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- Wolsey, Wolsey, Wolsey!

When Sophie arrived at the festival, that was held for Charles the Holy Roman Emperor and King Henry daughter Mary engagement, it was already in full swing with people scattered with people all around dancing, laughing and chatting with one another. Everyone's eyes snapped towards the blonde beauty some in envy, most in adoration. A pair of blue eyes were locked on her figure as he watched her dancing with their children and couldn't help but smile at the sound of his children joyful laughter.

Henry knew the moment that Sophie arrived, he couldn't seem to take his eyes off her as his heart beated rapidly against his rib cage at the sight of her as he seemed to forget how to breathe properly. The Evans girl effortlessly beauty astounded him and each time he saw her he could feel himself falling completely for Sophie.

King Henry averted his gaze away from Sophie and his children when Charles caught his attention as he leaned forward and spoke with the King, " As soon as possible, you must both come and visit me. I want to show you especially the treasures of Montezuma the King of the Aztecs, the General Cortes recently discovered in Mexico"

"We should love that" Henry smiled as he took his wife's hand in his own as Catherine nodded her head in agreement, " we've heard a little about the lands across the sea they call indies." Charles laughed shaking his head in response looking between both Henry and Catherine and said, " I tell you, I swear to you, that is where the future lies. So much undiscovered land. So much wealth of gold and silver of minerals and salts"

Anne placed a tray of food on the head table where the King and Queen of England were sitting, taking a step back she curtsied sending Henry a seductive look but frowned deeply when she noticed he wasn't staring at her as his attention was focused on Sophie who was now dancing with her daughter as her sons had somehow escaped their mother and is now running around the festival.

Catherine narrowed her eyes at Anne with a suspicious look as she noticed the look the Boleyn girl was sending her husband causing her to clench her jaw as she had to share her husband with Sophie and that was bad enough as it is and knew her husband had fallen out of love with her years ago and it'll only be amount of time before Henry decides to divorce her so he could marry the women he really wants.

"sweetheart" Henry called out gaining Catherine attention who moved her gaze away from Anne sending Henry a small smile before focusing on the nobles that was dancing. Anne who was refilling her fathers goblet when he leaned forward and hissed, " put yourself in his way!" Anne looked up glaring at her father and responded, " don't you think I'm trying. It's a little hard when his attention is on her"

Thomas Boleyn turned his head glaring at Sophie Evans who was now sat down taking a break from dancing talking and laughing with her sister trying to think of ways to get the blonde girl out of the way long enough for his daughter to capture the kings heart but he knew it wouldn't be easy as he had heard how strong the love that burns between Sophie and Henry and that they had been together for years.

" How are your preparations going?" Henry curiously questioned as Charles leaned forward slightly with a nod of his head and informed, " we are recruiting more German mercenaries but everything is going well. I shall take Milan by next spring" Henry nodded his head in acknowledgment raising his brows at the Holy Roman Emperor and asked, "and then?"

"And then, together, we shall invade France and bring to an end the adventures of that libertine monarch King Francis" Charles smirked leaning back in his chair causing Henry to grin brightly as he wanted revenge for his uncles death caused by the French, " that will make me very happy" Charles snorted in amusement sending Henry a look and added in, " it will also make you King of France"

The Holy Roman Emperor stood from his seat turning around smiling down at Princess Mary offering her his hand, " will you dance, your highness? With your majesty's permission" Henry hummed looking down at his daughter sending her a smile nodding his head gesturing for Mary to go dance with her betrothed, " granted"

Mary grabbed Charles hand dragging him towards the dance floor causing Henry to chuckle softly in amusement only for the smile to fade from his lips when his sister, Margaret, appeared by his side clearing her throat only for Henry to roll his eyes in annoyance, " excuse me" Henry spoke quietly to his wife before standing up and walking away towards the dance floor with his sister.

"The King of Portugal, I've heard he's also has gout. They say his spine is deformed. He walks like a crab." Margaret trailed off letting out a heavy sigh when she noticed her brother wasn't paying attention to anything that she was saying, " Promise me something, brother. I'll agree to marry him on one condition... when he's dead, which won't be long, I can marry whom I choose. Agreed?"

" Not drinking today, Charles, or should I say, your Grace?" Anthony Knivert commented with a hint of jealously in his voice causing Charles to frown in confusion as he turned to face his two old friends with William Compton adding in, " you should definitely call him by his real name which is cunt or villain" Charles frown deepened as he glared at the two of them in irritation and disbelief as it was obvious the two men where jealous of the title that Henry had given Charles but the two had been best friends since they were children, "why?"

"we're suppose to be friends, Charles." Anthony commented narrowing his eyes at him only for Charles to scoff in disbelief and resorted, " aren't we still?" William shrugged his shoulders shaking his head slightly and stated, " not if you don't show us favour. It's within your gift to ask his majesty to give us some titles or at least some land."

"It seems that everything the King has to give, he's given to you already" Anthony trailed off only to be interrupted by Sophie who heard what the two men are saying, " are you actually kidding me. Charles has been a close friend to the King since i could remember of course he would give him a title. Everything the two of you are doing is for yourself. You are greedy, you are selfish and if Charles was your friend you wouldn't be trying to manipulate him into sweet talking Henry to give you some land. Show him some respect"

Sophie squeezed Charles arm causing him to smile softly at the blonde only for her eyes widened in shock when her two sons ran past giggling throwing food at one another, " Edmond! Charles! I swear to god I can't leave them alone for a second" Charles couldn't help but laugh in amusement as he watched Sophie who rush after her sons separated the two of them stopping them from throwing food at one another and also the nobles.

After The Holy Roman Emperor had finished dancing with Mary he walked over to Catherine offering his hand to her as she placed her hand on top of his with a smile on her face, " I am so glad to see you. It is often lonely here" Charles frowned in confusion as he looked at the Queen of England and repeated, " lonely?" Catherine nodded her head in confirmation as she explained, " things are not well between us, his majesty and I"

"But I saw him with my own eyes how attentive he is to you. He looks at you with such devotion it seems, with such love" Charles trailed off only for Catherine to scoff in disbelief rolling her eyes as she knew it was for show while he discussed business on taking over France, " I fear that is for your benefit. Henry is a good masker"

Both Catherine and Charles turned their attention to the king who shoved his sister away from him turning around only to bump into Sophie only for her to slowly curtsied as he stared at her with nothing but love in his eyes, " Lady Sophie" Catherine who was watching her husband interact with the blonde beauty had a heartbroken look on her face and muttered, " I think sometimes he will ask me for a divorce"

" a divorce?" Charles questioned with a look of shock and surprise on his face seeing the look on Catherine face he shook his head frantically and continued, " No. that's impossible" the Queen of England smiled sadly looking at the ground, " is it? I've been competing for his love for years but ever since he met Sophie he was besotted with her and no matter how many women he sleeps with he always goes back to Sophie. He's in love with her and always had been ever since he laid his eyes on her"


Henry frowned in confusion as he walked through the castle corridors when he suddenly stopped when he heard a noise coming from one of the room causing him to glance around as he called out, " hello?" He hesitated before moving towards the room only for an puzzled expression on his face at the sight of Sophie who was standing in the middle of the room in a beautiful white dress, " Sophie? What are you doing here? Are you all right?"

Sophie turned her head to look at Henry making him smile as he started to walk towards her only for the blonde girl to send him a mischievous smile before holding her dress and running away leaving him to chase after her sliding across the floor holding onto the wall in front of him as he peaked out from behind it back only to see Sophie doing the same with a bright smile.

Henry slowly creeped around the side where Sophie was suppose to be with a playful grin but she quickly rushed over towards where Henry originally was only to giggle as she held her dress running out of the room without Henry seeing. The King of England looked around trying to search for Sophie before noticing the other room as he quickly made his way towards it only to find her sat down with her back against the wall.

"Sophie" he breathed out before dropping to his knees and hovering over the blonde grabbing the ends of her dress only for Sophie to push him away with a shake of her head, " No. not here and not like this" Henry placed his hand against her cheek looking into her eyes tilting his head to the side and inquired, " how?"

Sophie stayed silent for a moment before shrugging her shoulder and stated, " seduce me. Write letters to me and poems. I love poems. Ravish me with your word. Seduce me and I shall be yours" Sophie pressed a kiss to his cheek before standing up walking out of the room closing the door behind her only for Henry to rush after her taking in her words placing his hands on the foot before opening it only for find Sophie naked with her arms covering her modesty.

Henry eyes snapped opened, sitting up on his bed with a gasp trying to steady his breathing at the dream he had of Sophie looking around the room letting out a heavy sigh as one go Henry's guards who was stood outside held his sword in his hand looking around the kings chambers for any sigh of threat, " Majesty?" Henry couldn't help but smile at the thought of Sophie holding out his hand and assured the guard, " it's all right. She's gone"


A short while later, Henry, Cathrine, Mary and the Holy Roman Emperor where sat at the head table when Wolsey was walking towards them with a treaty in his hands and informed, " for your majesties to sign between you this treaty of perpetual amity and concord and to confirm with your deals and before these witnesses the betrothal of Charles, Holy Roman Emperor and her highness, Princess Mary, upon her reaching the age of twelve."

Wolsey placed the treaty between Charles and Henry before taking a step back and continued, "I say to you again, in my power as papal legate and chancellor of England that you should sign this treaty of friendship, one to another, and never break it, so held you God" Henry and Charles both grabbed a quill each dipping it in ink before they both signed the treaty for the betrothed for Princess Mary and the Holy Roman Emperor causing the room to erupt into people applauding and yelling happily.

" I swear to you my honour and allegiance. You must always trust in me. Always" Charles spoke to Cathrine once Henry left causing her to bow her head with a happy smile. The King of England walked over to Wolsey and quietly whispered, " where is Mr pace? He should have been here" Wolsey let out a heavy sigh looking around making sure no one was listening before informing, " Your Majesty, I have discovered, shamefully that Mr Pace was not deserving of Your Majesty's trust. I have removed him for his offices"

"You're sure?" Henry curiously questioned narrowing his eyes at Wolsey who nodded his head in confirmation and explained, " The French we're paying him a pension" The King nodded his head slightly clenching his jaw and replied, " I see. I trust you will find me a replacement" Wolsey nodded his head in agreement as Henry walked away towards his chambers sitting by his desk when the door opened and his page announcer and an older man who was carrying jewels wrapped in a blue fabric.

"Mr Heys, do you have those pieces I asked for?" Henry questioned turning to face the older man who nodded his head in confirmation placing the blue fabric down in front of the King, " Yes, Your majesty" opening the blue fabric showing the beautiful jewels, " one, rubies set in circlets of gold. A second, a precious stone upon a bed of gold and Pearl."

"Third, small and large drips of Pearl with gold and purple and the detail of a lions head and lastly, feathers of silver, gold and Amber. Jewels fit for a Queen, your majesty" Mr Heys continued as Henry smiled as he looked down at the jewels in front of him as he couldn't help but think about Sophie and muttered quietly under his breathe, " Hmm, indeed, fit for a Queen all but in name"

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