Part 5

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After school Callista walks out to her car and sees two people she never wanted to see again. She marches up to them. "What the hell do you think you're doing here?" Logan and Jean stand up from leaning against Callista's car. "We were worried about you." Callista laughs. "That's BS. Why are you really here?" The two mutants share a look, and Logan sighs. "We need your help." Callista glances behind her back and sees several students staring at them and sighs. "Let's go somewhere more private." Callista gets into her car and drives off once the two other mutants are in it. Jean looks around the car. "This is... expensive." Callista grits her teeth. "I got a job." Logan looks at her with an eyebrow raised. "A job? You?" Callista pulls into her parking spot and they head up to her apartment. Logan and Jean sit on her couch and Callista takes out a beer. Jean stares at it. "Aren't you a bit young to drink alcohol?" Callista scoffs. "I'm probably older than both of you combined." Callista sighs and sits down. "What's this about needing my help?" Jean nods. "Hydra." Callista's eyes harden. "They took a few young mutants for experimentation. We need your help to get them out." Callista bites her lip. Under different circumstances she would have said no, but she's been taken by Hydra. She doesn't want anyone to go through what she did. She takes a sip of her beer and nods. "Alright." Jean and Logan relax, but Callista sticks her finger up to stop them. "But if I help, we're doing this my way." The two mutants nod and Callista stands. "You two ready now?" They nod and Callista grabs her keys. "We're going for a drive." They follow her. "Where are we going?" Callista inhales. "Avengers compound. I've gotta get my gear." Logan and Jean share a look but don't comment.

Callista steps out of her car and walks up to Tony. He looks at her car. "Isn't that mine?" Callista tries to answer but Logan and Jean step out of her car and Tony's jaw drops. "You know the X-men?" Callista rolls her eyes. "I'm not here to talk about who I know. I need my stuff." Tony makes a face but leads her into the building and shows her where her equipment is. "Thanks." Tony lingers behind her and eyes the two mutants nearby. "So where exactly are you going?" Callista grits her teeth as a new pair of footsteps appear behind her. "An excellent question." Fury glares at Callista and spots Logan and Jean. "What's this about, Zero?" Callista straps her twin swords onto her back with a sigh. "They need my help. Hydra has mutants. I'm going to break them out." Fury crosses his arms. "I thought I told you to lay low. You were compromised Zero, you can't be seen by them." Callista loads her gun and slides it into her leg holster. "Fury I'm sure they've figured out who I am by now." Callista turns to face him. "I'm not going to let these kids go through what I had to. Not if I can help it." Callista walks past Fury and Tony, but Fury catches Callista's arm. "Take some of the Avengers with you." Callista looks at Logan and Jean and they nod. They'll need all the help they can get. "Fine. I'll take Cap and the assassins." Fury nods and Tony glares at Callista. "I feel hurt, Blondie." Callista rips her arm away from Fury and walks off with Jean and Logan. "The jets this way."

Cap, Natasha and Clint walk into the jet and the assassins take the pilot seats and start the jet. "Fury tells me we're on a rescue mission?" Callista nods and gestures to Jean and Logan. "They needed my help. Some mutants were taken by Hydra, no doubt to use them as replacements for me." Cap raises an eyebrow as the jet takes off to the coordinates given by Jean. "Replacement?" Callista ignores his question and looks at the coordinates. She nods. "Alright I know this facility. It's where they kept me before I got out. They'll be keeping the mutants in the cells on the bottom floor. We'll have to fight our way through the base." Callista puts on a smirk. "That means I get to kill some people."

The jet lands in a field and everyone unloads. Everyone looks around but see no sign of a base. "There's nothing here." Jean shakes her head. "I can feel their minds. Their close." Callista nods and her eye twitches. She grabs a throwing knife off her arm and throws it into a tree. A man dressed in black falls to the ground with the knife in between his eyes. Callista walks up to him and takes a radio off his dead body. Clint looks at her impressed. "How'd you know he was there?" Callista turns the radio on and listens to the conversations. "Because that was once my job." The radio crackles slightly but Callista listens to the German. She nods after a moment. "They have the entrance on a timer. It opens in 2 minutes, so we've gotta hide." Clint turns the reflection panels on the jet and it instantly is invisible. Callista drags the guard's body away and hides him behind a tree. She jumps up into his perch tree and nods as the others follow. They wait until a plot in the ground opens and a truck exits. Callista holds her hand out to the others and waits until the ground cover starts to close. She jumps down and the others follow. They all make it into the base just as the ground closes. "Now what?" Callista pulls out her swords. "Now we fight."


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