Trial Of Friendship

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(Jungkook POV)

"... You don't know my preferences yet baby boy."

Y/N's low voice causes shivers to run down my spine. Her words hiding something under them as they confuse me. My heart pounding against my chest as a fear of being left again overcomes my senses.

My instinct to hide my feelings kicks in as I attempt to hide my weakness. Appearing weak in front of people never made me comfortable and therefore I was quite used to hiding my real self from others around me.

"What do you mean to say?" Her words confuse me as I question their meaning.

"Exactly what I said." She replies to my question bluntly as she shrugs her shoulders.

"Wait! Are bad boys your preference!?" I widen my eyes as I stare at Y/N surprise.

"Ye-Wait! What!? Where did this topic pop up from!?"

"You said that I didn't know your preference and before that you mentioned that I was a bully so..." My voice weakens and it soon turns into a whisper as I grow unsure of my words.

Scratching the back of neck in uncertainty, I glance at Y/N who found my reasoning amusing and kept giggling. I feel the blood rushing up to my cheeks as I quickly look away.

"Oh my my~ My little baby boy thinks that I'm into bad boys~" She chuckles but soon turns quiet.

I turn to look at Y/N and my eyes widen when I see the distance between us. She had moved even closer to me with only a few centimeters setting us apart from one another.


"But I wouldn't mind dating a bad boy~" Y/N smirks. Her hot breath striking against my skin as I feel my cheeks warming up even more with my heart pounding against my chest.

We remain in that position for quite some time. Staring into each other's eyes as I drown in hers. They were beautiful as they draw me in and drown me in their chocolate depth. Soon I feel her slender fingers caressing my cheeks as her smirk turns into a soft smile. Her eyes holding an expression that made me feel nostalgic.

A feeling of remembrance striking my foggy mind but I can't make out what it is referring to.

"You really have grown up to be such a beautiful man..." She caresses my cheeks with caring strokes.

Her words didn't catch my attention as I keep staring into her eyes, fascinated by their beauty.

Her touches don't bother me like the other girls. She doesn't want to impress me nor seduce me, her touches are calming and comforting. She is extremely close to me but I didn't stop her, relishing the feeling of her cold fingertips running down my warm cheeks as they draw invisible patterns on them.

Closing my eyes as I slowly lose myself to her soft touches, she softly chuckles.

"What?" Still keeping my eyes closed I ask her.

"Seems like you are quite enjoying this." She says and surprisingly her voice didn't sound as lively as it was but rather it was distant.

Opening my eyes to peer into hers, I notice her eyes looking into mine but they seemed unfocused. Seeming distant, just like her voice.

"What are you thinking about?" I ask her as I notice her quietening.

"Nothing~" Not earning an appropriate answer to my question I pout as I lay my head down on her lap. "From when did we become so close?" I close my eyes yet again as I comfortably lay on her lap.

"Does it really matter?" I ask bluntly as the answer to her question was something I myself am unsure of.

"Not really." She answers back as her hands slowly travels up to my hair.

Caressing my hair slowly I find my body relaxing under her soft touches. Each and every muscle of my body loosening due to the excessive amount of comfort inflicted due to her soft touches. Her hands dances around in my hair as they stroke them affectionately.

Although her hands move slowly, the feeling inflicted by them was lovely. Gliding through my hair I hum in pleasure as she tugs my hair and grips onto it softly.

"Like it?" I nod subtly as she continues.

We remain in silence as I lay on her lap. Time passes by with us taking no note of it. The words spoken by her revisit my mind as I question the meaning behind them.

"Y/N. What did you mean by those words?"

"Aren't you a curious little kid?" She pinchs my cheeks as I hiss at the sudden pain.

"Owwww! That hurt!" I complain as I rub my cheek which hurt due to her pinching it a little too hard.

She just chuckles as she turns to look ahead of her.

"I always prefer to look at the present rather than the past." Y/N speaks softly as her voice soon mixed in with the sound of the leaves rustling to the soft breeze blowing. "That is what I meant by you not knowing my preference."

"So you will not leave me?" I look up at her eyes as I try finding the answer to my question in them.

My heart beat raises again as the thought of her leaving me made me feel uneasy. She has already become someone who was important to me and I do not want to lose her. Losing her would mean losing the small amount of happiness that has slowly seeped into my life.

"Baby boy." I hum as she calls out my nickname that she gave me. "What do you want?" She questions me which confuses me even more.

"What do I want...?" I repeat her question.

"Yes. The decision is yours, you heard me speaking to those girls, didn't you?" I nod to her question. "Then you know that I'll stay with you as long as you want me to. So the answer to your question lies with you."

I slowly sit up but I don't break our eye contact.

"What do 'you' want?" She emphasises the word 'you' as she looks at me with a firm gaze. Asking the same question to me but this time the answer to it is clear.

"Stay..." My words trail off as I let them out in the form of whispers. Slowly growing confident of my answer I look at her as I answer boldly. "I want you to stay. With me."

Finally saying the words, I find my chest suddenly feel lighter as a smile slowly forms on her lips. Noticing her smiling, unknowingly my lips turn up into a smile as well.

"Very well then... I will stay with you. No worries."

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