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Pull together for the clan and kin

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"𝕀'𝕄 ready," Frida declared, her grip tightening on her shield and knife as she stood poised at the entrance of the ring. With a sudden burst of energy, the door swung open, revealing a Monstrous Nightmare dragon wreathed in flames. The sight sent shockwaves through the crowd as the dragon climbed the chains separating it from the spectators, its fiery breath licking at the air. The Vikings scrambled to avoid the searing flames, their faces etched with fear and confusion. Astor watched with a mixture of concern and bewilderment, unsure of what to make of Frida's bold actions. "What is she doing?" Stoick's voice boomed over the chaos, his eyes fixed on his daughter as she faced the approaching dragon.

Unfazed by the danger before her, Frida dropped her weapons and extended her hands toward the dragon, her gaze locked with its fiery eyes. "Hey, it's okay. It's okay," she murmured soothingly, her voice cutting through the tension like a gentle breeze.

Astor's brow furrowed in concern as he witnessed Frida's daring move, his eyes never leaving the scene unfolding before him. Stoick rose from his seat, his expression a mix of disbelief and alarm as he watched Frida's actions with growing apprehension. "Stop the fight," he commanded, his voice ringing out with authority.

But Frida remained resolute, her eyes blazing with determination as she addressed the crowd. "No! I need you all to see this. They're not what we think they are. We don't have to kill them," she implored, her words echoing with conviction.

However, before she could make contact with the dragon, Stoick's booming voice shattered the moment, commanding an end to the confrontation. "I said, stop the fight!" With a menacing glare, the dragon reverted to its aggressive stance, its fiery gaze fixed on Frida.

Realizing the imminent danger, Frida darted away as the dragon unleashed a torrent of flames in her direction. The arena erupted into chaos as the crowd watched in horror, torn between fear and disbelief at the unfolding spectacle. In the tranquil confines of the lake cove, Toothless lifted his head sharply at the sound of Frida's piercing scream echoing through the air. His keen senses alerted him to her distress, and he watched with intensity as she dashed frantically, desperately evading the menacing dragon that pursued her relentlessly.

Amidst the chaos, Stoick's authoritative voice cut through the clamor as he bellowed, "Out of my way!" Determined to reach his daughter's side, he bulldozed his way through the panicked crowd, his unwavering resolve evident in every step.

Astor's voice rang out in a fervent cry of concern as he screamed Frida's name, his heart pounding with fear for her safety. With a swift motion, he seized a battle axe, his muscles tensed as he lifted the gate to have a gap to get in the ring. With determined urgency, Stoick and Astor surged forward, driven by the shared goal of reaching Frida and quelling the imminent danger that threatened her life. Toothless swiftly scaled the jagged rocky wall of the cove, his claws gripping the rough surface with determined urgency. With each powerful leap, he propelled himself closer to the rim, his keen instincts driving him to reach the source of Frida's distress.

Meanwhile, in the heart of the ring, Frida darted and dodged with nimble agility, narrowly evading the searing flames unleashed by the relentless dragon. With a quick glance around, she spotted a shield within reach and lunged towards it, her fingers outstretched in a desperate attempt to arm herself against the fiery onslaught.

But her efforts were thwarted as the dragon's ferocious attack shattered the weapons display, sending shards of wood and metal flying in all directions. With a swift, calculated motion, the dragon closed in on Frida, its menacing gaze fixed firmly upon her as it bore down with relentless determination. Despite her valiant efforts, Frida found herself defenseless against the dragon's relentless assault, her options dwindling with each passing moment.

As the chaos unfolded, Toothless surged through the dense forest, his powerful wings and feet beating against the air and ground with a frantic urgency. Every muscle in his body tensed with determination as he raced towards the source of Frida's anguished cries, his acute senses picking up the distress echoing through the trees.

Meanwhile, Stoick, fueled by paternal concern, exerted his immense strength to lift the heavy gate that barred his path. With a mighty heave, he hoisted it upwards, the muscles in his arms bulging with effort as he cleared a path to enter the ring.

Astor, his heart pounding with fear for Frida's safety, seized a hammer and hurled it towards the menacing dragon. The weapon struck its mark, catching the creature's attention and diverting its wrath towards him, allowing Stoick to enter the fray.

"Frida!" Astor's voice rang out in desperation as he lifted the hammer on the ground and threw it hitting the dragon in the face catching its attention as it started attacking him, Stoick close behind lifting the gate and called out, "This way!" Astor ran with Frida following after him as Astor made it next to Stoick. But before they could reach her, the dragon unleashed a torrent of flames, forcing Frida to flee in the opposite direction.

In a heart-stopping moment, the dragon's fiery breath caught Frida off guard, sending her tumbling to the ground. With lightning speed, it ensnared her beneath its massive claw, trapping her in a cage of unforgiving steel.

But just as all hope seemed lost, a high-pitched whistling sound pierced the air, heralding the arrival of Toothless. With unparalleled agility, the Night Fury soared through the iron bars, swooping down into the heart of the ring with unwavering determination. The Vikings watched in awe and disbelief as Toothless engaged the monstrous nightmare in a fierce battle, his every move calculated to shield Frida from harm. With a mighty roar, Toothless stood protectively in front of her, a formidable guardian against the dragon's fury.

As the dragon released her father, Frida rushed to Toothless's side, her heart pounding with desperation. "Toothless, go. Get out of here," she urged urgently, her voice trembling with fear as she saw the people dropping through the iron bars into the ring, armed and ready to attack the dragon. Panic seized her as she tried to coax Toothless to flee, knowing the danger he faced.

Stoick, his face etched with determination, seized an axe and charged towards the dragon, heedless of Frida's pleas. "Stoick, no!" Astor's voice rang out in protest, but Frida's father pressed on, oblivious to the impending disaster.

"Dad, he won't hurt you!" Frida cried out, her voice tinged with desperation as she watched Toothless, torn between defending himself and obeying Frida's command. With a heavy heart, Toothless prepared to face Stoick, his loyalty to Frida warring with his instinct to protect himself.

But before Toothless could act as he pinned Stoick down ready to blast him, Frida's cry halted him in his tracks. With a pang of sorrow in his eyes, he turned to look at her, his trust in her unwavering even in the face of danger.

However, the situation quickly spiraled out of control as the other Vikings closed in on Toothless, their weapons poised for attack as they freed Stoick from the dragon's grasp. Frida's heart clenched with dread as she watched Toothless being overwhelmed and being held down roughly by his head, her pleas falling on deaf ears. In a desperate bid to reach Toothless, Frida fought against the Vikings who sought to restrain her, her instincts taking over as she head-butted one of them who held her from behind and seized his weapon. With a fierce determination, she fought her way towards Toothless, her eyes brimming with tears of anguish.

But before she could reach him, Astor grabbed her tightly, her voice choked with emotion as her begged for mercy. "No, no! Please just don't hurt him! Please don't hurt him," she pleaded, as Astor's grip on Frida tightening with each passing moment.

Stoick, his expression unreadable, watched as Toothless was subdued by the other Vikings, a mixture of anger and resignation flickering in his eyes. "Put him with the others," he ordered, his voice cold and authoritative as he turned away, leaving Frida and Astor to grapple with the aftermath of the chaos.


Frida stumbled a bit as Stoick tossed her inside a room, her heart racing with fear and uncertainty. She turned around to face her father, who stood before her with a look of disappointment and anger in his eyes. "I should have known. I should have seen the signs," Stoick muttered, his voice tinged with frustration.

"Dad?" Frida's voice wavered as she tried to make sense of the situation.

"We had a deal!" Stoick's words cut through the air like a knife, his tone laced with betrayal.

"I know we did. That was before... It's all messed up," Frida replied, her voice trembling with guilt and regret. Stoic turned away from her, his anger palpable as he paced back and forth in the cramped room. "So everything in the ring, a trick? A lie?" he accused, his voice rising with each word. Frida felt a lump form in her throat as she struggled to find the right words. "I screwed up. I should have told you before now. I just... Take this out on me, be mad at me, but please, just don't hurt Toothless," she pleaded, her voice cracking with emotion.

Stoick whirled around to face her, his eyes flashing with rage. "The dragon? That's what you're worried about? Not the people you almost killed?" he roared, his frustration boiling over.

"He was protecting me! He's not dangerous," Frida insisted, her voice rising in defiance.

"They've killed hundreds of us!" Stoick countered, his voice booming with anger.

"And we've killed thousands of them! They defend themselves, that's all! They raid us because they have to. If they don't bring enough food back, they'll be eaten themselves," Frida argued, her voice filled with passion and conviction.

Frida's words spilled out in a rush as she desperately tried to explain, her voice tinged with urgency and fear. "There's something else on their island, Dad. It's a dragon like-"

Stoick cut her off abruptly, his voice sharp with suspicion. "Their island? So you've been to the nest?" He approached her with a predatory glare, his eyes boring into hers as if searching for the truth.

Frida's expression turned to one of shock as she backpedaled, her heart pounding in her chest. "Did I say nest?" she stammered, her voice faltering.

"How did you find it?" Stoick demanded, his tone heavy with accusation.

Frida's panic rose as she struggled to find the right words. "What? No, I didn't. Toothless did. Only a dragon can find the island," she explained quickly, her words tumbling out in a jumble. Stoick's expression shifted, a realization dawning in his eyes. Frida's heart sank as she watched his features harden with determination. "Oh, no, no, no, no, Dad. No, please, it's not what you think. You don't know what you're up against. It's like nothing you've ever seen," Frida pleaded desperately, her voice filled with desperation.

But Stoick brushed past her, his resolve unyielding. "Ready the ships!" he commanded, his voice ringing with authority.

Frida's heart shattered as her father's words cut through her like a knife. She scrambled to her feet and ran after him, her voice cracking with emotion. "For once in your life, would you please just listen to me?!" she cried, reaching out to grab his arm. But Stoick pushed her making her collapse on the ground, his face hardened with disappointment and anger as he looked at her. "You've thrown your lot in with them. You're not a Viking. You're not my daughter," he declared, his words piercing Frida's soul like a dagger. "Ready the ships!" He yelled turned away from her slamming the door to close, however, it opened once again from the force.

As Stoick stormed out of the room, leaving Frida behind, her heartache echoing in her cries. The door slammed shut behind him, leaving Frida alone with her shattered dreams and broken heart. As the sound of her cries were heard, it shattered Stoick's own heart before he went off.

The village bustled with activity as everyone prepared for battle, their faces grim with determination. Amidst the chaos, Toothless was loaded onto the ship, his massive form tied and chained down. Frida stood on the cliff overlooking the scene, her heart heavy with sorrow as she watched her dearest friend being treated so cruelly. Toothless struggled against his restraints, but despite his efforts, he was unable to break free from the chains that bound him. Frida could only watch helplessly as the ship set sail, carrying Toothless away from her.

"Set sail! We head for Helheim's Gate," Stoick's voice rang out, commanding the crew to action. He caught sight of Frida standing on the cliff, her eyes filled with sorrow and regret.

Walking over to Toothless, Stoick spoke to the dragon with disdain in his voice. "Lead us home, devil," he said, his words dripping with contempt. Toothless glared furiously at the Viking as the ship sailed away, carrying him further and further from Frida.

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By: SilverMist707

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