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Benny stood next to Riley as they all unwrapped the new ball, they all handed the ball and pen over to Benny who quickly signed the ball. "I dunno, Benny-man," DeNunez said anxiously as he looked at the autograph. "Yeah-yeah, it's pretty crappy," Yeah-Yeah added. "He ain't gonna buy that, Benny. It doesn't look anything like the Babe's signature," Squints finished off making Riley roll her eyes at them.

"It doesn't matter what it looks like. My mom won't know the difference. This'll buy us some time, ya dorks!" Riley snapped like it was the most obvious thing ever, Benny smiled at her. The boys all caught on and Scotty rushed off home to put the ball in place while the others headed to the Sandlot to begin planning a way to get the ball back from the Beast.

"You lot go ahead," Benny spoke to the others before grabbing Riley's wrist lightly. The boys began mocking them playfully as they wandered off from the two older teenagers. "What is it, Benny?" Riley asked the Latino boy. "Don't be too mad at Scotty. Yeah, he made a mistake but-" Benny began only for Riley to smile sweetly at him before kissing his cheek. "I'm not mad at him, but I need him to understand that I'm disappointed," Riley spoke softly.

Benny nodded with a smile before carefully cupping Riley's face, "Can I kiss you?" Riley nodded with a smile on her face. Benny leaned down and kissed Riley softly, every part of him felt like it was on cloud nine. They slowly pulled apart with smiles when a bush rustled before the boys all fell forward onto the ground groaning. "Seriously?!" Riley snapped at them. "HAM! GET YOUR FAT ASS OFF OF US!" Squints shouted through a groan.

"Help us!" Bertram begged Benny and Riley who smirked and walked away hand in hand while laughing at the childish boys. "That's mean!" DeNunez called to the "couple" as they ignored them. "I can't believe them," Benny said as he shook his head though Riley couldn't help but laugh. "Their teenage boys, it's natural... to a limit," Riley stated as she remembered the conversations she's had with her mother about teenage boys and their common phases.

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The Sandlot team all ended up in the Timmons Tree House to plan their attack to retrieve the "Babe Ruth" signed baseball. "So, how do we get it back?" Scotty spoke up first after almost twenty minutes of pure silence. "I have no idea," Squints replied to Scotty as he looked at the others. "Can't we just hop the fence and get it?" Scotty questioned but was instantly shot down by the others as they reminded him of the story.

"We could always, I don't know, go knock on the door and ask Mr Mertle to get it for us..." Riley stated with a bit of attitude in her tone that no one wanted to argue back. "Are you outta your mind?!" Squints was the brave one to respond, "Mr Mertle is the meanest old man that ever lived! He's the one that sicked The Beast on The Toad!" Riley rolled her eyes and leaned back before resting her head on Benny's shoulder, the boy in response blushed.

"If knocking on the door and asking Mr Mertle turns out to be the idea we should have gone with, then I'll be thinking up a few punishments for all of you," Riley pointed out sternly, the boys all swallowed fearfully and shifted away from her - Minus Benny - who smirked and wrapped his arm around her knowing he wouldn't be punished like the others. The room was silent, not a single blinking idea between them.

"We need to assess the situation!" Squints called out, the others agreeing instantly. "Um, Squints? How do we do that?" Bertram asked the shorter boy. "First we survey the enemy's environment, then we make note of the surrounding terrain," Squints explained, though the others were confused. "What?..." Ham asked what everyone was thinking. Riley shook her head and looked to Benny who shrugged slightly, the two of them unsure about where Squints was going with this.

"I heard that on "Combat". Let's just look out the window," Squints said with an annoyed sigh, they all poke their heads out the window - minus Riley and Benny - who stay seated in their spot watching the boys. The boys all jerk their heads back suddenly causing Scotty and Timmy to stumble back from the others. "He's darin' us!" Timmy told the others, Tommy repeating his words. "Hey, Repeat... Got it the first time," Riley said with a smile, Tommy just poked his tongue out at her.

"He's waitin' for us, man. Just like he did with The Toad," DeNunez said, freaked out. "We're on his territory now," Ham stated, matter-of-factly. "Think he's pissed?" Bertram asked the others. "Is Doby Gillis a dork? Anybody got any bright ideas?" Benny asked the boys. The boys all began a debate on different ideas, through the shouting and disagreements, Riley found herself looking through the window down into the yard with a frown.

"I got an idea!" One of the boys shouted before they all rushed out of the treehouse, Benny grabbed Riley's hand and pulled her along with him, helping her down from the treehouse before standing with the boys. DeNunez held a broomstick, they all wriggle it under the fibreglass fence. Squints peers through the peephole motioning directions to Ham. Suddenly - SNAP! - Ham pulls the stick back to reveal it splintered.

The guys all came up with a new plan; three Eureka Canister Vacs all connected, Ham's catcher's mask bolted to the end pip for ball securing. Toy flashlights and BSOA lanterns hang from the structure, semi-illuminating the "Badlands" as they had named Mr Mertle's yard. From the treehouse, their "Vaccumtraption", 30-feet of wobbly pipe, hung down over the Badlands.

Squints is directing the operation, looking through the cardboard periscope, the vacupipe-mask was only 12-inches from the baseball. "A-okay. Roger, affirmative. Initiate retrieval suction." Squints spoke through the coffee can. Timmy flicks the first switch turning on the first vacuum, he proceeded to turn on the second switch; adding more power to the vacuums causing the baseball to begin shaking under the suction pressure.

The final switch is flicked by Riley who then looks to the older Timmons twin with a nod, the two awaited for Squints to say anything. The baseball is sucked up into the catcher's mask causing Squints to cheer. "We have suction! Pull it up! PULL. IT. UP!" Squints yelled up to the treehouse. Riley, Scotty and Timmy began pulling the pipe up from the Badlands. Suddenly, the whole apparatus jolts; a great big paw yanks the end pipe under the tree, teeth pinch the metal tube shut.

The vacuums build pressure fast, whine crazily and the gang leaps from the treehouse, Timmy and Riley rush to the trapdoor. Timmy let Riley go down first but the vacuums exploded, sending Riley to the ground with a painful thud. The others boys had ducked and covered their heads as a cloud of dust poured out of the treehouse. Benny sat up and looked to the treehouse before looking around for Riley in a panic, his eyes finally landed on her laying still on the ground.

Benny rushed over to Riley and instantly placed his hands on her shoulders, "RILEY?" Scotty looked over with the others, they all panicked instantly and rushed over surrounding her. Benny rested his fingers lightly on her neck to ensure she had a pulse, he let out a breath of relief when he felt her pulse. Suddenly, Riley began coughing and Benny moved her on her side while rubbing her back before brushing her hair out of her face.

"Are you alright?" Scotty asked his sister as he wiped a tear from his eye. "I-I'm okay..." Riley whimpered out, her arm hurt a lot though. "My arm..." Riley whimpered, they all looked to her arm to see it bruising already, the bone was even out of place. Tommy rushed inside to get his mother, Susan who came outside with a gasp and helped Riley up. "Oh honey, Let's get you to the hospital," Susan lead Riley inside as the boys stood there watching with guilty expressions.

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Poor Riley... Anywho, the boys continue their "war plan" to get the ball back as shown in the movie.

I've decided to just write the movie by itself, I'll have bonus chapters as I usually do but ultimately, I can't think up a plan to continue my own original pathing.

I hope you enjoy it either way!

-Rose <3

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