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      Blake walks up to a door and knocks. Clint raises an eyebrow next to her and she shakes her head. A blonde woman opens the door and smiles. "Can I help you?" Blake pulls a letter out of her pocket. She made sure to get it in braille. Clint kept trying to ask her about it, but Riley would only smirk and shake her head.

      "Yes, can you give this to Matt please?" The woman takes it. "Tell him it's Blake Winchester." The blonde nods slightly, then Blake turns on her heel and walks away. "What was that about?" Clint asks as they descend down the stairs. "I have a lot of connections in this city." Blake gestures up the stairs. "They are the lawyers that took down Fisk."

      She walks ahead of Clint with a smirk. "If we want to talk to Daredevil, they'll tell him." Clint nods. Good logic. "So what do we do now?" Blake looks at him. "You up for pie?"

      Blake and Clint stand on the rooftop that Blake told Daredevil to meet them at. "Are you even sure he'll show up?" Clint asks as he grips his bow. Blake nods. "I'm sure of it. I need his help if I want to keep him safe." She answers loudly. She knows he can hear them. He's close. Venom can confirm that.

      Blake glances at Clint then discreetly nods toward the water tower across the rooftop. Clint looks at it and nods. She turns to it and crosses her arms. "I know you are there." She calls out. There is a pause, then a figure steps out from behind the water tower. Clint gapes a bit when he sees the horned helmet. Daredevil.

      "What do you want?" A gruff voice asks. Blake steps forward. "I need your help." Daredevil keeps his head cast down and Blake knows why. He's listening for the lie. Not like he could find one. Blake is being honest and she's an excellent liar. "With what?" Blake chews her bottom lip then sighs.

      "My son." She admits slowly. "He's in danger." Daredevil's head tilts slightly. "What makes you think I can help?" Blake glances at Clint. "Cletus Kassidy." That gets Daredevil's attention. "He's an old... enemy of mine. I'm the reason he got locked up and I am the reason for his escape." Daredevil lifts his head. "You are the Blake he mentioned on the wall of his cell."

      Blake nods. "Yes." Daredevil pauses for a moment then hops off the water tower and steps closer to Blake. Clint grips his bow protectively, just in case. "What can I do?" Blake lets out a breath of relief. "He's going to be in the area and he'll need a place to hide." Blake pauses. "I know you have friends that are like you." Daredevil stiffens at her words.

      "All I'm asking is that you keep an eye out and if it comes down to it- Protect my son." Daredevil raises his head and Clint finally sees that his eyes are covered by red sheens. How is he supposed to see through those?

      "What's his name?" Daredevil asks. Blake clenches her jaw. "Peter Parker." She says quietly. Daredevil nods. "I'll get in contact with my..." He pauses and Blake swears she sees him almost smirk. "Associates." He finishes as Blake smirks and nods. "Thank you." With that, Daredevil turns and leaps off the rooftop. Blake lets out a heavy sigh and crouches down, holding her head. Clint reels for a moment, then kneels down next to her.

      "Hey," He starts. "We'll keep him safe." Blake shakes her head and glances at him. "That's not the only thing I'm worried about." She admits. Clint's lips are pressed to a thin line as he watches her. He's never seen her like this. So full of fear and worry.

      Clint pulls Blake into a hug, and she freezes at the sudden gesture, then her eyes squeeze shut and she leans into his chest. Venom doesn't seem to protest, and a tear rolls down Blake's cheek. "Blake, I promise you everything will be okay." Clint tells her and she lets out a bitter laugh. "How can you be so sure?"

      Clint lifts her chin up so she is facing him. He smiles softly and wipes a fear away from sliding down her face. "It's like you said; Winchesters always make it out okay." Blake searches his eyes for a moment then offers him a small smile and leans into his embrace.

      She can only pray that he's right.

      Clint pockets his phone as he enters Blake's bunker. "Tony got Peter's aunt on a flight out of state." Blake nods slightly and stuffs another shotgun into her duffle bag. "Good." Clint glances at her journal and flips through its pages. "Are you sure Casedy isn't, I don't know, something?" Blake snorts and nods. "Yeah. The guy is just a nutcase on crack."

      Blake faces him and cocks her gun, making Clint smirk. "Monsters I get, but people..." She shakes her head. "They're just plain old crazy." Clint gasps in faux pain. "Hey, I take offense to that." Blake shakes her head with a smile. "Someone is falling." Blake freezes. "Am not." She argues a bit too quickly. "Are too."

      "Am not." She bites back. "Hmm. Keep telling yourself that." Blake rolls her eyes and glances at Clint as he pokes the edge of one of her throwing knives. He yelps in pain and looks at it in bewilderment and sucks on his finger with a pained expression. Blake bites her lip and turns away from him. "Idiot."

      A cute idiot, Blake thinks to herself.

      She shakes her head then looks at her phone as it rings. Clint tosses it to her and Blake's heart skips a beat as she sees Dean's name. "Dean." She greets as she answers. "We found him." Blake lets out an audible sigh and flops into the chair next to Clint. He places his hand on hers where it rests on the table. Clint smiles as Blake threads his fingers with hers.

      "Thank god." Blake breathes. She rubs her forehead. "Bring him home, Dean." Blake begs. "I want my son to have two kickass uncles in his life, not one." Dean snorts. "What? Am I not enough?" Blake smiles softly and shakes her head. "I love you, Dean."

      "Yeah, whatever." Dean then hangs up.

~author's notes~

Guess whose back bitches!

I am finally mentally stable enough to be productive! yippee! 

As you can see, "Venom" has a new cover. I hope you like it!

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