xiv. ๐ข ๐ฐ๐ข๐ฌ๐ก ๐ฒ๐จ๐ฎ ๐ฐ๐ž๐ซ๐ž ๐ฌ๐จ๐›๐ž๐ซ

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"Oh nooo." Tao sighed, watching Loralie storm across the pavement. "Issac, no."

"Go, Loralie!" Issac smiled, holding a book in the air.

Ben stumbled forward when Loralie shoved his shoulder, making him look back at her. He was met with a glare and crossed arms. "You think it's cute to spread lies about me?"

"I didn't do anything." he defended himself, looking down at her. "Harry is the one that's-"

"And you're saying it's true." she cut him off with narrowed eyes. "Start telling people that what Harry is saying is a lie."

Ben laughed at her. "Why would I ever do that? Do you want me to start telling people about your Dad?"

"Do you want me to start telling people what really happened?" Loralie rose her eyebrows, matching his tone. "I know people like you think they can get away with everything, because the higher authorities don't take it seriously. But one tweet with your name and photo in it is enough to have an entire base of people stand behind me. Meaning your reputation and all your future plans are ruined. Is that what you want?"

Ben stared at her, he'd seen plenty of people get dragged and ruin from people that spoke up about situation like these.

"And while i'm a decent enough person not to go around outing people-" she grabbed the collar of his shirt, pulling him in closer so he'd been the only one to hear. "-what you did to Charlie makes me believe you deserve it."

"Loralie-" he started, eyes wide and panicky.

"If you so much as look at either of us in the wrong way, I'll start talking. Don't mistake Charlie and I as a similar pairing. He might be nice enough to keep his mouth shut, but i'm not." Loralie threatened Ben, right on eye level with him. She smiled, letting him go as he stood up straight. "Do not test me."

She turned, Tao watched her. Loralie paused, turning back around and throwing the remaining of her juice in his face. She sighed in satisfaction, dropping the cup in the bin. Tao smiled.

"Don't you look cute." Elle grinned as Loralie walked toward her, already outside for sports day. "The cheer squad is doing something then?"

"We are." she nodded, hugging her. "How do my legs look?"

"Love your legs." Elle grinned, her gaze falling behind her head. "Ah, you've summoned someone."

"Girls!" Tao called, running their way with open arms as the trio hugged. "Oh, my God. It's literally like old times."

"Ugh, don't say that." Elle moved over for them to sit on the picnic table with her. "I thought i'd never have to come back to this hell-hole."

"We could go hide in the library or something." Tao reassured her.

"Or trash Mr.Reeds class room." Loralie suggested with a cheeky grin. "Last time I spoke to him he tried to dress code me. From an entirely different school. Apparently my headband was not supported by the school colours and i'd been showing nothing but disr-"

"It's fine. I'm fine." Elle shook her head toward the two. "Trashing Mr.Reeds classroom will have to wait."

"Truham students, Higgs students." Headmaster Barns spoke over the loud speakers. "Welcome to the day I know you've all been waiting for, Truham-Higgs Sports Day. I'm sure that every single one of you is ready to give it your all, or at least I hope so because if you haven't signed up for an event-"

"Hi!" Issac gushed, hugging the girls.

"Where's Charlie?" Elle gave a curious look.

"Haven't seen him." Issac shook his head.

Loralie stood up on the picnic table, looking around. "I can usually spot those curls anywhere."

"Loralie, do not fall." Elle sighed, Tao grabbed her legs to keep her steady.

"He's probably with the rugby team." Tao grumbled.

"But, the match doesn't start until the end of the day." Elle frowned her eyebrows in confusion.

"I'll look for him in the process of cartwheeling." Loralie hoped off the bench, picking up her pompoms. "Scale of one to ten..."

"Total ten." Elle nodded.

"Complete ten." Issac nodded.

"Egh." Tao eyed her. "Seven."

"Seven?" she gasped, slapping him with the pompoms.

"Seven hundred." he corrected himself, Elle laughed as they grinned. "Don't let those girls be mean to you."

"I'm still in an adrenaline high after this morning." Loralie grinned, shaking the pompoms. "Wish me luck!"

"Luck!" Tao called.

"What happened this morning?" Elle looked over in confusion.

Loralie stormed toward the cheer team. "Britany!"

The girl turned, her face fell slightly. "Oh, hey Lo-"

"If you want to drop me again, or pull a stunt even remotely similar to what happened at the last game-" Loralie began to threaten her, loud enough for the entire team to hear. "I'll-"

She didn't think this part through. She'll what? What could she threaten Britany with? Loralie caught sight of Nick walking over, she was over coming with an idea. "I'll tell everyone that you have a crush on Nick Nelson and kept a tissue he blew his nose in."

Britany gapped. "I did not do that!"

"But no one else knows that." she tilted her head. "I'm your best flyer on the team and I memorize all the cheers the fastest. There is absolutely no reason for you to be mean to me the way you are and if a little lie is what makes you stop, so be it."

"Which i'd be happy to back her up on." Nicks voice rung, walking closer as he slung an arm around Loralie. "What's that saying about coming from the horses mouth?"

"I believe it is 'hear it straight from the horses mouth.'" Loralie hummed as she nodded. "Meaning you would confirm a rumor about yourself."

"Yeah." Nick smiled. "That's the one."

Britany looked between the two of them, taking a breath. "Do you want to lead warm ups?"

Nick grinned, nodding at Loralie as her face lit up. "Yeah."

"Yeah!" Imogen cheered for her, following Loralie as she looked at Britany. "I was gonna follow her lead anyways."

"Hey, ladies." Tracy walked over with a cooler. "Look what my Mum got us."

They all approached, Imogen frowned her eyebrows. "Is that...jam in a container?"

"Gelatin shots." she smiled. "Really good. Captain, do you want to do the honors?"

Brittany gave a hesitant look. Loralie held her head up a little higher. "I'll go first."

"Hello, darlings." Loralies voice startled Elle and Tao, sitting up to see her leaned on the doorway, her arm rose like she was trying to pose. "Laying in wait for me?"

"What happened?" Elle laughed at her drunken state. "What've you done?"

"Lived my best life." Loralie turned their way, nearly falling over her own feet. "I came looking for the two of you."

"So we noticed." Tao laughed as Loralie tossed her arms around the two of them. "Who on earth brought alcohol to a Sports Day?"

"Oh, I don't know." she slurred, leaning on Elle's shoulder with her arms wrapped around them. "I think i'm ready for that date."

"Now she's ready for the date." Elle gave a small snort.

"I'm serious." her head was getting heavier, eyes doing the same as she was only standing from how Tao was holding her up.

"Fine." Tao announced, lifting her to sit between them. She fell over immediately and laid in his lap, her hand still attached to Elle's. "One friendship date coming up with the three of us. Bowling?"

"Game night?" Elle suggested.

"Both." Loralie mumbled, drifting off as the smell of alcohol lingered on her lips. "But, not as a friendship date."

Tao gapped slightly, Loralie was asleep. He looked over at Elle, red in the face. "She'd very wasted."

"Yeah, very." Elle laughed, looking down at the sleeping girl. The two were quiet, one thought lingering in both their minds.

I wish you were sober.


kylie speaks

i'm gonna go cry now. i'm
so sad but so happy at the
same time. my comfort baby
loralie, i've had the best time
writing this book and i can
not wait to write more! this
fandom comforted me in ways
no other had before and i was
so happy to share my little
character with the rest of you,
not expecting this book to
do nearly as good as it had.
i love you guys always and i'll
be back with more tellalie content when we get our season two (because let's be honest, we all know we're gonna get a season two)

if you guys are interested, come back to my profile on saturday to see the release of my imogen x male!oc book!! maybe you'll love romeo as much as you did loralie!!!

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