002-new kid on the block

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The Wheeler girl was currently sitting within Jonathan's car, which was parked in the Hawkins High lot. They'd arrived to school ten minutes ago, but neither had a reason to exit the vehicle, and instead sat chatting whatever came to mind with one another.

"I mean, he's been a little off since he came back." Jonathan replied, not seeming to find anything different about his brother. Sure, he'd been slightly distant at times and sometimes, when you grabbed his attention, he'd look at you like he'd just seen a ghost but, the Byers had brushed that off as being jumpy. "But, other than the usual off-ness, no. Why?"

"When I supervised the boys at the arcade, he blanked out." the Wheeler sighed, looking out the 1971 Ford Galaxie window. She wasn't going to tell Jonathan firmly about the visions Will had told her about—while he did deserve to know, it was Will's story to tell, not hers—but it couldn't hurt to discreetly mention something. "I'm sure it's not anything to worry about, it just got be wondering if he's been different lately."

Jonathan shook his head, "He hasn't, but if you want, I can keep a closer eye on him than I have been. Make sure everything's okay—"

"No, no, he's probably fine. I'm just being over-concerned." Carla wasn't sure who she was trying to reassure here—Jonathan or herself. "I'd just let him be, or he'll probably get upset—you know how he is when it comes to people telling him he needs help and stuff. Besides, he'd come to you or Joyce if he needed it, right?"

"Right." Jonathan nodded, "But, just say the word and I'll try to watch over him more when I'm able."

"Thanks." Carla gave a light smile before putting her hand on the door handle, "I'm gonna head to my locker to grab my stuff, see you at lunch." She sent an air kiss towards the boy, who returned the gesture by placing a hand on his cheek—old habits never died.

The brunette exited the car and started walking across the parking lot to the front doors, trying not to draw too much attention to herself—especially from Tommy H and Carol who, while being dropped by Steve, still found it fun to fuck around with Carla.

Last year had already drawn enough attention to the Wheeler girl. She'd missed a few days of school due to monster hunting and doctor check-ups as well as just resting at home, and when she'd returned, she had gashes along her wrists and a sling. She couldn't really not draw attention.

Despite the rumors from—none other than Tommy H and Carol—that she'd tried to off herself because of the wrist scars, Nancy, Jonathan and Steve claimed she'd fallen wrong. A weak excuse, but honestly, Carla didn't have anything better and the shallow minded people of Hawkins seemed to believe it.

No one really bothered her, but if Tommy was feeling exceptionally crude and decided to make a hard blow about her scars, Steve was always there to snap something back if he was there, or whenever he could. He'd been a really good friend since everything went down, and the Wheeler appreciated the support he gave.

Speaking of Steve, the girl soon passed by the Harrington's BMW. Beside him was her sister, as per usual. While Carla took a ride from Jonathan, Nancy took one with her boyfriend—Steve was always willing to drive her too, but Carla would rather not third wheel from the backseat and always declined.

From the passenger seat, she sees Nancy holding a sheet of paper with a pencil in hand, circling something on it. The two then began to talk—this was probably a rough draft to a college essay, which Carla had tried to help with a few nights ago over the phone—and then, their lips were connected and the Wheeler girl looked away, finally realizing she'd been staring in the middle of the parking lot.

It had been a year since she lied to Steve, saying she didn't remember the words they exchanged, since they became just friends again. Despite it being her choice to try and move on, to allow Steve to be all Nancy's, she still couldn't watch them do anything romantic.

Carla sighed and started walking towards the school again, but before she could go anywhere far, her ears were filled with the sound of a roaring engine. The girl turned her head with furrowed brows to see a blue Camaro speeding right past her, swooping past the other cars and parking opposite to Steve's.

The rock music that had been blasting from the vehicle fades away as the driver's door swings open, a foot stomping harshly upon the blacktop. A boy with a mullet of blonde hair then steps out, his figure covered in full denim attire. Carla stares at the attention seeking boy, unsure on what to think—as did the rest of the teens within the lot.

Everyone was gawking at the boy, girls stared in awe of his physique and looks while boys gave dirty looks, hoping he wouldn't steal their girlfriends. Even Steve and Nancy had exited their car, standing beside their respective doors as they watched the boy scan the perimeter.

The blonde boy continued to look around at the teens before his eyes locked on Carla, who was standing right in his view point—the girl still standing in front of Steve's BMW. Tossing his cigarette on the ground, the boy makes his way over to her, the Wheeler watching with an unsure expression. Why would this new kid want to talk to her?

"And who might this pretty thing be?" the boy asked, scanning her up and down.

Carla couldn't help the light laugh that fell from her lips at his comment. She'd never been spoken to like that before—Steve had been her first and only boyfriend, and no other boys deemed her worthy enough for their time, which she didn't want anyway.

Meeting the boy's piercing blue eyes, Carla replied, "Carla Wheeler, and who might you be?"

"You, sweetheart, are in the presence of Billy Hargrove." the boy—Billy—spoke in a rather flattering tone, eyes not leaving hers.

Carla wraps her arms around her body, noticing the way the whole parking lot was watching their interaction intently because what would Billy want with Carla? "Well, Billy, it looks like you've made quite the first impression."

"Really?" Billy asks, looking around as if he hadn't a clue that the whole school was staring at him, or that he'd made a rather dramatic arrival to the school. "I could hardly notice when you were standing right in front of me."

Carla couldn't help the small smile that appeared on her face at his words, slightly flustered by them—no one had ever really flirted with her."Is that supposed to be a compliment, Hargrove?"

"I'll be seeing you later." Billy gave another smile, his charm seeping through before strutting towards the school entrance, ignoring the way the teenage girls watched his figure, smirks growing on their faces as they let dirty thoughts take over their minds.

Carla watched as he walked away, a hand uncurling itself from her chest and instead running through her hair. She quickly looked beside her at her sister and ex, only one of which meeting her gaze. Nancy sent a both concerned and confused look towards her sister, while Steve's narrowed eyes were locked on the Hargrove boy.

The Wheeler hated to admit it, but the way Billy had spoken to her....it made her feel flattered. Unlike most at Hawkins High, he noticed her specifically, chose to speak to her—and not for directions. He chose to speak to her out of all the girls at the school; girls who were already fan-girling over him, and were definitely more attractive.

But, for some reason, Billy had spoken to Carla—had called her pretty, said he was so stuck on her he didn't even notice the crowd—and honestly....she liked it.

Carla took in a breath and started walking away, heading into the school as she tried to keep a smile from appearing on her face.

Carla then put her head back down, trying to let loose all the attention she'd just gotten before heading inside of the school and to her locker, grabbing her books and heading to her first period of the day, trying to keep the smile on her face hidden away.

The bell rang, signaling the end of class.

Teens all let out collective sounds of gratefulness, grabbing their bags and books and exiting the classroom, free from work and lessons for a few moments. Carla slung her bag over her shoulder, sending a friendly smile towards Mrs. Vaughn, the teacher of the class.

She was quick to spot Nancy and Jonathan doing the same—the Wheeler sharing the class with her best friend and sister—and quickly joined their side, filing out of the room. Leaning against the door was fellow classmate Tina, a stack of orange papers in her hands.

"Hey, Carla." Tina sent a smile towards the Wheeler girl, gently grabbing one of the orange sheets and handing it to her, "You should come."

Carla sent a smile in return, "Thanks."

"You're coming to this." Nancy's voice spoke from in front of Carla, the girl grinning at the boy beside her. Carla's eyes scanned over the orange paper, reading 'Tina's Halloween Bash. Come and get Sheet Faced.' in bold lettering.

"Come and get sheet faced." Jonathan read the sheet out loud with fake amusement. Nancy's smile didn't falter, causing the Byers boy to turn to her with a fake smirk as he added, "No, I'm not."

The two teens had gotten closer since last year, which made Carla happy. Instead of it being just her and Jonathan all the time, Nancy now talked with them in the halls, ate lunch with them when she wanted too, and joined in on certain hangouts. Maybe it was the shared trauma, or maybe the two really did have a mutual liking for one another—though, if she's honest, Carla's sure Jonathan more than just liked Nance.

Carla comes to Jonathan's other side, "I know I should be trying to help you out here, Jonathan, but I'm not just gonna let you sit around all night on Halloween."

"It's just not acceptable." Nancy adds.

"Well, you can both relax. I'm not gonna be alone." the Byers boy replies in a happy tone, looking at Nancy as their pace slowed,"If Carla hasn't told you already, I'm going trick or treating with Will."

"All night?"

"Yeah." Jonathan replies in a obvious tone. He then nudges the other Wheeler, unimpressed that she was siding with her sister. "Carla, back me up here."

"I would love to back you up, but it's more fun if I don't." the Wheeler gives a sly smile, the Byers sending an eye roll her way in return. "I know that from experience, the boys don't take that long to trick-or-treat, so you'll be home around eight."

Nancy continues, "And you'll be listening to the Talking Heads and reading Vonnegut or something."

Jonathan shrugged, "Sounds like a nice night."

"Jonathan, just come. I mean, who knows, you might even, like, meet someone—" Nancy starts to open her locker as her words are cut off, the girl letting out a shriek in shock. Carla stops in her tracks next to Jonathan, watching as Steve—who must have been waiting for his girlfriend to get close to her locker—picked Nancy up from behind, spinning her around.

Carla didn't allow herself to watch more of the interaction, and was quickly walking towards her own locker. Jonathan followed—there wasn't much reason for him to stand and watch either—coming up beside his best friend and asking, "So, are you seriously going to get sheet faced?"

"If by that, you mean, am I going to Tina's party—" Carla gave a small smile, "—then yes."

"Don't you not like parties?" Jonathan countered. He knew the Wheeler had never been a party goer, and rarely made appearances—as did he. Usually, she'd tag along with trick or treating, watching her brother, Will, Dustin and Lucas ring door bells and chat with Jonathan as they walked around town.

Carla shrugged, "I don't love parties, but it could be fun. You never know unless you go."

"Not only do I not do parties, but I don't want to disappoint Will anymore then he already will be when I tell him you're not coming."

"You know damn well that Will won't mind. He has the boys to keep him company, and besides, aren't they a little old for supervision? You and I were trick or treating alone by the time we were thirteen." Carla replies, stopping at her locker, "But, I guess I can't blame you. I've always enjoyed spending Halloween with them."

"Whether or not you're right, I'm still gonna pass." the Byers boy answers, setting his answer in stone, "Vonnegut and Talking Heads sounds much better than a party at Tina's where the main goal is to get sheet faced."

Carla rolled her eyes, "You need to stop saying sheet faced."

"It's my new favorite word." Jonathan replied, giving a light smile before walking away to his next class. The Wheeler girl rolled her eyes and dialed in her code, putting down her book and grabbing a new one for her next period of the day.

Sheet faced. Jonathan was right when he had said she wasn't a fan of parties—because, well, she wasn't. She wasn't a popular kid by any means, and wasn't a fan of drinking, nor did parties really appeal to her in general. But, after last year, going to a party felt normal. It would be what a normal teenager would be doing. And all Carla wanted was to be normal again.

Besides, like Nancy said.....maybe she'd meet someone and finally get over Steve once and for all.

The slam of a locker caused Carla to jump, and her eyes quickly met Billy Hargrove—who'd shut her locker door rather quickly, causing the loud slam.

With a smirk plastered on his face, he spoke. "Carla."

"Billy," Carla spoke in a similar tone. Books pressed to her chest, the girl turned around, back pressed against her locker. The Hargrove boy leaned against the one next to her, "To what do I owe the pleasure?"

"What would you say about going to Tina's party with me?" Billy asked, a flirty smirk still on his face.

Carla didn't know much about Billy Hargrove. He had a bad boy attitude, smoked cigarettes and was rather flirty—none of which the Wheeler found attractive. But, he sure knew how to charm a girl and could flatter her with ease, even if he just called her pretty. And, while it was a long shot, maybe just maybe, she could have a chance with this new boy. He clearly had interest in her, and maybe if she knew him better, she'd have interest in him.

"I don't know you very well, Billy." Carla acted as if she were thinking, despite having an already set answer in her head. She just wanted to play with the Hargrove boy before she revealed it, "How am I supposed to know you'll make it worth my while if I say yes?"

"I promise it will be worth your while." the Hargrove replied, "Besides, you'll know me better than yourself by the end of the night, sweetheart."

Carla opened her mouth to answer before her eyes caught Steve and Nancy passing by her and the new boy. Her sister seemed in the middle of a conversation, too lost to notice Carla, while Steve on the other hand, sent another glare towards the Hargrove, an emotion he couldn't quite decipher bubbling inside of him as he watched the boy talk to her.

Once they passed, the Wheeler continued.

"Okay, fine." Carla's lips turned upward, "I'll go with you to Tina's party."

Little did Carla know, she was setting herself up for failure.

maras misc

steve is so jealous of billy with carla it ain't funny.

this chapter was pretty fun to re-write! because of the problem with netflix i won't be able to write anything new for gone and shit so im gonna focus on the re-write's for now!

hope you enjoyed <3 see you back with chapter three!

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