GOLD 1.2

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Knew he was a killer first time that I saw him.
Wonder how many girls he had loved
and left haunted.

. . . R E A D Y F O R I T ?
-Taylor Swift

friday | september 19 | 11:22 pm

"WHAT do you want to drink first," Amelia yelled into Victoria's ear. She jerked her head back from the harsh shrill and scrunched her face at the slight ringing she felt afterwards.

"Uh, rum and coke I guess," she answered, looking down at the drink menu perched on the bar. Her eyes lingered on the three words, running its name through her head.

Rum and coke was a drink she was familiar with. It provided her with the comfort she needed sometimes to get by; comfort she couldn't give to herself naturally. The smell was her safe haven and the bottle was her home. A dangerous connection for someone so young and confused.

It used to latch onto the breath of her mother when she'd stumble in drunk at night. The smell radiated off of her in waves, seeping into Vic's nose as soon as she would inhale it. Her mother would fall onto the couch before toppling over it and landing face first on the cream colored carpet, whimpering softly in despair. Victoria had lost count on how many times she'd stumble out of bed, alone and afraid, just to see her mother crying softly and mumbling words to herself on the ground. The rest of their night would be spent curled up together with Victoria's face in the crook of her mother's warm neck as she cried alongside her and sang songs to soothe both of their pain.

It was a continuous cycle. One that wasn't made for a seventeen year old girl.

"Rum and coke! That's it? You always get that. Try something new today!"

Victoria looked over the menu again, hesitant about choosing something new. Sighing, she decided to just go along with Amelia to make the girl happy. "Okay, I'll get... a palm beach cocktail."

"That's more like it! Watch n' learn."

Amelia leaned over the counter as far as possible and murmured her order to the bartender. The woman watched bewitched as she formed her words and Victoria nearly rolled her eyes at another person caught in a stupor over her best friend. Amelia slipped the bartender a twenty dollar bill, winking afterwards.

They waited for the drinks in comfortable silence, observing their surroundings as they looked for the best place to hang out at. Victoria didn't care where they went, as long as the girls stuck together. The sole reason she was assaulted last time was because her friends left her to dance on stage while she sat at the bar by herself. Vic made sure that a friend would be around at all times now. They created a buddy pact, so that each woman would stay with someone else from their group. Today, Victoria was with Amelia and Talia was with Genesis.

"Here ya' go ladies," the bartender spoke and winked back at Amelia when they made eye contact. Victoria watched the exchange, humored.


Victoria grabbed her drink from the bar table and took her first sip. The intoxicating taste of grapefruit and gin filled her mouth and fired up her already amplified buzz. It was nostalgic in a sense to be drinking again, as if she was connected to her old self. She considered herself to be a better person when she drank; someone who was more sociable and friendly; someone that people would want to be around. Victoria felt happier when she was drunk than when she was sober. Unfortunately, this was a sad truth for many in this club.

Victoria took a long drink again, but slowed down once she realized that she was light weight when it came to alcohol.

"Victoria," Amelia called, tapping her on the shoulder, "Let's go over there! Near the DJ!"

Victoria nodded her head in approval and followed Amelia through the dense crowd. She continued to drink as they walked, occasionally slipping pieces of ice into her mouth. After politely declining to dance with anyone, they reached the area. They saw Matthew in the crowd, dancing with a beautiful black woman in a flowy yellow dress. He held a drink in one hand and clasped the girl's waist with the other. Victoria couldn't help but smile at the scene. 'At least someone was happy with this outing.'

"That's what you should be doing!" Victoria simpered, her eyes already drooping from the liquid drug and her heart slowly becoming full. Amelia answered with a murmured, "Hell yeah."

Both girls sighed and looked at one another. Although the idea of partying was thrilling, the actual act was substandard. The group of friends still went out however, using this as an excuse to meet up and hang out.

Briefly, an idea grew in Victoria's mind as she watched Amelia pout enviously. She reached to sip more of her drink only to swallow air and small chunks of ice. 'That was quick.' Victoria looked down at the empty glass and a sudden urge to go to the restroom coursed through her body.

"Go on girl!" Victoria pushed, the buddy pact she created flying out of her head, "Find yourself a man for tonight. I'm gonna go to the bathroom and then look for Talia and Genesis to make sure they're alright. I'll meet you over here later with Matthew! Make sure he sees you."

Amelia glanced at Victoria doubtfully, with words of refusal on the tip of her tongue. She knew Vic didn't want to be here; she could see it in her body language and the way she interacted with everyone. She probably wanted to be home now, with Cosmo, and not with the group. Hell, Amelia basically had to beg the girl to come out with their friends tonight. She would feel so guilty if something happened to Vic again.

Victoria smiled at Amelia reassuringly, already knowing what she was thinking, "I'll be fine, I promise. I'll stay where people are around and I won't talk to any strange men or women. Don't have a bad night because of me! Plus, I packed that pepper spray you gave me before. You have yours too, as well. All will be fine."

Amelia still had a reluctant look on her face and Victoria observed her turmoil, pleased to have such a great friend who cared. Deciding to take measures into her own hands and help Amelia out in return, she glanced around to look for someone that seemed pleasant. She tapped the man beside her, hoping he was handsome. Luckily, he was, and Victoria murmured for him to keep her friend company for a while. He smiled as he courteously asked Amelia for her hand and she blushed at the gesture.

Victoria waved her hands in the air, trying to catch Matthew's attention. His eyes swiveled to the movement, and she motioned with her fingers to watch Amelia. The man simply nodded, and tilted his body so he could keep an eye on her and still dance with the girl in his arms.

Taking that as her cue, Victoria pushed her way through the crowd in search of the bathroom. The drink she was enjoying gradually ran out as she swallowed the bits of ice that sat on the bottom. Victoria picked up her pace, occasionally mumbling sorry to anyone she bumped into. Finally, she reached her destination and released a breath of relief. She looked around the brightly lit hallway only to see a massive line outside the woman's restroom. She jittered in place for a moment, trying to hold her bladder.

"Excuse me," she spoke, tapping the woman in front of her, "Is this a one-stalled bathroom?"

"Yes, and whoever's in there hasn't come out in the last thirty minutes."

"They must have eaten the bad buffalo wings they're serving here. Poor girl," Victoria snorted in amusement, but soon regretted it as it just made her want to pee more. The lady looked at her weirdly and turned her head back to the front.

Victoria cleared her throat to ease the tension in the air. "What about the men's restroom? Do you know where that is?"

The lady nodded and pointed in the direction opposite to the corridor they were standing. Victoria thanked her profusely, and rushed down the hall. She found the men's bathroom and cheered internally at the lack of line.

Vic approached and knocked on the door, waiting impatiently for someone to respond. The music in the club continued to rupture her eardrums and Victoria was reminded of another underlying reason she was irritated with these affairs. 'The things you do for your friends.'

Victoria didn't know if someone answered or not because she couldn't hear anything, but assumed that the restroom was empty as this side of the hall was deserted. Her promise to Amelia before echoed in her mind. Guilt hit her for a brief second before she decided to just use the toilet quickly and leave. Amelia would never know.

She grabbed onto the doorknob and pushed softly. It was a swing door, that latched itself from the inside. Unfortunately, Victoria didn't have the time to process this and made the mistake of not waiting. The person on the other side had the same idea as her and pushed with more force. Victoria soon felt herself fly and realized that the need to pee subsidized slightly now. She watched the world around her move in slow motion as her head fell closer to the slate tiled floor.


Here's a corny Game of Thrones joke for the humorous people out there.

-What stopped winter from coming?

-Winterfell and it can't get up!

I died when I first saw this! It was so hilarious to me goodness I have horrible humor.

not edited

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