𝐜𝐑𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐨𝐧𝐞.

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chapter one. reform.

Sam sits on the white colored couch, picking away at the fuz of the pillow that sits on her lap when her therapist, Dr Roma, asks, "How did that make you feel? When you walked into Erin's empty apartment"

The detective looks up at her therapist, that her husband made her talk to and says, "Angry. Sad"

Dr. Roma looks up from her notepad and asks, "Anything else?"

"Like this is a waste of time"

"Sam, you need to talk to someone about how you're feeling. Keeping everything bottled up, can be a serious health issue"

Sam's phone vibrates in her pocket and she goes to look at it and it's a text from Adam saying they have a case, the brunette looks up at the blonde and says, "Well, looks like I have to go, so" then she gets up and leaves.


"The gun dealers are two bikers out of Indiana" Voight says, as the intelligence team is gathered an empty lot, "Buyers are gangbangers associated with southside hawks. We don't have any names yet"

"Uh, the deal's going down inside the old seminary" Al states.

"It's been abandoned for five years. Two adjacent buildings are abandoned as well. Once we're inside" Hank says, pointing to the blueprints that are laid out on the hood of his SUV, "Al and I are gonna enter here from the west. Ruzek, you and Atwater are going in here. Upton and Porter, you go in this way. And Halstead, you and Sam go in that way"

"Sarge" Burgess says, over her radio, "We have movement on the west side. One male, white. One male, hispanic. Both 5'10" to 6 feet, about 170 pounds, tatted up, carrying large duffle bags. They just got out of a black SUV with...Indiana tags"

"Copy that. Here we go"


The team slowly makes their way into the abandoned building, with their guns drawn. Jay and Sam slowly walk to a door and as Jay was about to open it, a gunshot blows right through the door.

"10-1, 10-1. Shots fired at police. 4533 West Archer" Jay says over his radio, then looks at his wife, "You good?"

Sam nods her head, "I'm good"

Jay looks through the hole of the door to see everyone inside the room start running. Jay opens the door and the couple makes their way inside, guns drawn.

"I got these guys" Sam says, as Jay follows the other offenders out the window. Sam turns the corner, to see one of the offenders shooting at her and she ducks back, then she chases after them to find that Atwater and Ruzek had just shot them down.

"I'm gonna go find Jay" Sam says, running off as Adam says. "Okay"

"5021 George, I'm taking heavy fire. I got two civilians down in the north alley behind the buildings." Jay says, over his walkie.

"This is Sergeant Hank Voight. Advise responding to shut down a two block radius" Voight says, over his radio.

"Copy that. We'll set up a two block perimeter at your location" dispatch says.

"We have multiple armed offenders. Approach with extreme caution"

As Sam runs to find her husband, she hears crying and she runs into an unknown daycare center, where a little girl was shot and bleeding out on the floor. The burnette runs over to her and finds a cloth to put over the wound to help stop the bleeding, when Jay walks in. The detective goes for her gun, but when she sees her husband she backs down.

"What happened?" He asks.

"I don't know. I heard crying and screams" Sam says, still putting pressure over the wound.

"Get these kids out the west exit. Now!" Jay tells the adults that are shielding the other kids, then turns to his wife, "I'm gonna call the ambulance"

"We don't have time. Get your car. I'm gonna meet you out front" Sam says, picking the little girl up, bridal style, and following her husband outside.


Jay and Sam are now at Med, waiting to hear back on news from Will about how the little girl is doing. Sam sighs, covered in the girls blood.

"Hey Sam, how you doing?" Will asks, walking over to his brother and sister in law, pumping some hand sanitizer onto his hand.

"I'm fine, how's the little girl?" Sam says, as she and Jay follow after Will to the nurses desk.

"She's in bad shape. But we're doing everything we can"

"Is she gonna make it?"

"Like, I said. We're doing everything we can"

"We know. What about the other two victims? Are they okay?" Jay asks. Will looks at his family and says, "Walk with me" and then they walk down the hall, "James Pell, the bullet grazed his leg. He's fine, we're just finishing up some paperwork."

"Hey, what about the other victim?"

"She didn't make it. Dead on arrival" Will says, then opens the double doors to the victim who got shot in the leg.

"I gotta sign the papers, or can I go now?" James Pell says.

"Just sit tight" Will says.

"Mr. Pell, we'd like to talk to you about what happened earlier today" Sam says.

"I got shot in the leg, that's what happened" Pell states.

"Did you see the men who shot you?" Jay asks.


"Not even a quick glimpse?" Sam asks.

"Look, officers, I was just involved in a traumatic incident. I'm still in a state of shock. So, please, no more questions"

Sam looks at Jay then back at Pell and says, "Okay. We'll get your contact info and call you later"


Sam stands in the shower at the house, leaning her forehead against the gray and blue, ceramic tiled wall, after scrubbing away the blood from her body, from trying to save the little girl.

After taking a couple deep breaths and making herself stop crying, she turns the water off, grabs a towel from the towel rack and steps out of the shower, wiping away the fog from the mirror and just stares blankly at herself.


Jay and Sam walk into a diner and the brunette leans closer to the counter and asks one of the waitresses, "Hey, uh, we're looking for a Kimona Williams" who then points down a waze, on the other side of the counter. The couple walks further into the diner to see Kimona talking with another woman and Sam asks, "Kimona Williams?"


"Do you mind if we talk to you for a second?"

Kimona's smile fades to a frown as she takes the detectives to the back where the kitchen is and asks, "What's the matter? Did something happen.."

"It's your daughter Morgan" Jay says.


"She was shot.."

"No, no!"

"At the old seminary this morning. She's alive"

"It's gonna be okay" Sam says, as the woman begins to sob.

"But is she okay?" Kimona questions, tears, flooding her face.

"She's being treated at Chicago Med right now. We can give you a ride, okay?"

"Who did this? Who shot her?"

"We're not sure. We're gonna do everything in our power to find him. I promise" Jay says.


"The gun that fired the bullet is on the right, the one that hit the little girl, fired the one on the left, too. I'm sorry, but gun barrels don't lie" Morty, from crime scene says.

"Doesn't make sense" Jay says, as he, Sam and Hank walk away from Morty then stop, "I was under fire, and I took cover.."

"Shh" Voight says, to try and quiet his detective down.

"And I fired one round, and I watch the offender drop. And then I ran over to the woman who got shot, and radioed for help"


"I didn't hear any kids. I didn't see any kids. I didn't just shoot my gun off in the air" Jay says, anger boiling in his veins. Sam grabs onto his hand and squeezes to try and calm him down.

"If that's what happened, you got nothing to worry about. Take some time off till the shooting team clears you"

"How long is that gonna take?"

"I mean, it might take a minute or two. Things are tricky right now" Hank says, which makes Sam look at her Sergeant with a questioning look.

"Are you saying I need to worry?"

"I'm saying things are tricky. So, just go home and be with the kids"


Sam sits on a stone edge, next to the 21st district building, in the police parking lot, waiting for Jay to get back from his interview with the shooting team when Hank walks out and sits next to the burnette, neither saying anything, for a good couple of minutes.

"So, you wanna tell me where the hell Erin went?" Sam finally asks.

"The FBI recruited her"

Sam scoffs and says, "And you just let her go"

"There was no other choice. It was either that, or she goes to jail for aggravated assault and she's done as a police officer"

"She didn't even say goodbye. She just left" Sam says, tears starting to blur her vision, "Why wouldn't she say goodbye to me. I'm supposed to be her sister, her best friend and she just left, like I meant nothing. After everything we've been through"

"You mean a hell of a lot to her. She told me"

Sam looks in front of her to see her husband walking towards them, then she looks back at Hank and says, "Then she should've said something before she abandoned us" before standing up and asks Jay, "How'd the interview with the shooting team go?"

Jay sighs and says, "I'm not sure. It was pretty short. They didn't ask me too many questions"

"Okay" Hank says, as they were about to walk inside. Burgess catches up to them and says, "Jay. How you doing?"

"I'm just trying to stay positive" Jay says, as Sam loops her arm with her husbands, "Um, we were at the hospital earlier, and my brother said there's a good chance the little girl's gonna be.."

"Oh, you didn't hear"

"Hear what, Kim?" Sam asks.

"She's died, Jay. It's all over the news"


"You should really get out of here, Jay" Hank says, as he walks onto the unit and sees Jay still at his desk, while Sam and Brayden sit at theirs, doing some paperwork.

"I was told I could work desk duty"

"Sarg, caught a break at the mini mart" Upton says, as she and Ruzek walk onto the unit, "The owner's wife knows Lil GG. His real name's Calvin Shaw"

"Get an address and a search warrant. " Hank says.

"It's already done" Adam says.

"Good. Burgess, Atwater and Porter, you three go with Ruzek and Upton. Let's pay this lil GG a visit"

"We got you" Adam says to Jay before leaving the unit with the others.

"Hey, go home" Hank says, stopping in front of Jay's desk. Sam gets up from her desk to walk over to her husbands and grabbed ahold of his hand and says, "Come on"


Sam and Jay are sitting outside of Kimona's house where she walks inside. Jay closes the door to the jeep and rests his head back on the seat. Sam puts her hand on her husband's shoulder, who looks at her and she says, "It's gonna be okay, Jay. Getting past this is gonna be hard, but once you do, once you make peace and amends, it'll get better and I'm here for you, every step of the way"

"I don't know what I'd do without you" Jay says, before putting the car in drive and driving off.


"Okay, thanks Hank" Sam says, hanging up her cell phone, then walks over to her husband who is on the carpeted floor in the living room, playing with Gracie and sits next to him, "That was Hank. Says they caught the guy you shot. And I guess Alderman Price wants to do a press conference and wants you there, standing behind him"


"You want me to come with you?" Sam asks and Jay nods his head, as Gracie stands up and walks over to sit on her father's lap, laying her head on his chest.


"Morgan Williams' senseless death has caused this city great distress and pain" Alderman Price says, during the press conference, where Jay is standing behind the him and Sam is holding his hand with Gracie held on her hip, while Wyatt and Denise are standing with Voight in the crowd, "And as a result, we've gone to great lengths to find someone to blame, someone to hate. And no one has wanted to hate Detective Halstead more than me. But the more I learned about what actually transpired that morning, the more I'm convinced Detective Halstead did nothing wrong. In fact, his actions saved several lives...several black lives. Halstead is not the man to hate"


Sam sits on her and Jay's bed, putting lotion on her legs, when her husband walks in with tears in his eyes, so she gets up and walks over to him and pulls him into a hug, and Jay wraps his arms around his wife, crying into her shoulder.

"Shh" Sam whispers, rubbing soothing circles on his back, "It's gonna be okay, baby"


Intense first chapter!
But I hoped you guys liked it and this is an official welcome to the fourth book 😲πŸ₯³

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