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      Clint pulls the door open and raises an eyebrow as Tony and Natasha force their way into the room. Natasha is fully suited up and Tony has his Iron Case in his hands. "We've got to go. Fury's got a job for us."Blake gawks at them, then shares a look with Clint. Tony notices the bandages and bloody gauze. "What happened here?" He looks at Clint. Clint closes the door. "I got stabbed by..." He shares a look with Blake and she shakes her head. Clint grits his teeth. "It doesn't matter. Blake stitched me up." He lifts his shirt to reveal the stitches.

      Natasha glances at Blake, then looks back at Clint. "You okay to fight?" Clint nods. Blake kicks her shotgun under the couch and places a pillow over the crossbow. "Yeah, I'll be fine." Tony nods and walks over to the door. He frowns. "I swear I've been in this building before..." He shrugs and exits the room. Clint looks at Blake. "Thanks for..." Blake nods. "No problem." Natasha grabs Clint's hand. "I'll call you when I get back."

      "Hurry up love birds!" Clint blushes and Blake chuckles. She closes her apartment door. Finally, she can relax. "No you can't. I'm hungry." Blake literally growls and Venom forces her to the window. Blake frowns. It's still broken. She'll need to get that fixed. Venom emerges, then jumps onto the next apartment wall. "Venom wait!" Blake warns. He stops and looks up. The Avengers Quinjet takes off and soars away. "That was close." Venom jumps away in search of food.

      It's been a week since Clint was pulled away on a mission. Not that Blake was counting. She spent her time trying to figure out who left the file on her doorstep. They went as far as going up to her apartment and leaving it there, rather than leaving it in her box in the lobby. That meant they were determined to get it to her.

      Blake tried going over the security footage from the office. Interrogating any face that she didn't recognize. (Blake memorises the face of everyone that lives in a close proximity to her. Venom likes to call it paranoia. Blake calls it being careful) All her leads lead to dust. "Whoever was trying to kill us clearly doesn't know about me. No measly ghost could harm us." Blake nods. "Then it must be someone from my hunter life." Blake runs a hand down her face and shakes her head. "I can't even begin to name all the people I pissed off."

      Venom stills inside Blake and she sits up straight. "What is it?" Blake stands up. "Someone is in Peter's apartment." A loud gunshot rings through the air and Blake's eyes widen. "Peter!" As she is running out of her room she grabs her gun. She kicks open the Parker residence door and points her gun at the man dressed in black in the center of the room. Blake glances at Peter who sits on the ground, gunshot wound in his leg. "Who the hell are you?!"

      The person turns and fires at Blake, but Venom pushes her head out of the way. Blake fires back at them, nailing them in the leg. The person turns and runs out the window and down the fire escape. Blake lowers her gun. "You okay?" She asks Peter and May as she pears over the window edge. The person is gone. Weird. May runs over to Peter. "We have to call the police!" Blake and Peter share a look. Blake sighs as she reads his features.

      "We can't do that, May." May looks at Blake in disbelief. "What..?" Blake walks over to the door and locks it. "I'll take care of his wound." She slides her gun into her belt then kneels in front of Peter. She gives him a look and Peter's face falls as he understands. Blake is telling him to tell May, and he supposes he'll have to. There's no other way out of this.

      Peter looks at May. "May... Please. I'll explain, I promise, just please listen to Blake." May bites her lip, then nods. "Okay." Blake looks at Peter's leg and nods. "It's not arterial. I just need to stop the bleeding." May looks around and grabs a throw blanket and Blake applies it to Peter's leg. With a little help from Venom, she presses down hard. Blake looks at Peter and May. "What happened?" May shakes her head. "I don't know. It all just happened so fast, I didn't--"

      Peter grunts in pain and Blake mumbles an apology. "He came in through the window. Said if... If I didn't tell where..." Peter shakes his head. "He was asking all these weird questions. About this thing called V- Venom? Yeah that's it." Blake freezes. As her thought process, her blood begins to boil and Venom itches to emerge. Whoever was after Blake was now targeting Peter. But how the hell had they found out?

      "Blake?" May asks quietly. Blake shakes her head. "Sorry." Blake looks Peter in the eyes. "Peter, they are never touching you or your aunt again." She nods. "I promise." Peter looks at her with a confused look and winces as Blake lifts up the blanket. The bleeding has stopped. She nods and looks at May. "May, in my apartment under the sink is a first aid kit. Grab it." May nods and runs off.

      Blake looks at Peter with serious eyes. "Peter I need to get the bullet out. This is going to hurt." Peter's eyes fill with fear, but he nods shakily. Blake nods and reaches into the bullet wound. Venom uses his tendrils to grab the bullet and bring it to Blake's finger. She pulls it out and shows it to Peter. "Got it." She puts it into Peter's hand.

      May barges back into the apartment and hands the first aid kit to Blake. "I can help. I've gone enough suturing at the hospital to last me a lifetime." Blake nods and takes Peter's hand. "This is going to hurt, kid." Peter nods and May prepares the needle. She winces as she sticks it into Peter's skin and Peter yells in pain.





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