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;;after the constant teasing of his boyfriend Jeongguk, in public. taehyung had enough.


There is one thing Jeongguk could do best: teasing his boyfriend and what is better than teasing your boyfriend in public? right nothing.
But Taehyung wouldn't agree to this and Jeongguk soon would find out what would happen if he took it too far.

Both walked around the park hand in hand, licking their ice cream on a hot summer day. Jeongguk had some yogurt and Taehyung blueberry. They decided to sit down on the grass for a while, under a tree.

Jeongguk looked over his boyfriend and when they made eye contact Jeongguk licked slowly over his ice cream. Yogurt on his tongue, he knew it looked like something else and that's exactly what he wanted. He licked his lips and licked his ice cream in a sexual way. People looked at the two and Taehyung's eyes darken and he knew what the little devil was doing.

"Mhh yummy" Jeongguk almost moaned and took a bit more in his mouth, bobbing his head slightly. Taehyung's jaw clenched and Jeongguk knew what an effect he had on him.

"Stop that gguk" Taehyung voice got an octave deeper and Jeongguk just looked at him innocently. "I'm just eating my ice cream" after seeing Taehyung's serious face he stopped. for now.

When the two of them walked around he accidentally dropped his wallet in front of taehyung and he bends down, his ass directly in front of Taehyungs crotch. He had taehyung's favorite shorts on and took his time putting the coins back. He heard Taehyung mumble something behind him and he got back up. "Oops" he said and walked as if nothing happens, ignoring the people that saw that.

Taehyung's cheek heat up slightly he kept walking while Jeongguk swayed his hips more than usual. Taehyung growled and speed up to walk next to him. "Babe what are you doing" he gritted his teeth and looked at Jeongguk smiling.

"what do you mean Taehyungie?" he took taehyungs hand in his and showed him his adorable bunny smile. The olders expression softened and kissed his hand. "forget it"

In the evening when the sun got down they put their swimsuits on and walked to the beach near. It wasn't so hot anymore and the sunset looked really pretty.

Jeongguk took his shirt off while Taehyung laid the blankets and towels on the soft sand. Jeongguk smirked to himself and pulled his pants down, his swim shorts were very short and a bit too tight but his figure looked so good in it and it made him look so hot.

After hearing someone whistling Taehyung turned around and his eyes widen at Jeongguk's body. He immediately knew that someone whistled for his boyfriend.

"what the fuck jeongguk" taehyung was angry at him for wearing something like this on the beach. With everything curve visible. How bubbly his butt is and how tiny his waist looked .

Jeongguk neatly folded his clothes and he smirked inside. "what is it?" he asked if he didn't know what he meant. "what it is? what are you wearing??" Taehyung pointed at his body and furrowed his eyebrows.

"But I look hot" he took a step towards Taehyung and put his hands on his chest. "My ass looks so good in those pants, my waist looks so tiny don't you think?" It was almost a whisper and Taehyung felt himself harden and he didn't like it one bit when it was in public and people were looking at them.

"of course you look hot but that's for my eyes only!" he said and looked in Jeongguk's eyes with a dark look in his eyes. For a moment Jeongguk felt intimidated but he just smiled and accidentally pushed his hand against taehyung's half hard dick.

"we should get in the water, I'm so hot"
With a sweet smile he turned around pulling his shorts higher and walking in the water. Taehyung's eyes widen and people whistled at his boyfriend. He took big steps and followed Jeongguk inside.

"What the hell??" Taehyung was angry at him for doing all that in public and that he was hard was even worse. Jeongguk smiled and ran his hand through his hair and while doing that he looked so fucking sexy.

Jeongguk swam closer to him and wrapped his arms and legs around him. "mhh is someone hard for me?" he giggled as he felt Taehyung's bulge against his ass. Taehyung really had enough but he would show him at home how pissed he was.

For a while both swam around and had fun, kissed and laughed together. Jeongguk got slowly out of the water, Taehyung was already outside and drinking his juice and watching Jeongguk walking slowly, hands running through his hair. His waist so tiny and his hips swaying so sexy. Taehyung gulped and his jaw dropped.

Jeongguk smiled and sat down on taehyung's lap, His ass directly on his dick when he kissed Taehyung softly. "mh your dick in me would be really nice right now" he whispered against Taehyung's lips and Taehyung choked on his spit.

"Oh my god Jeongguk" Taehyung didn't know if he heard that right or if he really said that. "I'm so tight Taehyungie and you would feel so good" Jeongguk moaned in his ear and Taehyung's dick twitched.

People walking by looked at the two and Taehyung was so embarrassed. "we're going home now!" Taehyung said with a serious voice and Jeongguk didn't expect it. "get up go" Taehyung said and he sounded angry, he got up and looked at taehyung. "I'm sorry.." Jeongguk said and he was afraid that taehyung was angry at him.

Taehyung put his shirt back on and jeongguk did the same with pants and shirt. Taehyung didn't say anything while packing everything back in his backpack and while walking home. Jeongguk was really worried that he made him really angry and disappointed.

When they finally came back home Taehyung took his shoes off and left the backpack on the floor, he turned around to look at Jeongguk."take off your clothes now" taehyung facial expression showed that he was pissed and Jeongguk was a bit worried.

Without wasting more time and making Taehyung even angrier he took all clothes off and stood shyly next to him. Taehyung looked him up and down, smirking inside while staring at his thick thighs and plump ass. "in the bedroom. now" Jeongguk knew better than to protest, with slow steps he walked over to their bedroom and sat down on the bed.

Taehyung followed him to their bedroom, watching his boyfriend do exactly what he wants him to. As if that would help him avoid getting his little punishment. "so tell me what was that today? trying to get on my nerves?" Taehyung watched his boyfriend look at him with wide doe eyes, shaking his head. "no? It didn't seem like that" he clicked with his tongue and jeongguk knew he fucked up.

"I have an Idea" taehyung smirked at him and walked next to the bed and pulled out some handcuffs. Jeongguks eyes widen and he knew that taehyung would punish him for today.

"no tae please" he whispered at looked up at his older boyfriend with pleading eyes. On one side he was excited to get punished again. You could say that it happens more than it should.

"oh baby you acted like a little whore today just to get some dick and if you want it so bad then I give it to you" taehyung caressed jeongguks cheeks and pulled him up to cuff his hands on the bed. Jeongguk was surprised at taehyungs words, he wasn't expecting him to say that.

"you do?" he asked carefully the boy standing before him with a weird look. Taehyung took his shirt off and slowly laid down between jeongguk's legs. "Of course my little slut, you get what you want" he winked at him and pulled lube out of the drawer and put some on his fingers.

Jeongguk felt his dick twitching out of excitement and taehyung saw that. "You get what you want but if you like it, I'm not sure" with a smirk he pushed two fingers in jeongguks hole at once. He whimpered at the sudden stretch but it didn't really hurt. Without waiting for jeongguk to adjust he moved his fingers at a fast pace, stretching his hole for something way bigger.

Jeongguk moaned out and tried to move his arms but he couldn't because of the handcuffs around his wrist. "ah tae" he whimpered as he felt taehyungs finger bruh over his bundle of nerves. Taehyung clicked with his tongue and slapped his ass with the other hand. "what should little sluts like you call me?" he looked down at his teary face and his hard leaking cock.

"I'm sorry sir" jeongguk moaned loudly and looked up at him. Taehyung fucked him with his finger, pushing them deeper. "that's right, good boy" with a smirk he fingered him faster and jeongguk moaned loudly but whined when taehyung suddenly pulled them out. "no sir please"

"told you you not gonna like it slut" taehyung smirked down at him and watched his red cheeks and tiny waist. He licked his lips and got rid of his jeans and boxer. Stroking his own cock a few times while watching jeongguk drolling at his huge cock.

"mhh sir please want your dick" Jeongguk tried to move his arms but he couldn't, wrapping his legs around taehyung and pulling him closer. "what do you think your doing slut hm? do I have to tie your feet as well?" Taehyung was pissed and pulled his legs up to his chest. "be a good boy now or it gets worse"

Jeongguk licked his lips and nodded fast "yes sir" he bites his lip as taehyung used the lube again to put some on his dick. The younger watched his boyfriend putting the lube away and rubbing his dick against his hole. "are you ready my little bitch mh? Isn't that want you wanted?" Taehyungs smirked at him while rubbing the head of his dick against his boyfriend's tight pink hole.

Jeongguk nodded fast and whimpered, wanting his boyfriend deep inside. Taehyung looked him in the eyes when he pushed himself deep inside at once. Jeongguk moaned loudly and closed his eyes at the sudden stretch from his hard cock. He could feel his boyfriend's dick twitching and pulsate inside him and the slight burning feeling.

"ah fuck sir!" jeongguk whimpered when Taehyung pulled out and thrusted back inside. "mhh so warm and tight for me. I hope it's only for me you little slut" Taehyung kissed his neck and thrusted harder in him. Skin slapping and moaning echoed through the room. "only yours sir" Jeongguk moaned loudly and wrapped his legs tightly around his boyfriend's back.

Taehyung speeds up his thrusts and fucked him harder, using his hole for his own pleasure, not that jeongguk minded. He moaned and looked at Jeongguks body, his legs bend and his dick leaking on his stomach. Taehyung speeds up and fucked him roughly, slamming his dick deep inside and making him scream out of pleasure.

"God nhh sir slower" Jeongguk screamed as his prostate got hit with every thrust. Pushing his ass against him to feel his dick deeper inside. "slut" taehyung whispered in his ear and fucked him sloppily, feeling himself coming already from the tight hole around his dick.

"I'm gonna cum so deep in your slutty hole, you love that don't you?" Taehyung looked deep into his eyes and bite his lip. "please sir come deep in me, I'm a slut for you" Jeongguk felt himself nearing his orgasm as well but he knew taehyung would be angry if would come without his permission but he didn't care anymore.

He felt taehyungs dick twitching and with a moan, he came deep inside Jeongguk. Pushing himself deeper inside his boyfriend, he pumped him full with his cum, Jeongguk moaned loudly and came untouched, coming all over himself and taehyung was indeed pissed, he kept fucking into jeongguk just to get him sensitive.

"ah sir please stop" Jeongguk whimpered because of the overstimulation and Taehyung stooped and smiled at him. They were both tired at this point but taehyung softly pushed the hair out of jeongguks face. "you did so good baby. I love you"

Jeongguk's heart melted at his words, it doesn't matter how hard or angry taehyung was during sex he would always be the sweetest boyfriend after. "I love you too hyungie" Jeongguk smiled at him and they kissed softly while Taehyung carefully pulled out and opened the cuffs around his wrist.With a whimper Jeongguk opened his eyes and looked at his boyfriend with heart eyes.

Taehyung got up and walked to the bathroom to fill the bathtub with water and some bubbles, that jeongguk loved. He walked back to the bedroom and carefully picked him up and carried him to the bath tube.

After both sat inside and cleaned themselves they cuddled and kissed. "I love you so much, baby"

"I love you too hyungie"


this one shot was a request from @btsxstories_

I really hoped you liked it and sorry for posting it later than I wanted ๐Ÿ˜… but I still hope you enjoyed itโ™ฅ๏ธ

I don't take requests anymore ๐Ÿ‘‰๐Ÿป๐Ÿ‘ˆ๐Ÿป but I have one more to write and then I want to write my own ideas I hope you like them. โ™ฅ๏ธ

see you next time guys ๐Ÿ’œ

word count: 2269 ( อกยฐ อœส– อกยฐ)

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