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      Maya hums quietly to herself as she strolls through New York. Her second day of school went smoothly, but she couldn't help but notice the absence of Peter. When Maya asks Peter's friend Ned about it he gets all flustered and tripped over her words.

      Maya could tell it was Spider-Man related. Peter Parker isn't the type to have secrets besides the one big one that could potentially lead to either his doom, or future. With how much Peter and Ned are whispering, they can only be talking about the spandex clad alter ego.

      Maya was now hoping to spot Spider-Man in the streets. She wanted to see how he fought. If he had any strategy to his act or if he was just winging it. She had a feeling that's exactly what he was doing.

      As Maya walks, something grabs her arm and pulls her into an alley. She is pinned against a wall and her hand instantly goes to her ring thinking it is a monster. Instead she finds the barrel of a gun in her face. "Wallet. Now." Maya raises an eyebrow as she looks at the guy holding the gun.

      "You have got to be kidding me." She mutters with an eye roll. The guy adjusts his stance. "You think this is a joke?" Maya purses her lips. "I dunno. You got any good jokes besides you literally being the unluckiest mugger in all of New York?" The guy shakes his head. "What? Listen lady-" Maya knees him in the groin.

      She huffs and pulls a piece of hair out of her face as he aims his gun at her again. Maya looks around. "Well, this is one way to get his attention." Maya advances on the man and pushes his gun out of the way as he fires. The shot goes wide and Maya punches the guy in the face.

      She grabs his shooting wrist with one hand, then pounds her other fist down on his wrist. The gun falls out of his grasp and Maya kicks it away. He tries to punch at her, but Maya dodges. She raises her fists and bounces on the balls of her feet and tilts her head. "Boxing it is."

      He swings at her again, but Maya bounces out of the way and punches his back. He tries to kick her feet out from under her, but Maya jumps over his leg, but he punches her in the jaw. Maya stumbles backward and touches her jaw. "That's going to leave a mark."

      Maya tilts her head and looks up. She doesn't think he's coming and if she stretches this fight out any longer, someone is going to notice.

      With a sigh Maya twists both of her wrists. Her nanotech bracelets activate as the mugger grabs his gun. He fires at Maya, but she blasts at him. The bullet disintegrates and Maya smirks as she sees the guys face. She blasts at him again and he goes flying into the alley wall. Maya sighs and drops her arms.

      "Every girl for herself I suppose." She turns and walks out of the alley and creases her brows. If Peter didn't show up at school, or in the alley where a very loud bullet was fired, then something has to be wrong.

      Maya pulls her sunglasses out of her bag and pauses as she looks around the street and the little details on the screens appear. "FRIDAY, bring up the last sighting of Spider-Man." She says as she begins walking again.

      "He was last sighted in West Midtown late last night." Maya creases her brows as she reads the Twitter post of the sighting of Spider-Man. "It appears he was taking on a few armed men." Maya grinds her teeth as her mind processes the information. "FRI, get me directions. I think our little spider has gotten himself into a pickle."

      Maya walks into a dark alley in the later hours of the night. She was getting worried now. FRIDAY told her that Peter's aunt had reported him missing and after hacking into Ned's phone, discovered that he called Peter's phone several times, but got no response. She also tried to get a trace off Peter's suit, but the tracker was missing. Peter must have removed it.

      "There appears to be a form of life in the dumpster up ahead." Maya jogs forward and throws the lid open. She steps up onto a wooden crate and looks down into the dumpster. In it lies Spider-Man in a puddle of his own blood. "Oh gods." Maya breaths. She jumps into the dumpster and checks his pulse. It's slow, but there.

      "FRI, scan for injuries." Maya's sunglasses flash before her eyes as several red dots appear over Peter's body. "He has four bullet wounds and a few lacerations on his upper arms." Maya places a hand on Peter's chest. "Shit." She mutters. Maya looks out of the alley. She won't be able to get him out alone.

      "FRI, call dad." Maya waits as it rings. "He is not answering." Maya huffs and yanks her jacket off and applies pressure to Peter's bullet wounds. "Mother fu- Call Happy." Maya waits and begins checking Peter for any exit wounds. Only two went through. "Shit, shit, shit, shit." Maya whispers with fear.

      "He is not answering either." Maya swears in ancient Greek. She looks out of the dumpster. "West Midtown..." Maya's eyes widen. "Daredevil." Hell's kitchen is just a few blocks away. "FRIDAY, call Matt Murdock with a voice alter." Maya has known the Devil themed vigilante's identity for a few years now.

      She had nothing else to do so she took on finding out his identity. She was surprised to find that he was blind.

      "Who is this?" A voice answers. Maya stops herself from sighing in relief. "It doesn't matter." She answers out of breath. "If you want your identity to remain hidden then get to the alley between the Subway and Tai place on West 44th Street." There is a moment of silence, then the line goes dead.

      Maya swears under her breath. If Peter dies because no one answered their damn phone and Daredevil is too damn stupid, then she will rage. Peter is her responsibility and he will not die on her watch. The crushing guilt should fall to her father who set this up in the first place.

      Daredevil stands in the alleyway, jaw tight as he listens to the two heartbeats in the bumpster. One is panicked and the other seems to be slowing down at every passing second. There is a shift of movement then, "Thank the gods." A young female voice says. "Please, I can't get him out by myself."

      Matt creases his brows, though it is hidden by his helmet. Then he smells the blood and starts walking toward. The vibrations paint a picture of the scene in his mind. A girl sitting over a boy in a strange suit. "What happened?" Matt asks as he jumps into the dumpster the girl shakes her head. "He got shot four times. Two bullets are still in his. If he didn't have his powers- He'd be dead by now."

      Matt tilts his head as he listens closely. A ridges scraping with every breath followed by the shifting of metal. "One of the bullets hit his rib cage." The girl swears in a language Matt doesn't know. "Please, I tried calling my dad but-" Matt cuts her off. "Why him? Why not the authorities?"

      The girl sighs. "Well, if you were found half dead in a dumpster, would you want me to call the cops?" Matt shakes his head. "And I called my dad because, believe it or not, he's Iron Man." Matt turns his head to the girls and she huffs. "Crazy I know. The dumbass is in the Bahamas doing- I don't even want to know."

      Matt wouldn't have believed her had her heartbeat not have been steady the entire time. "I'll help you." The girl sighs in relief. "But I want to know how you found out my identity." The girl nods. "Deal." The two of them work together to pull the boy out of the dumpster and lay him on the concrete. Matt calls Claire to come pick him up.

      "So, you gonna tell me who you are?" The girl continues to apply pressure to the bullet wounds. "Maya. Maya Stark." Matt nods his head at the boy. "And him?" Maya sighs. "Spider-Man." Matt raises an eyebrow, then a car door slams shut and running footsteps approach them.

      "Oh thank god. You aren't dead." Maya looks at Claire and the nurse's eyes widen. She rushes to Spider-Man's side. "Jesus." She breathes. Maya glances at Claire. "Here." She hands her her sunglasses and Claire stares at them. Maya sighs. "Stark tech." Claire takes them and puts them on. They highlight Spider-Man's injuries.

      Claire makes a face. "Impressive." Maya nods. Claire looks up at Matt. "Get him to my car."

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