lips, her core pulsating as she rode out the rest of her high in her girlfriend's arms.

"You... You're incredible," Faith whispered once they pulled away, her cheeks flushed and her lips swollen. "I can't believe you just did that."

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Lexi laughed softly and slowly slipped her fingers out from the Faith's warm heat, licking her fingers clean. Her eyes were bright and childlike, while her hair was a complete mess from Faith's eager, wandering hands. She wrapped her arm back around her girlfriend, pulling her closer and kissing her once more before they looked out towards the carnival lights reflected in the night sky.

With one last kiss to Faith's forehead, Lexi playfully whispered in her girlfriend's ear: "See, I told you ferris wheels weren't that bad..."

"Shut up," Faith laughed softly, resting her head on Lexi's shoulder and closing her eyes, sighing in content.


Faith was fast asleep in Lexi's arms, the two girls tangled in each other in Faith's bed. Grace was spending the night at Frank's which allowed the two girls to have the rest of the alone.

Suddenly, Faith's phone began to ring, and Lexi groaned, turning over and falling straight back asleep, but Faith sat up, picking her phone up and furrowed her eyebrows in confusion. Why the fuck was Maddy calling her at 3:37am?

"Mads?" Faith whispered, not wanting to wake her... girlfriend? Faith didn't actually know what her and Lexi were, but she had no time to question it when she heard Maddy's cries. "Maddy, what's wrong?"

"I-I-" Maddy stammered over her words, and Faith heard the fresh wave of tears start up.

"Fuck it, I'm coming over," said Faith, hearing Maddy choke out a small "okay," from the other line. Faith hung up the phone, pulling an oversized sweater over her naked chest and booty shorts, before slipping on her Vans.

"Is she okay?" Lexi asked, her naked form covered by Faith's quilts.

"I don't know," Faith sighed, walking back to the bed and sitting down next to Lexi. Lexi reached up and brushed a strand of Faith's hair away from her face, smiling slightly as Faith leaned into her touch. "I love you," Faith whispered, leaning forward and pressing her lips to Lexi's lips.

"I love you too," Lexi whispered back when she pulled away, her fingers trailing down Faith's neck and lightly brushing over the exposed love bites the Howard girl,left on her neck. "Be safe," said Lexi firmly, causing Faith to nod and kiss Lexi one last time.

And with that, Lexi went back to sleep and Faith snuck out of her bedroom, grabbing the keys to her mothers Porsche 911, opening the garage the door using her phone, and then closing it when she sped out of the garage, almost knocking over the letter box.

Maddy knew who she was from a very early age. For as long as Maddy could remember, everybody loved her. She never knew exactly what it was. She just knew that she had something special. Something intangible. Something immeasurable. And it gave her confidence. That's why she loved pageantry, because you didn't have to be the prettiest, or the tallest, or the blondest, or the whitest. You just had to have fucking confidence. And she probably would have gone on to win Miss Universe. If it weren't for this guy.

Her dreams were dashed by some random fifty year old creep who didn't molest her, let alone ever meet her. She refused to eat for a week out of protest. But then she realized how much she liked not doing anything. Maddy would never say it out loud, especially not today because everybody's so political, but she never really had any desire to have a career or job. She was just interested in doing what she did, just without school and the other bullshit. Her mother was an esthetician, which is a fancy way of saying she gave pedicures to rich people. And her dad was a drunk who was always pretending to hold jobs longer than he did. She quickly realised that there are two kinds of people in the world.

The people who sit in the chairs, with their feet in the foot bath. And the people who kneel in front of the foot bath. She used to sit and study the women who came in. She'd pay attention to what they wore and what they'd talk about. And what she realised was that none of them actually did anything. I mean, they may have had children to raise or like, homes to decorate, but at the end of the day, they literally did nothing. They literally did nothing. And strangely, none of them had confidence.

She had had a thing for Nate for a while before he finally asked her out. At first he was a gentleman. Like, flowers every day kind of gentleman. And he was smarter than most guys. Plus Nate like, really loved her. And she did love Nate. She loved her relationship with Nate. She was also a really good girlfriend. Granted, she didn't always tell the truth.

Because the truth-truth is that when she was fourteen, on vacation in Panama City Beach, she met a guy who was like, forty. Which in retrospect, seems kind of rape-y and weird, but honestly, she was the one in control. She could tell by looking in Nate's eyes how much it meant to him that she was 100% his. Plus, it's not like anyone could feel the fucking difference. But that's the thing about guys like Nate. They don't actually want a person. They want something they can own and possess. Like Sharon Stone in Casino. But the cool thing about Sharon Stone in Casino is that she ran the fuck over De Niro.

And she did the same to Nate. Seriously, Sharon Stone in Casino was like, Maddy's spirit animal. She also watched a lot of porn. Not because it turned her on or anything, it didn't. But if you analysed it really closely, there were a ton of really good secrets. Sometimes during sex she would imagine she was a ventriloquist controlling her body, moving her hips and arching her back in just the right way. She wanted Nate to feel good about the way he fucked. Because if you make a guy feel confident and powerful... Well, they'll do anything.

She did worry about the whole monogamy thing though. It's not like she ever, cheated-cheated. Every now and then she'd find herself, in like, a gray area. Except for that DJ who said he opened for Calvin Harris. And that stockbroker guy with the family who lived on Oak Street. And the hot dude who ran the roller rink. But honestly, those were all times when Nate and her were on a break. Plus, Nate could be a real asshole. And sometimes, Maddy fantasised about punching Nate. But because of who he was as a person, she was afraid he'd hit her back. Especially because he was coming to terms with his sexuality.

It's like, the root of a lot of violence. And when she got home that night, she felt sick to her stomach. Like enough to throw up. It wasn't the violence that scared her. It was the fact that she knew, no matter what he did, she'd still love him, even if she did have a small crush on her best friend.

Faith pulled into the Perez's drive, turning off the car and locking it quickly as she ran up the front steps, barging through the door. Maddy's father, the drunk, was passed out in front of the TV, and Faith assumed Mrs. Perez was out cheating on her husband, again.

"Maddy, it's me," said Faith, opening Maddy's bedroom door slightly. The Perez girl sobbed harder, pulling Faith into her room, and even though it was dark, she saw the purple bruise that wrapped around her best friends neck. "Maddy-"

"It was Nate!" Maddy cried, crying hard into Faith's shoulder. The two girls moved to sit on Maddy's bed, the latter in hysterics. "He-he choked me, at the carnival. Oh god, Faith, I was so scared!"

"Shh, shh," Faith whispered, running her fingers through Maddy's hair, and though she seemed calm, Faith knew she was going to kill Nate Jacobs.

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