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Adaline stands in wardrobe as they put the baby bump on her. "How's it feeling addi? Not to tight right?" Lelia (the wardrobe expert) asks. Adaline takes a deep breath and says, "it's good"

"Are you okay?"

Adaline nods her head and says, "totally why?"

"Because you're usually talking my ear off right now"

"I'm good, just tired I guess" the brunette says, then looks over to her left to see Jesse walking in and her heart drops. Jesse looks to his left to see Adaline, who quickly looks away, and his heart drops too.

Last week

Adaline takes a deep breath as she rides the elevator up to jesses floor, "grow some balls. you got this"

Adaline gets off the elevator, fixing her shirt as she walks down the hall, her anxiety rising. "You are Adaline god damn Taylor. Get it together." Then she sighs, "shit"

As Adaline was about to walk away, the door opens, "della?"

She turns around, "Hi"

"What are you doing here? Are you okay?"

"Umm..." Adaline takes a deep breath, "I need to tell you something"


Adaline looks at jesses puppy dog eyes, the freckles that form over his nose and cheeks and she swore she fell in love with him again.

"I love you, J"


"I love you and I wanna be with you and I'm sorry it took so long for me to say it"

"Babe, I'm ready" a voice says, walking closer to them from inside the apartment and Adalines heart instantly drops to her stomach.

"Della, I'mโ€”"

Adaline put up her hand to make him stop talking, "stop. how could I be so stupid?"

"You're not stupid. Della, just listen to me"

"Don't call me that" she says, then as the mystery voice comes into view, tears instantly hit, "Torrey?"

"Hey Addi" she smiles.

"What are you doing in chicago?"

"I just got casted in the new chicago series"

Adaline scoffs, "of course you did"

"Is there something wrong?"

Adaline bites her tongue even though Torrey deserved a good few words from her, "nope" then she walks away.

Flashback over

"Hey Lelia are we almost done?"

"Almost. I just have to go get your outfit" she says before walking away. Jesse clears his throat and walks over to the brunette and smiles softly, "hey"

"Hey" she says, looking down at her hands.

"How are you?"

"Um...good. you?" Adaline asks, still making no eye contact. jesse shrugs and says, "I could be better"

"Jesse!" Another wardrobe expert calls out.

"I'll um...see you later then"


As Jesse walks away, adaline lets out a breath she didn't know she was holding in.

Adaline walks onto set, not making eye contact with anyone when she hears, "Adaline"

Adaline turns around to find Jason Beghe walking towards her and she smiles, "Hey Jason"

"You ready?"

"You know it" she says, as they fist bump.

"Places everyone!" The director calls out, "anddddd ACTION"

Sam and Hank walk into Webster Country Day school where the students are clearing out on the word that one of the students has a gun.

Kim and Sean walked over to them and Burgess shows 'em a picture of a boy and says, "Colin Blake. Went missing yesterday with a loaded pistol taken from his house"

"We checked with the headmaster" Roman says, "Colin was marked absent, but his mom recognized his bike outside the school, so we think he's here"

"Well, get every uniform a picture of this kid and start sweeping the campus" Voight orders.

"Got it" Kim says, as her and sean walk away.

Sam and Hank continue down the hall, when Antonio approaches them, "Sarg, Sam. Just got word. Patrol found a body behind the school"

Now walking towards the back of the school, the intelligence unit finds the body of Colin Blake with a gunshot wound to his temple.

Ruzek kneels down next to the body and touches the boys face for a couple seconds and says, "Well, body's cold. He's been here awhile"

"He's still holding onto the gun and there's a muzzle flash on the entry wound. It looks like a suicide" Jay says.

"It's a .22 caliber. No wonder nobody heard the shot" Dawson says.

"Alright, Burgess, I want you to hand deliver that pistol to forensics" Voight orders, "tell them I need a rush order to confirm ballistics"

"Got it"

"And keep sweeping the school. We don't know if this kid was operating alone"

Erin bends down to unzip the kids backpack when she finds a bomb, "Guys. Nobody move. Don't key your radios and just back up slow. We got a bomb"

Jay takes ahold of Sam's hand and everyone backs up slowly.

About ten minutes or so later, the bomb squad arrives to destroy the bomb, while the team watches.

"It's a crude pipe bomb" Sully -from the bomb squad- says. Hank shakes his hand and says, "Thanks Sully"

"Crude bomb in the right place will do a lot of damage" Jay says.


Adaline let's go of Jesses hand and walks away. Sophia walks over to her co star and asks, "what happened now?"

messages between ADALINE AND JESSE

Jesse Lee Soffer
della will you please talk to me?
read at 2:20
Come on, this isn't fair

it's not fair?
I tell you I love you and
you're dating the one person
I don't like. and you knew that

Jesse Lee Soffer
you've been ignoring me for
two months, unless it was for
work and even then you never
talked to me. I had to do something
to get your attention.

so to get my attention you got
together with the person who kept
trying to break up my last relationship?
what inside your head thought that was
a good idea??

Jesse Lee Soffer
at first I thought it was
but now thinking on it, I know
it was a bad idea.
read at 2:25
come on, del. what was I supposed
to do? sit around while the one person
who I've been in love with for the last year
and half ignores me? Do you even know how
that feels?

my best friend died Jesse.
she's only been gone for two months,
I'm still grieving.
you're the one that said you
wouldn't leave me.I needed you

Jesse Lee Soffer
I'm trying over here, Della. I'm
trying to help you but I can't if
you won't let me

I'm sorry
I'll just leave you alone

Jesse Lee Soffer
no della, that's not what I meant.

authors note,

I just want to point out, this has nothing to do against Torrey, she's great. It's just part of the story.

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