GOLD 8.1

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Look at the stars
Look how they shine for you
And all the things that you do


monday | october 7 | 7:47 am

The loud melody of Victoria's ringtone woke her up Monday morning. It was a rainy day, the clear droplets fogging her curtain clad windows. Very little sunlight decorated her apartment as the sky continued to nourish the earth. The streets were nearly deserted with only a handful of people traveling along the slippery roads. It was quite inspiring in a way, how a powerful storm could bring down the strongest of cities. She wished to have that kind of influence.

Victoria climbed out of bed in her baby blue pajama pants and approached her phone. It was an unknown number, and she scrunched her face uncertainly. She ignored unknown callers because they were often solicitors or someone who misdialed a number. Deciding to continue that streak, she declined the call.

In all honesty, no one really contacted her unless they were her friends or her job, especially since Vic only had about ten numbers in her phone. If someone needed to speak to her and she didn't have their number saved, they'll just leave a message.

Wanting to go back into bed and fall asleep to the sound of the heavy rain before work at 9, Victoria quickly placed her phone back onto the table and turned around. However, before she could move too far, the person began to call again.

"Someone's persistent," she mumbled to herself softly, gazing at the caller ID. The area code was that of New York, so the person who was calling had to live here and solicitors rarely called twice. Victoria sighed and licked her lips, determined to find out what the person wanted.

What's the worse that could happen?

"Hello?" She answered, walking to her bed in order to sit down. Vic pushed the clump of sheets to the side so she could have more room.

"Is this Victoria?" The man grumbled, and Victoria immediately recognized the voice. It played in her mind like a catchy song. She didn't want to think about him, let alone remember his beautiful voice.

"This is she. Is this Jesse?" She questioned, her palms unexpectedly becoming a little damp. She clasped the phone between her ear and her shoulder as she wiped her hands onto her thin pants.

"Yes." Victoria resisted the urge to close her eyes at his deep morning voice. He sounded like a dream she never wanted to wake up from.

Snap out of it, she thought, tapping her fingers on the old mattress.

She spoke airily, "How did you get my number?"


"Oh," was all Vic responded with, and silence fell over them both. She could hear his breathing; it was soft and leveled. Victoria could only imagine how she sounded through the phone. Probably like she was chocking on air.

"Alright," Victoria cleared her throat, "to what do I owe this pleasure, Jesse?"

"So, um, I was calling about your performance on Saturday. My boss thought you were incredible. She saw the video of you singing and well, she wants, or from what she said, 'needs to offer you a permanent spot at the club' in order to perform."

Victoria repeated his words slowly, "a permanent spot? I thought you guys didn't do solo performances at the club."

"We don't, but she will make an exception for you," Jesse admitted.

"Wow," she breathed in complete awe, honored that his boss would even consider choosing her. This was a once in a lifetime chance for her to kickstart a possible new career. A permanent spot as the club entertainer would detour her from working multiple jobs in order to pay the bills for the apartment and take care of her everyday needs. Victoria contemplated her decision and whether this was too good to be true. Self-doubt began to eat at her for a moment. What if she couldn't do this? What if there was someone out there that sung better than her or deserved this opportunity more?

"I don't know if I can accept this," Vic confessed, holding her head down towards the ground. She traced the tile floors with her eyes, gloomily.

"Why not? Are you singing with another organization?" Victoria could hear Jesse moving on the other side of the phone. Maybe he just got out of bed.

"No, it's just, I'm sure there are better performers out there."

The line went silent for a brief moment before Jesse responded, "You're the better performer."

Victoria's could feel her cheeks become warm as she held the phone in her hand. Her heart felt like it was expanding a little, and she couldn't help the small smile that rose on her lips. She raised her fingers to the heated skin, flushed and suddenly shy. This was a huge compliment coming from someone who sung so well.

"Well, thank you, Jesse. But, I still don't think I'm all that good. You're just trying to sway me."

"I'm not trying to sway you. I'm telling the truth. I don't lie."

"Everyone lies once in a while in order to spare the feelings of another. At least that's something you'll have to admit to."

"I'm not everyone."

"No, you're not."

The words slipped past Victoria's lips before she could comprehend what was said. She closed her eyes, embarrassed, and was quick to retract her words.

"I mean, your voice is beautiful too. You aren't like those superficial singers you hear on the radio. In fact, I think your performance was quite incredible myself. Why don't you take more credit for your singing abilities too?"

"This isn't about me, Victoria. Let's refrain from talking about me, please."

"Alright, I guess. But I still think you should give yourself more credit. Anyways, let's move on from that. What's your boss like?"

"She's reserved and likes to keep things to herself. I was surprised when she went out of her way to contact me for you, especially considering she owns multiple nightclub chains."

Victoria hummed in understanding, "Should I be worried or anxious about her? Is she mean...strict?"

"Not really. She's as intimidating as a leaf."

She couldn't help the small splutter of laugher that traveled past her lips.

Jesse continued, "She doesn't want to meet you at the club. A neutral location is preferred. Maybe a coffee shop or a sandwich joint."

Victoria laid down flat on her bed as she spoke, "Coincidentally, I just got a job at a coffee shop. It's called Heated Snowflakes. Do you know it by any chance?"

"Not quite, but I'll inform her of this place if this is where you'd like to meet," Jesse suggested.

Victoria interjected before he could continue further, "Wait a minute, I haven't accepted or declined your offer yet. I'm still not sure I'm qualified for this."

She could hear him release a deep breath before speaking, "You'll never know unless you try. Who cares about qualifications right now. This is a big opportunity that not many people can get. Ms. Sanders wouldn't do this for anyone. I think you'll be fine, honestly."

Victoria watched her ceiling fan as she contemplated her decision. It was almost 8:15, and she had to go to work soon. The time to come up with an answer was now or never.

"You said she's a nice person, right?" She questioned, sitting up from her laid out position.

"As nice as a boss can be."

Victoria sighed softly, finally making her decision. "Alright. I guess I'll meet with her. I'll probably regret it if I don't."

"Ok. What time is good for you to meet?"

"My shift ends at 4:00 PM so around that time would be perfect."

"4:30 it is then."


Happy Valentines Day!

Q: Was there ever a time where you doubted your abilities?

not edited

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