𝟷𝟺. New Year's Kiss

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New Year's Eve came along and Noelle kept her promise of attending the Millers residence for the celebration. "How is everything in the North Pole?" Laura asked her daughter as the two moved around the kitchen preparing the dinner. "Everything is great. I have my own place and a great job and the Elves have been so welcoming to my ideas," Noelle answered her mother with a wide smile. "And how are things settling for your father?" Laura questioned. "He's still adapting to the new life at the Pole but Judy and Bernard have worked hard to help him settle into it and understand the Santa Handbook," Noelle explained to her mother.

"How are you and Bernard?" Charlie asked as he walked into the room with a teasing smirk. "Bernard and I are doing well. We've been organising everything to make next Christmas easier on everyone while prepping the Elves for a busier year thanks to the mass belief that spurred from Dad's actions last Christmas," Noelle answered her brother while also changing the topic away from her relationship with Bernard to prevent the teasing comments from Charlie and the more challenging questions from her mother. "It's good to see you happy with someone, Noelle. Bernard seems to have woken something inside you," Laura complimented.

"Bernard has been amazing, Mom. He's sweet and never fails to make sure that I'm happy and comfortable," Noelle expressed to her mother with a dreamy expression. "It's almost as though you were made for each other," Laura said with a wink as Neal walked into the kitchen. "But you are being safe, right?" Neal asked causing the room to go silent. "You are technically nineteen, Noelle. And you'll be technically twenty even if Elves don't physically age and--" Neal was cut off by Noelle, "Please stop! Okay, we haven't even -- And if we did, you would be the last person I would talk to about it. Just... stop." Laura sighed as she looked at Neal who nodded before walking out of the room.

After the awkward conversation, the Millers and Calvin children sat down for their dinner talking about Charlie's school days and how work is going for Laura. For dessert, they had some cake and cookies before they headed to the local park that was hosting New Year fireworks, Charlie had rushed off with friends from school while Laura and Neal joined coworkers and friends leaving Noelle to sneak away from the crowd to avoid questions about her whereabouts but it seemed that she wasn't so sneaky -- either that or this specific person was seeking her out upon noticing the Millers' presence.

"Noelle Calvin, it's been a while," A male voice caught her attention, and she turned to the brunet man with a sheepish smile. "Daniel McAllister, it has, hasn't it?" Noelle replied to him as he stepped closer to her. "You look beautiful, Noelle," Daniel complimented her as he admired the red dress she was currently wearing. "Thank you, Daniel," Noelle responded politely, she looked over at Charlie to see the boy laughing with his friends. "I noticed that you haven't been working at Mrs Mason's recently," Daniel said sheepishly, "Actually, Lisa said that you had given in your notice due to a new job that she didn't know about."

Noelle sighed, she knew that Daniel had a crush on her; he had felt that way since her Sophomore year of High School. "Uh, yeah. I got a pretty cool job opportunity in Canada," Noelle told Daniel vaguely. "Oh, wow, that's pretty amazing," Daniel replied with an impressed smile before he scratched the back of his neck. "So anyone special that you'll be sharing a New Year kiss with because my gran always told me that your New Year kiss is the person you'll one day marry," Daniel explained to Noelle with intent that Noelle took notice of. "Uh, actually--" Noelle was cut off by an arm wrapping around her waist.

"There you are," Bernard's Jersey accent interrupted the conversation, "Your Mom shared I'd find you over here. I'm sorry for running late." Noelle smiled up at Bernard who leaned forward and kissed her forehead. "It's okay. I was just catching up with Daniel from high school," Noelle told Bernard, "I was telling him about my new job in Canada and I was about to tell him about you." Daniel was visibly upset and jealous at the sight in front of him. "So this is?" Daniel asked through gritted teeth. "I'm Bernard, her boyfriend," Bernard introduced himself, emphasising the "boyfriend" title. "If you'd excuse us, the countdown is about to begin," Bernard added before leading Noelle away from Daniel who scoffed and stormed away.

"I wanna point out that I had that handled but honestly, I'm glad you showed up when you did," Noelle told Bernard once they had moved away from the crowd of people. "I told you that I'd meet you here once I was done tutoring Curtis, didn't I?" Bernard asked her as he led her towards a gazebo that was decorated by fairy lights. "Yes, you did," Noelle replied before noticing the countdown on the screen about the park. "It has been quite the year," Noelle breathed out as she leaned against the banister. "It sure has," Bernard replied softly, he was watching Noelle as she closed her eyes and breathed in slowly.


"It's been the best year getting to know you," Noelle whispered to Bernard.


"Who knew that we would be here together when we first met," Noelle continued.


"I certainly didn't expect it but I wouldn't have it any other way," Noelle grinned.


"You're my best friend, Bernard. And I couldn't see my life without you," Noelle said softly as she turned to look up at the Elf who was watching her.


"The light in my dull life. Before I was getting by but now, I'm truly happy," Noelle continued despite knowing how cliche and cheesy her words were.


"And while I have no idea what the future for us holds, I know with you by my side, I'll get through all of it," Noelle grabbed Bernard's hands in her own.


"It's probably too soon but I know that my heart lies with you from now 'til you grow tired of me," Noelle whispered as she became insecure, Bernard was simply listening to her.


"And I'm sorry if this seems like a lot but I know who I am with you," Noelle spoke with a smile as she moved closer to Bernard.


"And no one else in this world, universe or multiverse will ever be you," Noelle took in a steady breath before placing her hand on his cheek.


"And I love you, Bernard," Noelle finished off. Bernard leaned down and kissed Noelle will every emotion pouring into the kiss.


"I love you so much, Noelle Calvin," Bernard whispered against Noelle's lips, she smiled wide as she wrapped her arms around his shoulders leaning her head against his chest. "You were right, that was incredibly cheesy," Bernard teased making Noelle slap his shoulder lightly eliciting a chuckle from his throat. "But I feel the same, Noelle. I don't see anyone else but you in my future," Bernard whispered before kissing the top of her head, the two swaying to the music playing in the background with content smiles on their faces and the knowledge that they were happily in love with one another.

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Rosemary Speaks

It is a new year -- 1996 -- And Bernard and Noelle are happy in love!
I adore them so much.

See you in the next chapter!

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