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Blake rushes to Peter's side and looks him over. He was bleeding all over her apartment floor. "Venom! Save him!" Venom sheds out of Blake and crawls over to Peter. The spiderling takes a rugged breath as Venom heals him. Blake sighs in relief as she hears bones snap into place. Venom sheds out of Peter and jumps back over to Blake. "What the hell happened to him?"

"The window. Close it." Blake makes a face, but has learned to never ignore Venom's judgment. Well, she ignores it when he's hungry. Hungry Venom, means a more than usual crazed Venom. Blake jumps to her feet and pulls her blinds over her now broken window. Through one of the blinds she peeks out and sees a figure fly overhead. It has abnormally large wings. She sighs as it passes.

"He's powerful." Blake walks back over to Peter. "If one of my kind got ahold of him, bad things would happen. He'd be unstoppable." Blake bites her lip, then lifts Peter into her arms. "Then let's make damn well sure they don't." She places Peter on her bed and pulls his mask off. Blake looks at his face sadly. She's thankful he didn't take after his father. "I still don't understand why you don't tell him." Blake pulls away from Peter like a kicked puppy.

She grinds her teeth. "Stop prying into my head." Venom's face is created out of tendrils and he looks at Blake. "I am you." Blake groans and looks away from him. "Doesn't mean you can't have some respect." Peter groans and Venom hides back in Blake. She rolls her shoulders and shushes Peter. "Shh. It's okay, you're safe." He relaxes and falls back asleep.

"No Life Foundation take down tonight?" Blake shakes her head. "No, I have to make sure he's okay." Blake stands and leaves her bed, giving Peter one last glance. She starts cleaning up the broken glass, when there is a knock at her door. She raises an eyebrow, but when Venom doesn't tell her anything she goes to open it. On the other side is Clint Barton.

She stares at him wide eyed and he rubs the back of his next. "Hi." Blake raises an eyebrow and Clint sticks his hand out to her. "I was wondering if we could start over. No, weird disappearances mentioned, just a clean slate." Blake purses her lips. "We clearly aren't getting rid of him anytime soon." She huffs a bit in agreement, then looks at Clint's hand. She sighs and shakes it. "Clint Barton." He reintroduces. Blake narrows her eyes a bit and smirks.

"Blake Winchester, though I gathered you already knew that." He laughs awkwardly and glances into her apartment and sees the broken glass. "What happened?" She glances back at the glass and purses her lips. "Pigeons are on crack." He laughs, accepting her lie. An apartment door opens down the hall and May Parker steps out with a worried expression. She sees Blake and rushes over to her.

"I'm so sorry to bother you Blake, but have you seen Peter?" Blake steps out of her apartment and closes the door. An extra measure to make sure no one sees Peter. She nods and points at the stairs. "Yeah. He knocked on my door before you got home from work. He's at Ned's place and his phone died. Something about a History project?" May sighs in relief. "Oh, thank goodness. I thought something had happened to him." Blake nods and gives her a smile. "Did he say when he'd be back?"

Blake purses her lips. "He wasn't sure. They had forgotten to work on the project so it might go through the night. He said he'll head to school if it does." May nods and squeezes Blake's hand. "Thank you." Blake smiles and May leaves. She looks at Clint and shrugs. He gives her a look. "This Peter sounds like he gives his mom a lot of grief." Blake grits her teeth at the mention of May being his mom. Blake is supposed to be. "Aunt," She corrects. "And you have no idea."

Clint smiles and Blake takes a deep breath. What is going on with her? "I was wondering if you wanted to join me and my friends to a movie tomorrow." Blake raises an eyebrow. "Are you asking me out on a date?" Clint shakes his head and smirks. "No, just an honest get together." Blake narrows her eyes, then shrugs. "I would love to but we, uh, I have this auditory thing." She points at her ears and Venom berates her for her slip up. "Too loud." Clint nods and chuckles.

"Ironically, I'm deaf. It's like we're opposites in some ways." Blake laughs and nods. Oh, how much she and Venom wish they were deaf at times. Clint puts his hands in his pockets. "So some other time then?" Blake shrugs and nods a bit. "Sure." Clint gives her a smile, then walks away. Blake frowns and watches him leave. She shakes her head and walks back into her apartment. She looks at her watch and sighs. "Looks like we're sleeping on the couch."




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