Repaying Through Friendship

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(Jungkook POV)

After our consultation with the doctor, we are now walking towards my house. Y/N insisted on accompanying me back.

The bright street lights illuminating the deserted and dark streets as we walk down them. The stars shimmering above us as the moon outshone their brightness.

As we keep walking, we were brought to a halt when certain voices catch our attention. It sounded like sniffles and whimpers and a loud thud soon followed them.

Turning to look at Y/N, I notice her slowly walking into the direction from where the voices and sounds reaches us.

"Should we go into that alleyway?" I ask her as she walks into it.

"Someone might be in trouble and I'm not going to overlook that." She turns to me. "You stay here. I wouldn't want you to get hurt anymore."

"I'm coming with you. Two is better than one." I deepened my voice in attempts of showing that I was not going to back out.

"Fine. But don't do anything reckless." I nod as we follow the voices that lead us further into the dark alleyway.

Only the moon shone above us as the voices soon grows louder and we could soon make out their sentences.

"Give it to me!" The voice growls loudly.

"No!" This voice is familiar and way weaker than the one that was heard previously.

"Give it to me before I do something you'll regret boy." The voice deepens as I quickly look up from behind the stacks of cardboard boxes.

Y/N and I am hiding behind the boxes that conceal our presence as we observe the scene that unfolds in front of us.

"Isn't that..." My eyes widen as they rest upon an extremely familiar frail figure of the boy.

"Jimin." Y/N completes my sentence as she quickly takes out her phone.

"What are you doing?"

"Calling the police. Jimin is in danger from what I see." Y/N explains to which I silently nod my head without questioning her anymore.

"Hey! Who are you?" Another voice speaks up from behind us.

Turning behind us we notice a man standing behind us. His hands stuffed in his pocket and his clothes looked rather messy and quite similar to other man who was troubling Jimin now.

"Looks like we are the ones cornered now." Y/N sighs as she slowly stands up.

"Y/N?" I question her actions as she stands up.

She looks at me with a gaze that told me to follow her with no questions. She then turns to look at the man in front of us.

"Y/N? Jungkook?" Jimin's eyes widen as he notices us.

The man pushes us to stand beside Jimin as we stand beside one another. Facing the two men, we stand still with Jimin glancing at us every now and then. The men were discussing something and Jimin took this opportunity to whisper to us.

"What are you guys doing here?"

"We could ask you the same question Jimin." Y/N speaks in a low voice which could barely be heard even though we are standing extremely close to one another.

Soon our little conversation was interrupted with the men turning to us with wide grins plastered on their faces.

"So, judging from your looks. I'm sure you're loaded." Their grins widens as a man extends his hand in our direction.

"What?" I ask the man while my eyes bores holes into his figure out of pure rage.

"Whaaa! Don't glare at me! I'm scared~" Ending his sentence both the men start laughing hysterically and soon stop to catch a breath.

"Stop joking around." I speak up again.

"Okay then let's get to the point. Give us your wallets and then let's peacefully go on our ways."

"What if I say no?" I say.

"Pretty brave aren't you? Let's see if you keep being so brave." His eyes turn to Y/N as a smirk replaces his grin.

Moving towards her with steady steps, his fingers wrap around her chin as it forces her to look up at him.

"Let's have some fun shall we?"

"Get your hands off of her." A growl leaves my lips as I was about to punch him but was stopped when I notice a smirk growing on Y/N's lips.

"You wanna have some fun?" Y/N's voice held a hint of excitement in them which causes the man to be surprised by her tone of speaking. "Then let's play a game... Just you. And me." Her arms runs up to his chest as she leans closer to the man.

My eyes widen at her course of actions and the same reaction is seen with Jimin who stands speechless.

Soon footsteps echoes through the silent walls of the alleyway as we stand confused by the sudden sounds. The footsteps grow closer as the men start to panic and attempt to run away.

"Oh no you aren't going anywhere!" Y/N jumps on the man as she pins him down with his face pushed against the cold ground and his hand twisted behind his back.

"The hell!? Get off me! Let me go!" The man shouts as he struggls to be freed from Y/N's grip but his attempts were all in vain.

The other man stands confused as to whether he should help his accomplice or run away.

"Hands up! You're under arrest for trying to attack and rob citizens!" A loud voice breaks the eerie silence that falls upon us as the footsteps soon comes to a halt.

Turning our eyes towards the voice, five police officers come into sight with their pistols in their hands as they point it towards the men.

"Put your hands where I can see them!" Another police officer orders as the men glare at them.

"You witch!" The man tries to hit Y/N whose attention was now on the police officers.

Rushing over to where Y/N is I push her away as his punch lands on my shoulder and I hiss at it striking my already hurt shoulder.

"Are you okay Jungkook?" Y/N panics as she doesn't know what she is supposed to do.

Y/N and Jimin runs up to my fallen figure as Y/N helps me stand up by leaning onto her.

"I'm so sorry... This all happened because of me..." Jimin's voice breaks as his head lowers to look down at the ground.

I rest my right hand on Jimin's shoulder and he immediately looks up at me. His eyes appear glossy as the moonlight reflects off of the tears that formed.

"It's alright now and I'm glad that you're fine." I say which causes Jimin's eyes to widen slightly.

"Yeah! God knows what would happen if we didn't find you!" Y/N exclaims as she shakes Jimin by his shoulders. "I'm so glad we found you in time!"

"T-Thank you Y/N... J-Jungkook. I'm really grateful." The tears spills as he clutches onto Y/N's hand tightly while crying.

"Excuse me." After dealing with arresting the men, a police officer walks up to us. "We will need you all to come with us to the police station."

We nod and follow the police officer out of the alleyway.

"By the way... You knew that the police officers were coming, that's why you got so close to the man to buy time right?" I ask Y/N who nodded.

"Yeah. Were you jealous?" Y/N wiggles her eyebrows as she nudges my waist with her elbow.

"Pffft! Me? Jealous? No way!"

"Yeah yeah~"

"How did you know that the police were coming?" Jimin chimes in between our conversation as he questions her.

"I had called the police before that man had caught us. I put my phone into my pocket and the police heard everything." Y/N says as she puffs her chest up with her hands on her waist. "And those men were pretty dumb considering that they didn't even take our phones away from us. Dumbos."

We chuckle listening to her words. Her mere presence was enough to light her surroundings up. She doesn't let anything faze her as she solves each problem with little effort.

"Thank you... Really. I mean it. You guys saved me from getting into a grave trouble and I don't know how to repay you back." Jimin bows to us as I quickly pull him up.

"There is no need to do that Jimin. You don't need to repay us." I assured the boy as I smiled at him.


"Well then, if you really want to repay us back, there is one thing you can do." Y/N interrupts as I quickly turn to her.

"What? You seriously want him to do something for you?" I frown at her words but she just decides to brush them away.

"I would like you to become our friend Jimin." Y/N continues as she looks at Jimin with her eyes completely focused on his figure.

Jimin's face breaks into a bright smile as he nods his head vigorously causing giggles to escape both Y/N and my lips.

"I would love to become your friend! Thank you!" Jimin exclaims in joy as he hugs me tightly.

I was taken aback by the sudden contact but I decide not to push him away and instead just ruffle his hair.

"You don't need to thank us so many times. Okay?" Jimin looks up at me as I speak the words to him.

"Alright!" Jimin exclaims loudly as his smile widens.

Jungkook and Jimin kept walking as they shared giggles and smiles and Y/N trailed along behind them. A smile adorning her lips at seeing Jungkook enjoying his time with his new friend.

She looked up at the moonlit sky as she admired it's beauty. Her eyes joining several stars to form patterns as she kept smiling.

She was glad that they were happy.

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