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chapter five. home.

Sam looks out the diner window, taking a sip of her coffee when someone seats in front of her and she smiles, setting the mug down and looks at her best friend who is currently wearing his squad 3 jacket.

"Hey" Kelly smiles, "what's up?"

Sam smiles, shrugging her shoulders and says, "Nothing, just having some alone time, just thought we could...I don't know, talk"

Kelly grabs a piece of toast from Sam's plate and says, "About what?"

"Jay told me"

"Told you what?"

"Kelly. Eugene. Severide"

Kelly looks around and says, "God, don't say my middle name out loud"

"Tell me what you're planning"

Kelly rolls his eyes and says, "It's nothing"

Sam sighs and says, "Come on, Kells"

"Sammy, you're 33 tomorrow. Just let whatever happens, happen"

Sam takes out her phone that just vibrated in her back pocket and says, "I gotta go" then as the friends stand up from the booth they hug and Sam kisses his cheek, "love you. be safe at work and we're going to talk more about this later"

"Love you too and you too and no we're not" Kelly jokes as his best friend leaves the diner in a rush.


Hank and Al get out of the SUV and over to the team who are gathered at their cars in a lot behind an abandoned building, vested up and Antonio hands Voight a picture and says, "Got a search warrant for the residence of Marshall Carter. He's the head of the night lords. He's got priors for possession, aggravated battery. They deal out of a house in Hegewisch"

"The boonies" Hailey states.

"Yeah. My CI confirmed the monthly shipments here ready for distribution. Now, here's the thing. There's an estimated street value of at least two mil worth of meth and cocaine in the dining room"

"How many men?" Voight asks.

"Uh, at least six. The address is 238 five oaks road"

"Let's hit it"


The team approaches through the backyard of the house with their guns, and long guns drawn and as they get closer to the house they hear loud music coming from inside, then Hank kicks in the door and yells, "Chicago PD! Turn around" to see a few guys packaging the dope.

"Turn around!" Brayden yells.

"We got a runner" Atwater says, before chasing after him.

"Hands against the wall!" Sam yells, "you guys got this?"

Adam and Brayden nod their heads, as Sam, Antonio, Hailey and Voight follow after Atwater outside who has the suspect, Marshall Carter on the ground.

Once Hailey and Antonio put him in cuffs and leave. Hank, Sam and Kevin turn their heads when they hear a noise coming from the shed.

"You hear that?" Hank asks.

"Yeah" Kevin says.

The three walk over to the shed with their guns drawn where the banging continues. Hank grabs a rock to slam on the lock to open it and out runs a little boy. Kevin catches him, who looks beyond scared, and says, "where you going? It's okay, it's okay"

Hank and Sam enter the shed to see two more kids lying on the ground. Voight feels for a pulse but got nothing.

"Anyone else in there?" Kevin asks.

"Two kids. Both dead" Hank says, before looking at Sam.


Sam walks into the locker room, to splash some cold water onto her face when she turns around to see her locker is covered in purple streamers and balloons and she can't help but smile, then she opens it up to find a card taped to the inside.

Once she opens the card, she reads it and it says, "'happy early birthday to my favorite partner. I heard through the grapevine that you're 33. Well, I'm 35, so I hope that makes you feel better. I hope you have a wonderful day and that we get to be partners for years and years and I'm still sorry for what I said a couple of weeks ago and I hope you can forgive me. P.S, I'm the only one who decorated your locker so if anyone takes credit they're lying. Xxx Brayden'"

Sam closes the card and puts it back in her locker, then closes it and walks back to the unit when Kim walks up and says, "Platt said someone ordered from Royal Siam?"

"Right here" Adam says, standing up from his desk and getting the bag from Burgess.

Sam walks over to Brayden and pulls him into a hug and says, "thank you and I forgive you"

Brayden smiles and says, "Of course. Partners forever right?"

"Always" Sam says, giving the brunette a fist bump.

Hailey hangs up her desk phone and gets up from her desk and says, "Okay, the house with the storm shelters registered to an LLC in grand cayman. They have about 200 units here in Chicago. This one was red tagged for foundation problems. It should be empty"

"So our suspect is squatting" Hank says.

"Sounds like it" Al states.

"So we got no name, no number, no nothing."

Hailey shakes her head when Adam says, "huh. Unbelievable, it's chocolate. It's chocolate. Quan said the house he lived in smelled like this. So, must be around one of the chocolate factories"


After finding the family Quan lived with before he got passed around, Adam calls Hank to catch him up. After Jay does some research on his computer, Kim, Sam and Hank gather around him and says, "What Kate Smith did, has a name. It's called, 're homing'"

"It's called unforgivable" Sam says.

"Uh, yeah, but it's legal in the state of Illinois. Parents can transfer the care of foreign adoptees to someone else with a power of attorney. It started a few years back in chat rooms."

"What about the website Kate Smith used?" Voight questions.

"It's a sham. It's been around for six months. The IP address is routed through the dark net and the origin is listed as Iceland"

Kevin walks onto the unit with a file in hand and says, "this Marsden couple does not exist. There's not a record of a John or Penny Marsden in the Chicago land area."

"Shocker. A child trafficker is using fake names" Kim states.

"So, we need to make contact. Find this Marsden couple and the mystery man they gave Quan to" Voight says.

"Yo, Sarg, let me and Kim have a shot at him. We can pose as a couple wanting to give a kid away. Send a message out there to the website. I bet we can draw them in"

"Alright, Good. Hey, I don't want these re homing punks thinking we're on to them, you understand?"

"Copy that" Kevin says, as he and Kim leave. Sam clears her throat and looks between her husband and Hank and says, "So, anything special happening tomorrow?"

Voight shakes his head and says, "Uh, no. Halstead?"

"I don't think so" Jay says, as Hank walks into his office, then he gets up from his desk when he sees his wife frown and whispers in her ear, "happy early birthday, baby" then kisses her cheek, making Sam smile.


After the meeting Kevin and Kim had with the couple who are selling the kids went sideways, they follow them to their house where Quan's foster dad was waiting inside with a gun.

After arresting the couple, Sam, Jay and Kim hand Quan's foster dad to a patrol officer when Kim says, "What's worse, people taking the kids or the ones giving them away in the first place?"

"People taking them no doubt" Jay says.

"I just got a text from Jordan" Atwater says, following behind them, "I should go" then he runs to the car with Kim behind him.


After the 'Marsdens' confessed that they were working for an 'ICE' agent by the name of Clyde Harris. Sam leaves the viewing room and calls both her son and her foster daughters cell phones just to check up on them.

As the brunette sits at her desk, as Antonio gets up from his, hanging up the phone and says, "If there was ever any doubt, just for confirmation from ICE. There is no agent Clyde Harris. There is no undercover investigation into parents giving away adopted children."

"So, either the Marsdens are lying or some monster going by Clyde Harris is playing them real hard." Hailey says.

"I thinks it's choice number two. I mean, we know there's a third person involved, right?"

"Yeah, the meth dealer, Marshall?" Sam says.

"Yeah, he told us the neighbor he saw with the young kid was a tall white dude. Marsden is pretty short"

"It matches what Quan said too" Hailey says.

"Alright, so, Clydes tall. Fantastic. Let's track him down." Al says sarcastically.

"Why don't we go to the truck stop at I-94? See if we can pull some video" Hailey says, as her and Antonio get up and leave.


"Alright, so there's the Marsdens right there with Quan. That's gotta be Clyde Harris" Jay says, pointing to the screen, after Hailey brought back video from the truck stop.

"Can you get any closer?" Hailey asks.

"Not without sacrificing detail. You can't see his face anyways with the ball cap on"

"There's no license plate on that RV" Hailey says, placing her hand on Jays shoulder who looks at the blonde who then moves her hand away, "looks like Clydes trying to give Quan food"

"Yeah from Burger n dash"

"Okay, I'm gonna pull video from nearby locations, see if we can get a better look at this guy" Hailey says, before walking away. Jay looks back at the blonde and sighs.


The next day, as everyone is sat at their desks, Hailey and Jay walk onto the unit and the blonde says, "got a clear imagine of Clyde Harris from a burger n dash near the truck stop" giving everyone a picture of the suspect.

"Facial recognition matches Clyde Dupree. He's got a prior for ivory smuggling." Jay says.

"Ivory smuggling? Is that a joke?" Al asks.

"No, uh, he paid a 10,000 dollar fine. He did two months probation."

"His new business models pretty much the same. He just changed the cargo." Dawson says.


After going to Clyde's apartment and not finding him. Hank follows Antonio, Hailey, Jay and Sam into the computer room in the roll up and Voight says, "How did Clyde know we were on to him?"

"Uh, he's cautious. Read the papers. Thinks three of his kids are dead. Knows the police are all over it" Dawson says.

"Guys, I found something. Sanctuary Row. This dark net stuff is pretty rough. I feel like I need a shower." Jay says, sitting at the desk.

"'Exotic animals. Royal stripe ball python. Female, ten years old. Pale coloring. Well behaved. Very rare'" Hailey reads.

"He's talking about the kids" Sam says.

"Yeah, he's got four animals listed. He's selling four kids" Jay says.

"Click on this old link. How many kids has he auctioned off?" Hailey says. Jay clicks on it and scrolls down and says, "18"

"This guys sick. He sets up a re homing site so he can find his product and then he auctions them off on the dark net"

"Says here the auction closes in 19 minutes. Winners will be notified of a pick up location at that time" Dawson says.

"Start bidding" Hank says.

"How we gonna pay for it? It's gonna be tough to get flash money in time" Jay says.

"Just let me worry about that. You make sure you win"


Sam is on the ground next to Hailey with their sniper rifles out, waiting for the auction winners to show up when Kim's voice comes over the walkie, "red pickup truck coming in. White male driver. Illinois tags. 57 Adam Victor 2 Union"

"Copy I see him" Al says.

"This should be the last one. All the auction winners are here now" Hank says.

Sam watches her husband get out of the truck through her scope when Ruzek says, "alright, plates are registered to Maryann Richter, 788 Pine Place"

"That don't look like a Maryann to me"

"No. White. Male. Mid 30s" Al says.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah hold up. I'm getting a hit on the pick ups address. Aright. Daniel Richter, 35, registered sex offender. Lives with his mother, Maryann. Alright, check your phones, everybody. I'm gonna send over a photo of this guy. I'm gonna need a positive."

Jay checks out the photo and puts the walkie to his ear and says, "hey, honey. Yeah, I'm positive I'll be late tonight. I know it's your birthday, I'll be home soon."

"Okay, that's a positive"

"Okay. Love you too" the detective says, putting the walkie back in his coat pocket.

"We got a winnebago" Kim says, as the RV drives into the empty lot, "yeah, it looks like our guy"

"That's him. 100% confirmed" Hailey says.

"Alright, Burgess. Start creeping in real slow. Upton and Halstead, same" Hank says, as the two detectives stand up, "Atwater, Antonio on my command."

The team watches as Clyde gets a little girl from inside the Winnebago.

"We need him away from that trailer. Chances are the other three kids are in there too." Hank says, as Clyde hands one of the guys the girl, "move in"

As the intelligence team moves in as well as a couple of patrol cars. Daniel Richter takes the girl and holds a gun to her head and says, "back off or I'll kill her" the little girl starts crying, when Voight gets out of the car and walks towards them, "back away or I'll shoot. I swear to god."

Voight shoots Daniel in the head and he falls dead in the ground. Kim runs towards the girl to get her as Clyde starts running and Sam runs after him and tackles him down. Voight walks over to them and kicks Clyde in the face and says. "Where are the other kids?"

"In the camper" Clyde says as Hank keeps kicking him.

"All of them. You've been doing this six months."

"I don't remember"

"Wrong answer" Voight says, kicking the man in the stomach again, "you got one last chance. Only this time..."

"Hey hey hey" Antonio yells, running over to them.

"Only this time if you don't give me an answer" Hank says, pointing his gun at the man, "turn over! I want you to see it coming"

"Hank, enough!" Dawson yells.

"Voight, if you kill him we can't get the kids" Sam says.

"Hank" Dawson says, grabbing ahold of his gun.


Sam walks into her and Jays bedroom and takes out her gun from her holster and goes to put it in the safe and says, "Where are the kids?"

"Kelly has them. I told him I wanted some alone time with my favorite girl" Jay smiles, taking off his shirt. Sam licks her lips and says, "Oh yeah? What kind of alone time?"

"The kind where you won't be able to walk straight for a week" Jay smirks, walking over to his wife who is sitting on the edge of the bed and places his hands in her cheeks and caresses them. Sam bites her bottom lip and says, "Promise?"

"I always keep my promises, don't I?"

Sam nods her head, as Jay takes the bottom of her shirt and slowly lifts it above her head and throws it on the ground, then starts kissing her neck leaving behind purple marks.

"God, I love you" Sam breathes out.

"I love you more. Happy birthday"


After Sam got her special birthday present from her husband, that lasted about three hours of fun. They get dressed up and head over to Molly's.

Jay opens the door to the Jeep and helps his beautiful wife out who stumbles and says, "are you sure you're alright?"

Sam clears her throat and says, "Yeah, yeah. I'm cool"

Jay smirks as the two walk in and everyone from the district and firehouse 51 yells, "Surprise!"

Sam laughs and says, "oh my god!"

As Sam makes her way around giving everyone hugs and saying thank you, she bumps into Voight and says, "and to think I thought you forgot"

"How could I forget your birthday" Hank smiles, pulling the brunette into a hug, "Severide wanted it to be a surprise"

"Thank you, Hank"

"Happy birthday mom" Wyatt says, as he and Denise run over to her and give her a hug. Sam smiles and says, "thanks sweetheart"

"Happy birthday, Sam"

"Thanks Dee"

Kelly walks over to them and says, "Voight, I'm gonna have to steal the girl of the hour, if you don't mind"

"Sure, no problem. I got the kids"

"Speaking of, where's Gracie?" Sam questions her best friend. Kelly points to the far table and says, "Adam is watching her" then he clears his throat, "ladies and gentlemen, today as you know it's a very special day. 33 years ago, this beautiful lady, I call my best friend was born and made this world a better place and it definitely wouldn't be the same without you. I love you always and you deserve the world and to think I actually thought I'd show it to you, but you have Jay now and he can do it. To Samantha Grace Miller-Halstead"

Everyone raises their glasses and drinks to the toast. Sam wipes the happy tears from her eyes and hugs Kelly and says, "I love you too, Kells. Thank you"

"Anything for my favorite girl"


Sam walks over to where Adam is sitting with Gracie, who is on his lap and laughing and she sits next to him and says, "hey"

"Hey" Adam smiles, giving the girl a hug, "Happy birthday"


"Can I always watch her?" Adam asks, messing around with the 1 year olds hair.

"You can take a weekend or two if you want, so me and Jay can have some alone time"

"Is that why you haven't been able to walk right all night? And you have hickies all over your neck"

Sam turns towards her friend in shock and punches his arm and says, "Shut up!" making them both laugh.

"Hey guys" Brayden says, walking over to his co workers, and sets his beer down on the table to give Sam a hug, "happy birthday"

"Thank you"

Sam smiles and turns to her almost two year old and says, "Can you wave to Brayden?"

Gracie sticks her arms out for Brayden to pick her up, and when he does she lays her head on his chest and Sam says, "Wow. Look at that. She loves you already"


(in the show its October 23rd!)

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