𝐜𝐑𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐞𝐒𝐠𝐑𝐭𝐞𝐞𝐧.

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chapter eighteen. breaking point.

Sam places a paper onto her Sergeant's desk and smiles, as Hank reads over it and says, "So, the doc finally cleared you for duty"


"What about your shoulder?"

"It's still sore" Sam says, placing her hand on her shoulder, "But Will says I can do field work. I just can't be doing anything crazy"

"Okay. Well, we just got called to a crime scene" Hank says, getting up and grabbing his coat from the coat rack, "Come on"


"The violence in Chicago has now touched elected officials. Outspoken Alderman James Burton of the 24th ward was gunned down this morning in the financial district" A reporter says. Hank, Al, Sam and Brayden walk underneath the crime scene tape where homicide detective Novick is, who says, "Streets and sanitation worker found him an hour ago. GSW to the head, TOD between 2 a.m., 3 a.m. based on lividity"

"Witnesses?" Hank asks. The detective shakes her head and says, "No one's come forward"

"Yeah, this place is really dead after hours, Sarg. I doubt anybody was here" Brayden says. Hank kneels down next to the body and lifts the tarp up from the Alderman's body as Novick says, "Pockets turned inside and out. Wallet, watch and cell phone are gone"

"Any signs of a struggle?" Sam asks. Novick shakes her head and says, "Nope, looks like a robbery gone wrong"

Voight stands back up and asks, "Know what Alderman Burton was doing down here?"

"Drinking at the Crown Pub. Bartender said he was with a banker, Rudy Finnegan, till closing"

"We'll go talk to him" Sam says, as she and Brayden walk away, as IAD shows up to pick up Al.


"I was with Alderman Burton for about two hours. He wanted me to invest in some urban revitalization project in his ward." Finnegan says, as he, Brayden and Sam walk with him down the halls of the bank he works at.

"Till closing?" Porter asks.

"Yeah, he insisted that we meet after dinner. He seemed desperate for cash"

"What do you mean?"

"Well, he offered to pay 15% interest. That's doubled the market rate. We're friends, but that made me nervous. So, I, uh passed" Finnegan says, as he looks down at his phone and starts typing on it, "Then I got into my uber at 2:01" then he shows the detectives his phone, "at the bar, and Burton went down the street"

"You see anything suspicious?"

"No, but there was a guy at the bar earlier. Um, Afrian American, came in, looked around for a few minutes, left without ordering"

"Any details on that? Age, height?" Sam asks.

"Uh, late 20s, average height and build" Finnegan says, as his phone rings. Brayden hands the banker his card and says, "You think of anything else, give us a call, okay?"

The banker walks away and as Brayden and Sam walk away, Porter asks, "Hey, by the way, why do you think that IAD picked up Olinsky?"

Sam has an idea, but instead of saying anything she shrugs and says, "I don't know. With Olinsky, you may never know"


"Hey, we got a list of pissed off locals from the alderman's secretary. There's at least 50 names" Kim says, handing a file to Brayden, who sits on the edge of his desk.

"We weren't able to get video of the male, black, Finnegan saw at the crown pub" Sam says.

"Alright. What about the Alderman's personal belongings?" Hank asks.

"His phone has no signal, no hits on his credit cards, and his Rolex hasn't popped up in any pawn shops yet" Kevin says. Trudy walks onto the bullpen and says, "Thought you should know the alderman's wife is on TV expressing concern about Chicago PD's dedication to black politicians"

"It's been like, what, five hours? Why is she going so hard at this?" Jay asks.

"Cause she's smart. She wants to keep the pressure on. Alright, so run the names of the angry locals. But don't give up on this robbery angle either"


While, Kevin, Kim, Antonio and Adam go to search out a suspect's apartment by the name of Darius Brown. Hank and Sam meet up with Al at a bar.

"They found your DNA on Bingham's body?" Hank asks. Al looks up from his drink and says, "Yeah"

"How?" Sam asks and the older man shrugs.

"What'd you say?" Hank asks.

"I said I wanted a lawyer, and the meeting was over" Al says, taking a sip of his drink.

"Anyone in mind?"

"Yeah, Peter Manetti"

"Yeah, he's good"

"Expensive too. A hundred grand, up front" Al says and Hank and Sam look at eachother and they both sighed, "I hate to ask, but...I might need to borrow some money from your rainy day fund"

Hank looks over at Sam then back at Al and says, "Al, I put half that money in a trust fund for my grandkids"

"Hank, if he-" Hank cuts Sam off and says. "Sam, it's for your kids. When they dug up Bingham's body, I figured I could get arrested at any minute, so..."

Olinsky sighs, taking another sip of his drink.


As Hank and Sam walk into the roll up, Kevin meets up with them and says, "So, this is the good news" as they walk into the tech room where he and Jay are, "There's only 5,260 blue chrysler sedans in the city of Chicago"

"Alright, run the ones registered to people living in the 54th." Hank says.

"Did that" Kevin says, sitting down in the chair, "It narrowed it down to 832"

"Huh. It is what it is. Run the names, see what you find" Hank says, as the two were about to leave, when Jay catches their attention.

"Hey, uh, guys, check this out. This is a voicemail from Alderman Burton's phone" Jay says, before pressing play on the laptop.

"You are a greedy, opportunistic hypocrite and deserve to die"

"That was left last night just before 11 p.m. and the call came from a payphone at a Douglas Park diner" Jay says. Hank looks at Sam, then back at Jay and says, "You two, go. Check it out"


Sam and Jay are standing at the payphone the call was made from at the diner in Douglas Park and Jay says, "Well, this is the place"

"No security cameras" Sam states.


The detectives turn the corner and see a man behind the counter. Sam takes out her shield to show him and says, "Excuse me, sir. Are you the owner of this place?"

"I am" the man says, walking over to them.

"I'm detective Halstead and this is my husband, detective Halstead. We're investigating a homicide. Did you see somebody use that payphone last night just before closing time?"

"I can't say...that I did"

Jay takes out his phone and says, "Will you, uh, take a listen to something for us?" then places it in front of the older man and presses play. As the voicemail plays, Jay says, "You recognize that voice?"

"Can't say that I do"

"Right" Sam says, not believing the man, "Well, thank you for your time" then she looks down at the ground and says, "Uh-oh"

"What?" Jay says. Sam looks up and sarcastically says, "I just saw a rat. Looks like it ran right into the kitchen. You know what they say, when there's one rat, there's always more"

"Yeah, and then we gotta call it in to the Health department"

"Uh, let me listen to that message again. Maybe something will click this time" the man says.

"I like where your head's at" Jay says, taking out his phone to play the message again.

"Kinda sounds like Coleman Lewis. He's a regular. Very passionate about the neighborhood. Wants to keep things the way they are"

"Hmm" Sam hums, "Thank you. Make sure you call that exterminator" then they leave.


As Hank gets called to a crime scene by detective Novick, about Aurther Burton being shot and killed. Sam heads over to Adam's apartment with Gracie, and knocks on the door.

When Adam opens the door, he smiles and immediately takes his niece from the brunette and kisses her cheek and says, "Hey bumble bee"

Sam smiles seeing them together and recalls that Rebekah also calls Gracie, bumble bee. Gracie puts her hand on the back of the man's neck and smiles, saying, "Unke Adam"

Adam smiles and welcomes them both inside and says, "This is a nice surprise. What are you guys doing here?" then closes the door behind them.

"She wanted to see you. She's been saying, 'Unke Adam' a lot the last couple says" Sam says, putting her daughter's diaper bag on the table.

"Well, I'm glad, because I saw something the other day and I got it, so.." Adam says, handing Gracie back to her mother, who's lip tremble, and walks into his room.

"Shh, it's okay, baby. Uncle Adam will be right back" Sam says, rubbing soothing circles on her daughter's back. Adam walks back in with a small bag in his hand, and takes out a shirt that reads, 'My uncle Adam is a cop, so don't mess with me'.

Sam smiles and says, "Wow, that's awesome. And very specific"

"Yeah. So maybe, I had it made special for her"

"That's great, Adam" Sam says, pulling her friend into a side hug, "Thank you"


"We pulled video surveillance from Arthur Burton's shooting." Hailey says, walking over to the whiteboard to tape up a couple photos on it, "Blue chrysler sedan. Just like the Rolex thief said sped away from the crime scene"

"We ran the plates, and we put out a BOLO. The car's registered to a Keon Walters. We're trying to find his home address" Jay says. Adam hangs up his desk phone and says, "Car was just spotted behind Landon's Market on Archer"

"Alright, get over there now" Hank says, as Sam, Jay, Hailey and Brayden follow after Adam leaving the district, then he looks at Al, "Let's talk"

The two walk into Voight's office and Hank sits at his desk, while Al leans against the door frame and asks, "You hear anything else?"

"No, nothing"

"What about Woods? You talk to him?"

"I did. But I'm guessing you already know that"

"What did he say?"

"Well, he claims he's got a witness that saw me and two women near Bingham's burial site 18 months ago"

"He say anything about these women?"

"20s. Both with dark hair"

"Hmm" Hank hums.

"It's only a matter of time before he figures out who they are"

"Might be a bluff. You know, wants us to panic, make mistakes. I'll do some digging" Hank says, and Al walks back to his desk.


"Driver's getting in the car" Hailey says, over her walkie.

"Yep. We got eyes. No passenger visible" Kevin responds.

The team drives and parks behind the car to block the suspect in, so he doesn't get away, as they get out of their cars, with their guns drawn and Kim shouts, "Keon Walters! Get out of the car"

"Get out of the car!" Kevin yells, as the engine revs, "Turn the car off!"

Walters backs up, hitting the side of Kim and Antonios car and drives off, resulting in the team getting back in their cars and chasing after him.

"5021 satton emergency. We're in pursuit of a blue chrysler fleeing northbound on Levy, just past 13th street. Illinois tags, 65 George Ida 8 Charlie" Brayden says over the radio, as they chase after Walters.

After the chase ends behind an abandoned factory building, they all get out of their vehicles with their guns drawn, and Brayden shouts, "Police! Show me your hands. Let me see your hands! Put your hands on the glass. Do it now!" then he opens the drivers side door, pulling Walters out, "Put your hands on the roof. Don't move!"

Hailey goes to look in the trunk of the car and pulls out a rifle and says, "AR-15 assault rifle. Bingo"


"Keon Walters, age 21, he lives at 907 Fillmore" Brayden says, handing Voight a file, as he, Sam and Hank leave his office back out onto the bullpen.

"No priors" Sam states.

"He's not in our system" Adam says, leaning back in his chair, "He's not in the gang database either"

"Alright. Ballistics?" Hank asks.

"It's a match" Hailey says, leaning on the edge of her desk, "The rifle in Keon's trunk was used in both murders"


"No, and this is where it gets weird" Brayden says, "We reached out to the banker, Finnegan. He said he's certain Keon's not the guy he saw scoping out the bar the night of the murder"

"Hmm" Hank hums.

"Yeah, we searched his car, belongings. No phone. Only things we found other than the rifle were a pair of size 12 boots and an extra large winter jacket" Antonio says. Hank looks at the detective and says, "Alright, me and you"

"Size 12? Those kicks can't be Keon's. Kid's barely 5'6"" Adam says.

"Sounds like the kid might have a partner. Alright, run him through facial rec online. See if you can find who he hangs with"


As Hank and Al walk out of the watch room, watching Kevin and Kim interview Keon again. Jay and Sam walked over to them and Jay says, "We can't find a home address for Lamar"

"You check out that bar I told you about?" Hank asks.

"Yeah, he's not there. Patrol stopped by an hour ago. The place looks shut down" Sam says.

"You know, he's probably been on the run ever since we pinched his cousin" Jay says.

"Yeah, you're probably right. Guess we have to come up with a different approach" Hank says.

"I assume we still have his coat?" Al says. Hank nods his head and hums, "Hmm"


After Al put a mic and tracker inside Keon's jacket they set him free.

"Alright, he's coming out to you guys" Hank says, over the walkie.

"Copy that, Sarg. We're in position" Jay says over the walkie, as he and Sam sit in the truck, to follow Keon.


Jay parks the truck, as Keon walks into a mini mart and Sam says, "This kid might be on to us. He's been walking for 20 minutes"

"Yeah, maybe he just wanted some distance from the station" Jay says. Sam shrugs and says, "Maybe"

Jay cues his walkie and says, "He just went into a mini mart"

Then a sound comes through over the mic in Keon's jacket as Sam holds the tablet in her hands and says, "He's dialing. He must have bought a burner"

"Yo, it's Keon. Come get me. I'm on Roosevelt near Saint Ignatius. Yeah." Keon says, walking out of the mini mart, "And tell Lamar to stay in Riverdale. The police are looking for him. Alright"

"Sarg, Lamar's in riverdale" Jay says, over the walkie, "There's a Disciples house at 290 Pine street"

"You and Sam scoop up Keon. Now. We'll take down Lamar" Voight says.



Sam hangs up her desk phone and says, "Alright, just talked to the lab. Lamar's prints weren't on the car."

"Alright, what about Finnegan? He able to make a positive ID?" Hank asks.

"All Finnegan said was that he can't tell if it was the guy or not. Honestly to me, it sounds like he didn't want to get involved with the gang stuff" Kevin answers.

"We still have enough to arrest him" Hailey states.

"Maybe. We sure as hell don't have enough to convict. Our only real shot is to flip Keon" Voight says.

"Who refuses to flip" Al says, making Hank sigh.


After getting Keon to confess that it was Lamar who did the shooting and that he only drove the car. Hank meets Al out in the parking lot, who is sitting in his car and rolls down his window, who says, "Talked to some sources. The witness is real"

"How did internal affairs find this guy?"

"They called that tip line, Woods set up. 5,000 dollar reward" Hank says, stuffing his hands into his coat pockets.

"You know, it's probably a good idea to get Erin and Sam on the same page. You know, get our stories straight"

"Yeah, I'm not so sure about that" Hank says, making Al sigh, "We'll get through this"

"But like you said, everyone's got a breaking point. Keon's is demerol. Yours are Erin and Sam"

"Hmm. What's yours, Al?"

Olinsky rolls up his window and drives away.


Sam sits down on the couch in her therapists office and sighs, placing the white pillow onto her lap. Dr Roma sits in her chair and says, "Nice to see you again, Sam. Haven't seen you in a few months"

"Yeah, sorry. I kinda took my furlough and went on a small trip with my daughter"

"That sounds like fun. Where'd you guys go?"

Sam looks up from the pillow and says, "New Orleans"

"I haven't been. Heard it's beautiful there"

"It is"

"So, um, Sam" Dr Roma says, placing her pen down on her notepad, "How are you adjusting to Erin's absence?"

"Um, it's still hard, but I guess it's fine. I mean, it has to be right?"

Dr Roma writes something down on her pad and says, "So, tell me about what's been going on in your life?"


Adam and Gracie are legit my favorite πŸ’–

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