𝐜𝐑𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐭𝐰𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐲 𝐨𝐧𝐞.

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chapter twenty one. saved.

Sam laughs silently to herself, looking at her phone as she takes a sip of her coffee.

"What's so funny?" Jay asks, walking into the kitchen. Sam looks up from her phone and says, "Oh, it's just something funny Casey said"

"About the picture of Severide with the lipstick all over his face?" Jay asks, pouring himself a cup of coffee.

"Yeah. He's gonna use it as blackmail or something"

"Thanks again, for letting me stay over last night and spend some time with Gracie"

"Sure, it's your house too, Jay. Even though we're still getting through our rough patch, I'm not gonna keep you away from your daughter"

"Wow" Jay breathes out.


"After everything I put you through, you're still the sweetest and most caring person"

"I know. It sucks" Sam jokes, getting up from the chair at the island and walks up to her room to get changed.


Jay and Sam drive up to a crime scene at a credit union bank, where Voight and Ruzek had chased an abduction to, leading to a bank robbery.

"Hannah Cates. She's 18" Hank says, holding up his phone, to show a picture of the girl to Sam, Jay, Brayden, Hailey and Antonio, "Left my card and a note at the front desk this morning. Wanted help, I met her. She bolted. And was grabbed right outside the coffee shop"

"Stranger abduction?" Jay asks.

"It felt like she knew these guys"

"So, where was Hannah during the robbery?" Dawson asks.

"Tied up in the backseat, trunk, dropped at a second location. We lost eyes on that car for 12 minutes"

Adam walks over to the group and says, "The employee's on his way to Med. Bullet severed his femoral, so...Witnesses say it happened quick. Credit union opened, offenders barged inside. No one mentioned seeing a teenage girl, though, boss"

"Alright, Hailey, head up the scene inside. And let's talk to the FBI, see if this matches a robbery pattern. Antonio, Brayden get a bead on Hannah for me. Her aunt is Anne Cates. That's her legal guardian, but her last known address on file is vacant"

"We'll track her down" Antonio says, as the two detectives walk away, and Hailey and Jay walk to the bank. Sam looks at Hank who looks at his old card from when he was in the gang unit and says, "You good, Hank?"

"Yeah, just thinking"


"No match on the ballistics, at all" Sam says, as she and Kevin are standing next to the whiteboard, with Kim, Hank and Al surrounding it, "Ak's are clean, the SUV popped up stolen. Cold trail so far"

"I know you saw a Beretta on the offender who abducted Hannah. But they didn't use it at the scene" Kim says.

"Yeah, and there's no trackers or dye packs on this money. IDOC did send me a list of cats on parole with similar backgrounds, but we can't do anything with this list, Sarg. Nobody's staying in jail anymore" Kevin says.

"Hannah's aunt is proving difficult to find" Antonio says, as he and Brayden walk onto the unit, "The vacant on file was cleared out a year ago"

"Anne left a forwarding address. We checked, but the landlord said she was only there a month" Brayden says.

"Well, that's not good, because every piece of paper we have on Hannah is dated from that move. Health insurance, cell phone registration, school enrollment" Kim says.

"And the last time Anne filed taxes, she made about 14 grand. That's well below the poverty line" Dawson says.

"Probably crashing with family" Al suggests.

"No, there is no other family. Anne's brother, Hannah's dad, he's in jail. Got busted for dealing four years ago" Hank says.

"Is that how you know Hannah?" Brayden asks.

"No, I've known her since she was seven"

"Got a whole lot of nothing" Jay says, as he and Hailey walk onto the unit, "No DNA, and the gloves they wore gave us zero fingerprints. About the only thing they did by the book"

"We didn't have eyes in the back alley, but we got footage inside" Hailey says, then she opens her email, with the security footage inside and plays the footage as the team gathers around to watch.

"Damn" Antonio says.

"That's it. Not much to go on"

"Look, 12 minutes before that robbery, those two men forced Hannah into a car. Why? Okay, until something pops on the robbery, let's start with the abduction. So, find Hannah's aunt. Where they've been living? Who have they been in contact with. That's gonna lead to who the hell took her" Hank says.


"The girl's scared, but I feel she knows something. She said that Hannah never lived there with her, but other squatters said they did see another female there that matched Hannah's description, but they can't recall a man ever being with her" Kevin says, leaning on the windowsill in Voight's office, who is sitting at his desk, Kim leaning her back against the doorframe, Sam leaning on the desk behind Hank and Jay sitting on the edge of the chair in front of the desk.

"Right, but it doesn't mean they didn't meet men outside. Area Central's had that address flagged. And Vice has been doing routine sweeps in the adjoining alley each month" Jay says.

"You're thinking pimp?" Hank asks.

"Maybe. The truth is, these girls have been on the street for a year and a half, and they've been exposed to a lot. You, yourself, said that it looked like Hannah knew 'em. So...it's possible that this guy was grooming her. And she didn't take well to it. So she stepped out, went to you for help and then they pull her to keep her in line"

"I don't know, Jay." Kim says, "Pimp who sidelined into armed robbery..."

"These guys are not professional bank robbers. They made that clear. This could be, 'anything for a buck'"

"Alright, where's Addie?" Hank asks.

"She's with Ruzek. Not talking" Sam says, "Except to call him an idiot"

"Okay. Listen, get on the horn with Vice, run all this past them" Hank says, as the four leave. Kevin closing the door behind him.

"Hey, Sam, I, was, um, thinking, if you wanted to. After this case is over, if you wanted to grab some dinner with me" Jay asks, as they walk to their desks.

"I don't know, Jay"

"Please, just one dinner. To show you, that I've been working on myself"

Sam sighs and says, "Fine" when a call comes over the radio about a robbery in progress. As they listen to the location, Sam says, "Go. I'll tell Voight"

Sam knocks on the door of Hank's office and opens it and says, "Sarg, a robbery in progress just came over the zone. The hold up alarm was activated at a currency exchange in Logan Square. Squads are en route, but the 911 caller is saying masked offenders with assault rifles"


A patrol officer lifts up the crime scene tape for Sam and Hank who follow after Antonio into the currency exchange store where the robbery had just occurred. As they walk in they find two victims on the ground. Duck tape covering their faces, and their hands bound and blood pooled around them.

"What the hell happened?" Hank questions.

"Things went sideways fast" Antonio says, leading the two, behind the counter where another body is, "The kid was new. Started last week. He didn't have a key to the back vaults"

"There wasn't a manager on site?" Sam asks.

"Well, you rob a place at closing. They could have just left, but..."

Sam sighs, as Hank says, "Two masked male offenders. AK-47's." as he and Antonio walk over to Al, who is looking security footage.

"Well, there were three offenders. Two males, fit, 30s. And one female" Al says.

"Is that Hannah? She participated?" Hank says.


After Hank and Denny Woods have a heated conversation, he leaves, having the team look at Voight who says, "What are you waiting for? Tell me what you got?"

"Um, ballistics was a match at the credit union" Hailey says, getting up from her desk with a file, "We went back a month in security footage for both locations. Nothing" then hands Voight the file, "And no service calls of suspicious persons"

"I've been checking PODS, traffic cams, CTA. Nothing yet, Sarg" Jay says, "But they had to flee the currency exchange somehow"

"Alright, anything new on Addie?" Hank asks.

"Uh, Addie ain't talking, Sarg. She said she don't know those guys or what the hell Hannah was doing with them." Atwater says.

"Alright, well I'm gonna take a run at her. Put a folder together for me, will ya?"


"Get me that footage from the currency exchange for me" Hank asks Jay, who quickly starts typing on his computer.

"You know, if Addie's not gonna talk, then we'll just narrow their IDs off Hannah. I mean, she knew these men. Means she met them somewhere" Dawson says, "Check every address that she lived at, hostels she crashed in, her summer job at Harold washington library, classes at Andrew's high school, Jefferson elementary. All places she potentially met them"

"Alright, good. Chase that. Hey, but let's not get tunnel vision. It's still possible Hannah didn't know these men well before they took her"

"Wait, you still want us running this like it's an abduction?"

"I just wanna run wide"

"She participated"

"Come over here. Tell me something" Hank says, as Antonio walks over to them to watch the security footage, "That look like willing participation to you?"

"Alright, it looks like a scared kid. But it also looked like a girl who stood two feet from an open door for seven minutes. Who had a weapon, could've ran, screamed for help, but she didn't"

"Yeah, she asked for help when she walked in this district. And we didn't give it to her. I want to run fast and wide"


"Alright, all Addie knows is Mike and TT. She doesn't know their last names, never been to their apartments, nothing" Adam says, walking over to his desk and sits down, "TT's got a bunch of tattoos. Mike sounds like he's from Chicago"

"Alright, well, these are violent men. Let's assume they live violent lives" Hank says.

"Damn, I got 3,276 Mikes in this criminal database" Kevin states.

"Okay, well, the OCD tech estimated Mike's height at, 6'1", weight 180. Eye color, brown. Does that help?" Sam says, looking from her computer.

"Nah, not really. I mean, it trims it down a little bit, but it's still too wide for me"

"Age was estimated, 32 to 36" Brayden says.

"Hey, the land cruiser that was used in the initial robbery was stolen from a residential garage in blue island. The owner says you couldn't see the garage from the street. Could be someone local, talks like Chicago" Hailey says.

"Okay, okay. Copy, Blue Island" Kevin says, typing on his computer, "Now we have 84 with a five mile parameter around Blue Island"

"Guys, we still need to narrow it down more" Kim says, "Any crosses with 'TT' in the jail nickname system?"

"We've got tons of those, but nothing that run up against that 84" Adam says.

"What about tattoos?" Antonio says.

"Hold up" Adam says, clicking on his mouse, "We got seven"

"Whoa...yep, got his ass" Kevin says, turning his computer around, "Look at that, Trent Tagerty, 33 years old, tattoos of the T's on his neck. He did a year with Mike Sheffield at MCC. Mike Sheffield was pinched for armed assault and attempted robbery"

"Alright, print those pictures. Get a confirmation from Addie" Hank says.

"Yeah, and neither has a last known address" Kim says.

"Hannah's ID is everywhere, the footage of them...They can't be out on the street. They'll go to someone they know, trust" Antonio says.

"Someone that's helped them before" Hailey says, reading something off of her computer, "Trent Tagerty has a cousin. Warren. He's 42 years old, runs an apartment in Canaryville. He's posted bond for Trent four times and has an open warrant"

"Alright, gear up. Let's hit it" Hank says, as the team grabs their coats and head down to the roll up.


After finding Trent Tagerty, Hank and Jay interrogate him. Now back on the bullpen, Kim says, "And this Mike, he's quite a guy. He spent more of his life inside institutions than out of them. He's got a few family members still in Chicago. I ran them through Lexisnexis. He's got about seven addresses he could be hiding out at. Got teams en route, Sarg"

"Transport teams posted up, too. Mid way, Greyhound, O'hare. They try to leave the city, we'll know about it" Hailey says.

"Trent said they were on foot, so they're gonna get spotted eventually. They'll trip up" Brayden says. Then they look at Voight, who looks upset about something and says, "Well, how about we find them before they do, hmm?"

"I was just speaking.." Hank cuts Porter off and says, "A possibility that we're gonna prevent. Okay? We're gonna find them first, so we're on the scene first and we're gonna bring them in quiet"

"Chances are, Hannah's gonna be armed. She held a gun before. This might not be a quiet arrest" Antonio says, "Look, I know you feel guilty because you gave her your card"

"I didn't give her my card. My wife did" Hank says, and everyone stays quite, "So let's hit every address they could run to. Try every hotel, pay by the night, hostel. They haven't had time to run far. Let's find them"


The team is vested up and heads to a car lot, where they got a call, that Mike and Hannah were there. And as soon as they get there, Mike turns around and starts shooting at them.

"Gun!" Jay yells.

"5021 satton, 10-1. 10-1. Shots fired at the police" Brayden says into his radio, as Mike brings Hannah into the car dealership and barricades themselves inside.


As more patrol officers show up, the team is behind the patrol cars, aiming their guns at the building, while Hank arrives and goes through the back of the building.

"Antonio, I'm inside" Hank says, over his walkie.


A couple minutes later, Mike and Hannah come out and the cops start shooting.

"Stand down!" Sam yells.

"Move in!" Jay shouts.

The team moves in, as Hank walks outside to see Hannah on the ground, blood pooling around her.

"Oh my god" Hank says, then cradles her body, "I'm so sorry"

Sam walks over to Hank and kneels down next to him, putting her hand on his back and says, "Hank.." then she looks up at her husband with tears in her eyes, hating to see Voight this way.


"You guys sure, you can handle being home by yourselves for a couple hours?" Sam asks her kids. They both nod and Denise says, "we're 16, Sammy. Go. Have fun. We got this"

"Okay. Um, your sister is with Adam. Money for pizza is on the counter and no more soda. It's 8 and you won't be able to sleep, if you do" Sam says.

"Mom, we'll be fine" Wyatt says.

"And nobody over. And lock the doors when I leave"

"Sammy.." Denise says.

There's a knock at the door and Sam takes a deep breath, then she turns around and heads to the front door and opens it to reveal Jay in a very nice suit.

"Wow, you look amazing, Sam"

Sam smiles and says, "Thanks. You too"

Jay holds out his hand for his wife to take, who is hesitant at first, but then takes it, closing the door behind them and the male brunette guides them to his jeep.


How do we think the date went?? πŸ’–

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