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- In Cold Blood

𝙏𝙃𝙀 π™π™Šπ™‡π™‡π™Šπ™’π™„π™‰π™‚ π˜Ώπ˜Όπ™”, at the joust, Sophie was sitting in between her sister Emily and her husband James while Edward Stafford daughter Anna was sitting next to her sister seeing as Edward Stafford was taking part in the joust among other people.

"Mr. Charles Brandon has now entered the lists" The page announced, causing everyone to clap their hands apart from Emily who rolled her eyes in annoyance. Charles rode his horse until he was in front of Henry and Catherine as he glanced between them with a beaming smile on his face and greeted them, " Your Majesties"

Charles turned his head glancing to look at Emily who quickly faced away from him, making the blonde snort quietly in amusement at the two lovers, that was until Charles looked at Anna with a charming smile causing Emily to Eclench her jaw together tightly in jealously.

"My Lady Buckingham" Charles called out looking directly at Lord Buckingham's daughter causing the brunette to scoff as she rolled her eyes in annoyance, " Would you do me the honour of letting me wear your favours today?" Anna smiled softly towards him as Charles placed his lance in front of her making Anna stand up and walk over towards him, tying her favours around the Tip of his lance.

The eldest Evans sister scoffed shaking her head in disbelief as she turned around and narrowed her eyes at Charles causing him to smirk in her direction before riding away making everyone applaud once again. Anna sat back down next to Emily much to her distaste as the brunette looked towards her and said, " I wouldn't go there if I were you. Trust me he'll ruin you, men like him always do"

"You mean, just like your sister and his Majesty" Anna whispered back careful so that Sophie wouldn't hear her making Emily raise her eyebrows at the young girl in surprise before looking away from her and back towards Charles who won the round.

"His Grace the Duke of Buckingham will now Joust a plaisance with the Earl of Newcastle" The page announced, causing James to clap his hands and cheer for his closest friend. Emily and Sophie exchange an irritated look in their faces knowing what a show of Edward Stafford is. They both turned around to watch the round closely only to see Edward win and leave his appointment heavily injured.

Henry turned his head looking towards Sophie lovingly only to furrow his eyebrows seeing James whisper something to her making the blonde glare at him hatefully before looking away. Sophie sighed quietly turning her head only for her eyes to connect with Henry's making a beaming smile appear on her lips.

Henry tilted his head to the side as if asking if she alright making Sophie nod her head slightly with an assuring look on her face before turning her head to look back towards the joust where Edward Stafford was getting ready for another round.


Edward Stafford ended up winning ten courses and was still continuing doing rounds much to Henry, Charles and their friends annoyance. Charles were about to go against him just to knock his confidence down as he was getting fed up with the man who continued showing off.

Over a sudden, the page announcer, announced that Henry would be going against Lord Buckingham much to everyone's shock causing Sophie's eyes widened as she bit her lip nervous. "Hey, he's going to be okay. This is Henry we're walking about" Emily tried to reassure her sister squeezing her hand in her own ignoring the glare she was receiving from James.

Henry was holding his lance in his hands as he rode towards what looked like Catherine, however everyone was speechless when he stopped in front of Sophie causing everyone to start whispering among themselves. "My Lady" Henry called out smiling brightly to the blonde who couldn't help but hide a smile in response, " would you do me the honour of letting me wear your favours today?"

Sophie looked towards her sister who smiled in amused and nodded her head but before the blonde could stand up James forcefully gripped his wife's wrist making her hiss slightly in pain.
"If I was you, I'll let go of my sister before either Henry kills you or even worse myself" Emily hissed as Henry glared at James making him finally let go of the blonde who sighed in relief rubbing her wrist before standing up making her way over towards Henry.

Sophie sent a slight nod in Henry's direction before she tied her favours around his Lance as everyone stared at the King with wide eyes leaving James and Catherine fuming at the scene that's just accord. Charles who was sat on his horse beside Anthony and William smiled in amused as William mumbled, " he never learns does he, he'll do anything to piss off the Duke of Burgundy. Even if that means sleeping with his wife"

"Trust me, those two have been in love since they were sixteen years old. I've never seen him so smitten before she's good for him" Charles said smiling fondly as he remembered when they were teenagers, Henry couldn't seem to stay away from her, he was memorised by her beauty and her feisty personality that she has.

Emily had an amused smirk on her facing noticing the look Henry was giving to her sister as the crowd began to applaud causing Henry to bow his head to the blonde before riding away from her. Sophie took a deep breathe before sitting back next to her sister and husband as she couldn't help but feel uneasy about this as Henry was good at Jousting but Edward had just won ten in a row.

Everyone watched the round closely, Sophie bit her lip in worry and fear in hopes that Henry will be okay. The blonde placed her hand against her stomach as she watched the two men ride against one another as Henry hit Buckingham against the chest with his Lance making him fall to the ground.

Sophie sighed in relief as she stood up holding onto the railing as she kept her eyes on Henry who rode away before removing his helmet causing him smile brightly looking towards Sophie who muttered, " Oh, thank god" sending Henry an a relieved look making him smile even brighter, looking at her like he was hypnotised making Charles laugh because of how smitten he is with the Evans girl.


At the feast that night, Emily and Sophie were sitting with James, Edward Stafford and the duke of Norfolk trying to not listen to the conversation their were having. The twins turned to look at one another rolling their eyes in annoyance as they were drinking red wine.

"He has no right to any of this" The Duke of Buckingham complained with James nodding his head in agreement the two were getting sickΒ  of Henry making a fool out of them, " His Father seized the crown on the battlefield. He has no real claim, only through a bastard on his mother's side"

"Your Grace's family is more ancient" Norfolk replied only half listening as he sent a look to Emily and Sophie who both sighed knowing that what Edward talking about treason."I am a direct descendant of Edward II. This is my crown, and this is my court. Not his crown or his court" Edward snapped before taking a large gulp of his wine making Sophie and Emily exchange an uneasy look.

"That's Treason and you both know it" Sophie snapped glancing between her husband and The Duke of Stafford with a look of distaste and disbelief with a shake of her head, " if Henry found out you were speaking of this he'll have your heads"

"It's the truth" James snapped glaring at his wife as Norfolk nodded his head slowly, " And one day... we shall make it come true" The Duke of Buckingham patted Norfolk and Noah on their backs with a smile on his face before taking his leave and walking away from them.

Sophie sighed in disbelief as she glanced at her sister and told her, " I'm gonna head off. I wanna be back to put my children to bed" Emily nodded her head in acknowledgement as she watched her sister walk off with James following after her.


Later that night, Sophie has put Ella and Edmond to bed and was sat on the edge of Charles's bed trying to persuade him to go to sleep but much to her luck he wasn't tired and would glare at his mother every time she would try to tuck him in.

"Mom" Charles started to say only to stop in his tracks as he hesitated to ask his mother something he was always been closer to his mother than his father. Sophie glanced at her youngest son stroking his hair as she furrowed her eyebrows looking at him softly and asked, " what is it love? You know you can tell me anything"

"Can I ask you a question?" Charles asked looking up at his mother who hummed nodded her head in encouragement, " Why don't you and father love each other?" Sophie could feel her heart break in two at his words as much as she wanted her children to grow up in a happy environment, they knew that their parents tolerated each other and that Sophie wanted her children to marry for love and not an arranged marriage like she had been in

"Why would you ask that, sweetie?" Sophie whispered softly as she didn't want her children to feel like they didn't live in a loving, warm home with both their parents. "I don't know. I sometimes see couples kiss and stuff and that they love each other. But you and father never do that" Charles explained with a frown on his face causing Sophie to send him a sympathetic look.

"I'm sorry that you feel that way but sometimes it's a lot more complicated than it seems" Sophie explained stroking his cheek affectionately as her son gave her look and told her, " it's just I love you both but I want you both to love each other as well"

"Me and your father love you and your siblings very much no matter what happens but when you get older you'll realise you don't choose who'll you love" the blonde women tried to explain to him, " Now, you need to get some sleep or I'll might just wake you up early for punishment for not going to sleep huh?"

"Mum!" The five year old boy groaned in annoyance causing Sophie to chuckle quietly to herself as he reminded her of his real father, " good night, love" Sophie leaned down to kiss his forehead sweetly before running her fingers through his dark hair one last time before walking out of his bedroom.

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