v. upstanding citizen.

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   THE ONCE FREEZING COLD weather of winter was slowly starting to dissipate and Danielle couldn't have been more thankful. Though the air continued to nip at the skin, it was no longer necessary to wear so many layers.

   Nearly an entire month had passed since the murder of Joel Miller and Danielle had been thankfully given a job within the community of Jackson. Due to her advanced medical knowledge, which had surprised many of the community doctors, she had been allowed to begin working in the medical centre. It was all thanks to the recommendation of both Tommy and Maria, both of whom had been incredibly accommodating to the young girl.

   As far as the medic knew, her involvement with the WLF was still not public knowledge. Tommy had insisted no one would ever find out, which Danielle was thankful for, though she wondered why. Why was the Miller man going to such lengths to defend her? He should blame her and yet he just...didn't.

   While Danielle appreciated it, she was still waiting for the other shoe to drop. Sooner or later, reality would set in for Tommy, the anger he buried away within would surface and she'd been gone. It was only a matter of time and she knew it. This was why Danielle had been working extra hard, trying to prove herself. In her short time in Jackson, the young girl had become an upstanding citizen.

   It had been about five days since the young girl had laid eyes upon Ellie Williams. She had been walking back home when she noticed the lights on Joel's porch on, cascading down on the figure of Ellie. The freckled girl had been hunched over in the rocking chair, her eyes staring down at her feet. Danielle had never seen someone look so completely lost before.

   Not wanting to intrude, Danielle had quickly picked up her pace, almost sprinting until she reached the comfort of the home she had been given. It was there she released a deep breath she hadn't realised she'd been holding.

   She felt so lightheaded around the freckled redhead. Every glance her way, sent Danielle into a tizzy. She had chalked it up to nerves which was understandable. Facing Ellie scared the living daylights out of her. Which was exactly the cause of her funny breathing pattern as she walked closer and closer, the snow crunching beneath her feet, to the small Garage owned by Ellie.

   Only minutes before she was to finish for the day, the young brunette had been pulled aside by Maria. According to the woman in charge, Tommy had requested that Danielle check up on Ellie, which had surprised her to say the least. I mean, what was she supposed to say? She couldn't exactly say no, could she?

   As she stood outside the door, a faint conversation could be heard inside, just beyond the closed wooden door. With a tense sigh, Danielle lifted her left hand and knocked upon the door, which opened in seconds. There stood both Ellie and Tommy, both of whom looked absolutely exhausted and in the middle of an important discussion.

   "Oh, I'm sorry. I'll come back." Danielle muttered out before backtracking, preparing herself to spin on her heel and fast walk, nay sprint away from Ellie's humble abode.

"No Danielle, It's okay. I called you here for a reason." Tommy words caused Danielle to halt in place. She was hoping he wouldn't say that. The situation already appeared tense enough without her involvement thrown in. "Can you please check up on Ellie here?"

   A warm glow filled the room, contrasting greatly with the ice cold atmosphere. The young girl couldn't help the confused expression that painted itself across her face. "Sorry?"

   The man simply pointed at the redhead as he lead Danielle into the room, closing the front door behind her. "Ellie. She's been refusing to eat properly."

   "Tommy, I'm not sure if I'm the best person for the job." Danielle awkwardly observed, her grip on the medkit loosening as her palms began to moisten.

   "Just get it over with." The girl in question just sighed out. Ellie didn't exactly want this but she also knew Tommy wouldn't let up until he knew she was healthy enough, strong enough.

   Not wanting to argue, Danielle muttered a faint, "Okay." before moving over to the redhead, though her movements were understandably hesitant. Ellie appeared very upset and Danielle didn't particularly want to face her wrath.

   There was a moment of silence while Danielle internally freaked out. Her mind was racing as she struggled to decide on what was the best course of action to relaying Ellie's health status as fast as possible. The young girl then reached into her bag and pulled out a blood pressure cuff, determining this to be the best choice. It was quick, simple and if Ellie's blood pressure was well and truly low, it would confirm that the redhead had in fact not be eating.

   "So they just get to get away with this?" Ellie questioned her uncle figure, trying her best to ignore the feeling of the blood pressure cuff that was currently wrapped around her bicep.

"No one wants that." The blond man attempted to defend his words.

The auburn haired girl voice caught in her throat as she uttered the words, "Yeah but that's what's happening."

   The Miller man seemed stuck, his words feeling as though he was forcing them through his teeth. As though he didn't believe them truly. "What if we get hit by hunters again?"

   "Is this you talking or is this her?" Danielle could only assume that the 'her' Ellie spoke of was Tommy's wife and leader of Jackson, Maria.

"It's a valid point." It was.

"If it were you or me, Joel would be halfway to Seattle already."

"No he wouldn't." Tommy shook his head, refusing to make eye contact with either girl in the room.

   From the rise of emotion within Ellie, the blood pressure cuff had proven futile in obtaining an accurate reading which caused Danielle to begin removing the cuff, trying her best to not glance down at the tattoo that stood out beautifully against the fair, freckled skin of Ellie's forearm.

"He absolutely fucking would be—"

   Tommy was quick to cut the Williams girl off, stopping her from speaking about what his brother may or may not have done. "We don't even know for certain that they're from Seattle."

   "'Washington Liberation Front.' That's what you said was on those patches. And if you just fucking let me ask her, we'd know for certain." Ellie all but yelled at the man as she pointed over at the brunette, frustration interwoven perfectly with her words.

   Though her words were harsh, especially as she made her feelings for Danielle exceptionally clear, Danielle couldn't help but agree with the freckled girl. She did know more about the WLF than both Tommy and Ellie. It had seemed initially quite odd to her that Tommy hadn't questioned her about her previous alignment with the WLF. He didn't seemed that interested which Danielle had simply chalked up to Tommy perhaps knowing more about the WLF than she had assumed.

   Ellie's words in that moment confirmed for her that Tommy didn't know anything which begged the question, why hadn't he asked her or even allowed Ellie to ask her?

   "What if the WLF moved?" The blond man's question pulled Danielle out of her stupor, putting a stop to the mass array of questions that flooded her mind, mixing amongst her Neurons.

   "What are you doing?" Ellie stood from the couch, pushing Danielle's hands away from her as she did forcing the brunette to take several steps back in the direction of the small kitchen.

   The room had fallen victim to a bitter silence. Neither Tommy nor Danielle knew what to say in response to Ellie's outburst of emotion and it was crystal clear from perturbed expressions upon their faces.

   "You know what?" A sniff could be heard as Ellie rubs at her eyes, wiping away any residual tears that threatened to fall before she folded her arms across her chest, a stoic expression on her face. "I'm leaving tomorrow. And if you want to come with me, great."

"You have no idea what you're walking into. You don't know how large that group is, how armed—"

   "I don't care." Ellie simply replied. She was so sure of her decision. She'd leave at that very moment if she could. "You can't talk me out of this."

   "Give me a day to talk to Maria, okay?" The blonde man all but begged of the young Williams girl. His hands moved in a way that even a person in passing would understand was from nerves. "Gotta be some folks she can spare."

   "And if she won't budge?" Ellie continued on speaking, her words dripping with attitude which was easy to catch. It didn't take a genius to detect the feelings of annoyance that practically oozed from the auburn haired girl.

"Well, I'll figure something out."

   "One day." Tommy's eyes convened a sincerity that Danielle had not seen in years. The last time being from her mother, though she hardly remembered the woman. "Please."

   "Okay." Ellie conceded as the two embraced in a quick hug before pulling away. With a quick glance in Danielle's direction, Tommy headed for the front door and disappeared into the night.

   Danielle stood as still as possible. The conversation between the two had sent her body into a shutdown of sorts. A sharp tug within her gut had been ailing her for the past few minutes, the girl desperately wanting to divulge information to the redhead that could potentially aid in her inevitable trek in Seattle.

   After releasing a sigh, Danielle cleared her throat. She hoped to catch the Williams girl's attention and alert her of her own presence still in the room. "Ellie?"

   "What?" The Williams girl groaned out. The emotion heavy conversation with Tommy caused the redhead to forget Danielle was still there.

   "You're right." Danielle simply said, gripping tightly to the small medkit in her hands. She knew more about the WLF than both Tommy and Ellie. It only made sense that she divulge some useful information. At her words Ellie turned to glance the brunette direction. "They are from Seattle. Everyone lives inside this huge stadium."

   Though before Ellie could truly digest this information, Danielle continued with a sigh. "But Tommy is also right. There's a war happening in Seattle. It's not just the WLF. There's also outposts all throughout the city. They are everywhere."

   "Good to know." The freckled girl replied with a tone of disinterest, though Danielle knew better. If she was right, Ellie was currently cataloguing every single detail she had just received so she would be prepared for what was to come.

   "You should eat something. You'll need strength if you want any chance at beating them." Danielle advised the redhead before closing the door behind her, leaving Ellie alone with her thoughts.


jamielee's thoughts.
i had it planned right from the start that Ellie would kind of force Danielle into going to Seattle so that's coming in the next chapter plus a proper cameo from Maria!! Like obviously Ellie knows that Danielle feels guilty and is planning on using it to her advantage. she will and does feel bad for doing it but getting revenge for Joel matters more to her. Anyway hope you enjoyed :)

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