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โ˜† Aeris's Pov โ˜†

"You are going to come with me this time!The amount of embarrassment I felt that day is indescribable!" I dragged Alvira towards the library with me,to return the books.

"Bahahaha!You picked out r-rated books with the prince" cackled Alvira.

The audacity

I'll tell your family about what you read!

Wait...but we have no family now

It's been a little more than two weeks since we arrived at this planet and to be honest,I often wonder whether or not I made the right decision by escaping.

I can't stop myself from thinking about what truly could have happened if we didn't escape.Would we be locked up like other students who failed just because we know some of the inside information now or would our parents have understood us and saved us from the punishment?

Would we have been happier on Earth?

It's not like we are unhappy or uncomfortable here either.It is so much like Earth that I sometimes forget that it is an entirely different planet.But something certainly feels off.

Why are they letting us stay on the royal grounds?

Weren't we suppose to stay in the city and work jobs to live like other people do?

Are they planning on contacting Earth and sending us back?

And where the heck is Sunoo?

He made so many plans with us and now he is nowhere to be seen

"Tsk,you are overthinking again" Alvira spoke making me come out of stance.

"I can't help it.It feels too fishy" I sighed.

"Let's just focus on what is happening in the present.We have escaped once,we can escape again.We were trained to be agents after all" consoled Alvira.

"We failed-"

"No,we didn't.We did so many things to be here,sneaked into the dean's office to check our marks before they got announced,sneaked into the control room and contacted people from another planet even though we weren't sure if that would work in our favor and finally stole one of the aircrafts.Now,we are here.It doesn't matter if we failed that shifty test of theirs.We are so much more than that" Alvira smiled softly,reminiscing about all the hard time we went through just to be here today.

"And now we are having a good life here" I added,looking at my surrounding.

"Enough with these sad thoughts.That fifth floor is calling out to me" Alvira winked,running off to the fifth floor,leaving me to return all the books on my own.

"You just had to ruin that beautiful moment,didn't you?" I sighed,waddling towards the front desk to return the books.

"I would like to return these" I smiled at the librarian,placing the books on the table.

"You were able to read all of that?Were they that good?" teased a familiar voice,making the librarian stand up from his seat and greet the person.

I looked to my left and found the owner of the voice,Prince Soobin with a black haired man standing beside him.

"I told you those were my friend's" I spoke with a flustered tone.


"Is Alvira here?" The black haired man spoke,staring at me with his cat-like eyes.


How is everyone in this planet so good looking?

Did I teleport into a manga?

"Sorry,I forgot to introduce myself.I am Kang Taehyun" He introduced.

That's a nice name


He is the one who ruined my baby's painting!

"So you were the one who ruined-"

"Oh my goodness!It was Beomgyu!" He protested.

"There was no Beomgyu there!Stop lying!" I pointed out the obvious.

"I am not lying!Prince Soobin,tell her!" Taehyun asked Soobin for help,making Soobin glance back and forth between the both of us,contemplating whether or not he should run away from our argument,before finally butting in.

"It was actually Beomgyu.He wanted to take revenge on Taehyun for umm...some reason and so he stole his spell book and caused this mess" explained Soobin,Taehyun nodding to every word as Soobin testified for him.

"Is that true?" I looked at Taehyun who looked visibly upset and frustrated due to the accusations.

"Yes!You can even ask Kai.He saw everything unfold before his own eyes" He affirmed.

"No,I believe you.I apologize for the misunderstanding" I apologized for accusing him.Taehyun sighed in relief after hearing my response.

"Finally" He rejoiced.

"Bro,why the heck aren't you upstairs yet?" Alvira spoke from the bottom of the stairs,stopping when she saw the person I was talking to and ran back upstairs.

"See!I wasn't lying about my friend either.Do you believe me now?" I pointed towards Alvira,now trying to prove my own innocence to Soobin.

Now,I know how frustrated Taehyun felt when no one believed him

Is this Karma?

"Maybe" Soobin chuckled,revealing a set of deep dimples on each side of his cheeks.


I want to poke them

"I'll see you at the fifth floor then?" grinned Soobin,heading upstairs.


"It really was her!" I said to Taehyun who was watching the entire interaction with an amused look.

"There was no Alvira there" He repeated the words I said to him a few minutes ago,with a mocking grin and followed Soobin upstairs.


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