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BELLE AND THE BOYS TRAVELLED back to the ranch to collect supplies for their mission. 

Belle was sat in her bedroom, holding a locket in her pale hand. It was a locket her father gave to her before they left London. The locket held a picture of herself, her father, and her mother when they were a happy family back in Britain.

Belle can't really remember much about her mother as she was only 8 when she last saw her, and that was 12 years ago. Her mother didn't want to join her husband to America, so decided to stay with her parents. 

Belle latched her necklace around her neck, flinging her hair back over her shoulders. Belle waltzed over to her wardrobe to change into more appropriate riding wear.

Noticing that the overwhelming majority of her wardrobe consisted of skirts, blouses,  and dresses, Belle decided to scavenge through her father's closet to find some fitting trousers. 

Once she finally located some trousers that seemed to somewhat fit her frame, she went back to her room to change, opting for her father's brown trousers, one of her loose white blouses, a pair of small leather Hessian boots and a brown jacket. Realising that her father's trousers were still a tad bit too big for her, she opened her door a nudge to see if anyone was outside, her head peeking between the gap, hiding her body from sight. 

Spotting Chevez fiddling with his knives in his room, she called him over. "Chevez, do you happen to have a spare belt I could borrow, please?" 

"A belt? Why would you need a belt, Miss Belle? Surely all your clothes fit -" Chevez questioned before Belle cut him off. 

"I'm wearing my father's trousers and they're a little too big, and I don't have a belt," Belle huffed out. Chevez nodded, turning back into his room to rummage through his drawers for a belt. 

He returned, handing a thick black leather belt to the girl. 

"Thank you, Chevez," Belle smiled and shut her door again. Belle slid the leather through the belt loops on her trousers, tightening the belt around her middle to guarantee that the baggy trousers don't fall down her legs. Taking one last look in her mirror, Belle was satisfied with her new look. In the corner of her eye, she noticed her brown gambler hat on the top of her wardrobe. She had never worn it before, so she thought why not. She reached for the cowboy hat, placing it on her ginger hair. Belle smiled, she felt different, in a good way. As if this new outfit made her feel more needed in some way. 

Belle gathered a few more necessities for the journey, including hair ties, soap, a water flask and some rope. She opened her last drawer, her eye was drawn to the hidden weapon that laid under a layer of dust. Her fingers skimmed over the metal.

"Miss Belle, are you ready?!" A voice she recognised as Dick's called from downstairs, resulting in her to jump, snatching her hand away from the gun. 

"Yes, I'm coming!" Belle took one last look at the weapon, going with her gut and stealing the gun from its hiding spot and forcing into a holster, and sliding it around her waist. Belle bounded down the stairs with her bags swing in her grasp, Belle made it outside to see all the boys waiting for her on their horses. 

All their heads turned to her as they heard her loud footsteps. Their jaws dropped at her new outfit, never seeing her in anything but a dress or skirt. Belle smiled smugly and hopped up on her favourite horse, Rosie. The steed was pure white with a few streaks of blonde running through her mane and tail. 

"Belle?" Josiah called out to her.

"Yes, Josiah," Belle innocently raised her eyebrows with a small smile.

"You look -" Josiah began with his mouth agape.

"Amazing," "Pretty," "Great," a whole range of adjectives came from the boys. But Belle only took notice of Josiah's; "Perfect", Belle blushed and stroked her horse's head, to distract her from her hot face.


The group rode out to a dingy bar in the middle of nowhere.

"Lugar peligroso," Chevez said. Dangerous place. "Bad medicine, my friends."

"You got that right," Josiah commented not removing his gaze from the dirty saloon.

"What in the hell, Doc, you grew up in a hole worse than that, didn't ya?" Steve asked, chewing on his tobacco.

"Yeah, but I've been encultured since," Josiah replied, causing Belle to beam with pride.

"Ok, Henry Hill's supposed to 've been in there with a lady since noon. We're gonna show him the warrant and take him home," Dick instructed. Many of the boys nodded their heads, agreeing with Dick. "Hey, Billy, why don't you go inside and have a looksy?" Dick asked the boy. Billy appeared unsure of the proposal, glancing at the other members of the group. "Go on, Billy. See if Hill's in there and if he is, you'll bring him to us."

Belle nodded her head at Billy, encouraging him to go in the bar, handing him the note that was passed down from Dick. Billy smirked with confident brewing in his eyes, he removed his jacket and dismounted his horse, strolling up to the saloon. 

Belle nervously watched as he entered the bar, disappearing from her eyesight. After a few moments, Billy walked back out again, walking to the toilets beside the bar. Mere seconds later, a drunken Herny Hill stumbled out of the bar and to the toilets. Belle's eyes widened in worry, the other boys straighten up on their horses.

Belle's eyes pricked up at the sound of a gunshot emitting from the toilet. Belle reached for her pistol, removing it from its holster and preparing it in her hand. 

"Belle?! Where the hell did you get that?!" Josiah asked her in panic, preparing his own gun.

"I've always had it, Daddy gave it to me in case I was the only one at the house," Belle answered calmly.

"Do you even know how to fire it?!" Charley asked with even more panic as Doc.

"Don't undermine me, Charley. I practised when I was by myself and before you all came along," Belle answered, pulling on the reins of her horse. "I know how to fire a goddamn gun."

Belle rode out from the bush that they were hiding behind, shotting at men who came out of the bar. Belle was not lying, she was actually very skilled with a firearm. Some could argue that she was more skilled than a few of the men behind her. 

She shot every target she set eyes on, the boys shotting at the rest. She dodged around every bullet that was sent her way. "Belle! Let's go!" Josiah yelled to her once Billy was settled back on his horse. Belle rode alongside her partner as they travelled away from the shabby bar. 

"How was that?" Belle asked out of breath.

"Jesus Christ, Belle! You could've gotten killed!" Josiah fumed.

"No, I wouldn't. As I said, I know how to fire a goddamn gun," Belle grinned, wind blowing her glowing ginger hair around her face.

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