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/The trainees all go crazy on what do to, then the door opens and in comes/

Danielle Im [Host] /walks in/ Hello everyone I'll be your host of today /smiles/

/Some trainees are surprised and other are so happy do see her here/


Staff "Do you know who that is?"

Yixuan[BC|C] Yeah that is Dani

Arisu[KR|C] Dani of OUTLINE

Paige[PW|B] The Main Rapper of OUTLINE

Ariam[KM|B] Dani



SPECIAL HOST GlisteningHobi


Danielle Im [Host] /looks at the notes in her hands very quickly and looks at the trainees/ So today you girls will be picking from low to high rank where you will like to go

/Some cheer and other in the high-rank think that this is weird/

Danielle Im [Host] But there is a catch, The high-rank trainees can kick out of the team the lower-rank trainees

/Some are in shock, some feel down and others already had the feeling that something like this will happen/

Danielle Im [Host] Ok we will start with rank C with the first one being Annabelle Midford

Annabelle[RR|C] /looks at all the songs/ Hmm, well I'm a rapper so..... /walks straight to/

Annabell choose ACEMAX-RED by MAXY

Lifen choose Dalla Dalla by ITZY

Miyu choose Call Me Babe by CHERRSEE

Yujin choose JACKPOT by ELRIS

Jiahui choose Secret Love Song by Little Mix

Arianna choose Dalla Dalla by ITZY

Danielle Im [Host] wow Dalla Dalla is getting full fast

Tanaka also choose Dalla Dalla by ITZY

Yixuan also choose Dalla Dalla by ITZY

Arisu choose Secret Love Song by Little Mix

[ Secret Love Song = 2 Trainees ]

[ ACEMAX-RED = 1 Trainee ]

[ Dalla Dalla = 4 Trainees ]

[ JACKPOT = 1 Trainee ]

[ Call Me Babe = 1 Trainee ]

Danielle Im [Host] Next is B rank starting with Suzuki Amaya

Amaya[KR|B] /looks and starts skipping to/

Amaya choose JACKPOT by ELRIS

SooRin choose Dalla Dalla by ITZY

Danielle Im [Host] Ohhh looks like Dalla Dalla is closed

/The trainees in Dalla Dalla get nervous now by there choose/

Kojima choose Secret Love Song by Little Mix

Im Hyeoyeon choose JACKPOT by ELRIS

Danielle Im [Host] What wrong Minjung?

Minjung[KM|B] The song I want is full

Danielle Im [Host] Ohhh /looks at the only group that is full, dalla dalla/ Well I would have to say sorry to

/They get nervous on who will be kicked out/

Danielle Im [Host] Bo Lifen, sorry but you would have to go to another song sweety

Lifen choose Secret Love Song by Little Mix

Minjung took Lifen position on Dalla Dalla

Danielle Im [Host] Secret Love Song is getting full now

Meiling choose ACEMAX-RED by MAXY

Ariam Choose JACKPOT by ELRIS

London choose ACEMAX-RED by MAXY

Eunjin also choose ACEMAX-RED by MAXY

Danielle Im [Host] Acemax-Red and Jackpot finally getting some love I see /laughs/

Paige also choose ACEMAX-RED by MAXY

[ Secret Love Song = 4 Trainees ]

[ ACEMAX-RED = 5 Trainee ]

[ Dalla Dalla = FULL ]

[ JACKPOT = 4 Trainee ]

[ Call Me Babe = 1 Trainee ]

Danielle Im [Host] And last the rank A trainees /looks at the notes/ Kim Minyoung

Minyoung[RBW|A] /laughs nervously/

Danielle Im [Host] What?

Minyoung[RBW|A] /looks at the dalla dalla trainees/ I'm so sorry /bows at them/

Danielle Im [Host] Ohhh, let's see who is the trainee that is going to be kicked out of dalla dalla /looks at the notes/

/Dalla Dalla trainee get nervous again/

Danielle Im [Host] Tanaka Akiko, sorry but now you will have to choose another song

Tanaka choose JACKPOT by ELRIS

Minyoung takes her place in Dalla Dalla

Danielle Im [Host] Now Jackpot is getting full

Ichika choose Call Me Babe by CHERRSEE

Aria choose Secret Love Song by Little Mix

Danielle Im [Host] Secret Love Song is now full

Ivy choose JACKPOT by ELRIS

Danielle Im [Host] /looks at the trainee standing there/ And another one that is going with dalla dalla, ok let's see /looks at notes/

/The trainees in Dalla Dalla are already used to it by now/

Danielle Im [Host] Sorry Arianne Woodley you will have to pick another song

Arianne choose JACKPOT by ELRIS

Luhan takes her place in Dalla Dalla

Danielle Im [Host] Jackpot is full now

Sooyoung choose Call Me Babe by CHERRSEE

Danielle Im [Host] Call Me Babe is getting full now

/Next trainee just stays there/

Hayeon[BBC|A] I'm here to be on dalla dalla

Danielle Im [Host] Wow everyone loves dalla dalla /looks at notes/

Danielle Im [Host] Yixuan sorry choose another song sweety

Yixuan choose Call Me Babe by CHERRSEE

Hayeon takes her place in Dalla Dalla

Danielle Im [Host] Call Me Babe now is full

Natalie choose ACEMAX-RED by MAXY

Danielle Im [Host] ACEMAX-RED is now full, now for our number one trainee Li Jiao

Jiao[GT|A] I'll go with dalla dalla, sense I'm a dancer

Danielle Im [Host] Oh wow dalla dalla is more popular than the other song /laughs/ well let's see who will be leaving the team now /looks at notes/

Danielle Im [Host] Park Minjung sorry but you would have to pick another song bt either kicking someone out of there's or taking the empty spot in Call Me Babe

Minjung[KM|B] I'll go with the empty spot /walks to call me babe/

Danielle Im [Host] Ok sense we got all the members and groups ready i will now be announcing the centers of the three opening song of UNIT 28

/Some get nervous, some get excited and others just chilling/

Danielle Im [Host] Ok we will first announce the Korean Center of the Song Pick Me, the center with 40,000 votes

Daniella Im [Host] London Park, CONGRATS! /smiles/

/Her label mate hugs her and the trainees claps for her/

Danielle Im [Host] Next is Japanese Centers with the song Nekkoya, with the lead center on 30,700 votes and the main center with 60,000 votes

Danielle Im [Host] CONGRATS, Park Minjung has the Lead Center and Kojima Akiko has the Main Center /smiles and claps/

/There label mates cheer for them and the other trainees do the same/

Danielle Im [Host] And last we got Chinese Center with the song YES! OK!, the training wining with 50,000 votes

Danielle Im [Host] Yang Yixuan, CONGRATS! /smiles/

/Labelmates hug and kisses her and the other trainees cheer for her/

Danielle Im [Host] Well I'll be leaving you guys with your team discussion now, see yeah /walks away while smiling and waving at them/

/The trainees all wave and bow at her leaving the room/

Congrats to all the center trainees, they were voted by friends, family and people in Wattpad. I'll be updating Mission Two soon

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