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Steve, Clint and Natasha arrive on the scene and walk past countless bodies. All with their heads ripped off. Or eaten. "Stark says that if we get a clear image of the beast, that he may be able to search for any other sightings." Clint nods at Natasha and in the distance they hear gunfire and screaming. They all take off in the direction of it and skid to a stop when they see... whatever it is... eat a man whole. "What the hell!" Clint yells.

The beast looks at them, their faces pale. Natasha raises her gun, but suddenly the beast stops. It shakes its head, glares at them, then looks up at the rocket. "Let's get this over with." It says. The beast leaps up onto the rocket and starts ripping it apart. The three of them step out of their hiding place. "Stark, you seeing this?" Steve mumbles into his comms. "Yeah," Tony starts. "That thing looks like Hulk on some serious crack." Clint fights off a smile and looks at Steve. "What do we do?" Steve shakes his head.

"I don't know. It seems it's only goal was to destroy the rocket." Tony shrugs in the tower. "Let it. The Life Foundation is launching another one tonight. Losing one rocket can't hurt them that much." Natasha purses her lips. It actually could, but she hasn't heard very good things about the Life Foundations so she doesn't really care.

Steve nods and glances at the beast. "We'll stay and watch. If it tries anything else, we attack." Clint glances down at one of the headless bodies. "You mean like eating people?" Steve nods and swallows hard. "Yeah," He nods. "That."

The creature eventually leaves and the three of them start to head back to the Quinjet. "Stark, have you had any luck finding out what it is?" Tony laughs. "Oh yeah. You guys should get here fast. This is pretty crazy."

Blake sighs as she enters her apartment. "What did I say about eating people?" Venom laughs in her head and Blake flops down onto her couch. Her phone dings and she raises an eyebrow at the number.

Thanks for yesterday. I owe you.

Blake smiles widely and sits up. It's Peter.

No problem kid.
And you don't owe me a thing.
My door, or window is always open for you :)

Thank you.
I was actually wondering if you wanted to come over for dinner tomorrow?
May wants to thank you for looking out for me.

      Blake smiles and leans back on the couch. She considers the offer for a moment, then nods. She's got nothing else to do.

Why not?
I'll be there around 6

Peter replies with a thumbs up and Blake turns her phone off. She smiles to herself and closes her eyes, starting to drift off to sleep.

Bobby Singer has been having a rotten week. With John Winchester dead, Sam and Dean are quiet. Too quiet, and neither of them have even brought up a very important topic. Blake. She deserves to know her father is dead.

"Why can't you just call her Bobby? Blake doesn't want us to see her." Bobby grinds his teeth and marches up to Dean. "And how do you know that?" Dean shrugs. "Oh, I don't know, maybe it's because she never calls?" Bobby shakes his head. "If I remember right she told you to call her." Dean looks away and Sam glances at him. Bobby has a point. Dean throws out his arms. "What is the point anyway? She left Bobby."

Bobby shakes his head. "You've got it twisted. Blake didn't leave. Your daddy told her too." Bobby nods at Sam. "Just like he did you." Sam looks down. He didn't know that. Him and Dean always thought she left because she didn't want to be in the family anymore. Dean shakes his head. "It's still no excuse for not contacting us." Bobby glares at him. "She was scared Dean."

Dean shakes his head, a look of disbelief written across his face. "Of what?! We hunt monster Bobby! What could be so terrifying that makes her leave her family behind?" Bobby takes a step back and shakes his head. "You boys have no idea what happened to her that night." Bobby gives Dean a look of disappointment. "She faced a monster far worse than any of us have hunted." Bobby points a stern finger at Dean.

"Now, you are going to get your asses in the car and drive to New York." He relaxes a bit. "You sister needs to know her daddy is dead." Dean's eye twitches, then runs out of the house. Sam watches Dean go for a moment then walks up to Bobby. "Bobby," He starts. "What happened that night?" Bobby sighs and grabs a beer. "Your sister is the strongest person I've ever known, but even she can be scared." Bobby takes a sip of his beer and Sam looks at him with begging eyes.

Bobby sighs. "Fine." He sits down and Sam follows. "I can't tell you much, but after Dean found your sister wandering the streets she got into a fight with your daddy." Sam nods. "I remember. You could hear him yelling from down in the parking lot." Bobby nods. "Your sister tried to explain what happened, but John never gave her the chance. Kicked her out, and said the same thing he did to you when you left." Sam looks down.

Guilt rises in his chest. All these years he hated Blake with a passion. John never supplied him and Dean with an explanation. It was one of the things John never spoke about.

Sam has to fix this. He has to apologise.

Sam and Dean step up to the apartment door. "You sure this is the place?" Sam asks quietly. Dean nods. "This is the address Bobby gave me." Dean reaches up to the door, but freezes, mere millimeters away from the door. His heart races in his chest, and anger bubbles within him. "Dean." Sam says. Dean nods and knocks on the door.

There is a pause and they start to think they got the wrong apartment, but the door swings open and Blake stands in the doorway, bed head and pajamas. All of them just stare. Blake can't breathe, but Venom forces her to. Blake grits her teeth, a bile feeling rising in her throat. "You guys got big." She says quietly. She looks up at Sam, who now towers over her. "Really big." Sam laughs awkwardly and rubs the back of his neck. "Can we come in?"

Blake glances at Dean who stares at her angrily. "Yeah." She whispers. She steps aside and they both walk in. Blake closes the door and lingers with her back turned to them. She mentally tells Venom to back down as she can feel him starting to emerge. Blake swiftly turns back to her brothers and takes a deep, rugged breath and crosses her arms. "So, what finally made you guys come see me?" Before Dean can start to yell at her Sam steps forward.

"Dad." Blake frowns and drops her arms. Sam's face becomes sad. "He died." Blake's mouth falls agape, then she slowly closes it and swallows down vomit. "I need a drink." She walks over to her whiskey and pours a glass. Sam and Dean wait as she chugs down the first pour, then filler her glass again. She turns to them. "How did it happen?" Sam and Dean share a look, Dean clearly telling Sam to take the lead with the conversation.

"We got into a car wreck and..." Sam clears his throat and glances at Dean. "Dean nearly died, but dad..." Blake inclines her head and nods. "He sold his soul, didn't he?" They nod and Blake takes a sip of her drink. "Typical." She mutters. She walks over to her table and sits down. Sam and Dean awkwardly stand by her. "The yellow eyed demon took the colt-" Blake raises an eyebrow. "The demon that killed mom? You guys found him?" Sam adjusts his stand. "Yeah, but he took off with the cold and..." He pauses. "Dad's soul."

Blake nods and takes another swig. "The colt, huh? I've heard about it, never really thought it was real." She puts her glass up to her lips. "Then again, all things considered I shouldn't be surprised." A silence falls upon the room, the Dean can't handle it anymore. "Why did you leave?"





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