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episode six, beauty and the beast, part two.

ISABELLA VALOUR was coming up with a plan. the wedding was over, yes, but uther had not decided on giving catrina the title of heir to the throne. so, she would stay until he did.

however, the lady catrina had told king uther that her fathers seal had gone missing...she said it was stolen.

hundreds of guards searched camelot, people's homes, gaius's chambers—apparently merlin was a suspect. isabella rushed to arthur's chambers where she knew arthur was, to see merlin working.

she rushed over and gave him a hug, which confused him, but he awkwardly hugged back. "what's this about?" he asked in confusion.

"you need to get out of here!" arthur exclaimed quietly as he also ran inside.

"what?" merlin frowned, slightly concerned that arthur and isabella wanted him to get out of arthur's chambers.

"the king has ordered arthur to arrest you." isabella told him as merlin's eyes widened. "but what for?"

"catrina has accused you of taking her seal." arthur said as he walked closer to them, trying to think of a plan.

"but i didn't." merlin panicked as isabella nodded. "we believe you merlin." she replied.

"i don't want to know, and you haven't got time to explain." arthur said as he looked through a door in his chambers. "if you value your life, you will leave camelot right now."

"no! can he not simply hide here?" isabella asked in disbelief.

"isabella, would you rather have him killed or simply leave camelot?" arthur asked, still looking for a way for merlin to escape.

"they are both awful options."

"arthur, bella, she is a troll!" merlin exclaimed as arthur pulled him to the door. "she is trying to set me up."

arthur sighed as he looked at merlin and isabella who both looked at him with pleading eyes. "we've been through this." he said, unsure of what to do.

"i'm telling the truth." merlin continued, a serious look on his face. "i saw her."

a knock was at the door as arthur sighed, "i don't care. you need to leave, merlin." he said, eyes going from the door back to their friend.

"sire!" the guards knocked loudly.

"go." arthur said, ignoring the sadness in merlin's eyes.

"please, merlin. we will figure this out. we'll get you back here." isabella spoke up softly, nodding reassuringly at merlin who sighed, but agreed.

isabella let the guards in with a small frown on her face. "yes?" she asked in fake confusion.

"i'm sorry, your grace. but have you seen arthur's servant, merlin, by any chance?" the guard asked as isabella looked back at arthur who also looked confused.

"no, not today. it has just been me and arthur in here as far as we know." she said simply as the guard nodded, bowing before leaving.

isabella took arthur's hand and pulled him to the direction of the throne room. "you have to tell your father he is gone."

the king noticed the two enter and smiled lightly, "have you found the boy?" he asked as they walked closer.

"i fear he may have slipped through our net." arthur began.

"you're very quick to give up the chase." catrina spoke seconds later. isabella's gaze snapped to her and she narrowed her eyes.

"that is because i know my quarry is long gone." arthur replied before isabella could say anything in reply to catrina.

"how can you be so certain?" uther asked.

"well, despite appearances, merlin isn't stupid. he must have got wind that we were looking for him and fled." arthur replied as isabella fought the smile off her face.

"outwitting your army in the process." catrina spoke smugly. "it appears so." arthur replied, suspicious of her after merlin's words.

"i thought your men aspired to the same high standards my father instilled in you?" catrina asked as arthur frowned at her.

"we don't even know if i'm be is still in camelot. he could be anywhere." isabella spoke up, her dark eyes focused on catrina.

"and that is a good enough reason to give up?" catrina asked angrily.

"no, we aren't." arthur said simply. "it is just i believe our resources would be—"

"i have had enough of your excuses. we both have." uther held catrina's hand who smirked at the two of them.

"i want the boy found." he ordered.

arthur bowed his head, "sire...my lady." he said before turning around as isabella followed him, not bothering to curtsy as she knew she didn't have to with catrina, and she was annoyed with the king.

THE GUARDS had picked up on merlin's trail a few days later and uther had called isabella and arthur in to the throne room.

"what could this be about?" isabella asked arthur nervously who shook his head.

"i'm unsure."

"there is something important that i...we, wish you to address. for too long the people have had it easy. they've grown fat off out indulgence of them." the king began as they walked in. isabella immediately frowned at the both of them.

"how so?" arthur asked.

"we provide peace, protection and food. they give us very little in return." the king continued.

"most of our people are poor. they survive on the few crops they are able to grow." arthur replied in confusion, unsure of where this was going.

"that is what they would have us believe." catrina said slyly as isabella glanced at her in anger.

"no, it is what i see every day when i visit them. do not call arthur a liar." she replied as catrina gasped slightly, and uther spoke up.

"we are introducing a new tax." uther began as arthur was about to protest. "the people must pay for the sanctuary camelot provides." catrina continued.

"you cannot. the majority are barely able to get by as it is." arthur argued as isabella stared at the two in disbelief.

"those who refuse to pay it will be arrested and publicly flogged." uther said firmly.

isabella couldn't help it anymore. she had enough. she couldn't stop herself from saying what she had wanted to say for a long time now...she really should have kept it to herself.

"i hope you understand that by putting forward this tax, camelot will be nothing. you will be nothing. no one shall respect you anymore and they will flee camelot the second you announce it. in fact, i could send them all to devlin, where the people live freely and are provided everything. in devlin, they have a king that is kind and understanding. camelot has neither of those things." there it was.

arthur widened his eyes at her, of course he agreed, but he wished she would've kept quite. seeing the look on uther and catrina's faces, he was seconds away from literally running away and never returning.

"you are lucky i swore to your father to protect you otherwise you would be executed on the spot. guards, take isabella to spent a night in the cells." king uther ordered as the girl sighed.

the guards grabbed her by the arms as she smiled awkwardly at arthur. "i had it coming." she admitted as she walked out.

"izzie?" morgana asked in confusion and slight panic as she noticed the guards practically dragging her away.

"i said something that hurt the kings feelings." isabella waved her off, rolling her eyes as morgana grinned proudly.

she didn't realise how boring it would be. she had no one to talk to, and the floor was extremely uncomfortable.

"bella." a voice whispered from above her. she jumped slightly and looked up to see merlin by the small window and waved.

"thank goodness you are okay. why are you still in camelot?" she whispered lowly so guards wouldn't hear.

"i am going to expose lady catrina." he replied simply before waving and running off, leaving her all alone again.

APPARENTLY, ARTHUR and disobeyed uther and catrina by giving the people of camelot their money. when uther told him to go back and take it all, he refused.

the guards gossip more than you think.

isabella glanced tiredly at the two guards who entered the cell, picking her up by both of her arms and pulling her out. "the king wishes to speak to you and arthur." one of them said.

isabella frowned slightly but nodded. they let her go when they entered the doors of the throne room and let her walk in by herself, noticing guards and knights were there too. they bowed and curtsied seeing her as she walked over to arthur who also looked confused.

"i spoke on this topic before the wedding and i have made my final decision. i'm relaxing your duties and revolting your titles." king uther said as isabella's heart dropped, as did arthur's.

"what?" arthur asked as everyone in the room shared a look of surprise and upset.

"we live in dangerous times. i cannot allow you to undermine my authority." uther replied.

"you have always welcomed my counsel in the past." arthur said in confusion.

"you stood against me for all the people to see." the king said angrily as isabella glanced at gaius who looked shocked.

"i'm sorry...future grievance i have will be held in private." arthur said almost mockingly, confused at the kings sudden change in attitude.

"it is too late for that. and you disrespected me and my kingdom." he said to isabella who had a blank expression on her face.

"father." arthur frowned as he stepped towards him.

"you are to be disinherited. with immediate effect. you are no longer crown prince and princess of camelot." the king exclaimed as even sir leon met isabella's gaze with a confused look.

"sire , arthur is your son, your natural heir. isabella is the princess of two kingdoms. the both of them are powerful people. the kind of people you need to rule camelot after you." gaius spoke up gently, isabella smiled gratefully at him.

"you have always taught me to be true to my heart, that's all i have ever tried to do. to be the man you wanted me to be, someone you were proud to call your son." arthur said quietly, and isabella saw uther's eyes soften. something had changed in him.

that was until catrina glanced at him, and his expression turned into anger again. "my decision is final. after the ceremony isabella shall return to devlin if that is what king henry wishes." uther replied simply.

"queen catrina will be named as rightful heir to the throne. the ceremony will begin forthwith." the king called out as catrina glared at sir leon.

the knight blinked, and began clapping, clearly not wanting too, but the others in the room joined in as isabella turned to leave, arthur following.

"that is not your father." was all she said, before disappearing to her chambers. she had a ceremony to get ready for.

"i suppose is is our last night in camelot." estella said sadly.

"how are you? i never asked after merlin fled." isabella asked, knowing he was still in camelot.

"i am upset. i was thinking...if the ceremony goes forward, we could try and find merlin and he could come to devlin?" estella asked as isabella smiled lightly at her.

"that is a lovely idea, stella." she replied distantly, looking down at her lap.

"what is wrong?" estella asked as she brushed through isabella's hair.

"i do not want to leave here. i love the people. i loved the kingdom until it changed. i don't want to leave arthur." she replied with a frown.

"could arthur not come to devlin too?" estella asked as isabella didn't reply.

"let's find something extra to wear for our final night." isabella changed the subject as estella grinned and went through her gowns.

she wore a dress with sleeves, diamonds across the top on the lace, and then the skirt was a deep red colour which trailed on the floor, and she decided to wear her tiara of devlin.

she walked in the throne room with estella following, who was also in one of her best dresses, and smiled at the people who still bowed and curtsied for her, she sent a smile to morgana and stood next to arthur.

"we are gathered here to bear witness to the naming of queen catrina as the rightful heir to camelot." gregory began as isabella glanced at arthur who was looking down.

she took his hand as he smiled lightly at her, watching as gregory turned to face catrina.

"are you willing to take the oath?" he asked catrina who smirked, "i am."

"do you solemnly swear to govern the people of camelot, to uphold the laws and customs of the land?" he continued.

"i..." catrina began, but then scratched her arm with a grim look on her face. "do." she finished.

"will you, go your power, cause law and justice in mercy to be executed in all your judgments?"

"i will." catrina tried to smile, whilst still itching her arm repeatedly.

"will you to the utmost of your powers, maintain the laws..." he began, but she cut him off. "yes, yes." she sighed in boredom and haste.

"i am sorry, you must let me finish." gregory told her quietly. "the wording must be exactly right to be binding."

"well, get on with it then! really, where did you dig up this old crone from?" she almost exclaimed as everyone's jaw dropped as they stared in shock.

uther, however, was smiling. "she is right. get on with it."

morgana raised a brow at the king as arthur also frowned.

"will you, to the utmost of your powers..." he began again, "yes, yes yes." catrina sighed.

"maintain the laws and customs—"

"i will, i will!"

"of the land and serve the people of camelot?"

"yes, just shut up and give me the crown!" she yelled as isabella's eyes widened and her jaw dropped, practically hitting the floor as she looked around the room to see everyone with the same expression, and even a few gasps were heard.

gregory blinked, but nodded and took the crown from a knight. "will you just hurry up?" she exclaimed again, snatching the crown and putting it on, before running out.

everyone looked at her in confusion as she ran out of the room, desperately trying to escape. "catrina!" uther asked with a wide smile.

arthur, isabella and morgana all shrugged and ran after her, interested in seeing what was happening.

she rushed into the great hall, and isabella spotted merlin who locked the doors so she couldn't get out.

"whatever's the matter?" uther asked in shock as catrina turned to him.

"i'm sorry!" catrina replied, holding her hands up as isabella almost screamed.

"your arm!" the princess exclaimed.

"i don't know what came over me. i...i just suddenly felt so hot. i think i need to be on my own. i—" she tried to open the doors, which wouldn't budge.

"are you alright?" morgana asked in concern, despite her not liking the new queen, she had no idea about her being a troll so felt bad.

"yes, yes." catrina waved her off. "i am fine, really. thank you."

she grabbed the doors again and tried to open it, muttering complaints as arthur glanced at her in confusion. "let me." he told her, walking towards her.

however, he jumped back in a fright seeing her hand—it was covered in lumps and warts and was even bigger then her other hand. "what's that?" he exclaimed in horror.

catrina tried to explain, but her face morphed as she looked as if she was going to throw up, "what's happening?" morgana asked in disbelief as the king simply smiled. "somebody help her!"

finally, the transition stopped and queen catrina was a troll. a disgusting, fat, stinky troll...who kept having flatulence.

"you're a troll!" arthur said in disbelief

catrina gasped in offence and looked at uther who's smile dropped, blinking as he looked at arthur. "how dare you speak about her like that!"

"what is wrong with you? look at the state of her!" arthur pointed as uther continued to smile happily.

"i don't believe it." morgana spoke, slightly fearful.

catrina turned around and ripped the door off it's hinges as isabella yanked morgana backward so she wouldn't be hit.

"she just ripped a door of its hinges. doesn't that tell you something?" arthur exclaimed at his father.

"enough!" the king yelled.

"she is a troll!" arthur continued.

"a giant, gray..." arthur began as isabella and morgana added, "fat and stinking!"

"—fat and stinking troll!" arthur finished with a yell.

"stop it! haven't you hurt her feelings enough?" the king exclaimed as he picked up the crown and shoe. "insult my wife again, it'll be the last thing you ever do." he said and turned to leave.

"now do you believe me and merlin?" isabella sighed at arthur who was frozen in spot.

"he's gone mad." morgana whispered in shock.

"i suppose i shall be staying after all." isabella spoke up with a frown as arthur and morgana nodded in agreement.

ISABELLA ARRIVED at arthur's chambers early hours of the next morning after being told there was something important happening. merlin and gaius was also there, and they explained they had a plan.

the plan was to get rid of catrina and stop the enchantment on uther. "so your plan is to kill me and arthur?" isabella asked after being told most of it.

"no...well, yes." merlin said awkwardly. "not exactly. gaius has made a potion that gives the appearance of death, without the actually dying bit."

isabella and arthur shared a look, not believing the potion would bring them back to life. "it's fine. there is nothing to worry about!" merlin smiled. "it'll only bring you to the brink of death."

"oh, only to the brink." arthur scoffed.

"you haven't got a choice. we have to make uther cry." gaius said simply as isabella sighed.

"but he doesn't care about me anymore." arthur raised a brow. "and he certainly doesn't care about me."

"nonsense. you are the rightful heirs of camelot. and uther's son. he will cry." gaius told them, nodding. "it is only catrina's influence. i have known the king for many years. there has never been anyone he has treasured more than you."

"it's perfectly safe. a single drop of the antidote will reverse the effects immediately." gaius said simply.

"antidote? what antidote?" arthur's face dropped. "you didn't say anything about an antidote!"

"uh, i didn't think it was important." merlin stuttered.

gaius explained more about the potion and the antidote—apparently the antidote has to be administered in time otherwise they will actually die. "you just said it wasn't important!" arthur exclaimed.

"um. yeah. i suppose it is a bit important." merlin said awkwardly.

arthur groaned and isabella sighed. "don't be late." isabella told him simply.

" am i ever?" merlin grinned.

"fine." arthur sighed as they took the drinks and grimaced slightly as they drunk it all. "disgusting." isabella whispered.

merlin and gaius stared at them expectantly as isabella and arthur shrugged, since nothing happened.

until they fell flat on their face.

isabella woke up with a frown. she was laying by a lake of some kind. she blinked slowly and sat up. she glanced around to see her mother sat in front of her.

"hello, isabella." she smiled as the princess widened her eyes, scrambling to get up and flinging her arms around the former queen. "mother." she gasped.

"why am i here?" she asked, looking around once more.

"you are running out of time. merlin is struggling to find the antidote, so naturally, you are getting closer to death."

isabella frowned, shaking her head as faye smiled down at her. "i don't want to leave you. i miss you."

"you will never leave me, isabella. i am always here, even when you cannot see me." faye promised, pressing a kiss to her forehead.

"camelot needs you, mon enfant." my child. "you are agate. you are the princess of two kingdoms and soon to be queen of one."

isabella shook her head as tears fell from her eyes. "i cannot do it without you. please, mother...make me the greatest queen the world has ever known." she whispered to her as faye simply smiled.

"you do not need to ask. your story was written long before you was born, isabella. you are the greatest queen the world has ever known." faye told her, holding her hands.

"now go. your kingdom awaits you."

"it is not mine yet." isabella said as she felt herself fading away, merlin must have the antidote. she reached out to hold her mothers hands for the very last time. "i love you."

"i love you."

faye began to walk away, as tears fell from isabella's eyes. "and one more thing, isabella?" faye called out.

"beware of the lady morgana."

isabella woke up with a gasp, sitting upright as she felt arthur's arms wrap around her, she blinked slightly to see the troll fighting the king.

arthur managed to kill jonas and isabella heard merlin whisper and enchantment under his breath, the troll fell to the floor and arthur took the chance to stab his sword into her. the troll groaned and closed her eyes.

she was dead.

however throughout the day, all isabella could think of were her mothers last words.

beware of the lady morgana.

i hated that troll bitch

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