001 | π‘πˆπ•π„π‘ [𝐒1]

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:: πƒπ„πƒπˆπ‚π€π“πˆπŽπ ::

This chapter is dedicated to: aesthetiqss & yyummii__ & Hankiebeer! You all need to check out these profiles and give them a follow! Hankie has created a new valentines day Β«π’π‚π€π‘π˜Β» short story that is absolutely Β«π€πŒπ€π™πˆππ†!!!Β» I highly recommend it! After Valentine's Day she will be removing it, so if you plan on reading it, I suggest that you start reading it real soon.

:: π‘πˆπ•π„π‘'𝐒 ππŽπˆππ“ πŽπ… π•πˆπ„π– ::

𝐒𝐇𝐄 𝐖𝐀𝐒 𝐏𝐑𝐄𝐒𝐄𝐍𝐓 𝐈𝐍 𝐂𝐋𝐀𝐒𝐒 π…πŽπ‘ 𝐓𝐇𝐄 πƒπ€π˜. That peculiar female that the entire class knew so faintly about. She was sitting in her usual desk. It was unblemished, unlike the others that were covered in scatches, drawings, or other sorts of vandalistic crimes. Her school equipment was scattered all over her counter and it left behind barely any chunks of unoccupied space.

In all honesty, she was absolutely breathtaking. This mysterious woman who appeared at school only a handful of the days we were required to arrive, had luscious dirty blonde hair that gracefully flowed past her shoulders.

Her cerulean-covered eyes were of the ocean. They were utterly majestic. Oh how they glimmered and gleamed when she smiled. It was something that rarely happened, and it only took place when she was scrolling through her phone every morning.

She never collectively displayed her phone for the others in the classroom to perceive. Every time that she was on it, it was tucked away beneath her desk, only visible to her. Whatever it was that she was concealing on her electronic, I had my share of accusations, although I could never determine whether they were considered to be accurate.

In fact, what I have previously explained to you that regarded her strange habit, she was performing the very thing at this very moment.

The one thing that was contrasting towards the preceding circumstances, was that multiple tears were currently departing from her prepossessing apertures.

Considering that they had only resided on her face for approximately no longer than five seconds, she was expeditious to wipe them away.

I hadn't a clue as to what it was she had been crying about, but it is in my beliefs that nobody should have to suffer or undergo a depressing moment by themselves. You don't know how much just one single person can impact a situation like that until it happens to you. I was taught to make a difference in this world. My parents always told me that we needed more obliging and kindhearted people on this planet, and that it is up to us who should grow up to be like those few people.

If you dream of manufacturing a positive change, fulfill that dream. Don't depend on others to edit that wish and actually carry out with it. Become the change you wish to see. I was practically raised on that slogan.

If my parents were to witness what is was that I was preparing to tackle, they would be so proud of me.

Without much hesitation, I benevolently set aside the apparatus that I had been holding onto, and I inelegantly tread carefully.

I didn't want to appear as rude or discourteous for showing up and interrupting her moment. I know that some people would rather experience this pain by themselves, and I respect their decisions to do that. After all, everybody has a different way to grieve.

She isn't too far away from where I sit at all. It only takes around eight steps and I arrive at her accommodation.

The weird thing that I find outright illogical, is the sweaty residue that has begun to configurate all along my forehead and my arms. I've never felt anxious or uneasy about talking to somebody else. I could talk to a huge crowd or a group of people and none of the feelings I feel at this moment could originate. Now that I think about it, the greatest desire my parents hold for me is that I choose a job that focuses and bases itself on public speaking. That goes to show how greatly significant I was at talking with others.

So, why exactly am I having so much trouble with this task?

With a click of a button, her phone shuts off. The entire screen is unilluminated. All that remains is a pitch black darkness that consumes the formerly dazzling background. She switches it off too quickly, that it is too hard for me to comprehend what she was observing.

"What do you want?" The tone of her voice sounds very exasperated and sorrowful. She continues to wipe away the enduring tears that survived from her first attempt at abolishing them.

"I want to know if you're okay. Do you need to see someone? Shall I inform the teacher that something is wrong?" She stares at me in silence, and even though I don't know what she is assuming or thinking while this intense silence sweeps through us, it seems to me that an acute pain has taken her hostage. It is making her cover up, it is making her shield her true identity to appear fine on the outside, but in the inside, it's what's killing her.

"Is this a joke? Are you really out here trying your best to convince me that you're unlike the others, but really you've all planned out this whole scheme? Are you trying to make me believe that you now understand the pain you and your friends have caused me? Is that it?" She laughs uncontrollably, and then those chuckles are only the barrier for the dam, and that barrier has exceeded its limit. It just broke. As much as she tries to hide her tears, they resist her protection and they erect a rebellion against her.

"Whatever. I cannot and will not put up with the shit you guys have planned for me today. Emotionally, it will be impossible for me to put up with your tricks and the games your friends make just for me. Tell them that they've succeeded in making me feel even worse."

"What do you mean? My intentions were set on making you feel better, that's all. I promise you that whoever is hurting you, whoever is making your life harder than it should be, I'm not with them." I was once bullied for several years in middle school. My life was hell. I didn't want to come to school at all. Everyday I was receiving multiple beatings and punches, that I actually considered killing myself. How could you not blame me for wanting to stay home and focus on anything but school?

"My life is an absolute mess. That's, believe it or not, an understatement actually. Not everything at home is functioning correctly as it should. My life at home is pure shit. With the people here bothering me and bullying me, it sure as hell doesn't improve it. It's reached that point to where literally anything is pretty difficult to make me feel better. We should be bringing one another up. Why it's the opposite on this planet is beyond my conception."

"I believe in bringing one another up, too. It's a shame we cannot abide by that rule." I watch as the rest of the kids enter the classroom, carrying their binders and notebooks with backpacks strapped around their backs.

"Class is starting soon. I need to get back to my seat. If you'll have me as your friend, I'd loved to get to know you better. You're new here, if you'll allow me, I can teach you everything you need to know about this school." She scrutinizes my face, and slowly rolls her eyes.

"You can't count on friends. They'll say that they are your buddy one moment, and the next they turn on you, they betray you. Friends disappoint me. I don't need any more of that in my life than what I already have."

"I won't disappoint you. You can count on me. I'm not similar to the rest of these parasites. I won't latch onto you whenever I require something and jump off whenever I obtain it for my own benefits." A slam on the desk is the cause for her phone's collapse onto the freezing, marbled tile. It is the reason why everybody taking shelter in this room turns around to face the area where they heard the noise.

"What is your crazy obsession with me? I said no! No means no! I am not looking for friends! Back the fuck off!" Our substitute teacher pokes her head through the doorway. She realizes what is happening, and decides to intervene in our conversation.

"Do you need to have a word with the principle, young man?" I glance at her for a brief moment, and my eyes quickly retreat back to the besmirched teenager.

"At least tell me their names. If you do that, and if you truly want for me to leave you alone and forget all about you, I'll make sure that I stand with your impulse."

"As much as I would love to tell you their names, I am not going to be giving you what you lust for. When it comes to certain situations such as this constant bullying, I was raised to ignore it. Karma is a bitch, and it will strike when you're least expecting it. We happen to be very great friends, and it will return and bite them in the ass, I assure you."

While I plop down back into my seat, I can't help but continue to stare at that bizarre woman. Her hands are shaking, and they don't seem as if they are going to stop any time soon. Before she covers her face up in her jacket, her eyes fixate themselves upon mine, and they happen to release a few globules of water that trickle their way down her cheek.

I'm on my stool, striving to figure out a comfortable position, when I examine my captivating girlfriend. She too wears blonde hair that extended below her shoulders, although, that was the only characteristic they both shared.

She wraps her arm around me, and she shoots out a beaming smile while playing with my coffee-colored hair. It is quite contagious, because I, too, have a miniscule one plastered onto my face after I notice hers.

I can't keep my eyes away from that girl. Within seconds, they escape back to her. I don't understand why I'm so fascinated with her. I know nothing about this woman, and I am yet to realize what it is that keeps me attracted to her. I am not even familiar with her name.

Oh, you idiosyncratic individual, what is your secret?

:: π€π”π“π‡πŽπ‘'𝐒 ππŽπ“π„ ::

Word count : 1880 words.

Thank you all so much for reading! In this chapter, both of the main characters have been introduced. I hope you will enjoy River Reeds & Ember Evanson. I'm genuinely excited for this story, and I hope you are too!

Any guesses as to what is happening with Ember? There's something strange about her... Can we trust her?

River? Do you all think that he seems like an honest, true person that leads from the heart?

What about his girlfriend? We will be seeing much more of her in the following chapters!

Love you guys! :)))


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