𝐜𝐑𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐭𝐲 𝐨𝐧𝐞.

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Adaline walks on to set and sees Sophia leaving her trailer and she walks up behind her and gives her a hug. Sophia smiles to herself, "hi Addi"

"I can't believe you're leaving soon. I'm gonna miss you so much"

Sophia turns around and gives her friend a sad look, "I know. I'm sorry. You know why I'm leaving"

"I know. It just sucks. What am I supposed to do now?"

"You finally have Jesse now" Sophia smiles, hooking her arm around the taller girl. Adaline shrugs, "I know. Not the same though" making them both laugh.

"What's not the same?" A voice says from behind the girls. Sophia and Adaline look at the man behind them, to be Jesse and they both laugh and walk towards set.

Jesse just stands there confused, "what?!"


"This is Chris. can't come to the phone. I'll call you back"

Adaline sighs, "hey Chrissy. This is like the fifth time I called.....today. Please call me back. I miss you" then she places her phone on the counter.

Adaline looks at herself in the mirror and smiles at the white wedding dress she had put on for Sam and jays wedding.

Adaline walks over to her spot to film the scene and looks arms with Jason Beghe.


As Sam and Hank approach the altar, the song starts to die down as Jay walks over to them as Hank kisses Sam's cheek and whispers, "I'm so proud of you" then goes over to his seat, as everyone also takes their seats.

Jay and Sam takes ahold of each other's hands and Jay mouths, 'You look beautiful'

Sam smiles and mouths, 'Thank you'

"We are gathered here today to celebrate two lives, Jay Halstead and Samantha Miller. If anyone cares to object, say it now or forever hold your peace." Otis says.

"If someone says anything, I'm locking you up" Erin says, making everyone laugh.

"Alright then. Now the couple would like to recite their own vows. Jay"

Jay clears his throat and says, "Sam, since the first day we met and we shook hands, I felt a spark and I knew from that moment I wanted to know everything about you. You always put everyone before you, and that's one of the many reasons why I love you. You've never been invisible in my eyes. You've always been the one to stand out and make everyone else disappear. We're each other's, other half. Soulmates, if you will. You're the best part of me. The part that makes me look at things from a different angle. The part that makes love seem so real. You're so damn colorful in my eyes, and everyday that color grows brighter and everyday I fall further in love with you, for everything that you are. And you gave me a very sassy daughter and I can't thank you enough for that. And there is not one scenario where I don't love you or not want to spend the rest of my life with you"

Sam wipes the tears from her eyes and clears her throat when Otis says, "Sam.."

"Wow, how do I top that?" Sam says, making people laugh, "Okay, I've been through a lot of things in my life, more than one person should go through. A wise man once said I've dodged every obstacle that god has thrown at me, to get to where I am now. And that's standing right here, marrying you, the love of my life. Yes, I've been in love before, may he rest in peace, but not love like this. Pure love, love that feels good, love that hurts, love that makes you wanna do anything for the other person. And I would do anything for you, Jay. I'm so in love with you, that it makes me go crazy sometimes. We have an amazing family, that I wouldn't trade the world for and I can't wait to be your wife"

"Wow, you guys are good" Otis smiles, "Now, do you Sam, take Jay as your lawful wedded husband to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and cherish until death do you part?"

Sam smiles and says, "I do"

"Jay, do you take Sam as your lawful wedded wife to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and cherish until death do you part?"

"Oh hell yeah" Jay smiles, making everyone laugh.

"Alright, may I have the rings please?"

Wyatt gets up from his seat with the rings and walks over to his mother and Jay who picks up the other's ring.

"You look really pretty, mom" Wyatt says. Sam smiles and says, "Thank you, sweetheart" then she kisses his cheek.

As Jay slides Sam's ring onto her ring finger, she says, "I take this ring as a sign of my love and faithfulness and I promise that I will love and cherish you and will deny all those that come between us. I make this promise for eternity. A promise that I will keep forever, until the end of time. Till death do us part"

As Sam slides Jay's ring onto his ring finger, he says, "I take this ring as a sign of my love and faithfulness and I promise that I will love and cherish you and will deny all those that come between us. I make this promise for eternity. A promise that I will keep forever, until the end of time. Till death do us part"

"Now, by the power invested in me in the state of Illinois and how to be ordained .org, I now pronounce you husband and wife, you may now..." and before Otis could finish, Jay leans in to kiss Sam, who places her hands on his scruffy face, "kiss the bride"

Everyone stands up and cheers.

Jay grabs ahold of his wife's hand and they walk down the aisle and smile as everyone claps and cheers.


Jesse looks at Adaline and smiles, "you look really beautiful. for real"

Adaline wraps her arms around Jesse's neck and leans in for a kiss, "thank you my love. you looking amazing in this tux"

Jesse places his hands on her cheeks, "I love you, my sweet girl"

"I love you more"

authors note;


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