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Italics: (Na'vi language, or Metkayina sign language, and Jake's inner thoughts)

I wanted to give a DT to these beautiful human beings :,) go give them all some love! awakensuns  -tHeCoNfUsEdSiMp pinkalientea xannydrives -HANGESSLUTT- and everyone who read this book! :,)

As always, don't forget to comment and vote <3 I love reading and replying to all of your comments and they truly make my day 🤍 Without further ado, I hope you guys like it!Thank you all of you for sticking around even after I was absent from here for so long. I love every single one of you so much :,)

Your mind began to go haywire in stance of everything that was beginning to unfold before your eyes. The cries and rallies of your people only felt even louder with every passing second, and your children only stuck to you closer in hopes to comfort you silently, knowing that not a single word could make this situation better. They knew that all you wanted was their presence in this moment, and that you needed nothing else. Kiri, Tuk and Tsireya stood close by your side, only offering you their warmth in the cold of the rain pouring onto the village as well as the darkness and numbness that only seemed to grow inside of you since returning from Eylti, but having the kids with you made the light inside of you that you had lost slowly start to come back. Pf course the pain inside you would never completely go away and it still hurt like hell, but your children were all that you needed to feel like you still had something to fight for, a family to come back to and to dedicate your heart to wholeheartedly. You held your girls closer and silently thanked them for their love and support, and for being there for you. Still, your mind and heart couldn't help but worry about your son. Having all of your kids here with you without Lo'ak worried you to no end and your eyes only continued to dart across the crowd. Your mind continued to pray to Eywa that he was okay and that he was around here somewhere.

But when thinking about your kids, your love for them and your husband, that's when a certain thought came into your head. You haven't lost everything. You still had your children, your husband, Tonowari, Ronal, your people. Not everything in your life had perished just yet. And when you came to that realization. that's when something in your head clicked. No matter what Quaritch or any of the Sky People brought at you or anyone else you loved, you would fight like hell to make sure no one else, not a Tulkun or any Na'vi, went through the same fate that Etylti had. There was time to fight back, there was time to go and think about a way to think of a way to go and make the Sky People go back to where they came from with their tails between their legs. And you were certain that Jake was thinking the same thing. While you were sure he wanted to make sure that no Tulkun would be harmed first, he would think of a plan later and was already thinking of a way to hit back.

And you were right. Jake's mind was solely thinking about ensuring the Tulkun were safe first before wanting to think of a way to fight back against Quaritch. Reasonably, it'd be foolish to go pick a fight right after the Sky People pull something like this. That's exactly what Quaritch wants. But even as Jake tried to explain this to the clan, to Ronal, Tonowari, nobody seemed to listen, by being too blinded by their own anger and need to defend something so sacred to them. (understandably so). To Ronal, Tonowari, and your people, murdering Eylti was a personal attack on a creature that they know is special to you and also because the murder itself spoke for all other Tulkun's whose lives were taken away without meaning and they would not stand for it. None of them would let it slide. But none of them could see the bigger picture. The more angry the people became, the more Jake was starting to panic at the fact that his words were becoming more and more unheard, even when Neteyam stepped away from you and the girls and began to spread the words of his dad across the crowd of people. But as expected, none of them were focused on him either or what he had to say. It seemed hopeless.

You continued to have your eyes desperately looking between Neteyam and Jake trying to convince the Metkayina to listen to them, but your heart continued to race with worry and your breathing got heavier with concern. Though, you tried to stay silent and kept your head high as you didn't want to alarm or sadden your children more than they already are. And you only continued to do so even more when Tuk proved your thoughts and tucked her head in the crook of your neck further as she shivered and quietly called to you, looking for reassurance that everything would be okay. You could only follow your instinct as a mother and raise your free hand to stroke Tuk's short hair and press your cheek against her head, whispering encouraging words and reassuring her not to be scared, that everything would be alright. As confident and brave Tuk was, she was only 8.

You don't want to possibly subject her to what this conflict might escalate to. Hearing her plead to you that she was scared and wanted to hear something that would put her at ease, simply broke your heart. A bright young girl as Tuk should never have to go through this anguish, even if he and her siblings have already had their share of pain to last a lifetime, which was just absurd on so many levels. This went to her and the rest of the Sully kids. How could they be so young and already feel like this pain and fear that they have had in their lives up until now will always follow them? It made you want to fight alongside Jake, Tonowari, Ronal, and your people for a better future for your children, but also the future Na'vi generation.  A future free of Sky People. But that was probably to much to ask for, wasn't it? What all of you were against for was much bigger than everything any Na'vi has come across, and based on what Jake has told you from his life in the forest, for the sake of your people, the strike back against humans had to be thought out. Jumping into this without a plan was a suicide mission and that was exactly what Jake was trying to say.

He used to be a Sky Person, he was more than well knowledged in what humans were capable of and what you're all were up against. What Jake was trying to say went unnoticed, and mostly because it seemed so unbelievable to hear for most that they ignore his and Neteyam's words, to deal with the problem how their brains are immidiately reacting to the situation. In their defense, you had that same thought process before when you saw Eylti's corpse as you had, but after hearing reasoning, considering and thinking about everything else that fighting back not would entail, your mindset began to change.

It was only until Tonowari's voice began to
filter through your deep thoughts that you came back to your senses and realized that the situation wasn't getting any better. Your heart began to drum against your chest as the cries of your people only became louder and stronger, while Tonowari encouraged further the idea of heading out for revenge. "This war has come to us!" Tonowari yelled, rallying up his people, who replied with yips and calls, ready to fight. As Tonowari continued to speak up and get the people more riled up, you felt trembling and hiccuping from your side and saw that Kiri had tucked herself further into you, beginning to let her cries be more prominent. She was hiding it before to be strong for you after what you've been through and to be brave for Tuk, but its clear Kiri couldn't possibly hide it anymore.

You couldn't deny that the sight broke you to pieces. It wasn't easy to see Kiri, who you've grown such a strong bond with, beginning to cry endlessly without being able to stop even if she tried. Her tears were mingling with the raindrops, all the while she shook her head in denial. You inhaled sharply and your eyes began to water, but even so, you held your head high so she wouldn't see your tears resurfacing and led her head to tuck itself further into the nape of your neck, cradling it, and also running your hand through her hair, whispering reassuring words and cooing softly to calm her down, even though you knew nothing in this world could do that right now.

The kids have been able to become so comfortable with the new culture and environment that they've moved to. Just like Jake said, they adapted and adjusted so well. Not only was it the fact that they now felt like this was their second home, but seeing it suffer and go through such destruction to it and its people hurt them immensely. They knew that the people they cared about have an unimaginable connection to the ocean like they do to the forest, and they hate to see it go through what the forest has endured for years because of the Sky People. It wasn't just that, but the fact that they had directly killed and harmed such an important individual in your life felt like a punch to the gut to the Sully kids. You were the one who took them in as if they were your own, loved them unconditionally, understood them, protected them, and never ever let them down, even if it came at personal expense and you were at the recieving end of it all. You did all of that for them. The kids who you've loved deeply, and the man you're so in love with...they all came first to you and if they asked you, they were sure you'd say that it was all worth it in the end if they got to be happy and you wouldn't regret any part of it.

Once she was looking away, trying to drown out everything else, you held your girls closer to you and even felt Tsireya stand closer. They're safe, they're safe now...with. They're going to be safe. They're going to be okay; You told yourself over and over, not only applying your thoughts to the girls but also to your people, Neteyam, Lo'ak, Ao'nung, Tonowari, Ronal, and Jake. Everyone you loved was safe, they would be safe, and you'll make sure it stayed that way. Then, you turned your head over back to Tonowari and Ronal in the front of the crowd and witnessed the chaos once again that didn't seem to get any better as it went by.

The Metkayina had their full attention towards their chief as he continued to speak like a true leader to his people, rallying them to take a step forward towards putting an end to the violence and suffering the Sky People have brought to all Na'vi. "We knew about this hunting of our Tulkun people," Tonowari started, quickly gaining more and more of the attention of the rest of the clan. Everybody was too caughy up in their own feeling of anger snd revenge that Jake was beginning to feel like this was more and more hopeless by the second. Unknown to you, who you were still desperately hoping to show up, Lo'ak all of a sudden came in and walked through the crowd and towards the front where he was finally able to see Tonowari and Ronal in the center while his dad and his brother desperately tried to get the Metkayina to listen to their words.

Tonowari did not stop. If only, his people becoming more and more inspired to go fight only gave him strength to continue to boost the will to fight and make things right. "But it was over the horizon far away. And now, it is here!" Tonowari said with the strength to his people, raising his spear and bringing it down to the ground with authority, making the rest of the clan to all start to feel the sense of battle and need for revenge continue to grow inside them. The Olo'eyktan's words only made them more willing to fight, more than ever. All Metkayina warriors, including Tonowari, Ao'nung, and Rotxo too, began to hiss and yell expressing their displeasure towards the Sky People and the fact that they were more than willing to fight for the safety of the rest of the Tulkun. To avenge Eylti and her mate. To get back at the Sky People for hurting someone dear to them. It was all expressed in those loud cries and hollers that displayed pure rage and anger.

You had still yet to see Lo'ak, but the boy himself was at the front of the crowd watching everything unfold with sad eyes, just full of disbelief. He had heard before what happened to your spirit sister and he couldn't imagine what his mother was going through. If he lost someone that he had such a deep, emotional and loving connection with, he wouldn't know what to do. Especially when the culprit's of all of this were the Sky People, which comes to no surprise to anyone. Just as you were looking for Lo'ak, your son was looking for you too, because he has only been able to see his dad and his brother, but you seemed to be further into the front if he couldn't see you. But, all of that changed when he looked around more for a couple of seconds, and his entire body filled with relief. He saw you there holding Tuk, holding Kiri close, and keeping Tsireya behind you protectively. Lo'ak smiled, feeling that similar feeling that he got whenever he looked or remembered Neytiri, his late mother. As he's always thought, you were the perfect image of a mother and he counted himself and his siblings lucky to be able to call you that and to be able to come to you easily in such chaos and pain, even when you were probably hurting too. Being there for them while putting your own suffering aside was everything they needed and more. Lo'ak was sure his siblings thought the same thing as him. There was no denying it.

After feeling relieved that he was finally able to spot you and his siblings all in one place, Lo'ak smiled and cupped his mouth to yell out to you over the noisy crowd. "Mom! Over here!" He exclaimed as he waved over at you to get your attention. And as he expected, you must have had some super-mom hearing or something that was just waiting to hear Lo'ak's voice since he was the only one left of your children missing and was probably looking for him desperately to make sure he was okay, because you immediately turned your head to look at where the sound came from you spotted Lo'ak, filling your entire body with so much relief.

You beamed at your son with the biggest smile Lo'ak has ever seen on you, and he could see that mostly all of the worry you had before, dissipated completely when you knew all of your children were here with you in one piece. With a tired and pained smile, not being able to hide how you were really feeling from Eylti while also mingled with the happiness of having your family here with you, was very clear on your face. You gestured with your head for him to come over since he could see both of your arms were occupied. Lo'ak was quick to comply and he quickly made it through the crowd and when he reached you, he didn't hesitate to wrap his arms around you, even it was over Tuk who was already clutched to half of your body and Kiri to the other.

But when he embraced you, he closed his eyes and just reveled in having his mother and his sisters there with him. Speaking of which, Kiri and Tuk were quick to notice their brother's presence and they lifted their heads to see him and beaming at his presence just like you did, thankful that he was okay and not gotten hurt or lost when the chaos had first begun. "Lo'ak!" Tuk beamed as she smiled tearily, yet also happy to see her brother. Kiri did the same, except she lifted her arm from around you and lifted her hand to pat the back of his head on his braids. "I'm glad you're okay, you skxawng" She chuckled softly, with teary eyes just like Tuk. You also didn't miss at all how the moment Tsireya noticed his presence, she smiled at him and told him how happy she was that he was back. It was quite obvious how bashful he became as he tried to be cool about it but still acknowledge Tsireya's worry. You and Kiri looked at each other briefly, knowingly at that too. Lo'ak wasn't subtle at all, and it made you and Kiri snicker to yourselves.

Lo'ak obviously took notice of this and looked away in embarrassment knowing how he must've looked. He was quick to turn his attention to the crowd, with Jake seemingly about to speak up, which caught the attention of you and the girls, reminding all of you where you were. It seems that it was easy to forget what was happening when even the slightest amount of hope that things could go back to how they were for even a second came to pass. You let yourselves get carried away, but now it was back to reality and those happy and relieved feelings were gone as quickly as they came. And thankfully Lo'ak decided to stay where you and the girls were, sparing you the worry of looking for him and hoping he was okay. But he was, and now you could breathe a little easier. Not as much, but it was something.

Your husband's voice was what brought you back to your senses and it made you come back down to your senses, and it seemed to do the same for your kids. You watched as he spoke with such desperation, frustration and need for people to listen to him but it seems it was in vain. You wished you could step in, but he was very adamant on not making you go through any more of this chaos than you have to. In the best case scenario, he was the best one to plead for this case. Besides, as he knew you'd want to, he suggested you stayed with the children so they wouldn't be alone. He was a Sky Person, he knows what they're like, he knows Quaritch, and this was his battle with the Avatar Colonel. All he wants is to make amends and take responsibility as he should've done a long time ago and not drag you and the kids into it. In the end, he was the one that had brought this onto your people, to you, Eylti, the other Tulkuns, and he had to be the one to fix it. Even if you didn't resent him for it, he truly wanted to make thinhs right and try to lead the Metkayina into leaning towards a much better battle plan than simply going out into sea this very moment and picking a fight right away that they weren't ready for. Jake had an idea as to what both Tonowari and Ronal had in their minds, but the truth is that none of it wasn't even close to what Quaritch would be willing to go just to get revenge on Jake. That is why he wanted them to listen to what he had to say.

You could hear the pleads in Jake's voice, and it made you want to step in so badly. Not only were Tonowari and Ronal not listeninh, but none of the villagers were either. They were just outraged and yelling, as they rightfully should, but you wished they could all take a moment to hear and see what was in front of them, which was both Neteyam and Jake speaking their hearts out. Still, none of it stopped Jake, but you could see his frustration was getting to him, even if he refused to give up. "No, you don't- Just, please, you don't get it. You have to understand how the Sky People think. They don't care about the great balance," Jake tried to explain to Tonowari, mainly, but also most of the villagers who were present. After Jake said those words, one of the warriors in the back began to speak as well. You turned your head back to look at him and it looks like he was only continuing to rile up the people even more. "We don't answer to Sky People!" He yelled out, generating even more outrage from everyone else, making you sigh and look down as your eyes closed shut. This just wasn't working. They weren't listening.

While Tuk refused to look up from her place in your arms, you, Tsireya, Kiri, and Lo'ak all
began to look around in fear as it seemed that the anger only rose further. Still, you all refused to separate amongst the chaos and stayed closed to one another. Both Neteyam and Lo'ak looked at each other and seemed to have a silent conversation with their eyes, and probably communicating to each other how hopeless this was becoming. They had simply become more determined and wanted to help their father be understood and heard by everyone else. This family, being from the forest, knew a thing or two about the terror that the Sky People bring upon the Na'vi and for the reef clans, this was just the star. The boys knew that their father wanted to prevent that before it was too late to do anything. The two boys understood that things had escalated way too quickly, and the war was coming far too quickly. They'd seen it before. Far too many times for any kid their age to have witnessed.

After hearing this, the oldest Sully spoke up as he has been doing this entire time, trying to get the bystanders to at least listen to his father's words through him. "Listen! Listen to him!" Neteyam said, backing up his dad. As you watched this happen, you smiled fondly and with pride at how courageous and brave your oldest son really was. You didn't watch him grow up, but seeing the person he is now makes you realize how noble him and Lo'ak really were. It was inspirig to see, and you were happy Tuk would have such strong brothers and such an amazing sister as Kiri. Living in the forest, the Sullys had firsthand experiences with the Sky People and how destructive they could truly be, forcing them to see the true hardships of life too early in their lives, but it only gives them courage to fight and get people to listen to their experience and perspective. You were aware that Jake and the kids knew how hard it would be to get the others to listen, and it will happen eventually, but as history has shown in the past (Just like when Jake first tried to warn Mo'at and Eytukan about the bulldozers) It wouldn't be an easy road, but no matter how long it would take, they'd get there.

Even from the sidelines, you could truly see how on board Neteyam was with everything his dad was saying, and Lo'ak too, judging by your son's deteremined expression on his face. Both sons has that in common, amongst the mang other things, and it was that they wanted the clan to pay attention to what Jake was trying to warn them about. Even so, with just so much outcry and disagreement, Jake continued. "The Sky People are not gonna stop! Look, this is only the beginning. You've got to tell your Tulkuns to leave! You gotta tell them to go far away!" Jake said, using every fiber of his being to get everybody to listen. And as he said that, your heartbeat quickened and your breath hitched. You could only hope that Eylti's pod has gotten far away by now from any Sky People hunting ships, that they've gone to seek a home somewhere else for the time being, even you knew that it wasn't an option at all.

In the back of your head, and you knew that Lo'ak was thinking the same thing, you hoped that Payakan is also leaving for safety. He had no pod anymore. Nobody to warn him of what was coming. So you hoped Payakan trusted his instincts and fleeds to safety because of how critical the situation has become. But there were thousands upon thousands of other pods of Tulkuns that aren't aware of this and are even more vulnerable to the hunting as of now that Quaritch wanted to draw Jake out of where he's hiding. This is what Jake was trying to explain but it's beginning to feel more and They truly had no idea what the RDA and Quaritch were capable of, especially now that the Colonel was taking more extreme measures to find Jake. Destroying and taking down anything in his way to find your husband.

Ronal locked gazes with Tonowari briefly, not believing what she was hearing. Not only had her anger grown on the way back to the village, but she truly couldn't fathom what you were going through, losing such a special individual in your life, and now Ronal wanted to make up for the pain she and Tonowari have caused you for simply refusing to listen to the truth because it was just hard to hear by fighting like hell to destroy the Sky People once and for all. She and Tonowari vowed to avenge Eylti, to condemn the Sky People for the suffering they've brought into their lives, and also make sure that your spirit sister didn't die for nothing. And Jake wanted the same thing.

But through Ronal's anger, she couldn't see the bigger picture, and the fact that your husband wanted to do the same but with a different approach. One that he hoped would spare the life of more Tulkun. "Leave? You live among us, and you learned nothing?" Ronal scoffed, feeling indignation and disbelief by what Jake was saying. In her eyes, she believed that they couldn't run away from the problem and let their Tulkuns live a life of prosecution. It wasn't the answer. And once again, Jake was in complete agreement, but it was just until he was able to find a solution and make sure Quaritch or the Sky People weren't a threat anymore. He understood completely that these creatures were part of their lives, their culture, their morals, way of life and everything that makes the Metkayina who they are. But, right now, the lives of more Tulkun were at risk with every passing moment, and getting them to safety should be a priority. If the Sky People were after the Tulkun, especially now that they were using the creatures as leverage to get to Jake, then Ronal and the rest of the clan would be willing to fight for their safety before any of them were harmed any further. There were two opposite viewpoints that were clashing over and over, while none of them could see eye-to-eye right now. It was difficult given that Jake was only one person against an entire clan with the same belief and way of thinking.

"We will fight to protect our brothers and sisters!" A warrior behind Ronal yelled out, pounding his chest, and consequently rallying up the people again, just as they had calmed down second before. At the chaos and anger returning, with panic, Jake turned back to look at you with panic painted across his face, letting his eyes trail over you keeping the kids close to you. Both of you made direct eye contact and the expression on his face was asking you desperately for help, starting to lose all hope in trying to convince the people. You could see the anguish and frustration in his face, and in turn, you returned the same facial expression, trying to communicate with him wordlessly, and telling him that you believed in him. That you wanted to give him as much strength as possible to help him get through this. Seeing you there, holding Tuk close to
you and sheilding her from the pain and chaos, letting Kiri hold onto you as tight as she wanted, and rubbing a hand up and down Lo'ak's back in comfor, it all came back to Jake.

Why he came here in the first place, the biggest reason he wanted to protect this place, and what he wanted to desperately to keep and not be on the verge of losing like he did a year
before. He didn't want to lose anybody else on by his hands. Not his wife, his children, the Metkayina, the Tulkun, any other tribe whether in the forest or in the sea. He refused to let anybody die under his watch. He wouldn't let it happen, and he'd fight until the very end just to make sure everyone he brought into this lived a long a happy life. This is what he wanted even when he had his life with Neytiri. Peace and that was it. Jake wouldn't stop fighting until he got that and he hoped his family knew the lengths he'd go to just to make that happen.

And even if no words were said, he saw the sudden determined expression on your face, so full of trust, giving him the reassurance he truly needed, as well as the bravery and courage he had lost but now had back in his hands to continue fighting for this. Your presence and your faith in him as all Jake really needed, and once he looked into your eyes, he had his strength back and felt more willing to continue this fight more than ever. This wasn't like anything they'd ever faced before, and Jake knew that, so now is more than capable of laying down everything he had and fight for what's right. He just wanted them al to know what they were truly up against.

Still, Jake's distress never truly never went away and your heart's beating returned tenfold when the crowd became rowdier as your eyes darted every which way in panic. "No, no, no," Jake muttered to himself worry, looking around for any sign that his words were having any sort of effect but he was only seeing that they were about to cross a point of no return. People were only getting angrier, even more aggressive, and more unwilling to listen. That's when Jake truly started to feel as if he was speaking louder than ever before. He couldn't possibly hold back now like he had been doing this entire time. "Listen to me! If you attack, if you fight, then they will destroy you! They will destroy everything that you love!" Jake yelled out over the clamors of everyone else, quickly gesturing to Ronal as the woman herself had subconsciously put a hand over her growing belly. The fear in her eyes, as well as inside her, didn't get better at all, in fact, it only seemed to worsen when she started to consider Jake's words. Her denial was withering away and she started to see that he must be telling the truth and that they might actually be saving what's left if they all listen to him. But she wasn't giving in just yet. Her beliefs prevented it. Even if she feared for the life of her baby if the Sky People still continued to stay and terrorize Pandora, she didn't want her baby to have the same fate as your spirit sister or Hahona. Still, in her head, she asked herself how could she possibly stand by and do nothing about this? As a mere bystander? She was better than that.

Jake on the other hand, could feel a part of him hurt as he said that. Because the Sky People did  destroy and take away something that he loved, someone. Not only him, but he also felt your pain because the Sky People was slowly picking apart and tearing down almost every aspect of your life and everyone that you loved. Your mate, Eylti, and you were probably scared to death by how true it could be that someone else she loved could be next. Her children, Tsireya, Ao'nung, Tonowari, Ronal, the Metkayina from her village, her home. Jake fought for the Omaticaya, and he can do the same for the Metkayina if they gave him the chance. He would give his everything to protect them all, and in the process, he'd make sure to come back to you so you don't have to suffer any longer for the rest of your life. Same for his kids. He could live happily knowing all of them had long lives ahead of them and could accomplish all of their goals, dreams, ambitions, and aspirations. Anything they wanted. He wouldn't let the Sky People take away anything that you loved, that he loved, that his children loved, or any of the Metkayina either. And as you watched, you could see Jake speaking and as he did so, he spoke in a way that indirectly solidified not only the promise that he made to you, but you swore to yourself in that moment that you would do the same.

"Hear my words! Hear my words!" Jake continued to yell through the clamors and rallying of the Metkayina. But it seems him trying retaliate only made the crowd angrier. And because of that fact, with the crowd becoming more restless, the villagers began to all close in on you, Kiri, Tsireya, and Lo'ak, getting a bit too close for comfort. You only held onto your girls closer to you, feeling your heart tear further when you heard Tuk whimper with fear against you. "Mama..." She whispered against the crook of your neck and your breath hitched as you craned your head to look down at her. You pressed your cheek against the top of your head and closed your eyes you began to coo gently in her ear and gently rock her back and forth, and with Kiri still staying close to you.

Neteyam seemed to notice this as he paused for a second from helping his dad and began to do something about the crowd. "Stay calm! Stay calm! Listen to my father!" He told all of them, trying to gesture with his hands for all of them to step back. But as the crowd got more angry, the less they heard him, much less Jake. In fact, Neteyam holding the device from the RDA that killed Eylti only seemed to remind the people of their reason to be angry, but how Jake wished they could use that as motivation to try to do things right, and not use it as a reminder of something that can't be changed or turned back in time, but rather as a way to think of how they could use it as motivation and as a good incentive to fight for the Tulkun, the Metkayina and all the Na'vi to make sure all of those deaths were not in vain.

"Damn it!" Jake yelled out, his eyes scanning the area for anything that could be convincing for the clan to listen. He briefly let his eyes land on you for a second and saw how truly scared and terrified you were, but obviously trying to stay strong for the kids. You looked normal to anyone else, but he could see how truly afraid you were and it tore him apart inside. Jake needed to do something, and it had to be now. As he searched through the crowd, in the corner of his eye, he saw Neteyam holding the RDA tracking device he pulled out of Eylti. That was when he came to the conclusion of using the only other thing he could think of that would work in this situation. If this didn't make them see what he did, he could no longer say he knew what to do. It'd be hopeless. But, even with these thoughts in his mind, he had to try. As he started approaching Neteyam, he heard his son doing his best to convince the bystanders to trust his dad and what he said.

It truly warmed Jake's heart when even with all of the misunderstandings, his family never doubted him and his sons helped him without question. He should probably tell them how proud he truly is more than he does. "He speaks the truth!" Neteyam continued, but before he could say anything else, Jake ran over and took the device from his sons' grasp. Your eyes widened and your mouth was agape as you watched what your husband was doing, and soon, Jake made his way over to stand at the highest point of the area that he could get to, then holding the tracker up high in the air for everyone to see, standing there for a few seconds as he turned the device around in his hands so everyone could see what he had in his hand.That seemed to quiet them down. At the sight of the red device, all of the Metkayina, you, the kids, and all who were present were looking at it with curiosity. But you, all you could see was the reminder of what you lost. Still, as you looked at it more, you remembered of what you could do now and not what you could've done then. Just like when you were with Eylti before, you were suddenly filled with courage and a sense of spirit at the sight of it.

As everyone waited for Jake to continue, you noticed how the silence was deafening. The only thing that could be heard now was the pattering of the rain against the Marui's. It was only after a few seconds after Jake knew that he finally had the people's attention that he began speaking again. He finally got the chance to tell them what will happen to the other Tulkuns what will happen to them in the hands of the RDA. He breathed out a sigh of relief since he could finally speak and began; "You tell the Tulkuns...that if they are hit by one of these, they're marked for death" Jake said loud and clear, at last having everybody's attention.

At his Jake's words, simultaneously, you and Lo'ak had a realization at the same time. Both mother and son just feet away from each other didn't realize the other had remembered something important at Jake's words. Neither of you knew, but both you and Lo'ak realized what Jake's words meant for Payakan. And while you felt like there was nothing to be done but hope that the Tulkun was smart and cunning enough to hide away and escape the RDA (given of his past with Sky People) Lo'ak had a different thought process. You owed everything to that Tulkun, and you truly do believe that Payakan would be okay, and if you were wrong...well, you just hoped you weren't. Your mind was in shambles trying to figure out what to do. Your worry for the Tulkun was tripling with every second and you were stuck in place trying to decide if going out there and repaying Payakan for what he did for you wouldn't result in this issue becoming worse than it already is. As for what was going on in Lo'ak's mind, he only had one thought.

He had to protect the outcast Tulkun, his spirit brother, and warn him about it before it was too late. Before it was far too late for fate to be decided for him like it did for Eylti, especially after everything Payakan has been through to finally be okay with what he did, to move on, to meet Lo'ak and deliver Hahona's final message to you, feeling like his purpose was fulfilled and he could live a better life. Lo'ak's mind was set. He had to leave now and go find Payakan, and with any luck, he wouldn't be the next Tulkun to be targeted by the Sky People and Lo'ak would be right on time to warn him of what's coming. Part of your son's mind also wanted you to come with him, but he quickly dismissed it as he remembered that you've already been through enough trouble as it with Tonowari, Ronal, and Jake for even associating with Payakan in the first place. Not only that, but with what happened to your spirit sister, Lo'ak could only imagine how you must feel right now. Lo'ak kept thinking that if lost Payakan right now and only knowing each other for a couple months, he could only imagine how it must be for you to lose your spirit sister than you've known since you could remember.

If Lo'ak wanted to do this, it needed to be him and he didn't want to bring you further into it and harming you or this family. In his mind, he could go warn Payakan, and then be back in no time. At least that's what he hoped. He would make sure that the Tulkun lived no matter what, and that you could continue to live without any further guilt. But if he only knew that you were more than willing to go out and warn Payakan as well if you were holding back for the sake of the people on your life that you love. At this point, you knew where your limits laid. You were tired and exhausted from disappointing and losing who you care about, but you could still go and do this for Payakan.

It's the least you could do for the Tulkun and you'll be happy if you could just repay him for keeping that message from Hahona and delivering it to you after so long, never forgetting it or leaving it out of his thoughts. But you just couldn't. You were torn on the inside and had no idea how to handle it. But then, as soon as you remembered you had Tuk in your arms and Kiri on the other side and your husband up in the center of the crowd, you remembered who you had sworn to protect. Your family. You simply refused to lose anyone else. You wouldn't take any chances.

Lo'ak kept thinking that if lost Payakan right now and only knowing each other for a couple months, he could only imagine how it must be for you to lose your spirit sister than you've known since you could remember. If Lo'ak wanted to do this, it needed to be him and he didn't want to bring you further into it and harming you or this family. In his mind, he could go warn Payakan, and then be back in no time. At least that's what he hoped. He would make sure that the Tulkun lived no matter what, and that you could continue to live without any further guilt. He couldn't do that  to you and he would take this chance, taking any punishment or consequence that came his way because it all would've been worth it if he could keep his spirit brother safe and made sure you kept someone special in your life too. Lo'ak came to the realization that he had to save Payakan and tell him to leave the area if it was necessary, but just anything that could get him away from the threat of the Sky People that were still around these waters somewhere. If it could save his Tulkun spirit brother in any way, he would accept it if it saved his life.

After Jake's words, silence ensued amongst the sound of rain the village and it was only when Tonowari looked at Ronal, who has holding tightly onto her mate's arm and looking on with fear at the demon device, that they both came to a decision without saying a word. They had to listen to what Jake was saying because the lives of the Tulkun and their people relied on what he knew of the Sky People and how to fight back. They all needed each other one way or another, and in that moment, Tonowari and Ronal decided that they would both take a chance on Jake and what he was saying and believe his words. They wouldn't regret it, and they'd fight to make it count. Jake sighed and before he continued, once again, he locked eyes with you as he hoped you were listening.

He hoped you knew that he was doing this for you, to avenge what you've lost, what the Metkayina had lost because of what he's done. He is making amends for you and everyone here and will make sure to make it count. You looked at your husband with so much pride and love. Everything he was doing was with every fibre of his being and you could tell that he wouldn't miss a single opportunity to make things right, for you, the kids, everyone else. You gave him a teary smile as you gave him a single nod while silent tears filled your eyes. He took that with a grain of salt and hoped he could keep that smile in his mind for as long as he lives. As it always does, your presence and your support gave him the courage to continue, so he turned back to everyone else and spoke up. "Call for me and I'll silence it. Saving their lives, that's all that matters. Right? Saving your family" Jake said, looking at Ronal knowing she understood what it was like to want to protect your family no matter the cost.

Jake knew the feeling all too well. Knowing that there was a special someone inside of her on the way, Ronal wanted to already fight like hell to bring it into a better world. Jake wanted the same for you and the kids, to give them a bright future and good place to live out their lives in. He'd do it, no matter what comes in his way. Not with Quaritch, with Sky People, or anyone else. Protecting his family is what he can do, but what he can't is standing back and doing nothing. He'd fight for his family, for Ronal and Tonowari's family, and every Na'vi present that is part of one. Like he said, that's all that really matters, doesn't it? It seems like everyone who has a family or somebody that they care about agreed as well because the Metkayina all nodded and began to go more into Jake's cause. You felt Kiri nod against you and you saw Tsireya in the corner of your eye do the same with tears threatening to leave her eyes. Neteyam was also doing the same, just completely on board with his dad and was relieved people were starting to see what his dad is seeing. People started backing away and letting the tension they had before from their restlessness become a bit more tame.

As you watched as Tonowari and Ronal came a decision just giving each other one glance, you knew that Jake had persuaded them. Maybe the Tulkun would be okay now, Payakan would be okay now, and once the Sky People were taken care of (which was easier said than done, you knew that), maybe everything would be okay. But that was just a hope. It was too much to ask. Tonowari and Ronal agreeing to warn the Tulkun was a big step, sure, but this was unfortunately simply the calm before the storm. You all had a battle awaiting that was just over the horizon and you would all use this time to prepare, be ready, and be alert. You could only help but marvel and be so proud of the progress Jake has made since him and the kids had arrived. But he's taken charge to fix his mistake and protect those around him and even the environment that he had grown to feel so fond of, and most importantly, to protect the person the brought light and hope into his life again in the time he needed it the most.

You felt teary eyed at how Ronal, Tonowari, and Jake are putting aside any past mistakes, errors, misunderstandings, anger, and resentment all behind, simply for one common goal. You couldn't be prouder to be mated to a man like him, someone so willing to help anyone who wasn't himself, especially now, since he's making sure the environment he adopted and adapted to is safe and not harmed any further. You felt yourself falling in love with him all over again. This time, happy tears were emerging from your eyes, not containing how happy you were in that moment, even if you knew it'd be short-lived and the battle that was coming would be completely unpredictable and there was no way to know how it would end. Still, you couldn't wait to run to him and tell him how proud you were of him, to assure him that he was doing the right thing, and that you'd be there every step of the way to fight for the Tulkun and the Na'vi. And finally, most importantly, to fulfill your promise to him to avenge Neytiri. You would never forget it, and you wouldn't rest until you help Jake get to that as he's wanted to do all this time.

After a couple of seconds, as Ronal held on tightly to her mate's hand with both of hers, Tonowari sighed as he held his spear tightly. He then looked over to gaze at Ronal, who nodded once. She was finally seeing eye-to-eye with Jake's words and agreed with your mate and what he was saying. If it meant that the Tulkun had to leave, at least for the meantime, it was for their safety and the fact that it would protect their lives and future generations of them. Tonowari stepped closer to Jake and gave him an approving look. "Tell the Tulkun," The clan leader, and Jake nodded with relief and he did not hesitate to nod surely and confidently. "Go, go! Quick!" Ronal urged with distress as she did not want to wait another second for this to happen. She didn't want a second to be wasted before more Tulkun were cruelly murdered. The orders from the Tsahik and Olo'eyktan made everyone, especially the warriors, to start to yip as they left the village immediately to go warn the pods of Tulkun in the area. Nobody wasted another minute.

As soon as the moment was over and everyone started to disperse, Lo'ak did not hesitate to leave the crowd and walk over to the place on the edge of the village where saddles and handles for ilu's were held. While you still held onto your two girls, your eyes followe Lo'ak quizzically on why he left all of a sudden and in such a hurry. You saw him walk off and your eyes suspiciously looked at him until he was out of sight. What you didn't know, is that just as you had wanted to do before but decided against it, he was going to go and tell Payakan what was awaiting him if he didn't escape now.

Though, you saw Neteyam notice his brother leave all of a sudden too and judging by the look on his face, he was feeling suspicious of what his little brother was doing. Before you could go after him, Neteyam turned to look at you, and he saw that you had noticed the same thing he did. You gestured with your head silently over to where Lo'ak walked off and Neteyam nodded, immediately getting the message. The older Sully turned back around and with narrowed and suspicious eyes, the Sully brother began making his way over to where his little brother was headed, preventing him from making another reckless mistake. This wasn't the time to be heading out of the village. And it was clear by what Jake was trying to tell the village just a couple minutes ago. It was a critical time and Neteyam had to let Lo'ak know. He couldn't let him leave.

Once Neteyam was gone, you turned to look at Jake and saw that he was talking to Tonowari. You still needed to talk to him. You then looked down at Tuk and saw that she had lifted her head from your neck and seemed more calm now that everyone had dispersed. You turned to look at Kiri and then you carefully lowered Tuk to the ground, to which the youngest Sully responded with holding your hand as you kept eye contact with Kiri. You looked down at Tuk briefly and then back up, speaking in a hushed voice to Kiri. "Take your sister somewhere else. Take care of her, okay? Distract her, anything. She looks pretty shaken up. I have to go talk to your dad" You said and Kiri nodded with a soft smile as you handed Tuk over to her older sister. When the two joined hands, the girls walked off further into the village side by side.

It was coincidental, because just as they left, you turned back around to look at Jake as he finished his conversation with Tonowari. As soon as the Olo'eyktan walked off, Jake turned to make eye-contact with you as well, and without another word, the two of you ran into each other's arms and into one another's embrace. He had one arm around your waist and another in your hair, while you wrapped both of yours around his neck and tucking your face in his neck. Both of you stayed there rocking back and forth softly, already having missed being with one another in such a critical time. He combed through your hair with his hand as he sighed into your soft locks. "I wish you could've been up there with me. For a second there I thought it was hopeless. Thank you for being there, I wouldn't have been able to do it without you" He said as he kissed the side of your head and you smiled against the skin of the nape of his neck. "You did great up there. I'm so proud of you" You whispered just loudly enough for him to hear. By the way he only wordlessly held onto your waist tighter, you could tell that it was exactly what he needed to hear in that moment.

It was only after a few seconds that he slowly let go, but as your arms let go from around his neck and his from around your waist, he opted for taking your hand instead and starting to guide you somewhere else. As confused as you were momentarily, you didn't question it and as you probably guessed what it is that he wanted to discuss. Both of you knew that there was simply no time to lose at this point and at least steps were being made by warning the other Tulkun pods out there. But, what was awaiting out there was much bigger and there was no telling what would happen, regardless of having a plan or not. You quickly caught on to what he wanted to do as he took you and him to a much more private place to talk, even if Lo'ak suddenly running off on his own was still weighing on your mind. But you decided to trust that Neteyam would take care of it, so you decided not to dwell on it too much. You just wanted to focus on the situation at hand. It was crucial that you and him knew what the next course of action would be. Sure, he convinced everyone else before to do what he thought was best, but Jake still needed to know how exactly to go about it, and he wanted you there by his side through every step of the way. He needed you more than he'd like to admit, but he was sure that you knew already, given that you needed him as well probably just as much, if not more. Neither of you knew how much you needed each other, and more so in a situation like this. Even when he stopped walking and knowing nobody could hear you two, Jake turned around to face you and still didn't let go of your hand, and you felt yourself having butterflies in your stomach (in the worst possible moment) as he tightened his hand around yours, intertwining your fingers.

"Jake, what do we do? The warriors are warning the Tulkun but when will we fight back?" You said with tenacity and courage, which surprised Jake as he seemed to notice how you were channeling your inner will to avenge Eylti and your sadness for her into genuine confidence to continue moving forward. He could read you easily, and he could tell this wasn't an act and you weren't hiding your emotions. You were stronger than you knew, and he wished you could see it too. In your head, you wished you could've had more time to grieve, but now was the time to make sure that Eylti or any other Tulkun dies in vain.  That thought overpowered any thought of pain in your mind and drove you forward. And Jake slowly started to see that too, which made him want this whole thing to end so you could at last grieve the way you deserve. He noticed he was caught up in his own thoughts on you, he realized he hadn't answered your question. He debated your words in his mind and thought over what it is that they could do now, knowing Quaritch and why he was going after the Tulkun to get to him. Jake sighed, took your other hand in his and gripped them before he spoke up what he was speculating about this.

Your eyes analyzed his conflicted expression, noticing that he truly was coming to the conclusion of something but he couldn't quite get it out in the open. Your eyes softened with concern as you a step forward to be closer to him and offer as much comfort for him to continue. As much as he tried to hide it, there was no denying how much of this he was putting on himself mercilessly. You wished he could take the words you've said countlessly to him about shouldering each other's problems together, but he was being too hard on himself and it was killing you to see him like that, so lost in his own guilt that he didn't dare show to anyone openly but you. "Jake, we can do this. Let's think of a plan, together. I will not let you take on this on your own. I know for a fact that you won't stand by and do nothing, and neither will I. We'll think of something, okay?" You said as you let go of one of your hands that he was holding onto, and you cupped his cheek, gazing at him intently as you watched rain fall onto his face, feeling as he leaned more and more into the warm touch of the palm of your hand subconsciously. As he continued to gaze at you, watching as your eyes did not have a single ounce of judgement, resentment, or hate, but rather love and pure devotion.

His pupils darted all over your face and he couldn't help but feel like he was in his safe space once again. As much as he didn't want to admit it to anyone, he knew why this was escalating as fast as it was and he feared that the moment he said what he was thinking, that there would be no turning back from here on out. But he being here with you, he knew he could finally speak and you could figure this out together, just like you had said before. Soon, Jake inhaled sharply and he took your hand from your cheek again and held it tightly. He was looking directly at you, and at last was able to muster up the courage to say what he was thinking. "Y/n, this is all a trap. I know Quaritch and he's doing this because he wants us to hit back, for me to come out of hiding. We have think this through," Jake started, hating to remind you that Eylti was just collateral damage to this whole situation, but even as he saw recognition and realization come upon your face. It didn't make you falter, but only understanding came upon your features.

It only made Jake feel in that moment that he could reveal what the ulterior motive for this was. Jake sighed deeply and then looked behind him to see if anybody was listening to what he would say. "You know that they aren't hunting Tulkuns for the sake of it. They're hunting me. You, anybody associated with me. Our kids," Jake whispered, and this time, you couldn't hide your face feeling like it drained of color. Those words somehow managed to be the ones that made you feel as if your heart stopped. Your eyes widened, your lips parted, your pupils contracted, and your hands slightly trembled. It was the one truth you hoped all of you would be able to escape from, but it seems that no matter how strong you tried to appear for Jake, for the kids, and everyone else...the thought of losing someone scared you to death and it felt like a stab to the heart to even just imagine it. Would fate be that cruel?

You inhaled sharply and let your eyes trail elsewhere. You tried to think about the silver lining in all of this but honestly? The resolve you thought you had was minimizing minute by minute, and the only thing keeping you with the will to fight is Eylti, the Tulkun, the safety of your children, your people, and Jake. They were all the sole reminder that there was no time to sit back and have the luxury to let it slide, but it was only natural that fear would creep back even if it was in the smallest of amounts. As your eyes darted around the area, you did a subtle double take as you watched Neteyam and Lo'ak argue, and by the looks of it, the argument only seemed to be getting more heated and intense. You struggled to find the words and what to say to Jake next but you just knew that there was somewhere else you needed to be right now. You really didn't think it through all the way, but you just knew that what was happening with both of your sons was something you couldn't sit back and watch, and it didn't look good at all seeing Lo'ak all of a sudden grabbing Ilu gear either, filling you with instant concern. You turned back to look at Jake and you raised a hand to cup his cheek again, getting his attention right away.

"I just remembered. I have to go do something really quickly. I'll catch up with you, alright?" You smiled and leaned on your tippy toes to kiss his cheek as you quickly let go of him and began to make your way to Lo'ak and Neteyam as quickly as possible. You couldn't possibly waste any time. You also happened to miss Jake's quizzical expression on his face, but he didn't question it. As he watched you run off until he couldn't see you anymore, he brushed off any doubt and concern over your sudden change and began making way over to speak to Tonowari and hopefully begin on a plan to fight back, knowing the Olo'eyktan himself wanted to take care of the situation just as much as Jake did. Still, as your husband walked over to his destination, he couldn't help but feel something was going to go very wrong.

- A couple of minutes before -

After the whole debacle and chaos at the village's main hut, and as soon as it was over and Lo'ak had made the decision to go out and find Payakan, Neteyam immediately went after his little brother knowing that he was most likely up to no good. Eventually, the younger Sully brother had made it to the hut where all the saddles and equipment for riding ilu's and Skimwings were at. As he made his way across it, he spotted his ilu just on the water below the hut, so Lo'ak clicked his tongue as a call for the ilu and the said animal stayed nearby waiting to be saddled and mounted. Knowing that there were still other people around, Lo'ak was nervously looking around as he worked quietly to get the saddles and equipment off their handles so that nobody around would notice his disappearance, but it was too late for that.

Lo'ak unhooked one of the saddles from the stand and walked towards the edge of the hut to slip it on his ilu, and when he did, the he rubbed the animal's head softly before turning back around to get the rest of the equipment. But, as expected, feeling it would have been too easy if nobody had caught him, Neteyam came from around the corner just as Lo'ak was about to mount his ilu. The older Sully just radiated disapproval and Lo'ak sighed internally as he noticed his brother's presence, knowing he was here to stop him from leaving the village.

"No way you're rolling out of here, baby brother," Neteyam said, walking closer to his little brother that only stayed in place, but still holding onto the remaining equipment in his grasp, not planning to be persuaded by his older brother. Neteyam already knew this was where Lo'ak was going to be, and the older Sully was entrusted by you to make sure Lo'ak didn't get into more trouble or put himself in another dire situation, worst of all now. "I don't expect you to understand. But I have to go. I have to warn Payakan about the pingers," Lo'ak argued, but Neteyam only shook his head, determined to keep him from leaving. He wasn't letting Lo'ak put more distress onto you, his dad, the situation or anybody. He knew how much Payakan meant to Lo'ak, but this was not a good time to be heading out alone.

"No. You've got to keep your skxawng ass here," Neteyam said, but Lo'ak only felt frustration building up inside of him. No one understood what was at stake. If you were here, you'd probably tell Lo'ak the same thing, but he at least knew that you knew how at risk the outcast Tulkun really was, with no pod, all alone, no protection. The younger brother felt like he had no idea what it meant if he couldn't warn Payakan about what was coming. He couldn't risk it. "He's outcast, Neteyam. You don't understand. There's no one else to warn him but me," Lo'ak argued, but Neteyam only sighed and put his hand on top of Lo'ak's head, seeing how stubborn his little brother really was. Neteyam just wanted his younger brother to understand that if he went out there, then there was no telling what might happen to him out in the open sea, even if he was just out there to warn Payakan thinking he might be gone and back unscathed. There was no way to know, and Neteyam wouldn't dare risk that.

"Bro, why do you always have to make things so hard," Neteyam said, but Lo'ak wasn't having it. He was tired of nobody around understanding him or taking him seriously. Only you did, and he wished others could see what you and him did. He understood how dangerous it would be, but after bonding with the Tulkun, the need to look out for his spirit brother is higher than before and he couldn't stand by and simply hope that nothing would happen. If he could ensure Payakan's safety, then he'd do it. Lo'ak felt like Neteyam just wouldn't be able to understand, because the older Sully was Jake's pride and joy, all the while Lo'ak continued to feel like a constant disappointment. But now he's found those who make him feel like he had a purpose. But, the thing is, Neteyam wished that Lo'ak knew that he wasn't the only one was suffering inside. From everything between losing their mother, leaving the forest, having to adjust to a new life, and having to fill in shoes in the family way too big for just a 15 year old boy. The young Sully brother slapped away his older brother's hand away, letting it drop to his side.

Lo'ak's next words are what really drove Neteyam to question if he hadn't been as good as big brother and role model as he thought he was being. Makes him feel like he failed. So when Lo'ak said; "No, you mean why can't I be the perfect son like you?" Lo'ak spat, his words made Neteyam's heart drop. The older Sully's ears tipped back and looked at his brother for a moment wondering if that's how he really thought of him. Was that the image Lo'ak had of his older brother? That he's the angel that can do no wrong? Not even Neteyam believed that himself. In fact, Neteyam has had the opposite experience to back that up.

If only Lo'ak knew how much pressure he has to endure every day, just to be what Jake has wanted and expected him to be. Although, it really has been of some relief to have someone as understanding and supportive as you back into their lives. It's changed things, with how their father has been with both Neteyam and Lo'ak. But then again, the three Sully boys had a long way to go still, given that a few months don't amount to a lifetime. But still, Neteyam had hope that things would be different, and that their lives would change. But for years, Neteyam has had to carry that same burden every day, and up until now, he thought that Lo'ak knew that and understood as well. But he was wrong. He thought Lo'ak knew of it all.

Neteyam smiled dryly and scoffed, looking away for a few seconds before turning back to look at Lo'ak. "The perfect little soldier. Well, I'm not you! Okay?" Lo'ak yelled at his brother (as much as it hurt), his role model for years, tired of having to feel like someone who had to have his messes cleaned up for him, that nobody truly believed in him or what he had to say. It was exhausting. He knew he wasn't what his dad expected in a son, but he wouldn't turn his back on what he believed in or who he was either. He was happy that at least you had always accepted him for who he is, but Lo'ak didn't know that his dad, his brother and his sisters all did too. Communication was just never there. Still, Neteyam's eyes were filled with emptiness as he wished he knew that he has always loved and accepted his brother for who he is and has never doubted him for a second and that he just wants him to be safe, but even so, Neteyam approached his brother as he looked into the eyes of one of the people he loved the most in the world. He didn't want to believe that Lo'ak was saying everything that he was saying. He wanted to believe it was all
in the heat of the moment and things were coming up in the air that he didn't really mean.

"I'm not you. He's my brother. I'm going," Lo'ak decided coldly, referring to Payakan. With disbelief, Neteyam walked after Lo'ak trying to stop him from leaving. This conversation was truly breaking something inside Neteyam, but now would be the worst time to show it. He needed to do what he came here to do. He needed to keep him safe here in the village regardless of anything Lo'ak was saying to him. "Oh, he's your brother?" The Sully brother laughed dryly before grabbing Lo'ak's arm and turning him around to face him, knowing that his little brother would eventually end up leaving and at this point, there was little he could say to stop him. "No, I'm your brother," Neteyam said, knowing deep down how much love he held for Lo'ak and he would go to any length to protect him and to keep him from getting hurt or into trouble.

Before the discussion could go on any longer, the two boys heard ilu's approaching from afar. It was Tsireya, Ao'nung, and Rotxo quickly approaching and stepping onto the platform from their ilu's. "Lo'ak!" Tsireya called for him, but the boy had other things in mind. Lo'ak knew that they were here to talk him out of getting into more trouble, so before anybody could stop him, he took this opportunity for Neteyam to be distracted by the arrival of the Metkayina kids and Lo'ak turned to his older brother. "Get off me," Lo'ak said, releasing his arm from Neteyam's grasp, leaping onto the water where his ilu was waiting all saddled up. "Lo'ak!" Neteyam called for his brother, but the boy was already fully submerged in the water.

It was at this moment that you had finally reached the scene and ran up to Neteyam, putting a hand on his shoulder. The older Sully turned to look at you and panic was written all over his eyes, the one thing he didn't want Lo'ak to see when they were arguing. Your eyes were blown wide as you had watced Lo'ak jump into the water and mount his ilu, leaving the village. "Lo'ak!" You yelled, but it was hopeless, the boy was gone underwater. "Where's he going?" You asked with panic and Neteyam was quick to answer as he left your side and began moving to the edge of the hut to call for an ilu. Neteyam groaned to himself but still did not waste any time in turning to the Metkayina siblings, Rotxo, and then you (who had asked him where Lo'ak was going in the first place telling you all what was going on. "Come on! He's going to Payakan!" Neteyam said, taking charge, nudging Ao'nung on his shoulder and clapping as he called for an ilu.

Your heart rate accelerated even further and didn't think it through all the way when you blurted out. "Wait! I'm coming with you!" You said, putting on a face of determination to hide your fear for Lo'ak out alone in the ocean right now. You stumbled a bit on your feet but you began to yip as well and soon, seconds later, Pua was in the water below. You were about to leap into the water, but a stern hand on your shoulder stopped you. "Mom, you should stay here. Safe" Neteyam said with worry that you might get dragged into this further, but at this point, you couldn't think about anyone else but your son and Payakan. You would make this decision and you wouldn't regret it.

You shook your head and let your eyes trail over the rest of the kids who were grabbing the gear of their respective ilu's. "I owe that Tulkun everything. The last time I let someone I love run off into battle, I never saw them again. I'm not letting that happen again" You said with no hesitance, and after Neteyam heard your words, he took a decision himself that he hoped he wouldn't regret. It took him few seconds to respond but he nodded with reluctance. He let go of your shoulder and that was when both you and Neteyam leaped into water at the same time, and instantly mounted his ilu and you your Skimwing. Tsireya, Ao'nung, and Rotxo all followed suit behind you and Neteyam, and it was only faint, but Lo'ak could be seen father away in the distance trying to get to Payakan as fast as possible. Everyone was following behind Neteyam and you, knowing that you and your oldest son were the only ones who had a clear view of Lo'ak than anyone else at that moment.


I cannot believe it took me this long to update and I am so sorry- ever since I started college, I swear I have tried to find a single waking moment to write but whenever I don't have any work, I have draining classes that make me fall asleep the moment I get back home and it sucks. I'm slowly losing my mind day by day in college lol But, the good thing about this time of year is that I have my Christmas break in a couple of days and I cannot wait because 1) I have a super long flight that will give me more time to write the finale chapters and final battle, and 2) This will give me time to finish this book before New Years so yay!

I know a couple people have been asking but yes, 'Call of Silence' will be the next book after this one and I cannot express how excited I am for that book! I had the concept in my mind months ago and since then I have had so many ideas for scenes that Im hope you guys will love! But either way, I am getting back into my writing now more than ever these last couple of months so expect less inactivity lmao Ill make sure to stick to that! Im so excited for what I have planned and I hope you guys haven't given up on this story :,) It's been a while since ive updated and that's my bad because I love this book so much :,)

Given that it's been a while since I've updated, I really hope I haven't lost my touch or style that i've used for this story all this time. I really, really hope you guys enjoyed it and I have a very interesting ending planned, and I don't want to spoil anything, but just be ready because even I'm nervous for writing it lmao I genuinely can't wait ahsj

As usual, I put these at the end of every chapter I write, but there's not much else that I have to say now. As always, I'll add other news in future chapters if there are any at all or if anything changes. Anyway, I'll see you all in the next one! 🤍 Have a good rest of your week everyone! :,)

Also, remember if you want a dt for the next chapter, let me know! I love doing these because I can really express my gratitude to all of you that way :,) I really want to start doing these more! I haven't done one in a long time. See you all in the next one!

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