Disaster! Disaster!

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Adrien's POV:

Adrien turned around, dreading every endless second and saw the surprise flickering in and out of Natalie's eyes. Then it went back to it's usual bored look. 

Plagg quickly hid in his usual hiding spot. Adrien just really, really hoped Natalie didn't smell the cheese. "Uh... I was..." His mind was a blank and he felt his palms get sweaty. His face burned. He felt like he was in a real life composition.

"You're supposed to be sick, Adrien Agreste," she said sternly as she loomed over him. When did she get so tall? He frantically thought of an excuse - any excuse - but his mind betrayed him.

So he had to come up with a ridiculous idea. "I really needed to go buy... medicine because I'm sick, as you know, of course. And -" He cleared his throat and avoided her gaze as she glared at him, her glare boring into him. "- Ah. Sorry, my throat is really dry. I need to get some water." He croaked out as convincingly as he could. Which was not that convincing. He heard Plagg snort inside his breast pocket and felt like strangling him for the millionth time. It took him A LOT of self-control to not do that and run outside and be Chat Noir. He needed to help his lady take down Hawk Moth! She couldn't do it alone. Actually she was so amazing she probably could, but she would be so depressed that he couldn't help her out she probably couldn't (EMPHASIS ON PROBABLY). After all, they were an amazing team that he secretly called The Unstoppable Chat Noir! And also he was really charming. He bit his lip to keep himself from getting further distracted.

Natalie's expression didn't change. "Finish explaining first." Adrien looked at his feet and continued with his story. "And I was rummaging through the cupboard and trying to see if it's there. But it isn't and I nearly fell over so there were lots of screams and I screamed for help." Yep, that fit the story! It sounded... so real! Natalie didn't seem to agree. He hurried on, "And then Chat Noir luckily helped me, and then he left to, ummmm, help the other people who were like me."

"Like you? Like being a complete idiot for LYING TO ME?" Natalie echoed, her face stony.

"What?! No no no, of course not. This is all true," Adrien gave a nervous laugh. How did she see through his very convincing fabricated story? Natalie arched an eyebrow. It went so high it was almost like it was above her head. "I MEANT the other people who were NOT PRETENDING TO BE SICK BUT ACTUALLY WERE SICK that were searching through cupboards for medicine but almost fell over and needed Chat Noir's help. Don't you think Chat Noir is great?"

Plagg choked on his cheese when laughing too hard at the question. The impulse to strangle him came back again stronger than ever. 

Natalie didn't move and Adrien worried he was talking to a statue. The way he held his gaze made him want to hide for the rest of his life. His voice quivering, he went on and finished his story... by  faltering. "...Sooooooo I was just going to buy my medicine now, but I was, uh, ... finding the keys."

"You are not allowed outside without your father's permission. And how did the superhero get past our defenses?" 

"He was really awesome. Pawsome! He could punch the doors if he wanted to while carrying Ladybug!" He said enthusiastically.

He was met with silence and the smile on his face dropped away. "Never mind." He muttered.

Was it his imagination, or was Natalie's lip curling up - just a bit?

Hoping she would just go along with it, he gave her pleading eyes. Natalie sighed. His heart pounded hopefully.

"Since you are so very sick, I'd let you out."

Yes! Now he could go save the day! He was going to have the best plan ever that Ladybug would be impressed at because he would save her (which did NOT include him needing Ladybug saving HIM - SPOILER ALERT) He let out his breath not even knowing he was holding it until now. Phew. That was a close cal-

Then Natalie's "smile" faltered and she shouted, "But since YOU'RE OBVIOUSLY NOT SICK, you will rest at HOME."

Here goes his great plan to save the day.

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