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chapter ten. rabbit hole.

Hailey and Hank walk over to Jay who is at the scene of a crime, staring at the coroners office, putting the body into a bag.

"What's going on?" Voight asks. Jay sighs and says, "Female victim. Two GSWs"

"No, Jay, what's going on, meaning what are you doing here, and not with Sam and the kids?"

"Alright, I was here...working a CI"

"What CI?"

"Camila Vega from the Veil club"

"The girl from he kidnapping case? Luis' sister?" Upton asks.

"News to me. She on paper?" Hank says. Jay shakes his head, "No"

"Was the victim at the party?"

"Yeah. I..I believe so"

"You believe so. You've been drinking. Anything else?"

"Just drinking"

"You sure?"


"Okay, go back to the office. Don't talk to anyone. Write up your IPR" Hank says, before Jay walks away, then turns to Hailey, "Okay, work the body. I'll talk to homicide"


"You write up that IPR?" Voight asks Jay, walking into the break room as Jay nods his head and hands his sergeant the paper, "okay"

"I was working her as an unwitting. She works at Veil. A lot of drugs run through that place. She told me about the party. I saw the opportunity. But you're absolutely right. I should've put her on paper first. I screwd up"

"And Sam has no idea that you did this?"


"Are you sleeping with this girl?"

Jay shakes his head and says, "No"

"Document it. Start working the case. You're already working the girl. May as well stay under. Figure out who killed this young woman, right?"


"But if I find out something happened between you and this girl.." Hank warns.

"Got it" Jay says, walking away.


Sam walks onto the unit, shrugging off her coat, when Voight calls her into his office. The detective walks in, closing the door behind her and says, "So, what's this case we're working?"

"It's a homicide. A young woman shot in the street. Jay was there" Hank says.

"What?" Sam says, crossing her arms over her chest, "What was he doing there?"

"Said he was working a CI. Did you have any idea?"

"Of course not. Who's the CI?"

Hank clears his throat and says, "Camila Vega"

"From the kidnapping case? Luis Vegas sister?" Sam asks, and Hank nods his head.

The blood in the brunettes veins begin to boil and Hank says, "Now I need you to not get worked up about this okay. Let's just see how it plays out"

Sam opens the door and walks to her desk and sits down putting her head between her arms. With a mixture of anger and sadness she doesn't know how to feel right now. Why wouldn't he tell her he was meeting a CI? Or that is was Luis Vega's sister?


"I talked to the bouncer from club Echo. He says Maggie comes in all the time" Adam says, walking over to the white board, "he remembers because he's always yelling at her. Girls 100 pounds. Walks to the dank ass club through the filthy ass hood solo. These are his words. Uh, I couldn't get her leaving, but I did get her arriving. It's a little weird. This is her walking in" then he points to the picture in the timeline he made, "tracked her backwards from there to where she got out of the cab. Now the cabby says she got on the Wilson red line."

"There's an L stop a block away from Echo. Why get off early and take a cab?" Sam asks.

"Yeah, the L camera shows she got on at the Jackson stop. She had to walk a mile to get to Jackson"

"It's like she didn't want someone knowing where she was going." Hank says.

"So I used the, Uh, traffic PODs and followed her backwards from the Jackson stop. Looks like her night started right here" Adam says, pointing to a picture in the timeline, "it's an apartment building on Wells street"


Sam and Antonio are let into Maggie's apartment by the landlord and Dawson says, "thank you, sir. We'll take it from here" then closes the door, so they can search it, "Hey, Sam, you okay?"

"Yeah, why wouldn't I be?" Sam says, looking around the beautiful apartment, "does this look like the apartment of a junkie?"

"Huh" Dawson says, looking at the mail, "Mails addressed to Ella Porter. I don't see the name Maggie or Margaret anywhere. You think she's related to Brayden?"

"Nah. All boys in the family" Sam says, walking around the place and stops to look at the pictures on the wall when she hears a door open and draws her weapon, "Chicago PD"

"DEA, drop your weapon" the man says. Antonio draws his weapon and peeks his head around the corner and says, "okay, let's take it nice and slow. Like she said we're Chicago PD. I'm gonna show you my badge."

"While you show us yours" Sam says, as Antonio takes out his badge, while the man shows them his as well. The man walks towards them and says, "Why are you here? You got something going on with Ella?"

"Is her cover name Maggie?"

"Yes" the DEA agent says, as Sam looks at Antonio, "what's going on? Something happened?"

"Ellas dead. Someone shot her earlier this morning." Dawson explains.


"Ellas real name was Maggie Porter" Antonio explains, standing at the whiteboard as Jay walks onto the unit, and over to Sam who is leaning on Kevin's desk and she ignores him, "Grew up in Chicago. Joined the DEA two years ago."

"Yeah and based on the information we have, it looks like she was trying to ID the distributor supplying cocaine to these five clubs. Her main guy is this guy, Alex" Burgess says, pointing to his picture, "he's the manager of club Echo. Low level dealer. He sends Ella a text last night at 12:30. 'I'll get you the intro you want. Meet me at echo. We'll go from there'"

"For now, we're assuming that intro was with Alex's source, the distributor"

"So, Ella gets to club Echo around 1 a.m. Witnesses put her and Alex at the after party at 2 a.m. Jay saw her at 2:30 and she was in the alleyway around 3. Not a wide window" Sam says.

"Hell, I'm thinking something went wrong at the party between Ella, Alex and the distributor. So let's go back to Echo, talk to this guy Alex. Work his ass. Figure out who his supplier is" Voight says.

"Sarg, I know Alex. I met him through Camila. So, uh, let me work him. Make an undercover buy" Jay says.

"Okay. You're taking Sam"

Jay looks at Sam who sighs and goes over to her desk to get her coat.


Sam follows her husband into club Echo to find Alex who is watching over the club from the balcony.

"Yo, Alex, what's up man?" Jay says, as they give each other a bro hug.

"Hey, man. What's up?"

"This is my friend, Sam" Jay says, making Sam clear her throat.

"Nice to meet you, Sam" Alex says, sticking his hand out for a shake.

"You too"

"You only roll with pretty people, huh?" Alex asks, making Sam snicker.

"Try too anyway" Jay says.

"Ask me, it's a solid strategy. You two looking to party? Cause I'm feeling some pretty good vibes right now, especially from Sam" Alex smiles, taking a sip from his glass.

"Aw, sorry, Alex. I'm taken and besides you're not my type" Sam says.

"You know what? You're welcome to try a little, but she's gay" Jay says, trying to steer the conversation to something other than his wife.

"I don't judge, Ryan. Or label. Let's get some drinks yeah?"

"Yeah" Jay says, as they walk towards the bar.

"So where's your girlfriend?" Alex asks, making Sam stop in her tracks, then the two turn toward her, "Sam, you good?"

"Uh, yeah sorry. Just gotta tie my shoe" Sam says, bending down to fake tie her shoe.

Jay clears his throat, changing the subject and says, "um, yo, I, uh, came by cause I wanted to see if you could hook me up"

"What do you mean?" Alex asks, as Sam catches up to them.

"I wanna buy some blow"

"Why are you asking me?"

"Because I know you"

"You know Camila better" Alex says, then Jay gives him a questioning look, "oh...she didn't tell you?"

"Tell me what?"

"She sells too. And I'm guessing, she'll probably give you a better deal, since you're sleeping together and all" Alex says, taking a sip of his drink and Jay looks at him stunned.

Sam looks at her husband with hurt in her eyes, not even an undercover job can help put her emotions in check, then she takes out her phone, pretending to get a call and says, "I should get this. Nice meeting you, Alex"

"You too, Sam. Hey, call me sometime" Alex says, giving the brunette his card, before she walks away.

After Jay finishes the deal with Alex, he heads outside and walks towards his wife who is standing underneath the train tracks.

"Sam, let me-" Jay starts to say, when Sam slaps him across the face.

"Are you really sleeping with her?" Sam asks, with tears in her eyes and Jay says nothing, but inches closer to her and she backs up, "do not come near me!"


"I want to hear it from your mouth. Are you sleeping with her?"

Jay looks down at the ground, tears in his eyes and says, "yes" Sam turns around and walks away, tears streaming down her face, "Where are you going?!"

"Anywhere to get away from you!"


"Jay called, we set up a buy with Alex at 1 p.m. tomorrow, which means he needs to buy a quarter key from his supplier" Hailey says, sitting on the edge of her desk.

"Right and we already got him hooked up. We got a wire on his cell and his burner phone." Atwater says.

"GPS tracker on his car too" Al says.

"So if this guy moves, we'll know it. Hopefully, we track him to his source. We can bust them both." Adam says.

"Well, we stay on top of him until then. He moves, we move" Hank says, as Sam walks onto the unit, "hey, where's Jay?"

"Why the hell should I care?" Sam says and everyone looks at each other.

"What's going on?"

"Nothing" Sam responds, sitting at her desk. Hank looks at the group, then back at Sam and says, "Okay. I'm in my office, if you wanna talk"


"Where are the kids?" Jay asks, leaning on the doorframe of the bedroom, where Sam is currently getting changed into a pair of pajamas and keeps quiet, "talk to me"

Sam slams the dresser drawer shut and says, "You disgust me. How about that?"

"It's not like I planned on doing it. It just happened" Jay says, walking into the room.

"How many times did it 'just' happen?"

"A few"

"That's why you've been out late the last few weeks? Because of her?" Sam asks, and Jay looks at the ground, "You make me sick"

"Sammy, please, just-"

"Don't call me that. You know, I thought the pain of losing my mom, Justin, Emma, a baby, even Erin was bad, but this...you completely shattered my heart, Jay and it doesn't even seem to bother to you"

"Of course it does. I love you" Jay says, placing his hands on his wife's warm cheeks, and tried to wipe away all the tears left behind, "I love you so goddamn much, baby"

"Well, apparently you don't. I'm your wife, Jay. We haven't even been married a year yet and you took vows, I thought we were meant to be together"

"We are. We are"

"Then why did you go see her after we talked to Alex?" Sam asks, before leaving the room downstairs. Jay follows after his wife and says, "To-to ask some questions. That's it, I promise"

"Well, I don't believe you and I want you to leave"

"Please, let me make it up to you. I'll do anything"

Sam opens the front door and says, "Leave"

"Sam, come on"

"I don't want to see you. I don't want to hear from you. I want you to leave me the hell alone!!"ย 

Jay walks outside and Sam slams the door in his face and leans her back against the door and slowly falls to the ground and brings her knees to her chest, not being able to control her emotions anymore.


While Jay and Hailey watch Antonio and Kim question Alex who says, Camila recruited him, Jay was about to leave when the blonde pushes back on his chest and says, "No, you can't talk to her. She's a suspect now."

"No, she is not. She would not do something like this. I know her. Just let me talk to her cause maybe I can...I can figure this out, I can get a name"

"Jay, no. You are not thinking straight. Whatever loyalty you have to this girl, it is not worth it. Especially when you have a wife and kids to think about, who are not worth losing over, over some girl" Hailey says, and Jay walks past her.


Jay walks through a tunnel where he sees Voight and Hailey round the corner, making him stop in his tracks.

"What the hell are you doing here?" Hank asks.

"I don't know what she told you.."

"You think she needed to tell me something? Jay you're not that good. So, I'll ask again. What the hell are you doing here?"

"I'm going to see Camila"

"I know that. I ran your muds and tolls. My question is why? Because she's not Sam, your wife"

"To see what she knows."

"Okay. Well here's what I know. She's a suspect in the murder of a DEA agent."

"She didn't kill anybody!"

"You don't know that" Hailey says.

Voight holds up a wire and says, "you're gonna work her. You're gonna wear this wire, you're gonna find out exactly what she knows and bury her ass. You understand me?"


Sam gets into the back of Hanks SUV, with Hailey in the front and says, "What's going on?"

"We're getting a tapped confession from Camila" Hailey says.

"So, what am I here for?"

"Because I want you to be" Hank says.

"Hank, come on. Don't do this.."


"No, you're gonna make me sit here and listen to them talk about how they care so much about each other? I don't need this" Sam says, opening the door.

"Close the door. You need to hear this"

"Does Jay know I'm here?"

"No" Hailey states.

"What's going on? Why are we meeting here? I don't understand" Camilas voice, coming through the radio.

"Look I talked to Mike. He said Alex got busted and I should tell you." Jay says.

"Alex? You gotta be kidding me."

"Cam, what is going on?"

"I lied, okay? I don't...I don't just deal a little, okay? I recruit dealers. I hook them up with product."

"Okay, so you messed up. You're moving drugs. What does that have to do with the DEA agent?"

"I was recruiting her through Alex. Okay? That's why she was at the party. She came to talk to me."

"Did you? Did you talk?"

"No. No I got nervous. I heard someone call her by a different name. Uh, Ella. So I told the guy that I work for that something was wrong, that she wasn't who she said she was"

"And then what?"

"Then she was dead"

"Who'd you tell? What's his name?"


"Yeah. Cam, you gotta tell me his name. You gotta tell me his name. Maybe I can help, alright? But I need to know who shot her."

"You can't help me, okay? No one can. And I need to get out of here now. Are you coming with me? Yes or no?"

As soon as Sam heard Jay say yeah. The last piece of her shattered heart broke apart. She thought she finally found the one she was gonna spend the rest of her life with.

"But first we gotta get out in front of this. The only way out of this, both of us, is if we get proof you didn't know that dealer was gonna kill her." Jay says.

"He'll kill me. He'll kill both of us"

"No, I am not gonna let that happen. I like you, Cam, okay. A lot in fact and I know I didn't say it before, but.."

Right when she thought she couldn't feel anymore pain, her husband, the father of her daughter, the man she loves more than anything, tells another woman that he likes like her.

Hailey looks back at the brunette and says, "Sam, I'm sorry"

"His name is Wallace Blake"

"The guy you were talking to at the bar the other day?" Jay asks and Camila nods her head, "here's what we're gonna do. You're gonna text him, and you're gonna tell him to meet you at the Veil"

"Are we gonna let him do this?" Hailey asks. Voight looks back at Sam then to Hailey and says, "it's our best chance at making this case"


"Chicago PD!" Al yells, as he, Adam and Antonio storm into the back room of the Veil where Camila and Jay are meeting with Wallace, then putting the man in cuffs.

Sam, Hailey and Hank walk through the back, where Hailey cuffs the girl, and takes her away. The brunette walks over to Jay and says, "If you're more concerned about her than me and your daughter, then you have your priorities way backwards" then leaves, following after Hailey and Hank.


Hank drives into the roll up, Sam in the passenger seat, cause Hailey didn't want anything to happen between the two, and once they get out, the brunette turns around to face the woman and says, "just so you know, I'm his wife and he has a daughter at home"

Camila looks up at the detective and says, "What?"

"Yeah. So, you two broke apart a family"

"I didn't know"

"I know. Still doesn't make it any better"

"I'm sorry"

"And I don't really care" Sam says, before getting out of the vehicle, then leans against it, while Jay talks to her, "hope you're happy with yourself" then walks back to the unit.


"Sam, you shouldn't go in there" Adam says, following after his friend, who is on her way to interrogation, "Sam" then grabs onto her wrist to make her stop. Sam snatches her wrist away and says, "like hell. I'm going in there!"

Sam walks into interrogation where Antonio and Hailey are questioning Camila and says, "Hailey, I got this"


"Hailey, go"

Hailey sighs, looking at Antonio then leaves, shutting the door behind her.

"Continue" Dawson yells Camila.

"I heard someone call Maggie by a different name. Ella, I think. So I panicked because I thought she might be a cop. I told Wallace to be careful, but I didn't think he was gonna kill her."

"When's the last time you saw Ella?" Sam asks.

"Around 3 in the morning. She was heading out the door with Wallace."

"That's good testimony. Problem is, Wallace says you killed her" Dawson says.

"That's crazy, I don't even own a gun"

"Alright, that's not good enough."

"You know what?" Camila says, leaning on the table, looking directly at Sam, "when the murder was happening, I was in the back room screwing your husband. Is that good enough?"

As Sam is about to lunge at the woman, Antonio gets up, pulling her back before she does anything to get herself in trouble and says, "Sam, stop it!"

"Let me be alone with her in the cage, that's all I'm asking" Sam shouts.


Adam opens the door, when Antonio lets Sam go, who says, "I'm fine. Get off me"

"Come on" Adam says. Sam looks at Camila and says, "Watch your back" before leaving in front of Adam who closes the door behind them.


Sam walks into Voights office and closes the door behind her, and takes a seat in front of his desk who says, "what's up?"

Sam takes a deep breath and says, "I've been thinking and I've saved up a few months worth of furlough after Gracie was born and I'm gonna get away for a little bit"

"I understand. Do what you need to do. What about the kids?"

"I'm taking Gracie with me, but Wyatt and Denise are staying behind so they don't miss any school" Sam says, before getting up and opening the door when Hank stops her and says. "Sam, I'm sorry"

"Yeah" Sam says, before heading to her desk and grabbing her coat to leave.


Jay opens the door to find Hank and sighs.

"I guess you heard. The feds took the case" Hank says, walking inside, as Jay closes the door. Hank walks to the kitchen and looks around and Jay says, "are you seriously looking for drugs right now?"

"Yeah. Drugs, alcohol. Or something that might explain what the hell just happened"

"I'll stop you right there. I don't do drugs. Never have. You have my word on that"

Voight turns to face Jay and says, "Well, your word doesn't mean too much, does it? I asked you point blank, 'are you sleeping with this girl?', you looked me in the eye and lied. You put this whole unit at risk. Hell, you put your own damn marriage at risk for what? Man, you dug a hell of a hole. I just hope there's a way out."

"I know"

"Sam came to me and asked for her furlough. She's taking a few months off with Gracie"

"Yeah, she just left a half hour ago"


Hailey walks down to the cells of the district and stops at Camilas, who says, "what's his real name?"

"Doesn't matter"

"Does to me"

"Jay...you got lucky. Wallace confesses. You're off the hook for the murder. But you will be charged with felony drug distribution. And more than likely, accessory to murder. However, if you cooperate, I can probably convince them to look the other way on that. And help you out with that drug charge."

"What do you mean cooperate?"

"Just keep your mouth shut about Jay. He's a guy that came into the bar, asked questions. The night of the murder you were at a party with a bunch of your friends. One of them was Ryan. Later, you found out he was a cop. No sex. No back room."

"What, like I never even knew him?"

"You didn't. You do that, I'll give you a chance to have a life. You don't, I'll bury you"

"I won't say a word" Camila says, before Hailey starts to walk away, "like hell, I didn't know him. The person you know, that's the lie"

"He has a wife and a daughter, Camila. I'm warning you, if you say anything that will hurt them.."

"I said I won't"

"And it'll stay that way" Hailey says, before walking away.


I know this is coming from me, the author, but honestly I'm speechless. I was a tough one to write. ๐Ÿคญ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ’”
So, Sam is now taking a few months off and spending it with Gracie somewhere, just to get away and think.

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