Importance Of Friendship

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(Jungkook POV)

The darkness that envelopes me slowly dissipates as I am finally able to breathe. My body remains numb but the weight on my chest lightens.

My monotonous routine of following the same schedule soon changes when I met her. Each day seems new, like a fresh new start. Her words give me the strength to fight back, to not fall on my knees against my problems.

A happy smile forms on my lips as I walk towards my school. For the first time in quite a while I am going to school and it doesn't feel like a burden but rather I am waiting eagerly when I will get to school and get to meet her.

I am looking forward to going to school and not running away from it.

I am enjoying myself.

As I reach the classroom, I walk in with big steps as I notice her sitting right beside my seat.

She hasn't left me, she is still there. Unknowingly a smile forms on my lips as I quickly sit down on my seat.

"Good morning baby boy~" She chimes as I quickly greet her back with the smile still evident on my lips.

She returns my smile with her own as we talk till the bell rang and our lessons start. I finally understand why I used to love school, it is as if I was floating. I am enjoying my new found happiness to the fullest.

Our teacher soon arrives and all eyes turn towards the board as he scribbles words on it.

"You all will be having a science project. This is a group project and each group will have three members..." The teacher continues and I turn to her.

"Let's be partners!" She exclaims even before I can ask her and I happily nod my head.

"And!" The teacher breaks through all the noise in the class. "I will be assigning you your team members."

All whispers around the class comes to an end as we all turn quiet. My mind goes into panic. I don't want to be partnered with anyone else.

The girls will be clingy and the boys will be ready to kill me anytime they get. I sit there as I gulp numerous times out of fear that I am going to be paired with someone who is not her.

As I am panicking, I suddenly felt a hand patting my head softly. I turn to meet her eyes and I immediately calm down.

"It's okay... Don't worry." Those simple words help me calm down as she moves her hand and looks towards the teacher again.

The teacher held a clipboard in his hands as he calls out the names of the students. Joining my hands together I close my eyes and sit still.

I hear a soft chuckle from beside and slightly open my eyes only to see her smiling at me.

"What's so funny?" I whisper to her.

She just shakes her head and continues smiling.

"Jungkook..." My name was finally called causing me to stiffen as I waited for him to call the names of my other team members. "... Jimin and Y/N."

All the happiness from my face drains as I look at her sitting beside me but surprisingly I notice her happily turn towards me.

"Yes! We are partners baby boy~" She holds my hands in her as she exclaims in joy.

"You are Y/N?" I ask her as I still am unaware of what her name is.

"You seriously didn't know my name till now?" She looks at me with an exasperated expression painting over her features.

I scratch the back of my neck as I awkwardly smile at her. She shakes her head as she sighs in defeat.

"Anywaysss! We are together!"

She says in order to break the awkwardness surrounding us.

"But first we need to meet with Jimin as well." Y/N looked around to find him. "Aha! Jimin! Here!"

Y/N waves her hand as she calls Jimin over to our place. I follow Y/N's line of sight and it soon falls over a boy. He smiles as his eyes meets Y/N's and hurriedly walks over to where she was.

"Y/N-sshi! Looks like we are team mates!"

"Yeah! Let's work well and blow away everyone's minds!"

Y/N's words cause both of them to start laughing. Jimin's eyes folds into crescents as he laughs along with Y/N.

"I will allow you all to discuss your project with your team mates for this class." The teacher announces as Jimin sits down on the seat right behind me.

Soon Jimin's eyes falls on me and I notice his eyes widening as he quickly looks away.

What the-?

"So anyways! Jimin, this is Jungkook and Jungkook, thus is Jimin!" Y/N introduces us to each other.

"Hello." I extend my hand for a handshake and I notice him looking around but not meeting my eyes.

His hands shakily take mine but he was still looking away. Y/N notices that and immediately tries to change the topic.

"Sooooo~ Wanna have a night stay at my home on Friday? We can discuss about our project and have some fun as well!" She proposes to which I immediately nod.

"I-I'll think about it! A-And sorry but I've got to go n-now!" Jimin quickly says as he excuses himself from our conversation.

He walks up to the teacher and asks him if he could go to the washroom. Rushing out of the classroom, he leaves us in confusion.

"Whaaaaaat just happened?" Y/N asks to which I just shrug. "You didn't do anything to him did you?"

"Not anything that I remember of." We sit in confusion as the class soon ended with Jimin not coming back to class.

We decide give him some personal space as we continue on with our classes. Unfortunately, I only have my first class with Y/N and all the others are different.

"Awww~ Don't be sad baby boy~ We'll meet up during lunch!" She ruffles my hair as I was pouting. "Don't miss me too much!" She waves as she walks away towards her class.

Sighing I walk away as well but not towards my class but instead towards the rooftop. But as I was walking a loud voice catches me off guard.

"I'm going to kill you if you skip classes kid!" Y/N's voice echoes through the walls of the corridor as I immediately stiffen.

"Yes Ma'am!" I salute as I turn to face Y/N, who stood at the other end of the corridor.

"Good!" She smiles as she turns around to leave.

Her words make me smile as I change my tracks and walk towards my class instead of the rooftop now.

Y/N... You seriously are amazing.

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