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season 6, episode 12 - i like you so much better when you're naked

⋅──⊱༺  🩺🫀💋 ༻⊰──⋅

      SAGE SAT ON one of the chairs by the kitchen island. In front of her was a peanut butter Nutella sandwich along with her Eagles mug filled to the brim with coffee. Not her usual healthy breakfast, but Alex had bought the peanut butter and specifically told her not to eat it, so she just had to. 

Meredith walked into the kitchen, both Alex and Lexie hot on her trail. The both had guilty expressions on their faces, although Alex's quickly turned to one of annoyance when he saw Sage eating his peanut butter.

Alex stood behind the island and Lexie took a seat beside her, grabbing her sandwich and taking a bite. Sage lifted the mug to her lips and raised an eyebrow, looking to Meredith for an explanation. 

"Izzie leaves, and Mark gets a kid and you two decide that the best way to deal is to get drunk and mash your genitals together?" Meredith scolded and Sage nearly choked on her coffee. 

She didn't know what she had been expecting that hadn't been it.

"Look, no freakin' way you get to judge us or give relationship advice. Besides, you were a total dirty mistress, like two weeks ago," Alex snapped. "And I told you not to touch my peanut butter!" He snatched the jar away from her and she raised her hands in surrender.

"Are we calling me a dirty mistress?" Lexie asked as she held up her hand. 

"That was two years ago and his wife didn't have cancer," Meredith argued, ignoring her little sister.

"Because I've only been with like, six guys in my whole life," Lexie rambled on. "Ok, Alex and I—we've done it before. That was recycling. It was like good for the environment."

"Izzie's gone, I was horny, she was there," Alex defended his actions. 

"Oh, crap. I am a dirty mistress, oh, god," Lexie groaned as she covered her eyes. Her head shot up a couple moments later when another thought came to mind. "Oh crap. You're gonna tell Derek and then Derek's gonna tell Mark that I'm a whore."

"I don't think Mark can say anything," Sage muttered under her breath, earning a glare from Meredith.

"Lexie, I am not going to tell Derek, and neither are either of you," she said before turning to Alex. "And you're not going to say anything. We are keeping our mouths shut. Izzie is coming home. No one needs to know."

Alex, who had been sipping on some coffee, looked up to see Izzie standing in the doorway. They all followed his gaze and spotted the blonde.

"Know what?"

⋅──⊱༺  🩺🫀💋 ༻⊰──⋅

     "CALLIE HAS CHICKENPOX," Sage reported as she walked into the empty O.R. where Cristina, Alex, Jackson, and Meredith were eating lunch. 

Jackson, who was sitting next to Meredith as she practiced for her surgery with Chief Webber, looked up when she walked in and smiled.

"Hey," he said as she took a seat next to Cristina. 

"Hi," she replied, placing her tray down. Alex rolled his eyes and she stuck her tongue out at him as retaliation. "What are you guys talking about?"

"She's on this thing—" Meredith began before Cristina cut her off. 

"Okay, if you had to choose between the thing you love surgery and the person you love, which would you choose?" Cristina asked.

"You would choose Izzie right?" Meredith asked, turning to Alex. "Because you two are gonna get back together." 

"Shut up." 

"Wait, who do you have to choose?" Jackson asked through a mouthful of carrots. 

"That doesn't matter, you just do," Cristina dismissed his words. "Which is it, surgery or love?"

"That's what I said," Meredith piped up.

"I want both," Jackson said. 

He was staring right at Sage, who was trying her best not to turn into a tomato. It wasn't exactly a secret that the young Dr. Avery had a thing for Sage, but it was still awkward, especially for her. Mark and Derek liked to remind her of it every chance they got while Alex would whine about it. Sage just ignored it, or, at least she tried to ignore it. But it was hard to ignore someone who looked at her like she was the most precious thing on the planet. 

"No, you can't have both," Cristina told him. 

"Why the hell not?" Jackson asked, his eyes still locked on Sage, who was looking everywhere but at him.

"Why the hell is he here?" Cristina asked, pointing at him with one of her carrots.

"I said he could be in here because he's in the whipple too," Meredith said as Jackson grinned at the Yang girl.

"Whatever," Cristina waved him off. "Once again, you can not have both. You have to choose." 

"Choose what?" All five of them turned towards the door and saw Izzie standing there, a lunch tray in her hands. Sage glanced back at Alex, who was ignoring his wife. 

"My pet-scan got pushed back an hour, so I thought I'd... join you for lunch," Izzie explained as Sage got up and moved to Alex's side of the table so he wouldn't have to sit next to her.

"Okay, that. You have to give up that—learning the procedure, tuning out the world until you get it, like, you know doing the procedure is the only thing that matters, like if you don't get to do it, you'll die. That's what you have to give up!" Cristina continued as Izzie sat down next to her.

"For what?" Izzie asked.

"Love," everybody but Jackson said in unison.


"Yeah, that's what I said," Jackson agreed.

"Okay, that's not the point," Cristina said, trying to prove her point again. "You know you couldn't do it. You know you'd choose the procedure." 

"Fine! If I had to choose, gun to my head, I would choose surgery, okay?" Meredith exclaimed, giving her person a tight smile and Sage knew that she only said it to shut Cristina up 

"Ouch, poor Dr. Shepherd," Sage smirked, making Meredith glare at her.

"Thank you!" Cristina practically shouted, happy she had finally proven her point. "Is that so hard to say? I don't know, why is it so bad to say that out loud?"

"Because it's crazy," Izzie said, causing everyone but Alex to look at her. "Surgery is just a job. It's the thing you come home from, not the thing you come home to. And if you lose your job, you get another one, cause there's always another one. But if you lose your love, if you think you're losing your love, well, then suddenly nothing else matters." By the time she was finished, her and Alex were looking at each other while the rest of them just watched.

"This is what you guys talk about during lunch?" Jackson asked, taking a bite of his carrot and looking to Sage for an answer. She just shrugged and he chuckled, slowly shaking his head.

"I'm with them. Love comes and goes. Surgery doesn't," Alex said, maintaining eye contact with Izzie. Sage looked between the couple before the beeping of their pages interrupted their moment. Alex finally broke eye contact as he and Cristina left the room. 

Jackson looked to Sage again, his eyebrows raised. She just nodded before going back to her lunch, but his eyes didn't leave her for a good, long moment.

notes from lottie,


baby chapter for u guys!

and thank u guys soooo much for 2k reads!!!!!!

anywaysss, hope u enjoyed!

comment and vote!

love ya,

- lottie.

published: 1/4/24

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