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THIS was the weekend. Max could win the championship on Sunday, and Zia had one final race to enjoy the Red Bull, even if it had failed her on so many different occasions.

But she had to savour it, as this was her last race not only at Red Bull, but what looked like Formula One. With Daniel heading back to the Bulls, Zia had been left searching for a seat, but with only a couple of races in the season left, most of the teams had confirmed their driver line ups for 2022. She didn't have anywhere to go.

She'd had her cries and her angry spells, but her focus for her last race weekend in Formula One was to help Max to win the Championship.

The battle between him and Lewis had been so close throughout the entire season. The Championship lead had gone back and forth between the Brit and the Dutchman, but everyone at Red Bull was praying for a new champion at the end of Sunday's Grand Prix.

It was Saturday, so qualifying was the main focus, getting Max on pole, and perhaps Zia second, to put a barrier between Lewis and his Championship rival.

As she was walking through the paddock, her hair flowing sigh toy in the wind, she heard footsteps behind her. She turned around to see Alice approaching her.

After a few months at Red Bull, both Alice and Alex saw how shitty they were treating Zia, and as Alex knew how she was feeling, forgot about his grudge, and became a sense of comfort for the British driver.

"Hey Ali." Zia said.

Alice was out of breath slightly, having ran towards the Powman girl. "Russell - see you - seat free - oh cramp." She bent over slightly, holding her stomach.

Zia placed a hand on her friend's shoulder. "Ali, chill. Take your time."

After a few moments, Ali stood back up and let out a sigh. "George wants to see you, something about a free seat." she managed to get out.

Zia's eyes widened. "Do you know where he is?"

"Yeah, his driver room. Back of the Williams garage." she said, pointing down the paddock to the large white and blue building.

Zia looked towards the building, and back to her friend asking if she was going to be okay. When Alice nodded, Zia jogged towards the Williams building, gaining a few awkward looks from some of the pit crew. She sneaked through the building towards the back, where she reached a door that read :

George Russell : Driver - Williams F1
Goodbye George! Thanks for everything!

Zia hesitated slightly, before she knocked on the door. She heard a faint "Yeah, come in." from inside the room.

She opened the door, and to her shock found a very shirtless George Russell in front of her. "Oh, uh, sorry you said to-"

"No my fault, thought you were my trainer." George said, reaching over the sofa, his arm muscles flexing, grabbing a shirt and throwing it on.

He gestured for her to come inside, which she did.

"Shut the door? We shouldn't really be speaking about this." he said looking out the open door to see if anyone had walked past.

"Okay..." Zia shit the door and sat down on the sofa where George had settled himself. "Alice said you wanted to speak to me about a free seat?"

George nodded. "Look, I'm not really supposed to know this alright? So keep it between us yeah?" Zia nodded.

George sighed. "I know you and I aren't the best of friends, but I thought I owed this to you. Lando and I were talking yesterday, and he told me this... and he's not really supposed to know either but-"

"George get to the point." Zia said, letting out a small chuckle at his rambling.

George let out a laugh, but soon got back on track. "Carlos is going back to McLaren 'cause Danny's going to RB. Which means that there's a Ferrari seat free. And Binotto's eyeing you up. Again."

Zia stared at him in disbelief. "Russell if you're pulling my leg I'll pull your's off." she threatened, not wanting to be joked about.

George let out a small smile at her seriousness, "I'm not pulling your leg. Lando said that Carlos put your name forward again."

Then, Zia did something that George had never expected to happen in a million years.

She gave him a hug.

Taken aback slightly, George didn't move, but when he became used to her arms around his neck, he settled his along her waist. It was a different feeling. They weren't what you'd call friends, but they didn't want to bite each other's throats off any more either.

But George hugged her all the same. And it didn't feel as awkward as he thought it would be.

"Thank you. For telling me. I don't think I would have gone for it if I didn't know." She told him.

"It's alright. Like I said, I owed this to you."

Zia seemed to register that she was hugging George Russell at that moment, and pulled away slightly embarrassed. "Sorry." she said awkwardly.

George shook his head dismissively. "It's okay Zia."

Her phone buzzed, and Alice's contact popped up. "It's Alice, I gotta go. Uh- I'll see you around?"

George nodded. "'Corse. Now get out of my driver room before this whole place smells like Coco Chanel." he joked.

Zia gave him a sarcastic smile. "It's N0. 5 actually." she corrected him, as she stood up, giving him a smile before she left.

It was only until she'd left the William's garage that she realised he called her Zia. Not Powman.







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