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GROGGILY WALKING UP, BELLE RUBBED her eyes and found herself in a dingy, dark room that she did not recognise. Long fingers ran through Belle's blonde tresses, soothing her head to lay back down on their lap.

"Doc?" Belle asked, looking up at him while her head laid calmly on his thigh. "I'm guessing your promise didn't come through?"

Josiah hesitated, he did swear that the couple would go back to their sons, but they found themselves in a small Mexican town, far from their family.

Belle raised her head from his lap, gently whipping her head to look Josiah in the eye. "Doc, do you not care about Richie and Charlie?"

Josiah shuffled forward, reaching a hand out to caress Belle's neck. "Of course, I do. They're my world, you're my world,"

Belle's eye filled with tears. Grabbing Josiah's hand from her neck, pulling down back to his lap. "Then act like you do,"

Belle stood up, grabbing a pistol on her way up. "Belle, what are you doing?"

"I'm leaving," She bluntly stated, not wanting to look at her partner. Josiah stood up, clutching Belle's upper arm gently, stopping her movements.

"Doll, calm down, it's safer if we stay together," Josiah argued.

"Calm down?" Belle asked, whipping her head around to look at him over her shoulder. "Calm down?! How on earth is this place any safer than our home, Josiah?!" Belle yelled, ripping her arm from his grasp. "I'm going home, to my sons, and I'm gonna make sure they're ok. Now, you can join me and act the father you're supposed to be, or you can stay here. I'm not opposed to either."

Belle grabbed the little belonging she had with her and ran out of the bar, mounting her horse.

Doc, Billy, Chevez, Pat, Dave and two new recruits - Hendry and Tom - ran after, all except Dave, Hendry and Tom shouting for her to come down.

"Belle, think about your father," Billy shouted, his arms stretched out by his sides as he made his point.

"My father?" Belle asked. "What the fuck has any of this got to do with my father?" Belle dismounted the horse, stepping right in front of Billy. Raising her hand, she struck his cheek with a vicious slap. The other men wince at the sound, it ringing in the silent air. "Let my father rest."

"Belle," Josiah softly spoke. "Richie and Charlie are ok. They wouldn't kill two babies."

"How do you know?" Belle's voice broke, her tear-stained cheeks were prominent in the sunlight.

"I just do, darling," Josiah took slow steps towards his wife. "Come on, Belle, let's go back inside," And with that, Josiah led a broken Belle back into the dingy bar.

"Darn, I thought we were about to finally get rid of her," Dave laughed, watching the two teachers disappear behind the door, receiving a few glares and a slap to the side of the head by Billy.


The group somehow persuaded Belle to join them on their journey to John Chisum. The elder man was an old family friend that Belle hadn't seen in years. He wasn't the kindest man but he an alley nonetheless.

"Well, by God," John announced when the riders were close enough his estate. "You really turned out to be a snake, Billy. When they catch you, they're gonna dry gulch your stinking bones."

"I'm just trying to get my friends to Old Mexico," Billy humbly replied. "We need some pesos."

Belle spoke up from behind Josiah's shoulder, reaching into her pocket for a slip of paper. "I've done some figuring, John. I figure you owe us $250 for the fighting we did last year, and $250 for Billy leaving your stock alone," Belle read out her calculations.

"Well, is that Miss Belle Tunstall, look at you," John gushed. "Didn't think you would still be riding with the Kid."

"It's Mrs Belle Scurlock, now," Belle smiled. "But, John, the fig -"

"Scurlock?" John interrupted with a smirk. "So, you and Doc got hitched? Jesus, I've been waiting for the day you two would finally get together. Any kids?"

"Two boys, now John -" Belle began but John cut her off once again with a whistle, about to say something else. "John! The figures, please!"

"Sorry, Mrs Belle, what were the figures again?" John chuckled under his breath, sliding his hands into his pockets in arrogance.

"$500 altogether, John," Billy commented.

"Is that what you figure?" Billy nodded to John question. "Well, you can take those figures and shove them up your arrogant little ass and set fire to them! I don't owe you a God damn thing, now get the hell out of here!" John shouted at Billy. "I'll bring my 50 down and give you a real game."

"Yeah, uh, we saw some of your men up there on the high range," Dave pointed over his shoulder. "Passed right by them. A fine bunch."

John's proud expression fell at the news before Josiah spoke up. "Mr Chisum. You're right. The Lincoln County War is over. We just want to get out of here, get down below."

"Oh, you'll get down below all right, Doc," John mocked. "You're Billy the Kid too, you know. You all are dirty little Billy bastards. I don't owe you anything, Doc. Or you, Chevez. Or you, Belle."

"You took my farm, Mr Chisum," Hendry pointed out, his farmer accent thick. "You took a lot of farms, Mr Chisum. As long as Billy the Kid is taking some back, I'm with him."

Two of John's goons walked up behind the elder man. "Everything all right, Mr Chisum?"

"Yes, yes, everything's fine. Go on and bring the men in, and we'll have a little fresh coffee with Miss Belle and the boy's here,"

Billy grabbed his gun, pointing it at one of the goons. "Yoo-hoo! I'll make you famous! Mr Chisum, which one of these boys is the fastest with the iron?"

"Don't do this, Billy," John shook his head in annoyance.

"That'll be me," one fo the men proudly states, his eyes not removing from Billy's. The young bandit jumped down from his horse, instructing the other man to drop his gun and holster.

"You owe us $500, Mr Chisum," Billy announced. "So what I'm going to do is kill one of your men for every $5 you owe me, only I'm gonna do it fairly," Billy smirked, dropping his gun and holster to the ground. "How's that for square? Now, when I go for my gun, you start shooting. But I promise you. you will not make it. Ready?"

With a nod, clarifying that the man was ready. The man slowly went to grab his gun, however, Billy called out to Dave, secretly telling him to shoot the man in front of him, sending him tumbling to the ground. Dead.

The other Chisum man scrambled to his pistol. Billy called out to Hendry but the farmer was not prepared and stumbled around with his rifle.

Just as the goon shakily loaded his gun, Josiah annoying aimed his gun at the man, pulling the trigger. Josiah's breath was heavy as he threw his rifle to the ground, sending a glare to Billy, before riding away with Belle's arms wrapped around his torso.

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