01, ๐ฌ๐ž๐š

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ELIA HAD been wandering the halls mindlessly, running her hands along the walls as she did so. The only sound being the soft pang of her footsteps. Her brothers had been at the dragon pit so she decided to find Helaena.

As she made her way towards the gardens a familiar silver head of hair formed in the distance, a smile formed on her face as she looked down at the insect in her hand she had found on the way.

"Hel!" She called out as she was now mere feet away from the young girl, her hand lifted slightly as the small creature in her hand began to crawl around.

"Hi, Eli!" Helaena smiled, looking up from the girl, a creature of her own in her hands.

"I've found a little friend" She informed as she sat beside her, holding out her hand.

She watched as Helaena's eyes widened, she set down the bug that had been in her hand before taking the other from Elia, "We need a name" She suggested, looking over it eagerly.

"Blue." Elia murmured, watching it crawl around Helaenas palm. It had been very dark but it had a line of blue going down its body.

"Perfect!" Hel chimed with a nod as she placed it down, watching it pace around.

Elia sat there for a moment, watching the different insects roam around, "Do you think we're strange?" She suddenly questioned.

"Yes, but everyone is strange." Helaena admitted.

"I suppose." Elia agreed before she stood from her spot.

Helaena could sense Elias mood change as she looked up at the girl, Eli's bottom lip had been between her teeth as she tried to think of an excuse so she could leave.

"I like you the best" Helaena stated, a small smile playing on her lips.


"Mhm! You're my favorite person."

Elia couldn't help the smile that started forming, "I like you best." She agreed, before turning and walking off in the direction of her chamber, the sky growing dark behind her.


"Sorry, Princess!" A maid practically cried out after hearing Elia let out a hiss, the maid had brushed through her hair rather harshly on accident.

"It's alright!" Elia chimed, she never understood why she couldn't brush her own hair, or bathe herself. Or do anything herself for that matter. As the maid placed down her brush and went to ready her pillows the young girl stopped her, "You may go" She insisted, she may have been a child but she did not need her pillows fluffed.

"Yes, Princess." The lady bowed before leaving, the sound of her chamber door closing echoing throughout the room.

Moments after Elia was about to lay down a knock disturbed her, confusion filling her face as she climbed down from her bed, making her way towards the door.

As she opened it she was met with a fimilar face, his smile brightening when he saw her. "Aemond?" She questioned, tilting her head slightly as she opened her door further.

"Princess, Sorry for bothering you," The young boy rambled, "I couldn't find you earlier, Helaena said you left the gardens earlier than usual," He informed, clasping his hands in front of him nervously. "I wanted to make sure you were alright."

"Oh," She responded, still a bit confused. Why did he care? "Thank you my prince. I'm alright" She assured, a smile of her own forming after a moment. She looked over him, seeing he was still in his day clothes, an idea had struck her. She looked down at her night clothes, before shrugging her shoulders, she grabbed the boys hand as she stepped outside her chamber, closing the door behind her.

"Princess?" He questioned, his cheeks reddening at the sudden gesture.

"Come on!" She smiled as she took off in a run, dragging the boy along with her.

They quietly made their way through the castle, doing a good job of not being seen. Elia kept her giggles down as they made their way outside, she hadn't stopped until they were only a few feet away from the sea.

This time of night it was always beautiful, the moon reflecting off the ripples in the water, the stars filling the sky.

"Isn't it beautiful?" She questioned, looking out.

Aemonds eyes dropped to their hands that had still been connected, before they traveled to her face. He agreed, but only he knew he wasn't talking about the sea. It was her, he thought was beautiful.

"Sometimes I wonder what it would be like to walk into the sea and never walk out." She admitted in a whisper. She knew young girls shouldn't be thinking of that, though she couldn't help it. The sea was beautiful, calm. "To never be seen again."

Aemond listened to her words, squeezing her hand gently, letting her know he was listening, letting her know he agreed.

Her head tilted slightly as she watched the water crash against a large rock in the distance, the sound reaching them slightly, just enough for her to picture being ontop of that rock, looking down at the water below.

"That would be nice." Aemond spoke after a few moments of silence.

It was then they realized they never truly felt like children at all.

How could such young people want to disappear so much?


I'm so excited to rewrite what I had up and finally continue this fic, I put it off for so long because I hated how it was going but now I have so much more motivation for it and so many new and better ideas !! :)

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