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HER EYES SNAPPER OPEN. She couldn't hear anything. She saw a burst of light then nothing. Nothing, only white. Was she heaven? Surely not, after everything she had done in her short lifetime, God couldn't have given her mercy.

Twisting her neck around, she tried to make out anything but failed in her pursuit. She could only see herself - her pale, delicate hands, her long, now-tamed blonde hair that rested over her shoulders, the tip of her red button nose, and one simple golden band wrapping around the bottom of my ring finger.

Furrowing her brow, she skimmed her fingertips over the engagement ring, wondering where her wedding ring was. It was when a small breeze danced across her when she noticed she was wearing a long, flowing white gown and a sheer white fabric over her face. She resembled the typical blushing bride that she always wished to be.

"Hello, darling," A voice called out behind her which she had missed too much. Spinning around, she saw the person who had given her a life, a life she missed.

"Daddy?" Belle whispered a sheet of tears glossed over her eyes as she saw her father standing a few feet away from her, clad in his old tweed suit and bowler hat claps between his hands, a sweet smile plastered on his lips. "Am I dead?"

John gently chuckled, strolling up to his daughter, pressing a hand to her cheek over the veil. "You're simply living the life you deserved, my sweet little Belle."

"But, daddy, I liked my life. With you, the boys. With Josiah and our sons," Belle said, shaking her head, not believing that this was it. "I loved it."

"But, you miss it, don't you?" John questioned. "You miss me, and Richard, Charley and Steve. And Josiah, of course."

"Of course I do, but- but what about my little boys?" Belle asked, grabbing ahold fo one of her father's hands, clutching between both of hers. "I won't ever see them again,"

"Who said you wouldn't see them again," John smiled, stepping aside to reveal a large baby blue crib, her two sons resting calmly inside, their minuscule heads pressed against the flush pillow. "Oh, my babies, I've missed you so much, I promise I'll leave you again, never in a million years."

"Well, it is nice to know you loved us that much you named your kids after us, Belle," Charley laughed, nudging Dick and Steve that stood beside him. John walked up to his daughter and took his grandsons into his arms so Belle could properly greet her three old friends.

"Charley! Steve! Dick!" Belle exclaimed, hugging each man in tow. "I've missed you all so much!"

"Well, we missed you too, Miss Belle," Steve began.

"Or should we say, Mrs Scurlock," Dick teased, bringing the blonde girl closet to his side with an arm wrapped around her shoulder. "Hey, what happened your ginger hair, you look like Goldilocks," Dick laughed, flicking at a strand of her blonder hair.

"Oh, shove off, Dick," Belle laughed, pulling him into another hug, dragging the other two men into the embrace too. "Do you know why I look like the Lady in White, by any chance?" She giggled when she pulled away from the hug.

"As John said, you're living the life you deserved, that includes the wedding you always wanted, but couldn't get," Dick said as it the idea was completely obvious.

Before Belle could open her mouth to question him, she heard the voice she loved so much from behind her. "Hello, doll," Josiah greeted with a smile brighter than the moon. The blonde girl ran up to Josiah, holding his face between her hands, examining every feature as if it would be the last time she could see him - not wanting to take him for granted.

His head cast a soft shadow across her face due to the proximity of the couple. The smoke and pine scent emitted from Doc's jacket, filling Belle's nostrils. His bright blue orbs poured into the swirling aqua pools of Belle's eyes as he stared deeply at her, as if he would blink and she would be gone. Belle could hear Josiah's booming yet calm and steady heartbeat, while he heard her slightly frantic pulse rattle through her ribcage as she took a deep, shaky breath.

He was so different, yet so familiar to Belle. So different from the moments of his death, when he was spluttering ruby red blood through his teeth and spewing scarlet ichor from his chest. Yet so familiar to the way she would've liked to remember him. Suddenly, she realised fully that she was dead and that this was her afterlife. As far she could tell, this was her heaven - a paradise. But she knew, deep down, that it wasn't the real Josiah 'Doc' Scurlock. This Doc was cleanly shaven, wearing the smartest suit she had ever seen in him and his hair, for once, was completely tamed. No one around her was real. Hell, if Pat was telling her the truth, her children wouldn't be here.

She knew it wasn't the man she had grown up with, but that didn't stop the small smile gracing her lips. "I love you, you rascal."

"And I love you, wild one," Josiah pressed a loving kiss to Belle's lips. "Now, how we get married, with a proper wedding this time."


IT WAS SEVEN YEARS after Belle and Josiah's death. Billy had stopped killing and stayed underground, hiding from all civilisation.

Billy had never forgotten the promise he made to Belle before her death, but he wanted to talk to the kids - not just make sure if they were alive.

It was the anniversary of three couples murder when Billy decided to pay the two boys a visit.

He managed to track the foster family that took Charley and Richie in for Belle and Doc. With a hesitant knock, Billy waited wearily behind the red painted door.

He heard loud clicks coming towards the door. Within a second, they door swung open and a red headed woman grinned and greeted him.

"Hello, how can I help you?" Mrs Forman smiled, jutting her apron clad hip on the doorframe.

"Hi, this is the Forman residence, right?" Billy asked, his voice quiet. Mrs Forman nodded silently, waiting for the brunet to continue. "I'm B- William. I was a close friend of Mr and Mrs Scurlock."

Mrs Forman's face paled, and her smile dropped with realisation. "Oh."

"I don't know if you were aware, but they, uh they died a few years back. Actually 7 years today," Billy sighed, tears threatening to spill onto his cheeks. "Before Belle died, she made me promise to come and find their sons and make sure they're doing ok. Could I possibly see them?"

Mrs Forman thought for a second, before she nodded letting Billy through the doorway. "Richie! Charley! There's someone here to see you!"

Billy heard a loud clatter of feet rushing down the stairs and a few crashes that sounded like they were fighting on the way down. Billy smiled softly, remembering how Charley and Steve used to do the same thing back at the ranch.

"Do you think it's Mom and Dad?" Billy heard one of the boys ask the other causing his heart to break more than it already was.

When Billy laid his eyes on the two boys, he could immediately tell they were Belle and Doc's children. One boy had short blonde hair with green eyes. The other had longer, strawberry blonde locks which framed his blue eyes. Both had a face full of freckles like their mother.

"Hi," Billy croaked out, waving his hand at the two 8 year old boys.

Richie and Charley were visibly disappointed but still remained polite as they greeted him back.

Mrs Forman led the three to the lounge where she sat them down, dragging her redheaded daughters out of the room to give them more privacy.

"My names William, but you can call me Billy. I'm a close friend of your parents -"

"Really?! Are they ok, when will they be coming back from their school training trip?!" Richie and Charley interrupted Billy.

"U-uh," Billy coughed. "Well, I don't know how to say this, boys. But- Christ- y-your parents are u-uh - they passed a few years back," Billy spoke quietly.

Richie and Charley say in silence, allowing the information to sink in fully. "Oh," they both said.

"I'm really sorry, boys. I know you never got anytime with them, they were snatched away from you both and they regretted ever second away from you,"

"Why were they snatched? They just went on a school training trip in Lincoln?" Charley asked lowly.

Billy hesitated - was it worth tell them the truth or keep it from them? "Well, you see. Me, your parents and a few friends of ours were in this 'gang' called the Regulators-"

"The Regulators?!" Richie and Charley exclaimed. "Mom and Dad were Regulators!?" They grinned with excitement.

Billy smiled with an equal excitement. "Yeah, look I got this photo of them together that you can have," Billy drug out his favourite photo of the couple. "Yeah, that's your mother. She was amazing - an absolute star. She loved all her boys back the ranch. God, she cherished the two of you. When we met again after the Lincoln War, she wouldn't - no couldn't - shut up about you two. And your father was my best friend. He was a good man, he loved your mother with all his heart, he'd do anything for her and you two."

"Was our mother Miss Belle Tunstall aka The Blonde Bandit?!" Richie asked, his face plastered with amazement.

"That makes our dad Doc Scurlock!" Charley conducted.

"Wicked!" The two boys exclaimed.

Billy laughed. "You know, you two were named after the four men that they lost through the War - your grandfather, John Tunstall. Your mother's best friend, Richard 'Dick' Brewer. Then your parents close friends, Charley Bomdre and Dirty Steve Stephens."

"No way," the two twins whispered, completely flabbergasted.

Billy grinned with a nod. "Your parents were the bravest people I had ever met."

"Wait!" Richie held his hand up. "Your name is Billy, right?"

Charley gasped, covering his mouth with shock, catching onto what his brother was implying. "Billy the Kid?" He whispered.

Billy smirked. "That's me." But the brunet's smirk fell remembering why he came here. "Look, what I did wasn't good. I forced your parents into my lifestyle, when they got away and had you two, they got dragged back into it. If it weren't for me, they'd still be here with you."

Richie and Charley slowly nodded. "But, was it fun, doing all that riding with Mom and Dad?"

"It was. They sure were wild ones."

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