005┆chapter five

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five. i love you

▬▬ "THANKS FOR PICKING ME UP." Cassie repeated for the fourth time as she, Claire and Emily made their way into the latter's house. "Dad was at work and I know Paul's on patrol."

"Stop thanking me." The older woman laughed as she waved the teenager off. "Besides, Claire's been asking to see you for a week. She's really missed you."

"I missed her." Cassie smiled at the three-year-old.

"Come on, let's watch a movie!" Claire ran and jumped on the couch making Cassie laugh as she followed her ― it was still a struggle to get around the house with her crutches but she made do. "Emily got The Lion King!"

"That's my favorite movie." Cassie told her as she sat next to the girl, who wore a smile as she clicked a few buttons on the remote until the movie started.

"She's seen it five times since I bought it . . . yesterday." Emily stated as she walked over to the two with a glass of water, the ibuprofen Cassie asked for, and a Ziploc bag filled with ice.

"Then you must know all the songs." Cassie grinned, taking the items from Emily.

"Almost." Claire nodded and Cassie laughed as she put the pills in her mouth then washed them down with the water before putting it on the coaster that sat on the coffee table. She sighed as she settled into the couch, her bad leg stretched out, then she held the bag of ice to her head, wincing at the coldness of it. "You okay?" The kid asked, looking at Cassie as the movie started.

"Yeah, just got a bit of a headache."

"Okay." She smiled as she curled up next to the teenager, who smiled and wrapped her arm around her.

"You sure you're okay?" Emily asked as she sat on the other side of Claire.

"Yeah, my doctor was there. She looked me over. I'm good." She nodded. "Just hurts a little, figured the ice would help some."

"How's the ankle?"

"Sore, but-"

"Shhh!" Claire shushed the two, making them laugh but they settled into silence as they turned towards the tv.

It was about half way into the movie when the guys walked in, all laughing as Embry shoved his way past Quil, taking a seat at the table and that was when the latter saw the girl on the couch.

"Cassie!" Quil grinned and she groaned, grabbing Emily's throw pillow and holding it over her face. "Rude." He muttered, as he turned towards the table.

"It's not you." Emily told the boy as she put the bread she had made on the table, patting the boy on the shoulder as the other flocked towards the food. "There was an accident at-"

"Accident?" Paul questioned, taking quick steps towards his imprint. "Cas, you okay?" He asked only to have the girl groan and lazily kick at him with her good leg.

"She was hit in the head with a frisbee." Emily told him. "She said she's fine but she's had a headache for a while."

"I just want to lay down in a dark room, with no noise." The girl huffed, moving the pillow long enough to get her statement out then she shoved it right back over her face.

"You mind if I take her upstairs?" Paul asked.

"Of course not." Emily gave him a small and he leaned down to pick the girl up, she let the pillow go and wrapped her arms around his neck.

"Okay, come on, Cassie."

"You talk too loud." She mumbled as she buried her face in his neck.

"Sorry." He whispered as he turned, only to trip over her crutches but he caught himself and continued up the stairs as Jared asked the kid about the movie she had been watching.

"There we go." Paul mumbled as he laid Cassie on the bed of the guest room ― that was now Claire's room. "How you feeling, baby?"

"Not good." She mumbled. "Be quiet."

"Okay." He laughed quietly as he pulled the cover over her then he stood up only to have her grab his hand.

"Can you get me some water, please?"

"Yeah, I'll be right back." He smiled as he kissed her forehead then he walked out the door. Cassie sighed as she sunk into the mattress, putting the bag of ice against the sore spot on her head again.







▬▬ CASSIE SHIFTED ON HER BED, leaning against the boy that sat next to her and he smiled as he wrapped his arms around her. He kissed the side of her head as he fixed the book in his hands, he rested his cheek against her black curls as he looked at the page, trying to find the sentence he left off on.

"Okay." He mumbled and she snuggled into him, smiling as he started reading. "I propped myself on my elbows and grinned up at him 'Hey, Johnny. Fancy meeting you here.' He looked down at me over a big package."

Cassie wrapped her arm around his, placing a kiss to his forearm. She couldn't help but smile. He had offered to read to her since her head injury and she could listen to him talk for hours, she would never tell him no. There was something that had shifted between the two of them, they had been closer and she couldn't help but smile at the way he was a little overprotective. Or how he made her smile no matter the situation and she couldn't help but to completely fall for him.

"I love you."

"No, Johnny says-" She cut him off with a laugh and his eyebrows pinched together as he looked down at her.

"No, dork, I love you."

"Did you just-"

"For someone who has super wolf ears, you're kind of hard of hearing." She laughed, moving so she was facing him, her cheeks were a light pink color. "I said I love you."

A smile broke out on his face as he leaned forward, dropping the book on the bed as he pressed a kiss to her lips. "I love you so much." He mumbled against her lips and she giggled as he kissed her again, then he kissed her cheek, then her other cheek, her forehead, the tip of her nose, and then her lips again. "Say it again."

"I love you." She repeated, and his smile grew as he kissed her again as she laid back against the comforter, pulling him on top of her. He pressed his body against her and she let out a soft moan, tugging on his hair as she parted her lips and his tongue moved drifted in deepening the kiss. Paul let out a moan that sounded more animalistic than anything else and Cassie pushed his shoulders a little. He took the hint and rolled, keeping her with him so she was straddling his lap.

They broke apart for air, both breathing deep as they looked at each other. Cassie smiled as she leaned down, her chest flush against his as she ghosted her lips over his. She laughed at his frustration then she leaned back down and pressed a soft, slow kiss to his lips, her hands cupping his cheeks. His hands moved up her back then back down to her thighs, groping here and there but he was careful not to hurt her.

"Hey, I wanna talk to you about something." Cassie sat up, still straddling the boy's waist, lacing their hands together on his stomach.

"Or we could go back to more of this." He told her as he leaned up and pecked her lips, making her laugh.

"I'm serious." She chuckled and he sighed a little as he sat up, shifting closer to the headboard so he had something to lean against, but she stayed on his lap, careful to keep her ankle out of the way until he was situated.

"Okay, I'm listening." He nodded, his hands leaving hers to rest on her things.

"I wanna talk to Sam and see about meeting Allison."

"Oh, you meant serious serious."

Her eyebrows pinched as she tilted her head a little. "What other kind of serious is there?"

"So, you wanna meet Allison?"

"Dork." She laughed lightly. "But, yeah. I wanna meet her and I was hoping to do it sooner rather than later. If things go okay then she can come to my graduation. And I would like to get to know her before . . . " She trailed off.

"Before what?" He asked, his eyebrows creased, but and shook her head. "Tell me."

"No, it's-"

"Cassie, please. If you don't, it's only gonna make me crazy."

She sighed, picking at the polish on her nails. "College."


"I got a few offers out of state and they're really good colleges but-"

"No buts." He cut her off. "When you decide on a school, we'll figure something out. I promise."

"Have I told you that you're the best?"

"I could stand to hear it more." He shrugged and she hit his arm making him laugh before he wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her closer to him. "But an I love you every now and then will suffice."

"Cheese ball." She mumbled with the shake of her head as she leaned closer to him and placed a kiss on his lips, but it didn't last long. A knock on the door made the two pull apart. "Yeah?" Cassie called out.

"There's, uh, a game on." Charlie said through the door and Cassie laughed as she moved off of Paul's lap, her ankle that was wrapped in its brace rested on his leg.

"You can open the door." She told him and he pushed it open, his eyes squinted as if to keep from seeing anything he didn't want to see. "Dad."

He opened his eyes all the way and let out a small sigh. "There's a game on. Wanna watch it with me?"

"Absolutely." Cassie grinned as she moved to get off the bed. "We'll be down in a second."

"Okay." Charlie nodded then walked away, leaving the door open as Cassie fought with her crutches.

"I could just carry you down the stairs."

"I like that plan 100 times better." She nodded and he laughed as he stood up, scooping her up into his arms. She smiled as she wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed his cheek.

"Remember not to do that in front of your dad, I don't need him to follow through with his threats."

"He likes you." She shrugged, kissed the corner of his mouth as he started down the stairs.

"I'm serious, Cassie." He laughed and and just smiled up at him as he stepped off the last step. "Behave."

"You got it, dude." She gave him a thumbs up and he laughed, shaking his head as he walked into the living room and putting her on the couch. Then he sat next to her.

"Who's playing?" The boy asked as he and Cassie settled into the couch, the latter smiling as she tucked herself into his side.

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