𝟷𝟸. Christmas Troubles

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"Charlie's got some great ideas on how to keep you safe," Bernard informed Santa as he and Noelle walked with him. "Santa, this is Quintin, head of research and development," Bernard introduced the two. "Quintin, good to meet ya," Santa greeted as he shook the Elf's hand, Noelle had been proud of her father for doing his best to learn all of the Elves' names without forgetting them. "Hello, Santa. Charlie and I have put our heads together. I think we've got a few surprises for you," Quintin informed Santa, his thick accent stood out to Noelle as she leaned slightly into Bernard.

"This is some of the best stuff that's come out of the workshop since the ball," Bernard exclaimed with pride as he led the others behind Quintin and Charlie. "Fabulous! What happens if I fall off the roof?" Santa asked them. "Just don't fall and be prepared," Noelle teased as she skipped to walk with Bernard, Santa rolled his eyes as he followed behind them. They stopped in a room where a red suit sat on a mannequin, they had two large flamethrowers pointed at it which produced heavy flames that did not affect the suit. "Fireplaces will no longer be a problem," Bernard informed Santa.

"It's a new fabric. Completely flame retardant. It's light, yet durable," Noelle expressed to her father having heard all about the new suit design. "And you can wear the jumpsuit under your coat and pants," Bernard finished off. "But what do I do if I fall off a roof?" Santa asked only to be ignored by everyone though Noelle simply shook her head at her father's question. They finished up their preparations for Christmas and finally, the day had come for Santa to do his job and deliver the presents to the kids of the world.

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Noelle stood beside Bernard as she held Charlie in her arms, "You be on your best behaviour, okay?" Charlie nodded his head before tightening his arms around his sister's shoulders, he didn't want to say goodbye to her but her life was in the North Pole now. "Make sure Dad does his best," Noelle told Charlie as she let go. "I will," Charlie promised before making his way towards the sleigh. He climbed up into his seat and buckled himself in, a safety addition that Santa had put in place to keep his son safe during their travel.

"Ellie," Santa spoke as he looked up at his daughter, she moved forward and stood tall in front of him. "I need you to hold the fort here but be ready in case I need you, alright?" Santa asked before smiling and opening his arms for a hug, Noelle stepped into his arms and wrapped her own around him. "You got this, Dad," Noelle whispered to him before they pulled away from each other. "See you when I get back," Santa told her before making his way towards the sleigh with the rope from Comet in hand.

"Now Dasher, now Dancer! Now Prancer and Vixen!" Santa called out with the reins in his hands. "On Comet, on Cupid! On Donner and Blitzen!" Charlie continued before Santa whipped the reins, "Hah!" Charlie turned his head, "Bye! Bye, Quintin! Bye, Peewee! Merry Christmas, Noelle!" Noelle waved to him as they flew off towards the roof of the North Pole, it opened to let them out and the Elves all cheered happily at the sight. Noelle turned to the Elves, "Well, go on. Go celebrate!" The Elves all cheered before they left the stables into the Workshop leaving Bernard and Noelle alone.

"So far, so good," Noelle breathed out as she looked up at Bernard, he smiled at her before glancing around, noting that the room was barren besides the two. "A celebratory kiss perhaps?" Bernard asked her, Noelle grinned before she stepped closer to him. Bernard cupped Noelle's face in his hands and leaned in, he kissed her softly enjoying the sweet taste of chocolate. He had initially worried about how Christmas would turn out with Scott being the new Santa but now, as he leads Noelle back into the Workshop, he felt like this was truly a new beginning.

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Bernard, Noelle, Quintin, and Estel were all sitting together enjoying a celebratory drink when Judy came into the room with a worried expression. "We've got a problem. Santa was at the Millers, but he's not responding," Judy informed them causing Noelle to jump up. "Well, time to deploy E.L.F.S," Quintin said, Bernard nodded his head before moving to ring the bell alerting the E.L.F.S that they were needed. "Should I go with them?" Noelle asked Bernard as they moved towards the Workshop to get access to the cameras. "Maybe wait until they've gotten Santa out of trouble," Bernard suggested.

They watched from the cameras as the E.L.F.S collected Charlie from the rooftop at the Millers before heading to the police station where the Elves with Attitude wrapped up the police officer behind the desk with ribbons before freeing Scott from the cell using tinsel. "Okay, it might be a good idea for you to meet up with them now that they are heading to the Millers," Estel informed Noelle who nodded her head. "I'll be back soon," Noelle told Bernard who nodded before watching as she winked, teleporting, only leaving behind glitter.

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Noelle appeared outside just as Charlie and Scott had shown up, she greeted the E.L.F.S before sending them back to the North Pole. "Noey!" Charlie cheered before he rushed over to his sister, she knelt and wrapped her arms around him before smiling up at her father. "You weren't supposed to get caught, you know?" Noelle teased with a wink while Santa let out a scoff though the smile showed he found her words amusing. "C'mon, it's time to show Mom and Neal what they are missing," Noelle told her brother and father before they walked up to the door, and headed inside.

"Mom? Mom! Neal? I'm home!" Charlie called as he removed his coat and threw it onto the couch, Santa and Noelle following behind him. "Charlie?" Laura called out before she moved towards the living room, "Charlie? Oh, my God, Charlie! Charlie. Sweetheart. Oh, God." Noelle and Santa shared a look before they stepped further into the room, Neal noticed them first before Laura did. "We don't have a lot of time," Santa reminded Charlie after glancing out the window, sirens echoed in the distance. "Did you leave the gifts I made under the tree?" Charlie asked Santa.

"You bet I did," Santa answered him with a grin. "We better go," Charlie exclaimed and Laura was quick to deny his idea. "No, wait, Charlie," Santa spoke before looking at Laura, "It's okay, Laura." Noelle knew what her father was going to say to Charlie, she looked at her mother who avoided eye contact. "Actually, I -- I think it's a much better idea that you stay here with your Mom and Neal," Santa told his son. "Really?" Laura asked while Charlie frowned. "But, Dad..." Charlie tried to plead. "No buts, Charlie. I can't be selfish. I can't be with ya all the time. We're a family. You, me, Noelle, your mom... And Neal. And they need to be with ya, too," Santa informed him.

"I miss you too much," Charlie sobbed. "Come here a minute," Santa spoke before pulling his son into his embrace. However, Noelle was distracted by the familiar jingle of Bernard's teleportation. "Listen to me. Come on, listen. There's a lot of kids out there. Okay? Millions of kids. They all believe in me. They're counting on me, Charlie. I'm not gonna let 'em down. I got a lot of work to do," Santa expressed to his son. "So I can't be selfish either," Charlie wept. "You gave me a wonderful gift. Listen, a wonderful gift. You and Noelle believed in me when nobody else did. You helped make me Santa," Santa expressed with pride.

"Selfish? Come on. You're the least selfish person I know," Santa told Charlie who smiled softly through his tears. "I love you, Santa Claus," Charlie whimpered as he hugged his father. "I love you, son," Santa replied to him before looking up at his ex-wife, "Laura, what do you think? Christmas Eve, you guys spend with Charlie?" Laura seemed to double-take as she looked at her ex-husband, her eyes widening as she truly realised the truth. "Oh, my God. It's you. It really is you. You really are Santa Claus," Laura spoke with a starstruck expression.

"Pretty cool, huh?" Santa asked her, "And your parents thought I'd never amount to anything." Noelle laughed at her father's words before stepping up next to him, she grinned up at him before winking at Charlie. "Wait. Don't go yet. I have something for you," Laura told Santa before making her way towards Neal, "It's Santa!" Neal looked at her with wide eyes before looking at Santa. "Scott..." Neal breathed out. "Neal," Santa replied with a smile. "Santa?" Neal asked in a soft child-like voice. "It's okay, Neal," Santa assured him, the psychiatrist huffed in shock before turning away.

"Here," Laura spoke as she walked in with a folder in hand, "It's -- Well, it's -- It's my Christmas present for you. It's the custody papers." Laura threw them into the fireplace leaving them to burn to ash, "And I want you and Noelle to come and see Charlie as often as you both can."Santa nodded with a grin, "You can count on it. Thanks, Laura." Noelle smiled before hugging her mother who immediately held her daughter, "I'm so sorry, Noelle." The Elf girl simply squeezed her mother before pulling back, "It's okay, Mom. You were just denying your inner child." Laura chuckled at Noelle's words before they looked at Scott.

"What's all this boohooing going on here?" Bernard's voice caught everyone's attention as he walked up to stand next to Neal who was looking at him with wide eyes which caught Bernard's attention, "Hey, how ya doing?" Noelle grinned with a blush at Bernard, the smirk on his face was something she adored seeing along with the teasing glint in his eyes. "It's nothing, Bernard. We're just saying goodbye to Charlie," Santa replied to his Head Elf. "What goodbye? You still got the glass ball, right?" Bernard asked Charlie. "Yeah," Charlie answered him.

"Well, all you got to do is shake it whenever you want to see your dad or sister," Bernard explained to Charlie whose eyes lit up in excitement. "Really?" Charlie asked. "They can come back to see you anytime, day or night. You just need to think of who you wish to see while you shake it," Bernard assured him before smiling, "Hey, have I ever steered ya wrong?" Charlie shook his head with a smile. "Nice sweater," Bernard complimented Neal, "Hey, did we make this?" Bernard reached for Neal's sweater tag while Noelle giggled at his actions. "Laura. He's sucking us into his delusions. Look at the elaborate measures he's taken..." Neal expressed fearfully, taking his sandwich back.

"See you back home," Bernard called to Noelle before he disappeared leaving behind a pop of glitter. "Neal, relax. I'll explain it to you later," Laura teased before Neal noticed that Bernard had disappeared. "I gotta get going," Noelle said before smiling at her family, "I'll see you around New Year's?" Laura nodded before Charlie hugged his sister. "I love you, Noey," Charlie whispered to his big sister. "I love you, Charlie," Noelle whispered back before she let go, stepping back with a smile before she disappeared leaving a pop of glitter.

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Rosemary Speaks

Oh, my goodness... The first movie is technically complete!
Gonna try my luck at some original content, so be prepared for friendships, relationships and Noelle's life at the North Pole!

See you in the next chapter!

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