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      The three Winchesters step up to the yellow caution tape and try to get a peek at the body. "How are we going to get in?" Deans starts pulling out his fake FBI badge, but Blake stops him and smirks. "I got this." She pulls out her press badge and slips under the line. Sam and Dean try to follow but two cops stop them. "Hey. Blake!" She looks at them and shrugs. "Sorry boys, I have to do this alone." Sam and Dean pout, but slip back behind the line.

      "Benny." Blake greets the lead detective as she steps up to him. "Winchester. Always a stick in my ass." Blake smirks and shrugs. "Ah, runs in the family." Benny leans down the body and uncovers it. Blake crouches down and cringes. "Something doesn't smell human." Blake nods. Vampires do stink. "What do you think happened?" Blake asks, trying to get more information. "I don't know. A witness claims to have seen a group of about 6 people enter the area."

      Benny shrugs. "Maybe it's some sort of ritualistic killing." Blake hums. "Jack the Ripper." Benny nods, then stands. "Yeah, 'cept these guys are just going for it at the random." Blake sniffs the air. "Maybe not..." She mutters. There is something in the air. A prominent smell, more dominating than that of death. Blake isn't quite sure how to describe it. Almost like burning plastic, but with a more cinnamon twist to it.

      Blake bends down to the body in front of her and peels it's eye open. The whole eye including the sclera is deep red. She looks up at Benny. He sees it too. "Mutants." She comments quietly. Benny's face becomes dark. Blake knows how he feels about mutants.

      It's actually how they first met. Benny's sister had gone missing and Blake helped uncover what happened to her. She got swept into a mutants sex trade. Had Venom not intervened, she would have died.

      Benny shakes his head. "Blake you can't report on this." Blake stands and covers the body. "I know Ben." She nods. "I'm going to find out what happened to them." Blake looks over at Sam and Dean. "Luckily I've got some help." Benny glances at Blake's brothers. He knows about them. When he did a background check on Blake he saw their faces. "Do they know..." He gestures to Blake. "About him?"

       Blake raises an eyebrow. "About Venom?" He nods. Blake shakes her head. "No. I intend on keeping it that way." Benny nods and Blake puts a hand on his shoulder. "I'll handle this. You get your sister and her kids out of the city." Ben nods and smiles at Blake. "Thank you." Blake nods and walks back over to Sam and Dean. "What did you find out?" Blake glances at the news reporters trying to make their way to her. "Not here."

      Blake flicks the lights on in her underground bunker. She's been building it over the years. For storage, and you know, if the apocalypse ever comes about. Dean whistles as he looks around. "Damn." Sam raises an eyebrow at several boxes with carvings on them. "What made you build this?" He asks. Blake shrugs. "I was bored." Dean chuckles.

      "So what did you find out at the crime scene?" Blake sighs and leans against the wall. "Definitely vampires, but they are going after a certain set of people." They raise their eyebrows and Blake looks at them. "Mutants." Dean's eyes widen and glances at Sam. They thought Sam was a mutant for a good amount of time. Sam shakes his head. "What's so special about mutants? Why do vampires want them?" Blake takes a deep breath. "Their blood."

      Dean crosses his arms and Blake continues. "The X-gene makes vampires stronger. I once even ran into a vampire that adapted to the mutant blood and gained the ability of foresight. That was a tough job." Sam creases his brows. So she's been hunting. "How do we stop them? Dean asks. Blake walks over to a chest and opens it, pulling a machete. "The usual way." Usually when Blake and Venom go hunting, Venom will just eat their heads.

      Quick, efficient, and in his opinion, tasty.

      Sam and Dean both take a machete and a jar of dead man's blood. "Okay, we've got the weapons, but how are we going to find the nest." Blake purses her lips then walks over to a shelf and opens a box, pulling out a stone. "With this." She shows it to them. "It can track a pack of vampires." Well, actually, it was just a cool rock Blake found at the beach once. The real way they are finding the vampires is through Venom. He can smell them.

      Sam takes the rock from her and raises an eyebrow. "How does it work?" Blake shrugs. "Not exactly sure, but it's led me to vampire nests before." Dean nods and looks at the time. "It's dark out." Blake nods and they walk out of the bunker.

      The Winchesters weave through the streets of New York, tracking the vampires. "We're close." Blake stifens and picks up her speed. "Blake?" Dean asks in a hushed voice. Blake stops in front of a warehouse. "Shh, we're here." Blake slides the stone into her pocket, and looks around and finds a fire escape on the building next to the where house. She walks up to it, and in one big leap, grabs the ladder, pulling it down.

      As she starts to climb Sam and Dean stare in shock. She was extremely agile. Almost impossibly so. Blake reaches the top of the building, then narrows her eyes at the other building. Sam and Dean realize what she is about to do. "Blake!" But it's too late. Blake leaps off the rooftop, and lands gracefully on the warehouse room. She looks down at them with an eyebrow raised. "Don't 'Blake' me." Sam sighs and laughs with relief. Blake crosses her arms. "You two coming?"

      Sam jumps onto the warehouse rooftop and turns to Dean. he jumps, but misses the landing and starts to fall, but Blake grabs his arm. Dean looks up at her. "I gotcha." Sam grabs Blake and they... well, Blake, pulls Dean up. She's stronger than both of them. Dean brushes himself off and glances over the edge of the building. Blake smirks at him. "Still not a fan of heights?" Dean makes a face at her and walks over to the roof access door. Sam laughs and follows after him, Blake taking up the rear.

      As they crawl through the rafters, they look down into the main room. Seven vampires are sitting on couches, talking and listening to music. "You were right." Dean says quietly. Blake gives him a look. "I'm always right." Blake points at the fork in the rafters. "You two go right. I'll go left." They nod and head in opposite directions. As Blake walks on alone. "Am I going to get to eat?" She rolls her eyes. All venom thinks about is food. He's lucky he isn't human. He'd have eaten to death by now.

      "No. Sam and Dean are here. They can't see you." Venom grumbles and Blake continues to crawl, but there is a bang on the opposite side of the rafters. When she looks over she sees a vampire standing over an unconscious Sam. Her eyes widen as another one comes up behind Dean and knocks him out. A vampire starts walking down Blake's path. "Venom." Venom pulls Blake up into the ceiling and out of site.

      The vampire walks underneath them then returns to the rest of it's pack. Venom allows Blake to land back onto the rafters. "Well my friends, it looks like we'll eat again tonight." One of the vampires frowns and kicks Sam. "But they aren't mutants." The leader smiles. "No, but they are still tasty." Blake narrows her eyes. "Mask." Venom emerges, a smile on his face. "Copy!" He yells as he drops down from the rafters.

      The vampires hiss at him and try to attack, but he swats them away. One jumps on his back and claws at him and tries to bite him. Venom grabs him and eats his head, dropping him to the floor. Venom looks around at the vampires surrounding him. "I'm starving." He pounces on another vamp, ripping his head off and eating it, licking his lips. "Let's get out of here!" One of the cries as he runs away. Big mistake. Venom's tendrils grab him, pulling him toward him. Venom eats his head too.

      Two more attack him, and both end up without their heads. The last two vampires glare at Venom as they hiss. Venom hisses right back. "What are you?" The leader asks. Venom's tendrils grasp his neck and pull him close. "Your worst nightmare." Sam and Dean start to wake up and look up just in time to see Venom eat the leader's head. "What the hell?" The last vampire takes this opportunity to run away. Venom turns around to face them and smiles grimly.

      "Hello boys. Blake has told me so much about you." Sam and Dean raise their guns. "Where's our sister?!" They watch as Venom shrinks down and disappears until Blake is standing before them. She looks at them with sad eyes. "Right here." Dean shakes his head and raises his gun again. "What?" Blake looks down and sighs. "I wanted to tell you guys-" Sam scoffs. "What? That you're possessed?" Blake shakes her head. "No, I..." She makes a face. "I have a parasite." They shake their heads, not understanding.

      Blake sighs. "Here, let's go back to my apartment. I'll explain there." None of them move. Blake looks at her brother's and sees the level of distrust in their eyes. She sighs. "Look-" Before she can finish her sentence Dean raises his gun and fires. "No!"






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