014┆chapter fourteen

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fourteen.     morning cuddles

▬▬ CASSIE SIGHED, flopping onto the bed and letting her eyes drift closed but she wore a smile. After the movie and a few hours of nothing but goofing off, everyone left, claiming that it was late and that they all needed their rest. Paul smiled as he walked into the room, his hair still wet from his shower, he could definitely get used to Cassie being in his bed.

"You tired, baby?" He sat on the edge of the bed, reaching over to lightly scratch her scalp and she hummed shifting on the comforter.

"Tonight was fun." She mumbled, turning so her cheek was on the pillow as she looked up at him. "We should do it again."

"Yeah." He nodded. "Now, let's get you in bed. It's late."

"I'm not really tired." She told him as she sat up, his hand falling from her hair to the comforter and he raised an eyebrow at her as she moved her legs were under her, her knees pressed into the mattress.

"You were literally just face down on your pillow."

"And now I'm not." She shrugged and he tilted his head to the side.

"Well, what do you have in mind?"

She smirked, moving off of the bed, then she held her hand out to him which only made the crease in his eyebrow deepen. "Come on." She urged and he sighed, placing his hand in hers and his smile grew. He was still confused as she pulled him up then into the living room, where the fort was still hung up over the couch and stretched across the width of the living room.

"What are you doing?"

"You ask a lot of questions." She mumbled, dropping his hand before falling to her hands and knees ― his eyes went wide when her shorts, that were already shot, moved farther up her thighs ― then she disappeared into the fort. "You gonna join me or what?" She asked, sticking her head out of the fort and he shook himself out of his thoughts then followed the girl into the fort. She was sitting in front of the tv with a few DVDs in her hand as she shifted through them, trying to find something for them to watch.

"What movie are you looking for?" He asked, sitting behind her and resting his chin on her shoulder.

"I don't know yet." She told him, moving the School of Rock DVD to the bottom of the stack that was in her hands and a smile pulled at her lips when she was the cover of the next case. "What about Hot Chick?"

"With Rob Schneider?"

"He makes me laugh."

"You really just wanted to watch a movie?" He asked and she looked at him over her shoulder.

"What did you think I wanted to do?" She raised her eyebrows at him and his jaw fell open before he closed it, not really knowing what to say and she chuckled. "Not tonight, baby." She kissed his cheek then leaned forward to put the movies back on the stand before she put Hot Chick in the DVD player and started it. She fixed the pillows so they were against the couch and she leaned back against them as Paul sat next to her, wrapping his arm around her shoulders and pulling her to him.







▬▬ CASSIE SAT UP, yawning as she stretched her arms above her head, hitting the roof of the fort. She rubbed her eyes, trying to shake the sleepiness away then she crawled out of the fort and stood up. Her eyes were narrowed as she looked around, another yawn falling from her lips as she turned towards the kitchen and she smiled upon seeing Paul standing by the stove in nothing but a pair of basketball shorts. She made her way over to her, her feet dragging across the floor until she stopped behind him, wrapping her arms around his torso as she laid her head on his back just below his shoulder blades.

"Good morning." He chuckled, raising the pan from the stove and flipping the egg he was cooking in the air before catching it in the pan. "How'd you sleep?"

"Not great." She hummed. "Did you leave last night? I got cold and when I woke up you weren't next to me. I was worried, but I guess not worried enough to stay awake." She told him, her eyes closed as she relished in the warmth he put off.

"Uh, yeah." He nodded. "Sam called me for a late patrol run. I was hoping you wouldn't notice."

"Well, I did." She hummed. "Remind me to have a talk with Sam."

"Will do." He chuckled. "You ready for breakfast?" He turned to put the egg on a plate and she shuffled her feet as she moved behind him. "You gonna let go?"

"Nope." She shook her head. "I'm cold." He laughed as he put the pan on the stove, the eye now off, then he reached behind him and pulled the girl around so she was pressed to his chest and he wrapped his arms around her, leaning down to peck her nose which brought a smile to her lips.

"You gotta eat, baby."

"But you're so warm." She mumbled, pressing her palms against his back.

"Eat, then we can cuddle until we have to be at Emily's. Deal?"

"Deal." She nodded, pulling away from him as she took the plate and made her way over to the small table that was sat to the side of the kitchen. He smiled as he followed her with his own plate and two mugs of coffee. Paul sat down, joining the girl at the table as she pulled her coffee towards her and took a sip, he looked at the girl, his brows creased a little. "What?" She questioned, putting her mug on the table. But she didn't get an answer, he just leaned over, grabbed her chair and pulled it closer to his and she couldn't help but smile as he reached over and pulled her plate closer to her.

"You were too far away." He told her and she laughed, her cheeks pink as he leaned over and kissed her shoulder.

"Eat your food." She told him but all he could do was watch her. The blush on her cheeks deepened and she ducked her head making her hair fall forwards to hide it, she was absolutely adorable.







▬▬ AS PROMISED, after breakfast Cassie and Paul spent most of the morning cuddled up together in bed. Paul was laying on top of her, his chin on the back of his hands that were on her stomach and she had her legs wrapped around his torso and her hands playing with his hair.

Neither really said anything, it was nice to be alone for a while especially since Embry wasn't around to complain about the fact that they were so in love that it was nauseating. Cassie said he only made comments because he was bitter, which was true to an extent. He did feel a little lonely, but he was happy for them mostly because all he ever wanted was for Cassie to be happy and he had never seen her as happy as she was when she was with Paul.

After fixing her hair and changing out of her pajamas, Cassie and Paul made their way to Emily's. Paul had suggested that they walk since it wasn't that far but Cassie insisted on driving her truck and she used that smile, that smile could get him to do just about anything and he caved before climbing to the passenger seat as the girl pulled herself into the driver's seat. It was a short drive, not even five minutes, and they were outside of Emily's house and Claire was running out the door towards them.

"Claire-bear!" Cassie grinned, squatting down and the girl barreled into her, sending her to the dirt with a groan and a laugh. "You should play football." Cassie told her, laughing as the girl pushed herself up and held her hand out. She took it but she pushed herself up with her other hand.

"You two okay?" Paul chuckled looking between the two.

"Cassie said I should play football."

"You tackled me to the ground, and I think you bruised my ribs." The teenager mumbled, holding her hand to the sore spot of her ribcage, her face scrunched in pain.

"I didn't mean to."

"I know, kiddo." Cassie gave her a smile. "I'll be okay." She smoothed her hand over her hair. "Now, let's get inside. We got a full day of coloring ahead of us." The kid smiled and turned towards the house, pulling Cassie with her and Paul matched his girlfriend's pace.

"You really okay?"

"Yeah." She nodded. "Felt like I was hit with a ton of bricks though."

"Then you're not okay."

"I will be." She nodded. "You worry too much."

"You always say I worry too much."

"Cause you do." She told him as they made their way up the porch and into the house.

"Stop getting hurt and I won't worry so much." He retorted.

"I can't help it. I'm accident prone."

"You get it honestly." Sam added. "Mom can be a little clumsy sometimes."

"See? I can't help it. It's in my DNA." She told her boyfriend and he rolled his eyes, but a smile pulled at his lips.

"Cassie." Emily smiled, stepping out of the kitchen and making her way over to the girl. "You hungry?"

"Actually, Paul made breakfast, so I'm good."

"I'm hungry." Paul raised his hand a little and Emily chuckled, waving him over to the table and a wide smile pulled at his lips as he sat down. Cassie chuckled as she sat on the couch, Claire sitting on the floor in front of her with a coloring book and her crayons. It wasn't long before the rest of the guys showed up, even Leah was there but she stayed with Cassie and Claire as they guys ate.

Cassie shifted on the couch and winched, holding her hand to her ribs as she moved again and Leah's eyebrows pulled together as she looked at the girl next to her.

"You okay?" She asked, drawing the attention of the guys to them.

"Oh, yeah." Cassie nodded. "Claire jumped on me earlier and I think her elbow or something hit my ribs. I'm just a little sore. You guys can go back to eating, I'm fine." She told the others, not even looking over at them.

"Let me see." Leah told her and her eyebrows creased. "My mom's a nurse, I picked up a few things." Cassie sighed as she leaned back against the couch and pulled her shirt up just even for the older girl to get a look at her rib. "Here?" She asked, using two fingers to press down and Cassie winched.


"Yeah, there's a bruise." She nodded. "But you should be fine."

"Should be?" Paul questioned, making his way over to them.

"I am fine." Cassie corrected. "I've had bruises before. So stop worrying."

"Not gonna happen." He shook his head and he leaned over the back of the couch. "Are you really okay?"

"Yes." She nodded and he raised his eyebrow at her. "I'm gonna punch you in that cute little face of yours." She mumbled.

"Do it! Do it!" Embry, Quil, Seth and Jared cheered as Sam laughed at them.

"Yeah, then you'll have a broken hand." Jacob told her.

"It'll be worth it." She hummed, smiling at the boy that had narrowed his eyes at her. "Totally worth it."

"Weirdo." He mumbled, leaning forward and placing a kiss to her lips, getting a groan from Leah, Jacob and Embry.

"Alright, we should head out." Sam stated, placing a kiss on Emily's lips. "Last day to prepare."

"Let's go." Jared jumped up, clapping his hands together as the others made their way to the door.

"I'll see you later, weirdo." Paul mumbled, placing another kiss on Cassie's lips and she smiled at him as he stood up and walked out the door.

"Oh, I love that boy." She mumbled, mostly to herself and Emily chuckled as she sat next to her on the couch. "Is this how you feel about Sam? He drives you crazy but in the best way possible." 

"Yeah." She nodded, her cheeks pink. "I couldn't live without him." She mumbled as she toyed with the ring that sat on her finger. 

"You know, I had a crush on Paul when we were little." Cassie chuckled a little, looking over at the woman. "But I never thought we'd end up together." 

"The universe had other plans." 

"Yeah, I guess so." Cassie hummed and it grew quite, Cassie still wore a smile as she thought about the boy.

"So, what are we doing today?" The oldest of the three asked, looking from Cassie to her niece. 

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