𝐜𝐑𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐭𝐰𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐲 𝐨𝐧𝐞.

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this city

Sam and Jay are in bed, with Gracie in between them sleeping when Jay's phone dings. Jay goes to look at it and says, "Baby, it's a crime scene"

"Okay, go. Be safe" Sam says, as Jay leans in for a kiss.

"Always" Jay says, then goes to kiss his daughters head.


The next morning, Sam walks out of the bathroom, and down the stairs into the kitchen where she couldn't believe her eyes and says, "Guys, what's going on?"

Denise turns around, putting the plate of pancakes onto the counter and says, "We wanted to make you and Jay breakfast"

"Wow, guys. Everything looks delicious" Sam smiles, looking at all the breakfast fixings on the table, where her three year old is sitting in her highchair, stuffing pancakes into her mouth, "What do you guys want?"

"We just wanted to do something nice" Wyatt says and Sam raises an eyebrow, "And...there's a party tomorrow night. We want to go"

"Uh-huh" Sam says, going to the fridge to get the orange juice out.

"Please, Sammy. We'll be safe" Denise pleads.

Sam sighs and says, "I'll talk to Jay. And I'll call you as soon as we talk about it, okay?" making the two teenagers nod their heads.


The intelligence team is back on the unit after going to a scene where a gang war had started. Jay stands at the whiteboard, pointing to the four sections he had taped off and says, "Okay, this is the four block section. Controlled by a new, young faction of the GPs, but to say 'control' is really an overstatement"

"Yeah, these kids are wild" Kevin says.

"They don't observe any rules or bylaws" Kim says.

"Will any of these young guns stand out from the crowd, make a name for himself?" Hank says.

"There's a lot of arrests for possession" Adam says.

"Alright, so follow that. Listen. If there's kids out there dealing drugs, that means someone out there is controlling it somewhere. Talk to gangs. Use what intel they got"

"Reached out to a few of my CIs. If they're banking on the drug angle, they should have a name" Antonio says.

"Okay, good, but let's move fast. We gotta find a kid who can sit down with Eddie Brackton before this wave gets ahead of us"


"Got it" Sam says, hanging up her phone and picking up the tablet, while her and Kim sit in an unmarked van doing a stake out, "Antonio got a name. Eric Wilson, 16 years old. No priors and has a handle on at least three corners"

"Yeah, but I don't see him on the street" Kim says, looking at the PODs on the computer.

"Yeah, well, that's cause he's smart. It's 19 degrees out"

"That's one job I don't envy. Chicago drug runner in the dead of winter" Kim says, taking out her phone to see a text from Blair Williams. Sam looks over to see who texted her and says, "Blair, huh? That still going?"

"Yeah" Kim smiles, "It's been good. It's easy fun. He's leaving in three weeks"

"You good with that?"

"It's supposed to be a temporary, no questions asked fling. It's nothing more"

"Mhmm" Sam hums.

"Hey, our kids walking up now" Kim says, then takes out her walkie, "Hey, we got a positive on Eric. Denim jacket, jeans. Ruzek, you're up"


Sam and Hank are inside a place called, 'South side styles' a barber shop on the south side with Eric Wilson, waiting for Eddie Brackton to show up for the meeting when Kevin says over his walkie, "Sarg, it's pretty quiet out here"

Eddie Brackton walks in and Hank stops him to pat him down for weapons who says, "I ain't come to no peace summit, holding"

After Voight pats him down, the two walk over to Sam and Eric and Hank says, "Alright, Eddie, meet Eric Wilson"

And when Eric turns around, they look at each other surprised and Sam says, "Come on"

"Alright, tonight, we're gonna figure out a plan to square up your territory and make sure no more bodies drop"

"We didn't drop any bodies" Eric says.

"Yeah, then who killed my boy John John?" Eddie questions.

"Hey, don't be accusing me, old man"

"Calm down" Sam says, "We're trying to make peace, not start a fight"

"Look, I know what y'all are trying to do, but that doesn't mean I have to go along with it"

"Well, that's right. You got free will to do whatever you want" Hank says, "But you better understand that if you don't, boy, I'm gonna flood this neighborhood with cops. They're gonna search your houses, stand on your corners. You won't be able to sell lemonade, let alone drugs"

"Alright, alright, enough with all that yapping" Eddie says, "Here's the deal I propose. I won't retaliate against y'all if I get a guarantee that none of your boys step foot on my two blocks"

"Those aren't your two blocks" Eric says.

"Yes they are. And you won't step foot on them" Hank says, then looks at Eddie, "And he won't step on yours. And nobody and I mean nobody, opens fire on anyone. I mean, you two manage to do that, you can sling all the dope you want"

"I'm good with that"

"Yeah. Me too" Eddie says.

Then all of a sudden, gun fire starts firing into the store and Hank yells, "Get the kid!"

Sam gets her gun out, pushing Eric to the ground, saying, "Get down! Lay down on the ground! Get your head down!"

"Guys, plainclothes officers in the area" Hailey says, into the radio. Hank walks out of the store, meeting with Hailey and says, "You good? Anybody hit?"

"Yeah, no, all good. I was pinned down. I didn't have eyes" Hailey says. Then a woman screams, "Help me!"

As Hank and Hailey race towards the woman, Jay runs into the barber shop and pulls Sam into a hug and says, "Are you okay?"

"Yeah, yeah. I'm good" Sam breathes out. Jay kisses her head and says, "Jesus, you scared the hell out of me"


Hank walks back into the store where Jay and Sam are watching Eric and Eddie from where a woman was shot down the street and he says, "Get up"

Eddie and Eric get off the ground and the older man says, "Y'all better let me the hell up out of here"

"Better what?" Hank asks, then pushes Eddie back on his chest, "Better try that again, you wanna walk out of here alive"

"Calm down, man. I came here to work out a deal"

"Your people do the shooting?"

"Hell no! You want the shooter, you better ask this little punk ass bitch here"

"What you say to me, man" Eric says, lunging towards Eddie. Jay pushes him back and says, "Calm down! Back up, back up! Sit down and keep your mouth shut"

"You know my boys were right outside. Guessing those were your targets" Hank walks over to eric and says, "So, one of your boys do the shooting?"

"It's possible, but I didn't order it" Eric says.

"I got a young woman, a civilian with two kids, bleeding out right now, you understand? So, you're gonna get me a name" Hank says and Eric stays quiet, "You think you won't huh?" then he grabs the shaver from the counter and puts it up to Eric's neck, "I don't get a name, I'll cut your head clean off and mail it to your mother. Look at me. Look. You think I'm playing?"

"I'll do what I can"

"You're damn right you will" Hank says, letting Eric go then turns to Eddie, "You, no retaliation. You understand?"

"I'm supposed to stand back and let him just shoot up my neighborhood?" Eddie says.

"You give me 48 hours or I'll bring you in right now. Violate your parole"

"Fine. But just 48"

"Get out of here. Both of you. Now" Hank says, as the two drug runners leave.

"That wave just got ahead of us" Sam says, resting her hands on her hips


Sam is in the locker room and she puts her cell phone to ear and says, "Hey. I talked to Jay. You guys can go to the party, but because we are working late. We want texts every hour. And no drinking, you're only 17, but if you guys need a ride, we'll be there or someone from the unit will be or someone from firehouse 51, okay? And stick together, we don't want you two getting hurt. And seriously, be careful, please"

"Always. Thanks Sammy. Love you" Denise says.

"Love you too" Sam says, before hanging up the phone. Then she walks back to the bullpen and sits at her desk when Adam says, "Boss, young GPs are taking credit for the shooting. Got a bunch of social media posts here. Idiots rapping about shooting up the barber shop. Definitely a retaliation hit. There's nothing specific though. We can't ID the actual shooter yet"

"And Eric?" Hank asks.

"He's claiming he has no name and that no one's talking to him" Antonio says.

"The shooter's probably just some wannabe banger looking for attention" Brayden says.

"All wannabe bangers are looking for attention. That's the problem" Kevin says.

"Ballistics came back" Kim says, walking onto the unit, reading from a file, "The gun used was a MAC-10, matches an unsolved homicide. I talked to gangs. They don't have any suspects"

Hailey walks onto the unit and says, "Hey, I may have something. POD grabbed an SUV speeding west, two blocks from the barber shop about a minute after the shots were fired. SUV's registered to an Isaiah Young"

"Gang affiliation?" Hank asks. Hailey nods her head and says, "Young GP's"

"Bring his ass in"


After talking with Alyssa (the sister of the lady that got shot), Antonio points to a snapshot of who could be the offender from a bus on the board and says, "I think this is him. It's the only bus Alyssa could have had eyes on at that hour. But the kid never looks up"

"And he paid with cash, so we can't track a ventra card" Kevin adds.

"I've been looking into the clothes he was wearing, but they're pretty unspecific" Jay says.

"Everything about him is" Kim states, "He rode the bus two stops, so I'm trying to track down the other passengers, but chances are they didn't notice him either"

"We get a clear shot of his phone?" Hank asks.

"No, but he's a young kid, so I'm guessing he's on social media"

"So run it with CPIC"

"Yeah" Kim says, as she and Antonio grab their jackets and leave.


Sam walks down to the main floor of the district to head out when she runs into someone, who says, "Oh, I'm so sorry"

"It's okay. It happens" Sam says. The man smiles and says, "I'm Blair"

Sam's eyes widen a bit and says, "You're Blair, huh? I'm Sam"

"You know who I am"

"Yeah, Kim and I are close. And you better treat her good"

Blair chuckles and says, "I will"

"Good" Sam smiles, "And you look somehow familiar. We haven't met before have we?"

"I don't think so. Have you ever been to D.C?" Blair asks. Sam shakes her head and says, "No. Huh. Well, I should get going, kids, ya know. It was very nice to meet you, Blair"

"You too, Sam" Blair smiles, as Sam leaves the district.


Sam walks into the house, to see Denise and Wyatt sitting on the couch, who both look horrible and she sighs, placing her bag on the bench and walks over to her kids and asks, "You guys drank didn't you?"

"Just a tad" Denise says. Wyatt groans and says, "Why does my head hurt so much?"

"It's called a hangover. All you two need is some greasy food and lots of water. And I know just the place. Where's Gracie and Lucy?"

"They went to the park"

"Alright. I'll text them to meet us there. So, come on let's go"


After finding the shooter who was some punk kid named Lamar Cooke, Kevin and Hailey head to a motel with Alyssa, so she can stay there until the trial is all done. Hank walks out of his office and says, "Alyssa all set?"

"Yeah. She checked in 15 minutes ago" Kim says.

"Got a patrol car outside all night" Adam says. As Hank was about to leave, Brayden stands up from his desk with a tablet in hand and says, "Sarg, you guys gotta see this"

"See what?" Hank asks, as he, Kim, Adam, Sam and Jay gather around Brayden.

"Kelton just released a statement to the press" Brayden says, pulling up the press conference.


"Thanks to the CPD, Alderman Price, and the good men and women of Ward 22, we now have a suspect in custody. This truly was a team effort, an excellent demonstration of what kind of a city Chicago really is. As evidence by the incredible courage of one citizen who came forward and identified the shooter" Kelton says.

Hank looks at his team, hoping Kelton really isn't going to name Alyssa as the eye witness.

"Now, There are some people who love to say that the african american community doesn't trust the CPD, doesn't respect the CPD. But if this case is any indication, I would say that, that is a gross exaggeration. Because without the support, without the cooperation of the residents of Ward 22 and our brave witness, we never would have made an arrest like this. That's a fact"

"Son of a bitch" Adam says, "He just put a target on our witness"


Kim walks into a diner where Sam told her to meet her and Jay, and is surprised by Adams presence, who is equally as surprised and she sits down next to him.

"Guys, what's going on?" Kim asks. Sam smiles and says, "So, I'm only two months along, but me and Jay already know who we want as the godparents for the baby"

Adam and Kim look at each other shocked then back at the couple and Adam says, "wait...us?"

Jay nods and says, "We know you two aren't together anymore, but, we thought you guys could work through whatever weirdness is going on with you guys and be godparents together"

Adam smiles and says, "I'm so in. Kim?"

Kim smiles and says, "hell yes"

The four get up to hug each other and Kim hugs Sam and says, "I can't believe you picked me"

"Kim, look at me. You've had my back since we met. Of course I picked you. You're my closest friend on the unit"

Adam pulls Sam away from Jay and Kim and says, "Sam, you didn't have to pick me"

"You're my partner in crime, Ruz. I didn't even have to think twice about. You're such a good uncle to Gracie, and I wanted you in the new babies life for good"

Adam smiles pulling Sam into a hug and says, "Thanks Sammy. You won't be disappointed"

"I know"


Sam and Jay picked Adam and Kim as the godparents for the new baby 😭😭 crying happy tears!
Also, if anyone remembers Blair Williams. He is played by Charles Michael Davis who plays Marcel Gerard on 'The Originals' & Sam is played by Phoebe Tonkin who plays Hayley Marshal. So, I put little reunion treat in the chapter for y'all πŸ₯°
Counting down the chapters til the end of the book; 4 left!

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