Distance Formed

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(Jungkook POV)

The darkness once again sets in as the weight grows. Struggling to move, my body trembles under the pressure. My vision blocked by the growing darkness as the numbness overcomes my body.

The shackles around my ankles pull me down as I am now no longer able to get up. My body lying on the cold surface with no means of getting up.

The familiar figure walks up to me once again as a smirk appears on her thin lips. Her eyes shining with unknown mischief as I lay in front of her.

"Y-Yerin? Why?" My voice cracks as I look up at her.

Her hand caressing my cheek as her face becomes clearer. Her eyes staring into mine as I could do nothing except for staring back at her.

"Did you forget about me brother? Smiling and running about with your dear friends as I am tortured in this darkness. How can you be so cruel brother?"

Shaking my head to her words, I refuse to acknowledge them. An immense feeling of guilt and regret filling my senses as I shut my eyes tightly.

My eyes shot open as I sit up on my bed. My breathing ragged as I look around my brightly lit room. The familiar surroundings somewhat setting my mind to rest as I pull my legs closer to my chest and hug them with my arms.

The numbers on the digital clock sitting atop my bedside table notifying me that there was still several hours till school started.

The feeling of guilt still not leaving me, I hug my knees as I bring them closer to my chest. Tears escaping my eyes as I do nothing to stop them.

The Sun has yet many hours to rise as I slowly cry myself to sleep. My mind chanting the same words over and over again.

I never forgot about you Yerin... And I never will...

The warm rays of light rushing through the windows into my room as they cause my eyes to flutter open. A new day starts but today I feel worse than yesterday.

Reaching school, the chattering corridors welcome me as I run right past the chaos surrounding me. Rushing into the library, I walk to the back of it. Sitting down at a corner hidden quite well behind all the shelves of books. I put my head down on the table in front of me, closing my eyes as I let the tiredness from not sleeping well the previous night wash over me.

Hours passed by with me skipping all classes. Soon another bell rang, indicating the starting of lunch time.

Still not moving from my place in the library, I slowly open my eyes as I look at the window beside me. The bright light causing me to squint my eyes as I look back inside the library.

I didn't go to the rooftop because I don't want her to find me.

The dream, or rather the nightmare, from last night has shaken me quite a bit and I don't want to see anyone right now.

Wanting to move, I get up from my seat as I walk around the entire library, assessing my surroundings. It was my first time in the library and I had to admit that it was pretty huge.

Books of various colors, old or new, placed in shelves as I glide my hands through each. All of them were well kept and some shelves were arranged beautifully with the covers of the books arranged in the color order of the rainbow.

"Like how I arranged then?" A sudden voice from above me startles me as I step back in surprise.

Turning to look behind me, I saw no one. Hearing some shuffling from above, I look up to notice a boy standing on a ladder with a few books in his hand.

"Hello! Can you please pass that book to me? It'll be a hassle to get down and pick it up." The boy points at a book fallen on the floor right beside where I was standing.

I pick it up and hand it to him, earning a bright smile from him as he quickly out the book on the shelf. Jumping down from the ladder, he lands on the floor swiftly as he looks at me.

"Thank you Jungkook!" He says as I raised my eyebrow at him knowing my name.

"You know me?"

"Oh come on! Everyone knows you~ By the way! I'm Hoseok!" Hoseok extends his hand with the smile still evident on his lips.

Not wanting to speak much, I just nod and decide not to ask his reasoning of knowing my name. And in a away, since he knows me I don't have to introduce myself so it reduces my need to talk.

Timidly linking my hand with his, he shakes it as he soon gets up the ladder once more. My eyes follow his each movement and noticing my gaze on him, he turns towards me.

"Sorry but I have to arrange these books now, I'll talk with you later! Promise!"

"No it's fine."

I turn to walk away. Walking through numerous shelves filled with books, I make my way towards the door to exit the library. My steps came to a halt when I was met with the sight of Jimin, Taehyung and Y/N standing in the hallway.

The corridor being quiet here, their words are easy to hear. Leaning against the wall of the library right beside the open door, I listen to their conversation and I soon heardl them mention my name as I slowly peep to look at them.

"Are you sure you searched everywhere?" Both Jimin and Y/N nod to Taehyung's question as a loud sigh leqv ehis lips. "I'm going to beat that boy up if I find him..."

"No! No violence Taehyung! He is already hurt, I don't want him to get hurt again!" Taehyung pouts as Jimin smacks his hand.

"Wait. We haven't checked the library yet." Y/N notices the library right beside where they are standing as I quickly stop peeping on them.

I don't want them to find me. I want to be alone for now but how am I supposed to do that if they find me?

Not wanting to be caught, I turn away and walk up to a nearby shelf as I hide behind it. Through the gaps between the book, I can see the library's entrance. Soon Y/N enters with Jimin and Taehyung following behind.

They split up to look for me and Y/N comes dangerously close to where I stand. Luckily she doesn't notice me as she silently passes by where I stand. Sighing, my relief of not being found was short lived as a loud voice breaks through the silence of the library.

"Hey! Why did you just walk away when I said I would talk with you later? That was so rude!"

Clenching my jaw and turning my hand into tight fists, I turn to look at the voice. The boy from earlier standing beside me with his arms on his waist. His orange hair catching my eye quickly as I just hoped Y/N to not have heard his voice.

But Hoseok's voice being so loud I am sure Y/N heard it. My only choice now was to run away as fast as my legs allow me to.

But alas... Things don't always happen the way you want them to.

Hoseok caught me by my collar as he pulls me towards him.

"Where are you running to this time? Am I really that scary or do you not like me?" Hoseok pouts as he looks at me with his puppy eyes.

"What?" Not being able to completely understand what he meant causes me to frown as I struggled to escape from his grip.

I jerked to help loosen his grip on me but it only causes me to hurt my shoulder. A whimper escapes my lips as Hoseok's expression immediately turnes into one with extreme worry.

"Oh! I'm sorry! Did I hurt you?" Hoseok touched my shoulder softly which caused me to flinch, worrying the boy even more.

"I-I'm okay..." As I turn around to walk away, I came face to face with the person I least wanted to meet.

"Jungkook?" Her eyes peer as she walks towards me with me backing away from her. "Where were you? I was worried sick..." Her voice trails off as she notices me move away from her.

My back hit a solid surface as I turn to look behind to notice Hoseok looking at us with a confused gaze. He stands still as his eyes slowly moves onto my figure. Panic took over my mind as I try to dash away, away from the both of them.

"You don't need to run away. I get that you don't want me to be here." Y/N's expression softens as they give way to a soft smile. The smile wasn't that of happiness but rather an expression I am incapable of understanding.

Her eyes glistening with the strange emotion as her smile holds a meaning behind them which I unable to grasp hold of.

"I just wanted to know how your shoulder was... I was worried that you were hurt again but now that I'm sure you are okay, you don't have to run away. I'll leave, I can see that you want to be alone."

Her words don't hold any falseness to them as she speaks them with utmost sincerity. She speaks politely, not a hint of rudeness to her words, as she walks back, creating quite a distance between us.

"But just remember, no matter your reason of wanting to stay alone, I'll always be there for you if you need someone to lean on." With those words she leaves, turning to walk away with quick steps as I keep staring at her figure till it disappears among all the shelves surrounding us.

"Did I hurt you earlier?" Hoseok voice is soft but I was too occupied with thinking back on what just happened.

Y/N had seen through me and understood my intentions even without me speaking a word. Neither did she blame me nor be rude. She just moved away, not forcing herself onto me. Her little action of giving me space touches me as I just smiled.

Somewhere within my heart, it aches to let go of a friend who had grown to be so important to me. But it had to be done, a person as cruel as me never deserved friends so caring and wonderful. They were better off with someone better.

In the back of my mind, something kept poking me, a strange feeling overcoming my senses with me unable to make any meaning if their sudden appearance.

"Anyone there? Hellooooooo~" Hoseok waves his hand in front of my eyes as he breaks through the chain of thoughts that formed in my mind. "Is your shoulder hurting? I just hurt you earlier didn't I?"

His eyes held concern that reminded me of Y/N's as I quickly turn away from him.

"I'm fine."

My words don't seem to convince him as he crossed his arms in front of his chest with a pout forming on his lips.

"Your expression doesn't look like you are doing fine. You're going to the nurse with me." He grabs my right hand as he pulls me behind him.

"I said I'm f—"

"Shhh~ just follow me and there will be no problems." He puts a finger over my lips to quieten me as he smiles at me brightly. "I hurt you so I'm responsible."

The break was soon over but Hoseok made sure I took the painkillers given to me by the nurse before leaving to attend his classes. As for me, I decide to attend a few classes as they didn't coincide with Jimin, Taehyung or Y/N's.

As I am walking out of school, an arm wraps around my shoulder as I turn to look beside me. The familiar face of Hoseok appearing as I quickly move away.

"Leave me alone."

"Why so rude? I just wanted to go home with you." Hosoek pouts at my rudeness.

"I don't see a reason why you would want to."

"Oh come on! I feel bad about hurting you... So I wanted to spend time with you so that I know you are feeling better!"

"I'm okay and you don't need to concern yourself with me." Turning away quickly, I run off in the direction of the exit to avoid any more talking.

The day has taken quite a mental toll on me and I was in no mood to have a conversation. I feel guilty at talking so rudely to him as he genuinely seems concerned but I was tired and all I want is to be alone. I make a mental note to apologize to him if I ever see him again, not that I was expecting him to come close to me after my rudeness.

But little did I know how determined of a person he is.

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