𝟸𝟹. Scott's Returning

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Curtis managed to sneak out of the North Pole using a jet pack that belonged to the E.L.Fs in hopes of getting Scott to save everyone including Noelle and Bernard. Thankfully, Elder Alfie had hidden Nicholas from Toy Santa who had been determined to enforce Noelle's banishment, but without her son, she couldn't do it which angered Toy Santa who had been searching for the boy. He finally managed to land at the Miller residence, he removed his helmet and approached the door to ring the doorbell. The door opened to reveal Lucy standing in front of him, "Who are you?" Curtis thought for a moment, "Curtis, a friend from... Buffalo."

Lucy tilted her head, "Are you an Elf?" Curtis scoffed, "Of course not! Why would you ask such a silly question?" Lucy furrowed her brows, "How come you have pointy ears?" Curtis hummed with uncertainty, "It's... because I never ate my green vegetables. Do you eat your green vegetables?" Lucy grimaced, "Uncle Scott!" Scott made his way into the foyer where the two stood, "Yeah, I'm right here. What's wrong?" He spotted Curtis and looked at him confused, "Oh... Curtis! What are you doing here?" Curtis was anxious as he spoke, "There's a little trouble at the... plant." Scott nodded, he understood what Curtis was saying.

"It's okay, Curtis is a very old friend. We have a large, uh... firm. We work together in..." Scott trailed off from talking to Lucy allowing Curtis to whisper, "Buffalo." Scott repeated it before looking at Curtis with a confused look, he shook it away and turned back to Lucy. "We work together in Buffalo. So... we're gonna talk business," Scott told Lucy. "What business?" Lucy asked. "It's none of your business," Scott teased with a grin. "Soon I'm gonna be seven. And then I can know things," Lucy told Curtis who smiled at her. "Good night, Curtis," Lucy told the Elf. "Good night, Lucy," Curtis replied to her. "Good night, Lucy," Scott told the young girl as she headed upstairs to bed.

"What's up?" Scott asked Curtis. "Toy Santa's out of control!" Curtis exclaimed in a fit of hushed anger, "He's locked up the Elves, shut down the Workshop, he thinks everybody's naughty and he's gonna give everyone coal!" Scott furrowed his brows hearing this, he frowned. "Why didn't Bernard or Noelle tell me?" Scott asked the younger Elf. "They're both under house arrest," Curtis answered him. "Bernard?! Noelle?!" Scott exclaimed. He was immediately worried about his pregnant daughter, he hoped she was okay. "Fly back with me to the North Pole to save Christmas!" Curtis exclaimed.

"I can't. I have no magic left, I'm out of magic. Look," Scott showed Curtis the watch that Bernard had adjusted, the arrow pointing at zero. "Grrr!" Curtis growled before remembering, "I thought you had Comet." Scott's eyes lit up and the two rushed outside to Comet who was clearly obese from his candy consumption. "Comet. What are you doin'? Eating sugar is bad for you," Scott reprimanded Comet who garbled back to him. "What do you mean, you didn't eat this? Who did?" Scott questioned him. "A Squirrel?!" Scott asked after Comet answered him. "Get this. You gotta fly both of us back to the North Pole. Yeah, tonight," Scott told Comet, unfortunately, that wasn't going to happen.

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A toy soldier dropped off some food and drinks for Bernard and Noelle, the latter was lying on the couch within the room they were trapped in. Bernard had been adamant about her resting while they waited for Curtis' return with Santa. Bernard took the cookies and cocoa over to Noelle, he placed the tray on the table and pulled a blanket of his fiancé. "I'm okay, B. You worry too much," Noelle assured her beloved, if she wasn't pregnant she would have used her magic to stop Toy Santa and his soldiers but during pregnancy, the use of magic is never easy or without exhaustion. "I'll always worry about you, snowflake," Bernard whispered before kissing her cheek, "Now eat. You need it."

Noelle sat up and reached for a gingerbread cookie as Bernard sat down next to her, she leaned into his side as she nibbled on the food, her free hand resting on her stomach. "You know... only three months left until this little one shows up," Noelle whispered to Bernard who grinned at that. "I'm glad we left Nicholas with Alfie, he's safe," Bernard told her, he frowned and shook his head, "This shouldn't have happened." Noelle put the cookie down and turned to Bernard, cupping his cheek to make him look at her so she could kiss him. "You cannot worry about that now. It's happened and we'll make it through, just like you said," Noelle assured her love, he nodded and kissed her.

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Meanwhile, Scott was in the process of trying to pull a tooth out in order to summon the Tooth Fairy in hopes he'd give them a ride to the North Pole to save Christmas from Toy Santa. After falling using a doorknob and the old toaster trick per Neal's assistance, Lucy showed up with a tooth of her own. Scott waited by Lucy's door as the Tooth Fairy entered her room through the window, he reached to switch a coin with the tooth when Scott snatched his wing between his fingers. "Curtis, get the door," Scott instructed the Elf who was quick to close Lucy's door so they wouldn't wake her.

"It's a tooth fairy ambush," Tooth spoke with an upset tone, "What do you want? I only carry twenty dollars in change." Scott shook his head before speaking, "Tooth Fairy, it's me, Santa. I've lost the weight and the beard, but it's me." Tooth Fairy shook his head, "I know Santa. Santa is a friend. And you, sir, are no Santa." Scott smiled, "I am too. How did I know I could capture you by holdin' on to your wing?" Tooth Fairy hummed in understanding while Scott continued, "You wanted to change your name to Captain Floss or Plaque Man. Or, as I recall, Roy. And it was Santa's idea to call you the Molarnator."

Tooth Fairy grinned as he realised it was sounding more and more like the truth, however, his attention was taken by Curtis. "Who's the kid?" Tooth Fairy asked making Curtis glare. "One of my Elves," Santa told him while Curtis revealed his pointy ears. "Santa!" Tooth Fairy cheered happily. "We need some assistance," Scott informed the man. "The Molarnator, at your service!" Tooth Fairy told him before the three made their trip back to the North Pole hoping to save the day. Scott just hoped that Noelle would be able to hold on until he returned, he didn't want to think about what Toy Santa may do to his little girl; even if she wasn't little anymore.

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Charlie approached Principal Newman who was wiping snow from her car, his mind was trailing back to the realisation that he couldn't be in his father's way of falling in love. "Principal Newman?" Charlie spoke as he stopped by her. "What is it, Charlie?" Carol questioned him. "You keep asking me if something is bothering me. Well, there is. I--I couldn't talk about it before, but I... want to talk about it now," Charlie expressed to the older woman. "Okay, go ahead," Carol encouraged as she placed the brush down. "My dad is Santa," Charlie told her but she waved him off with an upset look, "Not you too."

"Hold on," Charlie stopped her, "If you have no feelings for my dad then fine. But if the only reason for not being with him is that you don't believe in him, you're making a big mistake." Carol sighed as she looked at the teenager, "Oh, Charlie..." He stepped up closer to her and pulled out the snow globe that Bernard gave him many years ago, "Here. I want you to take this. Look into this and... try to remember what it was like when you were little and you still believed in Christmas." Carol raised a brow at him before looking into the snowglobe, her eyes widened at the sight of the North Pole. "Seeing isn't believing. Believing is seeing. You haven't seen anything yet!" Charlie told her with a grin that she matched.

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Rosemary Speaks

Honestly, I love Charlie so much.
He's such a sweet kid.

They fight back in the next chapter!
Or will things go wrong?

Any questions or suggestions?

See you in the next chapter!

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