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- Snakes In The Garden

It had been a week since Jade Hart found out about the attack that was made on her Queen, Mary Stuart. In that week, the blonde had kept mostly to herself as she had tried to avoid speaking with Francis at all cost as Kenna had told her that the Dauphin of France is interested in her but she didn't want to be entangled with him since she is here for Mary who is going to marry him one day for her country and her people.

Jade had managed to avoid any interaction with Francis, much to Kenna and Sebastian's amusement as the girl always managed to disappear whenever she saw him walking down the halls or outside of the castle but she was only doing it to protect herself as she didn't want to make a bad reputation because of her involvement with a royal especially since she knew she will have to marry one day.

After getting dressed for the day, Jade made her way to the art room, it didn't take long until she was sat in front of the portrait with a paintbrush in her hand as she didn't know what she painting until she snapped back into a reality looking up at the painting she did of her mother. Jade had a saddened look on her face as she placed her hand on the painting as she recalled her last moments with her mother who wanted her daughter to start living her life to the fullest and to start putting herself first.

Jade was the type of girl who made sure everyone around her was happy and didn't really take time to think about herself because it distracted her from the reality as the blonde beauty had been through a lot and if she didn't have her friends she would of probably already had a breakdown. She sighed heavily as she remembered all the good times she had with her family as her mother was her protector and she was her best friend and it was hard to say goodbye.

Jade had never been apart from her mother or sister as the three of them were always joint by the hip and to say goodbye to her youngest daughter hurt her as she wouldn't see her everyday anymore as she's on the other side of the country doing her duties for her family and her Queen. Feeling someone's eyes on her she turned around in her seat only for her eyes to widened at the sight of Francis standing by the doorway with his arms behind his back, " Hello, Jade. You've been avoiding me"

"Uh-Huh, no I haven't. I don't know what you're talking about" Jade frantically shook her head causing Francis to raise his brows not believing a word she was saying before his eyes scanned around the room at the numerous of portraits scattered around the room making a look of awe and amazement to appear on his face, " you painted all of these?" He curiously questioned walking closer to get a better look at the painting.

Jade chuckled softly as she stood up as she slowly approached Francis, " you sound surprised. I painted this the day we arrived here" Francis hummed as he admired the painting of the castle before his eyes caught onto the portrait that Jade had just finished painting as it was slightly blurred and had bubbling paint stokes and could tell she had only just finished it as it was a women who looked a lot like Jade, " it's my mother"

"She's beautiful. You look just like her" Francis smiled at the girl who sighed softly folding her arms across her chest as she stared at her painting, " I want to paint something that means something to someone. You know, I want to paint blind faith or a fading summer or just a moment of clarity. Something to believe in again. I wanna paint that feeling, you know" Francis smiled softly as the more time he spent with her the more he wanted to get to know her, "It's beautiful. I've met a couple of artists but this is like nothing I've ever seen before. Jade you're an amazing artist and I know you're going to go places with this"

Jade smiled, looking down at her hands trying to hide the blush that appeared on her cheeks. The blonde let out a sigh as she shook away her thoughts as she had to keep her head straight and not go thinking about the Dauphin of France as this wouldn't go so well especially with him trying to sweet talk her. Francis took a step closer to Jade lifting up his hand brushing a strand of her hair behind her ear, " this isn't a good idea, Francis. And you know it" Jade softly spoke as her gaze remained locked onto his own blue eyes, " I am not someone that wished to be involved in something like this. It would ruin my reputation and rumours spread fast around here and no doubt my family will literally kill me"

"And why can't we try us out? You interest me, Jade. I've never felt this way about another Women before" Francis resorted cupping Jade face with the palm of his hands. " you know why this can't happen. You're engaged to marry Mary and she's my friend. I won't put myself in that situation and I won't betray Mary like that. It will break her heart. I have no interest in starting any flings or a brief romance. I want to find a love like my parents... someone to love me for who I am, who doesn't try to change me and understands me and will always be there through the good and the bad times"

Francis shook his head as he had a determined expression on his face, he didn't know what it was about her if it was her beauty, her fire, or how selfless she is to put everyone but herself first but there is no way in hell he is going to give up so easily, " Challenge accepted. You'll see just how serious I am about us and that I don't have any feelings for Mary" Jade rolled her eyes shooting him a look as while he may not have feelings for the Queen of Scotland it's clear that she has feelings for him, " that isn't what I meant, Francis...."

Francis grinned cheekily not listening to a word she was saying pressing a kiss to her cheek before walking backwards with his hands raised in the air only to bump into a table behind him causing Jade to let out a giggle placing her hands against her lips as she watched him as he left the room as the blonde didn't mean to encourage the Dauphin of France she just wanted him to understand but now she doesn't know the lengths that Francis would go to make Jade his.

He is expected to marry Mary, as the two come from royal blood and while the blonde is rich and has plenty of land she doesn't need to marry for wealth or to provide for her family. She just wanted to have fun in her youth before she started to think about settling down but with the way Francis is acting... it probably won't be possible as he is determined to prove he is the right guy for Jade and nothing and no one will stand on his way.


After her encounter with Francis, Jade hurriedly had a bath to clean away all the paint off her skin before she and her friends made their way to Mary's chambers where Lola was fast asleep in her bed, " Lady Kenna, Lady Jade, Lady Aylee and Greer of Kinross. Your Grace" the four girls walked further into the room as Mary smiled kindly at the servant and replied, "Thank you, Sarah" Kenna eyes shifted towards the den of cushions on the floor Mary had made from where she had slept the night before, "You slept there while Lola slept in your bed?"

Mary sighed as she looked over at Lola with a sympathetic look on her face before turning her attention back to her friends, "We were talking about what happened to Collin. She fell asleep crying. I feel for her and for Collin" the five girls left Mary chambers as they went to get breakfast together while they discussed the events that had happened recently, "The French King and Queen said Colin's attack on me was an English plot. But Lola told Colin it was someone here, highly placed at French Court. All I know is it had to be someone opposed to Scotland's alliance with France. My engagement to Francis. England wants my country and my crown. I need the alliance with France to protect Scotland from the English, and I need time before there's any chance of Francis marrying me"

"I spoke with Francis yesterday" Jade informed taking a bite from a strawberry she had in her hand causing Kenna to frown in confusion as she stared at her best friend, " He's going to be the next King of France if anyone would know anything it would be him. But when I spoke to him... he seemed worried when I told him what Colin had told Lola. That we should be careful especially here in the castle" Mary licked her lips as she glanced at Jade as she didn't even know that Jade and Francis were even close especially since they had only just arrived but she isn't that surprised as she had saw the way Francis stared at her Lady in waiting and knew he was curious about her.

"Do you trust him?" Aylee questioned with a frown causing all eyes to turn on Jade who nodded her head slightly as she thought about Francis and knew he was one of the few people at court that she could trust, " Yes, he has pure intentions. If anything all he wants is to make sure we're safe here" Kenna smirked as she nudged the blonde girl as she whispered, " I assume that it has something to do with you. Have you seen the way he looks at you? Trust me he's doing it because he cares for you"

Jade rolled her eyes sending Kenna a warning look not noticing the look she was receiving from Kenna, " Francis is different... he's a man of honor and he promised that he'll help us find out who's behind the attack on Mary" The Queen of Scotland turned around looking out of the window as she let out a heavy sigh, " either way I won't have time if I don't figure out who's against me"


Jade, Kenna, Aylee and Lola accompanied Mary to the throne room, as all of the court was gathered around along side Charles who was stood in front of his parents with an anxious expression on his face, " let's agree, it's a brilliant match" Queen Catherine spoke as she looked at her husband, " Madeline's French, so there's no question of her family's loyalty. Very wealthy" Jade raised her brows as she turned her head to share a look with Kenna who shrugged her shoulders before the two girls turned their attention back to King Henry who pointed out, "but not royal, so there hungry for power"

The blonde beauty looked between the King and Queen of France as she realised that the two of them were discussing on a betrothal for their son Charles who looked like he rather be anywhere else, " they'll pay for it" Catherine stated causing Henry to hum in thought nodding his head in agreement, "it's only right to except the support of one's loyal subjects" Catherine had a smile on her face before she looked down at her son and told him, " and she has a giraffe. Well, Madeleine's widely travelled. She's come from far away... by ship."

Charles had a smile on his lips at Catherine words before he looked between his parents and hopefully questioned, " Do I get a giraffe, too?" Catherine nodded her head in confirmation as she tried to ease her son's nerves, " The moment she's your bride" Henry eyes locked onto his legitimate son and called out, " Francis!" causing the dauphin of France to take a couple of steps forward, " to show our respect, I want you to accompany your little brother to the landing"

Francis nodded his head as Charles looked at his father and curiously asked, "Can Bash come as well" Charles wanted both of his brothers to come with him for when he meets a girl he doesn't even know only for Catherine to clench her jaw in annoyance looking down at her son and told him, "Charlie, you know that Bash isn't really your brother. He's just your father's son. His presence is disrespectful" Kenna and Jade looked at one another as the brunette whispered something to Jade who snorted gaining the attention from the whole court.

Greer raised her brows sending the two girls an unimpressed look, " shh!" She scolded the two girls who tried to keep a serious expression but once they made eye contact they giggled quietly leaning against one another not noticing the look she was receiving from Francis who had a smile on his lips as he gazed at the blonde beauty when Henry continued speaking, "the girls parents were enjoying Morocco, so they sent her alone" Catherine placed her hands on her sons shoulders letting out a small chuckle and replied, " Barely. She was more afraid of meeting her future husband than of pirates. Well, that's to be expected at age seven. She'll get in line. We all do"

"Perhaps I can go with Francis?" Mary suggested as she took a step forward glancing between Catherine and Henry using this as an opportunity to get closer to Francis, " I came here, too, when I was a child. Perhaps I can reassure her" Henry frowned in confusion as he stared at Mary and pointed out, "it's several hours journey" The Queen of Scotland smiled down at Charles before looking back up at Henry and Catherine and added in, " then we'll take food and treats. I don't mind, really"

" on second thought" Catherine trailed off looking at Francis who rolled his eyes in irritation before he glanced over at Jade who was standing behind him, " why don't we great the girl here? We don't know... the journey might not be safe" Henry looked away from Mary and Francis sending a look to his wife and told her, " they'll stay on the King's Road. A dozen well-armed guards will keep any bandits away" Francis averted his gaze away from Jade as he turned back around to look at his parents, " Can Jade come with us too? She's close with Charles. She might be able to clam his nerves"

Charles nodding his head in agreement as his eyes lit up glancing over at the blonde beauty as it was clear that the two of them got along well mostly because he reminded her of her brother who's about his age and the fact that when she isn't busy with her duties she plays football outside with him. Jade eyes widened as she looked around the room as everyone eyes turned on her especially Mary who's smile disappeared from her face as Jade tried to come up with an excuse but before she could say anything Henry spoke up once again, " prepare a carriage for Mary, Queen of Scotland and her lady in waiting"


"she even smells nice" Charles commented with a mischievous smirk on his face as he turned his gaze to his brother who was watching Jade who had fallen asleep with a look of awe and adoration on his face as he knew how his brother felt about the blonde girl, it was quite clear that Francis is infatuated with Jade ever since he had first met her and even if she had tried everything in her power to keep her distance from him it didn't stop him as he was intrigued by her and wanted to know everything about the women.

Jade, Mary and Charles were playing all sorts of games on their journey to meet Madeline before the two girls had fallen asleep. Francis lips turned up in amusement turning his gaze away from Jade and towards his little brother knowing he had gotten caught staring at Jade, " I know" he muttered under his breathe with a smile as his gaze landed back on Jade who had her head leaned on Mary's shoulder. It didn't take long until the carriage came to a stop causing Jade's eyes to flicker open as they arrived at the place where they are suppose to meet Madeleine.

Francis held his hand out helping Mary out of the carriage as Jade was about to follow when suddenly Charles spoke up and questioned, " Can I finish my puzzle?" Francis stuck his head into the window of the carriage with a warm smile on his face as he informed Charles, "we'll come for you once the girl's boat has come ashore." Jade smiled as she ran her hand through Charles hair before grabbing ahold of Francis hand who helped her down from the carriage.

Jade released Francis hand as she walked towards Mary standing next to her as Francis followed after the two girls as Mary placed her hand against her head squinting her eyes as she noticed the dozen of small boats approaching the shore, " there are too many boats. That's not a French ship. Those are English" Francis stated as he followed Jade's and Mary's gaze towards the boats in the distance

Francis gesturing towards the ship that had an English flag causing Mary's eyes to widened in surprise as she turned her head to see that Francis was looking at and frantically asked, " is that a warship?" Francis nodded his head in confirmation and muttered, " Yes" he then turned his attention to the men behind him and yelled, " guards!" Jade frowned in confusion as she took Mary hand in her own squeezing it in reassurance before she turned her attention to Francis and asked, "what are they doing here?"

Francis shook his head as he was just confused as the two girls turning his gaze back onto the boats and informed the two girls, " I don't know. I think it's a hostile landing" Mary frowned as she shook her head in disbelief and pointed out, " but England and France are at peace. Have they come for me?" She asked with a look of fear in her eyes as she looked directly at Francis.

Francis placed his hand on Jade's back leading her towards one of the guards and firmly ordered the guards, " Get Jade and Mary out of here. Hide them" the guard nodded his head in acknowledgement before he turned around to face Mary and Jade and curiously questioned, " can you ride?" Both girls nodded their head in confirmation as Francis then turned back around to face the guard, "get my brother out of here, someplace safe. Jade, Mary, now"

The guards all raised their bow and arrows at the English getting ready for Francis command when a familiar voice called out, " No! Wait!" Sebastian shouted loudly as he rode towards them on his horse, " don't shoot! Stand down!" Jade turned her head towards Sebastian who came to a stop in front of them as Francis frowned narrowing his eyes at his brother and exclaimed, "There's an English war ship"

Bash sighed as he looked down at his younger brother and informed, " The English come in peace. The French ship took on water, it was in distress. The English wee nearby and gave rescue" Mary who was still panicking slightly looked up at Bash and questioned, " how do you know this?" Sebastian glanced between Mary, Jade and Francis and continued, "they sent an emissary on ahead to the castle. He's being held. If they're lying they'll have his head"

"Lower the weapons!" Francis ordered making the soldiers lower their weapons and not even a couple of moments later Madeline was standing in front of them taking a couple of steps forward but Charles remained where he was standing beside Jade as he was too shy to approach the girl, " go and introduce yourself" Francis crouched beside his brother but Charles just shook his head refusing to move.

Mary placed a smile on her face as she walked towards the younger girl as Jade crouched down beside Charles grabbing ahold of his hands, " I know you're scared" Charles looked up at Jade with a shake of his head and told her, " I am not scared" Jade couldn't help but let out a laugh, " you remind me so much of my younger brother. You and I both know you're not shy. When I first met you wouldn't stop talking. It's okay to be nerves but she's in the same situation as you meeting someone she is going to marry... someone she doesn't know anything about. She's probably feeling the same way as you are."

Charles looked towards Madeline before glancing at Jade who nodded her head in encouragement causing him to let out a breath before he took a couple of steps forward picking up a flower from the ground gifting it to her making a smile appear on Jade's face as she watched the two children not noticing that Francis had grabbed ahold of her hand helping her up from the ground. She looked down at her hand seeing Francis was still holding it but she didn't struggle or protest against his grip.

" you managed to ease Charles nerves. You're going to be a wonderful mother someday" Francis whispered in her ear causing a small blush to appear on her cheeks as she turned her head looking up at Francis with a bright smile not noticing the look she was receiving from Mary who looked between the two of them with jealousy and envy as she's been trying to gain his attention to make him fall in love with her but no matter how hard she tries it's clear it's always going to be Jade as ever since they've arrived Jade is where his interest lies.

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