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episode three, the wicked day.

ISABELLA VALOUR laughed with glee as she ran through the busy hallways of the castle for a very special day. the princess jumped over some kind of wooden chair someone had dropped and rushed up the large steps to arthur's chambers.

"good morning, your grace." sir percival, sir gwaine and sir leon called out, but they received no response. anyone would be shocked she ignored her favourite knights but the three of them shared a knowing smile knowing exactly where she was going.

due to her being so excited, she completely forgot to knock on the door and ran in, arthur jumped up from his chair where he was eating breakfast, but smiled seeing her. "please stop doing that." merlin complained, his hand on his heart.

"happy birthday!" she practically squealed, flinging her arms around the poor man.

arthur hated birthdays. but because it was isabella, he chuckled and thanked her. "my, arthur...have you seen the castle? the decorations are magnifique! and the carnival of entertainment has arrived!" she jumped up and down, dragging arthur to the window.

"look!" she dragged both merlin and arthur over to the window.

"OH, DID YOU SEE THAT?!" isabella widened her eyes seeing a man doing a very skilled flip off of his horse.

"the man throwing sticks in the air?" arthur asked sarcastically, "very nice."

she frowned, turning to look at him in confusion. "and why are you so sour on this special day?"

"perhaps i'm less easily impressed than you." arthur smiled gently, making isabella cross her arms.

"well, me and merlin are really looking forward to it." she said, making merlin stand next to isabella and cross his arms to copy her.

"that's because you have the mind of children." arthur mused, turning to find his coat.

"and yet i'm still more intelligent than you." merlin mumbled, arthur yelling a i heard that! back.

isabella walked in front of arthur and merlin went to polish his armour. "would you like to see your gift?" she asked, a wide smile on her face.

he chuckled slightly, and nodded. "of course i would."

"okay, close your eyes—i mean it! no looking!" she exclaimed when he opened one eye, which was quickly shut again.

isabella quickly opened the door and grabbed the present, before returning. "hold your hand out." she ordered, and he did so.


arthur opened his eyes, which were immediately widened at the sight of a brand new sword, it still had the mark of camelot engraved in it, but what caught his eye was the emerald detailing across the handle and through the middle of the sword. "since emerald is sort of our thing i had this made for you." she explained, growing nervous to see how he would react.

"isabella it's...i...i do not even know what to say, it is amazing. i am in awe," he stared at it in shock, flipping it over to see the emerald again on the other side. "thank you so much."

"i am glad you like it. happy birthday, arthur." she smiled softly at the man who set the sword down and brought her in for a kiss, his hands going to her face.

they were quickly interrupted by none other than gwaine knocking on the door. arthur rolled his eyes, his hands intertwining with isabella's and went to open the door. gwaine was stood there with some sort of party hat on, and a massive smile. "happy birthday!"

arthur widened his eyes, trying not to laugh at the man. "...thank you."

"and now my gift, is this beautiful hat." gwaine bowed dramatically, holding out the hat. before arthur could protest, isabella had already placed it on his head.

"i am not going around looking like this." arthur said in a monotone voice, shaking his head.

"you have to!" isabella laughed.

"i look like a simpleton." arthur did not laugh at all.

"you look fine, now go and get ready for the celebrations." she laughed, turning to leave the room and get ready.

gwen was stood in her room, placing some flowers in a vase for her. "did he like his gift?" gwen asked hopefully, a smile on her face despite still feeling pain towards lancelot.

"he loved it, thank you so much, gwen. truly. i am going to find elyan after i am dressed to thank him as well." she smiled, holding onto the girls' hands as they walked over to the wardrobe to pick an outfit out.

"we are always happy to help." gwen smiled.

the celebrations began, and it was very impressive, isabella was smiling almost the entire time. even king uther had joined them. but then, at the very end of the entertainment, odin stopped to face the audience. "i require a volunteer! prince arthur, what better or more fitting occasion for you to demonstrate your legendary bravery?"

"do you accept the challenge?" odin asked. isabella glanced at the boy who let out a hesitant chuckle, and nodded. "of course."

everyone clapped as arthur stepped up to the spinning wheel, which meant it would be knife throwing. an apple was placed in arthur's mouth and isabella watched with an amused smile as arthur began to be spun around, no doubt getting dizzy. odin threw the first dagger and it landed just beside arthur's head.

isabella's eyes widened, but she didn't move a muscle, fearful she wouldn't be able to see if the dagger quickly hit him. he threw the second one, and uther looked as if was about to go into an early grave, but luckily it landed next to him.

the third and final dagger, was the one everyone was anticipating. isabella stayed still as her eyes focused on the dagger. odin threw it, and a gasp could be heard, which made her heart drop. however, arthur spun back around gently with the dagger in the apple.

she let out a sigh of relief and clapped for odin, chuckling slightly at the relieved expression on everyone's face.

the night continue until everyone was either drunk or tired and wanted to go home. isabella wished goodnight to arthur, who was a little tipsy by the end of the night, especially feeling drowsy due to the poison in the apple he had eaten.

"is there anything else you need, your grace?" gwen asked as she tucked isabella into bed.

"you should join me, gwen. we haven't had a sleepover since before morgana left and estella's death. i'm sure elyan can survive one night in his own." isabella patted the spot beside her.

gwen smiled and nodded, laying down next to her. "goodnight, gwenny."

"goodnight, bella."

ISABELLA WOKE to the most terrifying scene. in the night, odin had broke into king uther's chambers and had a duel with both arthur and uther. in the end, despite uther killing odin, uther had been stabbed in his heart.

"can you treat him?" arthur asked as isabella walked into the king's chambers, her eyes wide as she looked at the man who slept in his bed.

gaius glanced at isabella, before back to arthur. "the blade has touched his heart. he is bleeding inside." he spoke regretfully.

isabella furrowed her brows, "but there must be something you can do?" she asked knowingly.

"i am unsure, your grace. i am sorry." he told her gently. arthur's eyes brimmed with tears, and he left to speak to agravain.

isabella walked in closer, but merlin stopped her. "no." he began, coming up with a plan. she turned to him with a raised brow.

"do not heal him yet." he began. "if you are to do this, we need arthur to want to use magic, and when uther is healed, arthur will understand that magic can be used for the good." he explained, making isabella frown.

"it's too risky." gaius shook her head, "isabella will be caught."

"i can disguise myself." merlin cut him off, "gaius , you must convince arthur to travel to find a sorcerer of some kind that may be able to help. i'll be there and i will come back to camelot, isabella will heal the king and arthur will believe in good magic."

"it seems like an awful lot of effort when i could just heal him now." isabella sighed, but merlin shook his head.

"you understand how badly i wish to roam freely in this land without the fear of being caught. this is our chance." he pleaded, making isabella sigh.

"fine." she flung her arms up, turning to leave.

ARTHUR PENDRAGON was at first hesitant to travel to to forest of glaestig to find this sorcerer, especially because his father would never allow it, however when he learnt that both merlin and isabella would use magic in a heartbeat if it meant they could see their dead parent again, they would, he understood and agreed.

the three of them soon arrived at some sort of shed. they dismounted their horses and arthur frowned. "are you sure this is the right place? it looks like a charcoal makers hut." he complained.

"the old man can hardly make a living practicing magic. i think that a lot of sorcerers are in the the charcoal business." merlin admitted honesty, and isabella stopped herself from laughing.

"come on, arthur." she chuckled, walking towards the hut.

"are you not coming?" arthur frowned once he noticed merlin awkwardly stood around.

merlin shook his head with a disturbed look on his face. "we don't want to overwhelm him. two royals are enough. probably doesn't get many visitors...i'll stay out here and watch the horses." he whispered dramatically, making isabella stifle a laugh.

"i have never met anyone who is so scared so often!" arthur scoffed, making isabella roll her eyes at him. "scream like a big girl if there's any trouble."

as arthur knocked on the door, it opened slightly. arthur looked in, and then frowned. merlin ran around by a tree, as arthur raised an eyebrow at him. "there's no one here—what are you doing?"

"...i have to pee!"

arthur sighed and rolled his eyes, "so unless you want to come and watch me, i'd just go and wait inside." merlin suggested.

"why on earth would i want to watch you pee?" arthur grimaced.

merlin did some sort of wiggly dance, "there's the hut! i have to go!" he said, disappearing behind a tree.

isabella laughed slightly and walked back into the hut, looking around curiously. arthur was a clumsy oaf and accidentally broke one of the pots. she sighed and rolled her eyes at him. "really?" she sighed once he began to push it under the table to hide it.

the door suddenly opened and both isabella and arthur jumped back as if they had been caught in a crime scene. arthur immediately
glared, recognising the sorcerer who supposedly placed the poultice under his bed those few years ago. "you." he glared.

"so we meet again, pendragons!" he sneered, making isabella sent him an unamused look at the use of his last name for both of them.

arthur slowly reached for his sword, and old merlin raised a brow. "you have come to kill me?"

"no, that wasn't my intention." arthur responded worriedly.

old merlin walked closer, when he stepped on a bit of the broken pot. arthur blinked awkwardly, "i broke a pot."

old merlin scoffed. "you always were a clumsy fool!" he handed arthur a broom, before going to chop up his herbs. "so if you haven't come all this way to kill me, why have you come here? i take it you didn't come all this way just to smash my favourite pot!"

"if i'd known who you were, we wouldn't have come at all." arthur said, walking towards the door to leave.

"i thought you may have come to ask me to use magic to heal your father!" old merlin suddenly exclaimed, making arthur turn to him in confusion.

"how did you know?" isabella raised an eyebrow, faking curiosity. old merlin looked at her in slight annoyance.

"i know more than you could possibly comprehend!" old merlin grinned, making isabella and arthur both pull a confused face.

"well, given your hatred for my father and everything he stands for, we have clearly had a wasted journey." arthur scoffed, turning to go.

"arthur." isabella stopped him, making him look at her. "listen to the old man."

"do not suppose that you know my mind, arthur pendragon!" old merlin exclaimed, making isabella bite her lip to stop her laughter from escaping.

arthur looked at old merlin in disbelief, and hope. "will you help me?" he asked with wide eyes.

old merlin squinted his eyes at him. "you are asking me to save the life of a man that would have me executed?" he mocked, chopping up his herbs again.

isabella sighed softly at him. it was true, she looked up at arthur who immediately walked forward. "i know what i am asking of you, and i know you have no reason to help me, but you are my fathers only hope. i will give you anything you ask for, land, gold...name your price." arthur begged, making isabella look down nervously.

"i do not want your gold!" merlin suddenly exclaimed, his light eyes growing sad. "all i have ever wanted is for people like me can live in peace, that we are accepted rather than hunted. that is all i ask. that is the price."

arthur looked at him for a few moments, and then glanced down at isabella who was already looking at him. she slowly nodded, and he sighed, "i give you my solemn word. when i am king and isabella is queen things will be different, you won't have to live in fear."

merlin's eyes filled with tears of joy, smiling brightly as he walked over to the prince and princess. "then! i will help you!" he beamed, shaking the two's hands.

arthur let out a relieved chuckle and isabella half smiled half grimaced at the fact she now had to try and save the king. ...nothing i haven't done before. she thought. should be simple.

"then there is no time to waste! we must ride for camelot immediately." arthur began to drag old merlin to the door.


"my father weakens by the hour." arthur explained briefly, wondering why he was so hesitant.

"but i have...no horse." old merlin spoke, relieved he managed to get out of it.

"you can use merlin's, he'll just have to walk back."

old merlin did the loudest gasp ever, which made isabella break character for a few moments and giggle, covering it up with a cough. "it is so dusty in here." she fake coughed, making arthur shake his head.

"you wouldn't make your servant walk back to camelot?! i have a good mind not to help you!" he snapped sassily, making isabella cover her mouth with her hand to stop the laughter.

"i don't care whose horse you use! we have to get back to camelot before it is too late!" arthur said impatiently, making isabella sigh.

"first! i must gather some rare herbs. they are an essential part of the cure. i will come to camelot at nightfall." old merlin said simply. "if you want my help, that is how it needs to be."

"thank you, old man." isabella said sincerely, before swiftly exiting and ignoring merlin shout for arthur to come back.

old merlin ran out of the house seconds after and hid behind a tree as isabella mounted her horse. arthur came out around three minutes later looking confused. "where's merlin?"

isabella pointed to the tree where merlin stumbled out. arthur sighed, looking disappointed but not surprised. "what were you doing?"


"you mean to say you were peeing all the time we were in there?" arthur asked in confusion, and slight concern.

"yeah...i really had to go." merlin answered, slightly offended.

"there is definitely something very wrong with you." arthur scoffed.

ISABELLA VALOUR walked into uther's chambers just as agravain walked out. she didn't notice the wicked smirk on his face as she was so focussed on making sure she could heal him.

isabella noticed old merlin walk in with arthur and smiled, making sure she stood slightly behind arthur so he wouldn't notice her. merlin was about to use some sage over uther when arthur stopped him, "wait—"

"is something wrong, arthur?" isabella asked with a small frown.

"my father has taught me never to trust magic and now i am using it to save him." he spoke with a frown, looking conflicted.

"your own life has been saved using magic more times than you can possible imagine." old merlin said, making arthur look at him, confused.

"if you had the chance...when your mother died to bring her back. would you do it?" arthur turned to the girl who looked anxious at his words.

"i would...i would want her back so badly that if...if i knew how i would have saved her myself." she answered honestly to see how he would react.

"you yourself would use magic if you had the chance?" he asked curiously, making her heart crack slightly.

"do not forget the kingdom of devlin welcomes magic." she answered quietly, her once happy eyes turning scared.

"of course," arthur realised with a slight nod, turning back to old merlin and nodded to show him he could continue.

isabella watched as merlin closed his eyes, holding his hand out. she quickly closed her own, and focussed all of her energy onto uther. she winced slightly in pain—as if her magic was slowly slipping from her. she frowned to herself as old merlin subtly glanced at her, noticing her eyes were not golden...they were dark red.

he tried again when she did, and uther gasped for air, sitting up slightly. "father!" arthur gasped in relief, holding his hand.

isabella let out a sigh in relief, and smiled. uther suddenly began to cough, as if he was choking, muttering words in pain, choking and spluttering. isabella took a step forward in confusion and horror as merlin looked at her in shock. "what is happening?" isabella asked in a panicked tone, the tears in her eyes mainly due to fact she had done this.

"i..." old merlin frowned, unsure.

uther struggled, and then he closed his eyes. isabella immediately resting her head on his chest to check for a pulse. a shocked gasp escaped her lips as she looked at arthur in horror. "he is dead." the words alone made her begin to tear up.

"you!" arthur turned to old merlin in rage, "you killed him!"

"what have i done...?" isabella said, her voice just above her whisper that only merlin heard her.

"you gave me your word! you killed him! you'll die for what you have done!" arthur shouted, rushing towards him with his sword.

isabella was stood leaning against the wall, an expression of horror on her face as old merlin knocked arthur out using magic. "what happened?" he asked her.

"i...i don't know." she whispered, a choked sob escaping her lips.

"calm yourself." he hushed her, "i need to go—i will return as my true self and we will speak on this." he promised. "for now, call for the guards and gaius, and awaken arthur."

she could not move—she was frozen by fear, guilt and horror. "g-guards!?" she screamed hoarsely, but loudly. "somebody help!" she screamed again, light sobs from fear escaping her lips.

the door burst open and sir leon, gaius and a few guards entered. they took one look at isabella crouched next to arthur, and the king's lifeless body and immediately went to action. sir leon went to isabella and wrapped his arms around her. he knew it was unprofessional, but in that time he did not care.

isabella continued to shake arthur awake, not answering any questions being fired at her. gaius checked over uther and was horrified to see him dead. arthur gasped slightly and sat up, making isabella doing her arms around him.

isabella was terrified...something went terribly wrong with her magic, and she had killed the king. he wrapped his arms around her and gently stood her up, looking over at gaius who was stood by uther.

"call for me if you need anything." sir leon told them, taking it as a sign to leave. he bowed and exited, sending a worried look to merlin who rushed in.

"i am so sorry, arthur." gaius told the man who had tears rolling down his cheeks, gripping onto isabella as if she would disappear if he let go. "the king is dead."

those words made it real for arthur, and he immediately broke down in sobs, his head in isabella's neck. she comforted him, and looked over at gaius and merlin who were looking at the two in sympathy.

"i-i don't understand." isabella managed to speak as gaius covered the king's dead body. "i do not think the sorcerer meant to do it...he looked as shocked as you and i."

arthur couldn't speak, and continued to cry. isabella looked over at gaius and merlin, and dismissed them.

arthur sat with isabella for what felt like hours, while merlin and gaius had worked out that there was a necklace on uther's neck, which prevented magic from saving uther...however it still didn't make sense of how isabella's eyes turned red. so, merlin visited the great dragon.

kilgharah flew down to the outskirts of camelot and listened to the young warlock curiously. "...and when isabella tried healing uther, yes, there was the enchanted necklace so it most likely would have failed...but her eyes turned a dark red instead of orange. why is that?"

the great dragon looked at him, shaking his head. "princess isabella would not have failed. the agate does not fail...the agate is a creature of the old religion...it is either deep down she truly did not want to save uther for all of his crimes to her kind...or, the creatures of old religion on the other side simply did not let her. both of those reasons signify the red, meaning hatred, in her eyes."

MEANWHILE, ISABELLA and arthur were stood outside the throne room in silence. it was time to pay their respects to the king.

the throne room doors opened to reveal the late king lying on top of his coffin. out of respect, isabella walked five paces behind arthur, and stopped every time he did until he reached the coffin.

arthur bowed for his father, and then turned to his queen. his emotional eyes met hers and he held his hand out for her to take.

the princess slowly walked towards him, taking his hand and falling into a deep curtesy for the king, one last time. "i promise we shall make you proud, your majesty." she gently took hold of uther's pale hand.

no muscles moved in her face, a blank expression. despite her hatred for uther's cruel ways, he was still arthur's father. she needed to be strong, to let arthur know he can be weak. but of course, arthur was stubborn. he only began to cry when isabella's stern face broke slightly and her lip twitched.

"we have lost so many." arthur sniffled and isabella sent him a small smile.

she gently pressed a kiss to his forehead, and held his hand. "my king, this is only the beginning."

oh my goooshbhb
i hope the reason isabella couldn't heal uther makes sense!!!

i'm doing their coronation AND wedding next chapter just so it's separated and they get their special day together as one.

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